From 934c9b785571a306bde29c69a4f61f3a14608597 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Picono435
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 00:12:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Update
--- | 33 +++++++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index f7f955c..754a52f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -10,35 +10,44 @@
The best RandomTP mod ever!
-[![Available For](][curseforge:files]
+[![Available For](][curseforge:files]
-[![Modrinth Downloads](;base64,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)][modrinth:files]
-[![Curseforge Downloads](][curseforge:files]
+[![Modrinth Downloads](][modrinth:files]
+[![CurseForge Downloads](][curseforge:files]
[![GitHub Downloads (all releases)](][releases]
## Description
-The best Random Teleport mod ever! With this mod you will be able to random teleport between dimensions and without colliding with mostly anything! Our mod is being updated frequently and is always having issues fixes when reported. Our mod works with both sides! (Client-Side only and Server-Side only). Join our [discord]( for more information about all our mods and plugins!
+The best Random Teleport mod ever! With this mod you will be able to random teleport between dimensions and without colliding with mostly anything! Our mod is being updated frequently and we're always fixing issues when reported. Our mod works with both sides! (Client-Side only and Server-Side only). Join our [Discord]( for more information about all our mods and plugins!
-## Commands:
+## Commands
/rtp - Teleports you to a random location.
-/rtpd - Teleports you to a random location in another dimension.
+/rtpd - Teleports you to a random location in another dimension.
+/rtpb - Teleports you to a random location in another biome.
+## Versions
+This mod is available for the following Minecraft versions in the following platforms:
+![Version Compability](
-## Versions:
+EOL (End OF Life) versions do work but are no longer supported. This means these versions will no longer receive major or minor updates.
+Other versions may also work but are not tested, and we do not recommend you to use them.
-This mod is available for Fabric and Forge in these versions: [1.12](, [1.15 & 1.14](, [1.16]( and [1.17]( Other versions may also work but are not tested, and we do not recommend you to use them.
+## Links
-## Links:
+My Discord server:
-My discord server:
+CurseForge page:
-Curseforge page:
+Modrinth page:
-## Licence:
+## License
This software is protected by the MIT license.