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SourceMod Discord Extension


A SourceMod extension that provides Discord bot integration capabilities, allowing you to create and manage Discord bots directly from your SourceMod plugins.


  • Built with D++, a modern C++ Discord API library
  • Support for basic bot operations (sending messages, managing commands)
  • Slash command support with options
  • Message embed support
  • Support x64

Platform Support

  • ⚠️ Windows Users: D++ library does not support static compilation on Windows. You need to manually copy the following DLL files to your server's directory:
    • dpp.dll
    • libcrypto-1_1.dll
    • libssl-1_1.dll
    • opus.dll
    • zlib1.dll

These files can be found in the bin folder of the release package. Please download the appropriate version for your platform (x86 or x64).

Steps for Windows users:

  1. Download the Windows release package from the D++ releases page
  2. Extract the package
  3. Copy all required DLL files from the bin folder to your servers directory
  4. Make sure the DLL files match your server's architecture (x86 or x64)


# Install dependencies
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cbuild-essential cmake libssl-dev libssl-dev:i386

# Clone and build
git clone
cd sm-ext-discord
mkdir build && cd build
python ../ --enable-optimize --symbol-files --sm-path=YOUR_SOURCEMOD_PATH --targets=x86,x64

Basic Usage Example

#include <sourcemod>
#include <discord>

Discord g_Discord;

public void OnPluginStart()
  // Create Discord bot instance
  g_Discord = new Discord("YOUR_BOT_TOKEN");
  // Start the bot
  // Register a slash command
  g_Discord.RegisterGlobalSlashCommand("ping", "Check bot latency");

public void Discord_OnReady(Discord discord)
  char botName[32], botId[32];
  discord.GetBotName(botName, sizeof(botName));
  discord.GetBotId(botId, sizeof(botId));
  PrintToServer("Bot %s (ID: %s) is ready!", botName, botId);

public void Discord_OnSlashCommand(Discord discord, DiscordInteraction interaction)
  char commandName[32];
  interaction.GetCommandName(commandName, sizeof(commandName));

  if (strcmp(commandName, "ping") == 0)
  if (strcmp(commandName, "ban") == 0)
    char playerName[64], reason[256];
    int duration;
    interaction.GetOptionValue("player", playerName, sizeof(playerName));
    duration = interaction.GetOptionValueInt("duration");
    if (!interaction.GetOptionValue("reason", reason, sizeof(reason)))
      strcopy(reason, sizeof(reason), "No reason provided");
    char response[512];
    FormatEx(response, sizeof(response), "Banned %s for %d minutes.\nReason: %s", playerName, duration, reason);

Slash Command with Options Example

public void OnPluginStart()
  // Register command with multiple options
  char option_names[3][64];
  char option_descriptions[3][256];
  DiscordCommandOptionType option_types[3];
  bool option_required[3];
  // Player option
  strcopy(option_names[0], sizeof(option_names[]), "player");
  strcopy(option_descriptions[0], sizeof(option_descriptions[]), "Select a player");
  option_types[0] = Option_String;
  option_required[0] = true;
  // Duration option
  strcopy(option_names[1], sizeof(option_names[]), "duration");
  strcopy(option_descriptions[1], sizeof(option_descriptions[]), "Ban duration in minutes");
  option_types[1] = Option_Integer;
  option_required[1] = true;
  // Reason option
  strcopy(option_names[2], sizeof(option_names[]), "reason");
  strcopy(option_descriptions[2], sizeof(option_descriptions[]), "Ban reason");
  option_types[2] = Option_String;
  option_required[2] = false;
  g_Discord.RegisterGlobalSlashCommandWithOptions("ban", "Ban a player from the server", option_names, option_descriptions, option_types, option_required, 3);

Message Embed Example

public void SendEmbed()
  DiscordEmbed embed = new DiscordEmbed();
  embed.SetTitle("Server Status");
  embed.SetDescription("Current server information");
  embed.SetColor(0x00FF00);  // Green color
  embed.AddField("Players", "24/32", true);
  embed.AddField("Map", "de_dust2", true);
  g_Discord.SendMessageEmbed("CHANNEL_ID", "Server status update:", embed);
  delete embed;

Available Features

  • Basic bot operations (start, stop, status)
  • Message sending and management
  • Slash command registration and handling
  • Rich embed support
  • Event handling (ready, messages, commands, errors)
  • Command option support (string, integer, boolean, user, channel, role)


  • ⚠️ BETA VERSION: This extension is currently in beta testing. Some features may not work as expected or could cause server crashes.
  • The extension runs the Discord bot in a separate thread to avoid blocking the game server
  • All callbacks are executed on the main thread for thread safety
  • Make sure to properly handle bot token security


  • Message component support (buttons, select menus)
  • Reaction support
  • Thread support
  • Permission system integration