Develop model to predict polio outbreak risks and recommend optimal vaccination strategies, focusing on high-risk areas to maximize the impact of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative.
- Public Health Officials
- International Health Organizations
To optimize vaccination strategies and resource allocation to areas with the highest risk of polio outbreaks.
The situation decision makers are in when they have to make a decision can be described by the following attributes:
- Region: Categorical (Africa, Southeast Asia, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Pacific, Americas, Europe)
- PopulationDensity: Numerical (people per square kilometer)
- VaccinationCoverage: Numerical (percentage of the population that has received the polio vaccine)
- HistoricalOutbreakData: Numerical (number of polio cases reported in the last 5 years)
- HealthcareAccessLevel: Categorical (Low, Medium, High)
- EconomicStatus: Categorical (Low-income, Lower-middle-income, Upper-middle-income, High-income)
- WaterSanitationFacilities: Categorical (Poor, Moderate, Good)
- PublicHealthPolicies: Categorical (Weak, Moderate, Strong)
- Season: Categorical (Dry, Rainy)
- RecentVaccinationCampaigns: Numerical (number of campaigns in the last 2 years)
Decision makers can take the following decisions:
- VaccinationCampaignScale: Categorical (Local, Regional, National)
- TargetedAgeGroups: Categorical (Infants, Children, AllAges)
- HealthWorkerTraining: Categorical (Basic, Advanced)
- SurveillanceEnhancement: Categorical (Yes, No)
- CommunityEngagementLevel: Categorical (Low, Medium, High)
Decision makers are evaluated on the following outcomes:
- OutbreakRiskReduction: Numerical (percentage reduction in outbreak risk) (Maximize)
- CoverageImprovement: Numerical (percentage increase in vaccination coverage) (Maximize)
- Cost: Numerical (estimated cost of the vaccination campaign in USD) (Minimize)
(no discussion yet)