diff --git a/magisk_module_files/action.sh b/magisk_module_files/action.sh
index 4907728..bf4ddac 100644
--- a/magisk_module_files/action.sh
+++ b/magisk_module_files/action.sh
@@ -91,10 +91,96 @@ PlayIntegrityFix() {
build_json "$PIF_LIST" >"$CWD_PIF"
- ui_print " - Non BETA module detected, Downloading PIF.json in order to pass integrity…"
+ ui_print " - Non BETA module detected"
+ ui_print " - Do you wan't to download the PIF.json from GitHub? (chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix)"
- # Download the PIF.json file
- download_file "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix/main/module/pif.json" "$CWD_PIF"
+ # Ask whether to download PIF.json from chiteroman's GitHub or build one yourself
+ volume_key_event_setval "DOWNLOAD_PIF_GITHUB" true false "DOWNLOAD_PIF_GITHUB"
+ # Either download the PIF.json from chiteroman's GitHub or build one yourself
+ if boolval "$DOWNLOAD_PIF_GITHUB"; then
+ download_file "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/chiteroman/PlayIntegrityFix/main/module/pif.json" "$CWD_PIF"
+ else
+ # Download Generic System Image (GSI) HTML
+ ui_print " - Scalping Google's latest Pixel Beta Release…"
+ # Download Generic System Image (GSI) HTML
+ download_file https://developer.android.com/topic/generic-system-image/releases DL_GSI_HTML
+ # Extract release date from the text closest to the "(Beta)" string and convert to YYYY-MM-DD format
+ RELEASE_DATE="$(date -D '%B %e, %Y' -d "$(grep -m1 -o 'Date:.*' DL_GSI_HTML | cut -d\ -f2-4)" '+%Y-%m-%d')"
+ # Extract the release version from the link closest to the "(Beta)" string
+ RELEASE_VERSION="$(awk '/\(Beta\)/ {flag=1} /versions/ && flag {print; flag=0}' DL_GSI_HTML | grep -o '/versions/[0-9]*' | sed 's/\/versions\///')"
+ # Extract the build ID from the text closest to the "(Beta)" string
+ ID="$(awk '/\(Beta\)/ {flag=1} /Build:/ && flag {print; flag=0}' DL_GSI_HTML | grep -o 'Build: [A-Z0-9.]*' | sed 's/Build: //')"
+ # Extract the incremental value (based on the ID)
+ INCREMENTAL="$(grep -o "$ID-[0-9]*-" DL_GSI_HTML | sed "s/$ID-//g" | sed 's/-//g' | head -n1)"
+ # Download the OTA Image Download page
+ download_file "https://developer.android.com/about/versions/$RELEASE_VERSION/download-ota" DL_OTA_HTML
+ # Build lists of supported models and products from the OTA Image Download page
+ MODEL_LIST="$(grep -A1 'tr id=' DL_OTA_HTML | grep '
' | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//g' | tr -d '\r' | paste -sd, -)"
+ PRODUCT_LIST="$(grep -o 'ota/[^-]*' DL_OTA_HTML | sed 's/ota\///g' | paste -sd, -)"
+ # Create the custom list using awk for better handling of the comma-separated values
+ # model (product)
+ DEVICE_LIST="$(printf "%s\n%s" "$MODEL_LIST" "$PRODUCT_LIST" | awk -F, '
+NR==1 {
+ split($0, models, ",")
+ n = NF
+NR==2 {
+ split($0, products, ",")
+ for (i=1; i<=n; i++) {
+ if (models[i] != "" && products[i] != "") {
+ if (i > 1) printf "\n"
+ printf "%s (%s)", models[i], products[i]
+ }
+ }
+ # Show a list of device with proper format
+ ui_print " - Supported Devices:"
+ for i in $(seq 1 "$(echo "$DEVICE_LIST" | wc -l)"); do
+ echo " - $(echo "$DEVICE_LIST" | sed -n "${i}p")"
+ done
+ # Use volume key events to select a device by product name
+ volume_key_event_setoption "PRODUCT" "$(echo "$PRODUCT_LIST" | tr ',' ' ')" "SELECTED_PRODUCT"
+ # Get the device MODEL name from PRODUCT name, using DEVICE_LIST
+ SELECTED_MODEL=$(echo "$DEVICE_LIST" | grep "($SELECTED_PRODUCT)" | sed 's/ *(.*)//')
+ # Display the selected device
+ ui_print " - Selected: $SELECTED_MODEL ($SELECTED_PRODUCT)"
+ # Remove the beta (_*) from PRODUCT name
+ # Build security patch from OTA release date
+ # List of properties to include in the PIF.json file
+ # Build properties
+ DEVICE_INITIAL_SDK_INT=$(grep_prop "ro.product.first_api_level" "$SYSPROP_CONTENT")
+ [ -z "$DEVICE_INITIAL_SDK_INT" ] && DEVICE_INITIAL_SDK_INT=$(grep_prop "ro.product.build.version.sdk" "$SYSPROP_CONTENT")
+ # Build the JSON object
+ build_json "$PIF_LIST" >"$CWD_PIF"
+ # Clean the downloaded files
+ rm -f DL_*_HTML
+ fi
diff --git a/magisk_module_files/service.sh b/magisk_module_files/service.sh
index 0c0764d..3a93540 100644
--- a/magisk_module_files/service.sh
+++ b/magisk_module_files/service.sh
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ EOF
echo "$function_map" | while IFS=: read -r safe_var prop_type comparison; do
eval "local safe_val=\$SAFE_$safe_var"
- if boolval "$safe_val"; then
+ if ! boolval "$safe_val"; then
ui_print " - Safe Mode was manually disabled for \"SAFE_$safe_var\" !"
