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Programming objects

Marko Zagar edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 7 revisions

Under construction


C# Object



Represents the fundamental structure of a DLT block, a basic object of the block chain.


Field Type Description
blockNum ulong Sequential number of the block.
transactions List List of all transaction IDs which were included in this block.
signatures List<byte[][]> List of all signatures on this block.
version int Block version. Current active version = 3.
blockChecksum byte[] SHA512 checksum of the block contents. Please note that the checksum does not include the signatures. (See: signatureFreezeChecksum)
lastBlockChecksum byte[] Checksum for the previous block in the chain. (blockNum - 1)
walletStateChecksum byte[] Checksum of the contents of the Wallet State
signatureFreezeChecksum byte[] Checksum for the fifth-previous block's signature fields. This 'locks' the signature field for the block blockNum-5.
timestamp long Unix epoch value, representing the moment this block was generated. (One second precision.)
difficulty ulong PoW Difficulty value, representing the hashing difficulty to calculate a PoW Solution for this block. (link wiki page on pow)
powField byte[] PoW solution for this block. Note: this field is not transmitted over the network, because it can easily be obtained from the Transaction Pool

Block Chain

C# Object



Represents the DLT blocks in the node's memory. If the node is a full history node, this is also the object which reads archived blocks from cold storage.


Field Type Description
blocks List<Block> A sequential list of the Blocks in the current redactedWindow.
blocksDictionary Dictionary<ulong, Block> Secondary lookup method for blocks in memory for faster access.
Count long Number of blocks in memory.


C# Object



Represents all possible transaction types that the network currently supports. In order to transfer funds or make a change to a wallet, you use the Transaction class to create a transaction object and send add it to the Node's Transaction Pool. The node will then send it to the rest of the network, provided it passes validation.


Transaction Type

Represents the transaction type:

Enum Code Description
Normal 0 Generic transaction - transfer of funds from one set of wallets to another set of wallets.
PoWSolution 1 Special transaction for submitting a PoW solution for a specific block. The originator of this transaction is rewarded by the PoW solution reward, if the solution is valid.
StakingReward 2 Special transaction generated automatically by the network, which rewards participating nodes. (Based on the signature list for the blocks, which have had their signatures frozen - link to sigfreeze docs)
Genesis 3 Special transaction which is only valid in the very first block and creates the initial balance for some wallets, so that the network is able to start.
MultisigTX 4 Transaction which facilitates multiple-owner wallets and wallets which require majority approval before funds can be withdrawn.
ChangeMultisigWallet 5 Special transaction for changing the properties of a multisig wallet.
MultisigAddTxSignature 6 Special transaction, used only in combination with MultisigTX, which adds signatures for the originating MultisigTX transaction.


Type of change which is performed on a multisig wallet. Only valid for the Transaction type ChangeMultisigWallet.

Enum Code Description
AddSigner 1 Enables adding allowed signers for a multisig wallet. Note: This may also be used on a regular wallet, which is then converted to a multisig wallet.
DelSigner 2 Allows removing allowed signers from a multisig wallet.
ChangeReqSigs 3 Sets the number of required signatures before a MultisigTX is considered valid for a multisig wallet.


Field Type Description
version int Version of the transaction. Higher versions enable new features and support new address and key formats. It is recommended to always generate the highest possible version of transactions.
id string Unique transaction identifier.
type int Transaction type. See Transaction Types
amount IxiNumber Total amount of funds being trasferred or deposited.
fee IxiNumber Total fee that must be paid in order that this transaction is processed. Fee has a specified minimum, depending on the transaction object length in bytes, but it may be increased by clients to priorizite transactions.
fromList SortedDictionary<byte[], IxiNumber> A list of originating wallets, where the amount and fee will be deducted. Please note that the sum of all Value fields in the dictionary must be equal to amount + fee.
toList SortedDictionary<byte[], IxiNumber A list of destination wallets, where the funds will be deposited. Please note that the sum of all Value fields in the dictionary must be equal to amount.
data byte[] Additional data associated with the transaction. Used for MultisigTX and variants. May be set by the user for normal transactions.
blockHeight ulong The highest currently accepted block when the transaction was generated. This helps protect against replay attacks.
nonce int Unique value tied to a particular DLT node which created the transaction. This helps protect against replay attacks.
timeStamp long Time when the transaction was generated, represented as the unix epoch value.
checksum byte[] Checksum of all transaction data to ensure integrity during network transfer.
signature byte[] Signature from the owner of the wallets in fromList.
pubKey byte[] Public key for the signature. If the public key is already in the Presence List (the wallets in fromList have already been a part of transactions), this field can be omitted.
applied ulong Block number in which this transaction has been applied. This field is not transmitted over the network.
fromLocalStorage bool Flag indicating if the transaction was loaded from a local file (i.e.: When the node was restarted). This field is not transmitted over the network.

Transaction Pool

C# Object



Contains all Transactions which are referenced in the current window of the redacted blockchain.


Field Type Description
transactions Dictionary<string, Transaction> A dictionary of all transactions, accessed through their transaction id (txid).
pendingTransactions List<object[]> A list containing some data for the transactions, which are pending to be included in the blockchain. See Pending Transactions.

