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Create Notification Service

Piyush Chaudhari edited this page Mar 22, 2020 · 13 revisions

[Click me](```javascript function test() { alert("look ma’, no spaces"); }

Create spring boot **notification-service** project as microservice. <br>
Add below dependencies in your project.

`compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-freemarker')` for email templating <br>
`compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-mail')` for send mail via Gmail <br>

Set below property on [](

`spring.mail.protocol=smtp` <br>
`` <br>
`spring.mail.port=587` <br>
`spring.mail.username=set your gmail account id` <br>
`spring.mail.password=set your gmail password` <br>
` = true` <br>
` = true` <br>
`` <br>

**if authenticatin fails please go to and Allow less secure apps: ON** <br>

Create template [welcom-template.ftl]( under **resources/templates** directory <br>

Run spring boot **notification service**. It will be running on **8088** port. <br>
To send email notification you need user below information: <br>

**URL**: http://localhost:8088/notification/registration/welcome <br>
**Method**: POST <br>
**Content-Type**: application/json <br>
	"to":"[email protected]",
	"signature":"Notification Team",
}` <br>

function test() {
 alert("look ma’, no spaces");