case "$prop_type" in
diff --git a/magisk_module_files/util_functions.sh b/magisk_module_files/util_functions.sh
index fe15f86..b8ff75a 100644
--- a/magisk_module_files/util_functions.sh
+++ b/magisk_module_files/util_functions.sh
@@ -42,25 +42,39 @@ grep_prop() {
# Usage: boolval "value" || echo $?
boolval() {
case "$(printf "%s" "${1:-}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" in
- 1 | true | on | enabled) return 1 ;; # Truely
- 0 | false | off | disabled) return 0 ;; # Falsely
+ 1 | true | on | enabled) return 0 ;; # Truely
+ 0 | false | off | disabled) return 1 ;; # Falsely
*) return 0 ;; # Everything else
-# Function which checks if either it should download a file using curl or wget, then download the file
+# Function to download a file using curl or wget with retry mechanism
download_file() {
+ retries=5
- # Check whether curl or wget is available, then download the file
- if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- curl -sL -o "$file" "$url"
- elif command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then
- wget -qO "$file" "$url"
- else
- abort " ! curl or wget not found, unable to download file"
- fi
+ # Try download with either curl or wget
+ while [ $retries -gt 0 ]; do
+ if command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if curl -sL --connect-timeout 10 -o "$file" "$url"; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ elif command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ if wget -qO "$file" "$url" --timeout=10; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ else
+ abort " ! curl or wget not found, unable to download file"
+ fi
+ retries=$((retries - 1))
+ [ $retries -gt 0 ] && sleep 5
+ done
+ # If we get here, all attempts failed
+ rm -f "$file"
+ abort " ! Download failed after $retries attempts"
# Function to handle volume key events and set variables.
@@ -75,7 +89,7 @@ volume_key_event_setval() {
echo " * [ VOL- ] = [ NO ] *"
echo " * [ POWR ] = [ CANCEL ] *"
echo " *********************************"
- echo " * Chose your selection for \"$option_name\" !"
+ echo " * Choose your value for \"$option_name\" !"
echo " *********************************"
while :; do
@@ -94,6 +108,9 @@ volume_key_event_setval() {
elif echo "$keys" | grep -q 'POWER'; then
abort "Power key detected! Canceling…"
+ # Wait some time before checking again
+ sleep 0.3
@@ -103,18 +120,27 @@ volume_key_event_setoption() {
options_list=$2 # Space-separated list of options
+ # Shift to remove the first three arguments (option_name, options_list, result_var)
+ shift 1
echo " *********************************"
echo " * [ VOL+ ] = [ CONFIRM ] *"
echo " * [ VOL- ] = [ NEXT OPTION ] *"
echo " * [ POWR ] = [ CANCEL ] *"
echo " *********************************"
- echo " * Choose your selection for \"$option_name\" !"
+ echo " * Choose your value for \"$option_name\" !"
echo " *********************************"
- # Sanitize the options list
- options_list=$(echo "$options_list" | tr -s ' ') # Ensure no extra spaces
- set -- $options_list # This sets the options as positional parameters ($1, $2, ..., $N)
- total_options=$# # Number of options
+ # Sanitize the options list (ensure no extra spaces)
+ options_list=$(echo "$options_list" | tr -s ' ')
+ # Store the original positional parameters in a temporary variable
+ original_options="$*"
+ # Set the options as positional parameters ($1, $2, ..., $N)
+ set -- $(echo "$options_list")
+ total_options=$# # Number of options
# If only one option is available, automatically select it
if [ "$total_options" -eq 1 ]; then
@@ -123,15 +149,21 @@ volume_key_event_setoption() {
# Display the options once
- for i in $(seq 1 $total_options); do
- eval "option=\$$i" # Get the i-th positional parameter
- ui_print " - [$i] $option"
- done
+ # i=1
+ # while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ # option="$1"
+ # ui_print " - [$i] $option"
+ # shift
+ # i=$((i + 1))
+ # done
+ # Restore the original positional parameters
+ set -- $original_options
# Display the initially selected option
- current_option=$(eval echo "\$$selected_option")
+ eval "current_option=\$${selected_option}"
ui_print " > $current_option"
# Loop to capture key events and update selection
@@ -150,10 +182,22 @@ volume_key_event_setoption() {
if [ "$selected_option" -gt "$total_options" ]; then
selected_option=1 # Wrap around to the first option
- current_option=$(eval echo "\$$selected_option")
+ # Use shift to get the selected option
+ set -- $original_options # Reset positional parameters
+ i=1
+ while [ $i -lt $selected_option ]; do
+ shift
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
+ current_option="$1"
ui_print " > $current_option"
elif echo "$keys" | grep -q 'POWER'; then
abort "Power key detected, Cancelling…"
+ # Wait some time before checking again
+ sleep 0.3