Pending Transactions

Before the transactions are added to the next block, they are put into the 'pending transactions queue'. This queue holds 4-object arrays, which represent data as follows:

Position Type Description
0 Transaction The Transaction object which is waiting to be applied in a future block.
1 long Timestamp, as returned by Clock.getTimestamp(), represending an unix epoch number for when the transaction was added to the pending queue.
2 int Number of times this transaction has been verified.
3 bool Flag, which indicates that the transaction has been pending for a long time and has been re-broadcast to neighboring nodes.


C# Object



The Wallet object contains primarily the amount of funds for a specific Ixian DLT wallet. This structure is held and synchronized by the DLT Master nodes and checked using the field walletStateChecksum in the Block object.


Wallet Types

Wallet types currently include:

Value Type name Description
0 Normal Normal wallet
1 Multisig Wallet, which requires multiple signatures in order to withdraw funds.


Field Type Description
id byte[] Unique wallet address. The address is generated from the user's public key and the 'wallet nonce'.
balance IxiNumber Amount of funds in the wallet.
type WalletType Type of the wallet.
requiredSigs byte Only for type == Multisig - the number of required signatures before a transaction to spend funds from this wallet is valid.
allowedSigners byte[][] Addresses of other wallets who are allowed as signers on this wallet. Only for type == Multisig.
data byte[] Additional wallet data. Mainly planned to be used with S2.
publicKey byte[] Public key which is used to sign transactions for this wallet. This field may be empty, if the public key for a particular address is not yet known.

Wallet State

C# Object



This object is responsible for maintaining the Ixian 'Wallet State' - the list of all known wallets in the Ixian DLT. The WalletState includes methods to calculate its own checksum, which then becomes bart of each Block.
In this method, each accepted Block confirms a particular state of all wallets. This includes their balances, configuration (see MultiSig Wallets) and any additional user-data which is attached.

In addition to holding the current state of all wallets, the WalletState object can also 'snapshot' the state and later return to the saved snapshot. This allows the node to run efficient "What if" scenarios when testing validity of blocks or individual transactions.


Field Type Description
stateLock Object Used for internal multithreaded synchronization.
version int Version of the WalletState, used primarily to determine the maximum version of Address it can contain.
walletState Dictionary<byte[], Wallet> A dictionary of all currently-known wallets. They are accessed through their addresses, which are internally represented as byte arrays.
cachedChecksum byte[] After each complete checksum is calculated, it is stored in this field. If any wallet is changed in any way, this field is reset to null. This enables faster checksum lookups when the contents of the WalletState havent' changed between calls.
wsDelta Dictionary<byte[], Wallet Internal structure which enables the 'snapshot' functionality.
cachedDeltaChecksum byte[] Similar as cachedChecksum, but is instead used whenever a WalletState snapshot exists.
cachedTotalSupply IxiNumber Used to acche the total amount of IXI in circulation, to speed up lookup for subsequent calls if the WS content have not changed.


C# Object



The Address object is primarily used to convert different input address types into an address byte array, which is used elsewhere in the Node. It can properly handle all versions of address data passed to it.


Field Type Description
version int The version of the address, which was recognized from the input data.
address byte[] The internal representation of an address, which can be used to look up a specific Wallet.


C# Object



A single presence object contains information about a live node or client on the DLT/S2 network. The structure contains all the required data to locate the node or client.


Field Type Description
version int Presence entry vesion. Currenty fixed at 0x0.
wallet byte[] Node or Client's wallet address.
pubkey byte[] The public key associated with the presence. This field may be null if the public key has not been encountered yet in a transaction.
metadata byte[] Additional information about the node or client. Mainly indended for use with S2 clients.
addresses List<PresenceAddress> List of contact points where this node or client may be reached.
owner string The authoritative master or relay node which may make changes to this presence address.

Presence Address

C# Object



Presence address contains enough information to allow contacting the owner of the presence (DLT node, S2 node or a client). It includes information on which relay node this specific address is registered.


Field Type Description
version int Presence address vesion. Currenty fixed at 0x0.
device string ID of the device - for use when a single wallet is used by multiple devices belonging to the same user.
address string The address where this device is reachable - usually "IP:port".
type char Type of the node represented by this presence. See the table 'Presence Types' below.
nodeVersion string Version of the software running on this device.
lastSeenTime long Timestamp of the moment when this device was last seen, represented by the unix epoch.
signature byte[] Signature by the owner node to prevent tampering with the presence list.

Type Code

Type code Description
M Master node - processess DLT transactions and participates in the Ixian Consensus algorithm.
R Relay node - Transmits and receives messages for the S2 network.
D Client (direct connection) - Client device which is able to be directly contactet - (public IP and no NAT/Firewall).
C Client (via relay) - Client, which must be contacted via its relay node.

Note: For the address type 'C', the address field will contain the relay node's address.

Presence List

C# Object



The Presence List object holds all Presences currently known to the DLT node.


Field Type Description
presences List<Presence> A list of all known presences.
curNodePresenceAddress PresenceAddress The PresenceAddress which represents the node.
curNodePresence Presence The Presence which represents the node.
presenceCount Dictionary<char, long> Number of nodes for each node type. See Presence Address for type codes.
keepAliveThread Thread The thread process which occasionally checks all presences on the list to ensure they are still reachable.
autoKeepAlive bool Flag indicating whether the PresenceList object should automatically 'ping' each presence occasionally to determine if they have gone offline. If this field is set to false, the keepAliveThread will stop running.