We absolutely welcome contributions and we hope that this guide will facilitate an understanding of the PyProcar code repository. It is important to note that the PyProcar software package is maintained on a volunteer basis and thus we need to foster a community that can support user questions and develop new features to make this software a useful tool for all users.
This page is dedicated to outline where you should start with your question, concern, feature request, or desire to contribute.
Please demonstrate empathy and kindness toward other people, other software, and the communities who have worked diligently to build (un-)related tools.
Please do not talk down in Pull Requests, Issues, or otherwise in a way that portrays other people or their works in a negative light.
You can clone the source repository from https://github.com/romerogroup/pyprocar and install the latest version by running:
git clone https://github.com/romerogroup/pyprocar.git
cd pyprocar
python -m pip install -e .
git checkout dev
The documentation for pyprocar are generated by using sphinx and the sphinx-gallery packages. If you add code to the package, make sure to add the proper doc strings to be automatically generated.
To generate the documentation you will need to run the following code from the top-level directory:
cd sphinx
make clean & make html
This will clean the sphinx/_build directory which contained the previous html, then it will generate the new documentation in sphinx/_build/html.
In the current version of pyprocar, we have added to external tests to test the functionality of the package. To do this you will need to download the development data by running the following code.
import pyprocar
This will download the development data to pyprocar/data/examples.
Now to run the tests, from the top directory run pytest