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Dominik edited this page Feb 27, 2022 · 11 revisions

Frequently raised issues

Toolkit crashes or shows database errors ([error] plugin-database)

Database error with codeName: AuthenticationFailed

Symptoms: Toolkit crashes when launching start.bat; running npm start shows database errors:

2022-01-23T11:23:36.044Z [error] plugin-database: {"ok":0,"code":18,"codeName":"AuthenticationFailed","name":"MongoError"}
2022-01-23T11:23:36.188Z [info ] module-svc  : Plugin status changed: plugin=static-league, old=UNAVAILABLE, new=RUNNING
2022-01-23T11:23:36.528Z [info ] module-svc  : Plugin status changed: plugin=valorant-static, old=UNAVAILABLE, new=RUNNING
2022-01-23T11:23:36.531Z [error] plugin-database: Topology is closed, please connect
2022-01-23T11:23:36.531Z [error] plugin-database: Topology is closed, please connect
2022-01-23T11:23:36.535Z [error] plugin-database: Topology is closed, please connect
setting storageRoot to E:\tools\git\league-prod-toolkit\node_modules\leaguejs\StaticDataDefaultRoot
2022-01-23T11:23:41.544Z [warn ] lpte-svc    : Awaiting event timed out. namespace=reply, type=request-2y7t9bokkyr6a382, timeout=5000
2022-01-23T11:23:41.544Z [error] lpte-svc    : Request timed out after 5000ms. Request meta={"channelType":"REQUEST","type":"request","namespace":"database","version":1,"sender":{"name":"rcv-teams","version":"1.0.0","mode":"PLUGIN","path":"E:\\tools\\git\\league-prod-toolkit\\modules\\rcv-teams"},"reply":"request-2y7t9bokkyr6a382"}
2022-01-23T11:23:41.545Z [warn ] plugin-rcv-teams: matches could not be loaded

This error occurs when the database credentials are not configured correctly. Please check if the correct credentials (default is username "root" and no password) are configured in \modules\config\config.json

Database error with codeName MongoServerSelectionError

Symptoms: Toolkit starts but shows multiple database errors:

2022-02-08T16:00:16.835Z [error] plugin-database: Topology closed
2022-02-08T16:00:16.836Z [error] plugin-database: Topology closed
2022-02-08T16:00:16.838Z [error] plugin-database: Topology closed
2022-02-08T16:00:16.838Z [error] plugin-database: {"name":"MongoServerSelectionError","reason": {"type":"Single","setName":null,"maxSetVersion":null,"maxElectionId":null,"servers":{},"stale":false,"compatible":true,"compatibilityError":null,"logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes":null,"heartbeatFrequencyMS":10000,"localThresholdMS":15,"commonWireVersion":null}}

This error occurs when the database is not reachable. Please check if database configuration is correct and if mongoDB is running and reachable.

Example Database configuration (for locally hosted database with default credentials):

  "database": {
    "user": "root",
    "password": "",
    "clusterUrl": "localhost",
    "port": 27017

If the configuration is correct, check if mongoDB is running:

  1. If Compass is installed, try connecting to the local database (click connect without entering anything)
  • If Compass shows connect ECONNREFUSED, mongoDB is not running (or unreachable if not hosted locally)
  1. Check if mongoDB has registered as a service and the service is running
  • Open Services and look for a service named "MongoDB Server (MongoDB)", the status should be "Running"
  • If the service is stopped or no status is present, right click -> Start to start mongoDB
  • If no service is present, something went wrong with the mongoDB installation. Uninstall mongoDB and reinstall as an Administrator.

Toolkit shows multiple request timed out errors / missing assets

Symptoms: multiple modules show error Uncaught error in [module]: request timed out and lpte-svc shows multiple warnings Awaiting event timed out

2022-02-27T11:21:33.148Z [warn ] lpte-svc : Awaiting event timed out. namespace=lpt, type=ready, timeout=150000
2022-02-27T11:21:33.150Z [error] plugin-prod-clock: Uncaught error in prod-clock: request timed out Error: request timed out at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\Users\Maxim\git\league-prod-toolkit\dist\core\eventbus\LPTEService.js:71:24) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:557:17) at processTimers (node:internal/timers:500:7)

This error occurs when static-league has not finished downloading league assets. Leaving the toolkit running and restarting after download completes usually fixes these errors.

The download should be complete once you see all of these log entries:

2022-01-23T13:04:27.265Z [info ] plugin-static-league: start downloading dragontail.tgz
2022-01-23T13:04:27.266Z [info ] plugin-static-league: start downloading additional files
2022-01-23T13:04:27.651Z [info ] plugin-static-league: finish downloading additional files
2022-01-23T13:04:42.150Z [info ] plugin-static-league: finish downloading dragontail.tgz
2022-01-23T13:04:42.152Z [info ] plugin-static-league: start unpacking dragontail.tgz
2022-01-23T13:05:04.762Z [info ] plugin-static-league: finish unpacking dragontail.tgz
2022-01-23T13:05:04.844Z [info ] plugin-static-league: moving files to frontend
2022-01-23T13:05:07.628Z [info ] plugin-static-league: delete versioned folder
2022-01-23T13:05:07.629Z [info ] plugin-static-league: start downloading centered images
2022-01-23T13:05:07.637Z [info ] plugin-static-league: finish moving files to frontend
2022-01-23T13:05:07.697Z [info ] plugin-static-league: finish downloading centered images
2022-01-23T13:05:07.990Z [info ] plugin-static-league: finish deleting versioned folder

If assets are still missing after a restart or static-league is not downloading anything, you can try forcing a redownload by clearing the last-downloaded-version value in the config:

  "static-league": {
    "last-downloaded-version": ""
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