##Description: This is a university project for SQL lab. My task was to use a SQL language to create application connected to database.
You need Flask framework and some libraries, you can install them using commands:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
You need also the newest version of NodeJS (details about installation available in README.md in folder "react-webpack-starter-kit")
After installation write command in main folder:
$ python main.py
in other terminal in folder react-webpack-starter-kit write command:
$ npm start
now application is available at page
It's university program. Because of short deadline I didn't have enought time to do all functions I wanted.
- Translate SQL and some functions to English (In university I needed write it at Polish language)
- Fix some bugs (for example tags)
- Add choice family which should be analyzed
- Add form validate
- Add editing and deleting data in form