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A AFL++ plugin for using SYMSAN as a custom mutator

libafl should be a better option but due to my familarity with C++, this is a temporary option.


A quick guide to how to use the plugin:


Right now I only have tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04.

First, install dependencies:

apt-get update
apt-get install -y lsb-release wget software-properties-common gnupg
wget && chmod +x && ./ 12
apt-get install -y cmake libc++-12-dev libc++abi-12-dev libunwind-12 python3-minimal python-is-python3 zlib1g-dev git gdb joe
apt-get install -y libz3-dev libgoogle-perftools-dev

Next, download and build AFL++:

git clone --depth=1 /workdir/aflpp
ENV LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-12
cd /workdir/aflpp && CC=clang-12 CXX=clang++-12 make source-only && make install

Next, download symsan and build

git clone /workdir/symsan
cd symsan/ && mkdir -p build && \
  cd build && CC=clang-12 CXX=clang++-12 cmake -DAFLPP_PATH=/workdir/aflpp ../  && \
  make -j && make install

Build target binaries

You need to compile two binaries: one for normal fuzzing and one for symbolic tracing

For the normal fuzzing binary, you can set AFL_LLVM_CMPLOG=0 to disable cmplog as the plugin does a similar job. Please refer to the AFL++ manual for building options.

For the symbolic tracing binary, set the following env options

  • KO_CC=clang-12: use clang-12 as the C compiler, because SymSan is compiled as a LLVM-12 pass
  • KO_CXX=clang++-12: using clang++-12 as the C++ compiler
  • KO_USE_FASTGEN=1: using the out-of-process solving mode (i.e., decoupled tracing and solving)
  • KO_DONT_OPTIMIZE=1 (optional): keep the original optimization level, otherwise override with -O3
  • KO_NO_NATIVE_ZLIB (optional): if you're using instrumented libz
  • KO_USE_NATIVE_LIBCXX (optional): if you want to use the native, uninstrumented standard C++ lib, the default option uses the instrumented libc++ and libc++-abi.

To build the target, set CC=/path/to/symsan/bin/ko-clang and CXX=/path/to/symsan/bin/ko-clang++. If the configuration fails, you can set KO_CONFIG=1, and unset it after configuration.


After the two binaries are built, use AFL++ to fuzz it, use the following env options to load the plugin and control its behavior:

  • AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_LIBRARY=/path/to/symsan/bin/ load the plugin
  • SYMSAN_TARGET=/path/to/symsan-instrumented-binary: symbolic tracing binary
  • AFL_DISABLE_TRIM=1 (optional): for some targets (e.g., the mini test case), you may want to disable trim
  • AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_ONLY=1 (optional): if you only want to test the plugin
  • SYMSAN_OUTPUT_DIR=/none/default/dir (optional): a different directory to store temporary outputs from SymSan
  • SYMSAN_USE_JIGSAW=1 (optional): use JIGSAW as the solver
  • SYMSAN_USE_Z3=1 (optional): use Z3 as the solver
  • SYMSAN_USE_NESTED=1 (optional): consider nested branches when constructing a solving task

Some high-level design

The custom mutator works in two main steps:

  1. In the interface function afl_custom_fuzz_count, the plugin spawns a symsan-instrumented binary to collect the symbolic traces (i.e., the tracing stage in libafl). For each event it wants to handle, it constructs a solving task.

  2. In the interface function afl_custom_fuzz, the plugin fetches a solving task, solves it, and generate a new input (i.e., the mutation stage in libafl). The newly generated input is then evaluated with the main fuzzing binary. If the input is saved, the task is considered as successfully solved.


One main motivation to move to libafl and afl++ custom mutator is to make the concolic execution stage more extensible (than in fastgen). Following are some interfaces that can be customized:

  • rgd::CovManager is in charge of determine whether an event from symsan should be used to construct a solving task. The default one uses branch coverage (similar to sancov trace-pc-guard) to filter events.

  • rgd::TaskManager is in charge of scheduling solving tasks. The default one is a simple FIFO queue.

  • rgd::Solver is in charge of solving a solving task. Right now there are three solvers, which works in a layered manner (i2s->jigsaw->z3): if a task is solved by an earlier solver, it will skip the next solver; otherwise the next solver is invoked.