Releases: PlayFab/JavaSDK
JavaSDK version 0.11
== SDK Patch Notes, Dec 09, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Revamped apis for PlayerStatistic
Xbox authentication
PS4 authentication
Minor documentation improvements
SdkGenerator revamped, code cleanup in generator and all sdks, better client/server sdk-separation
New automated tests in all SDKs for upcoming features
JavaSDK version 0.10
== SDK Patch Notes, Nov 30, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
LoginWithGameCenter - This was previously published and now being un-hidden.
GetLeaderboardAroundUser - Some issues with returning the correct number of results have been fixed.
GetFriendLeaderboardAroundUser - New API method that acts like GetLeaderboardAroundUser except restricts leadboard results to the current player's friend list.
General Login - New data is being returned for all login results. This is still in prototype, and not fully functional yet. Stay tuned!
JavaSDK version 0.9
== SDK Patch Notes, Nov 23, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
The steam error message response has been improved.
Updated automated testing systems for SDKs.
Minor documentation updates.
=== JavaSDK Specific ===
Re-arranged the file structure to be more web-standard
Added a client-only AndroidStudio example project
Minor changes to confirm this example builds and works.
Some customization to the Client/Server/Combo files to more closely match each purpose, without extra variables/functions.
General cleanup
JavaSDK version 0.8
== SDK Patch Notes, Nov 16, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Documentation updates.
The format for the version numbering has slightly changed.
JavaSDK version 0.7
== SDK Patch Notes, Nov 09, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Some data usage caps are enforced better, and reported better when broken.
Minor documentation changes.
New API-RedeemCouponRequest:
JavaSDK version 0.6
== SDK Patch Notes, Oct 26, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Lots of improvements behind the scenes, but none are public-facing.
API_Specs contains much more information that can be used to generate more complete documentation and examples in the future.
JavaSDK version 0.5
== SDK Patch Notes, Oct 19, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Several API descriptions have been updated.
Several SeeAlso links have been updated.
The FailedByUber transaction-error has been deprecated, and
The FailedByPlayFab transaction-error replaces it.
JavaSDK version 0.4
== SDK Patch Notes, Sept 28, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Client/Server-API: GetCharacterInventory can return a new error type: CharacterNotFound
Admin-API: RevokeInventoryItemRequest can operate on a character-inventory by providing a CharacterId in the request
All: Very minor API-Documentation updates
=== Java Specific Changes ===
CloudScript fixes, added a CloudScript JUnit test
Better error-reporting for bad/failed api calls
JavaSDK version 0.3
== SDK Patch Notes, Sept 21, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
All-APIs: Minor function-documentation changes
All-APIs: CatalogItem gains an optional parameter linked to facebook purchasing.
Client and Server API: VC recharge times are added to GetCharacterInventoryResult
Client-API: LinkFacebookAccountRequest gains an optional parameter to override old connections
Client-API: LinkKongregateAccountRequest and LoginWithKongregateRequest parameters are fixed
JavaSDK version 0.2
== SDK Patch Notes, Sept 8, 2015 ==
=== API Changes ===
Some API's returned a UserisNotValid error, this error has been renamed to AccountNotFound
Better integration for matching PlayFab Ids and Facebook Ids, and matching them to the same account.
Server API's now define the client GetTitleNews API