- Add dynamic arrays in grids (start with somewhat smaller cells-arrays and increase their size if necessary). Useful to decrease a little bit the memory usage and hopefully it does not decrease the performance too much. See the grid.
- Add config files and readers (and think first about what things ought to be in config files and what others things should not)
- OPTIONAL : Better plotting package. Maybe use bokeh. Maybe solutions already exist online. Check with LPPIC team for a better plotting module too.
- add code dependencies
- allow tracking of out_particles at each frame ? (by default, and not allow any other thing ! - there is no reason for that one, including the wall collisions etc)
- background gas with lower dt (so the collisions with walls happens closer to the walls)
- Split the main script into several other smallers scripts so it is less a pain to maintain and navigate trought (and understand for newcomers)
- Better documentation in the README