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Editing GUIs

Picono435 edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 7 revisions

Here you will acess a small tutorial of how to edit all the guis of the plugin.

First of all follow go to the plugin directory/settings/guis.yml and find the guis: configuration section. In that configuration section you will see all the GUIs of the plugin and you will be able to edit them.


In this configuration you can change the title of the GUI


In this configuration you can change the size of the GUI

Put Background Item

This configuration allows you to add a background item. Put true for enable Background Item and false for don't enable ;)

Item Name

In this configuration you can change the name of the background item


In this configuration you can change the material of the background item

Item Data

In this configuration you can change the Item Data of the background item. This item data only exists in 1.13x-.


In this configuration you can say if you want that the background item should be enchanted or not [true = yes, false = no]

Items Configuration Section

The items configuration section is located in some of the GUIs and is used to add, remove and edit items.

Items Configuration Section : Name

In this configuration you can change the name of the item

Items Configuration Section : Slot

In this configuration you can change the slot of the item in the GUI

Items Configuration Section : Lore

In this configuration you can change the lore of the item

Items Configuration Section : Action

In this configuration you can change the action that will run when you click in that item. Here is a list of them for each GUI:

  • need-work:
    • salary - Get the salary of the player
    • acceptwork- Accept the work
    • leavejob - Leaves the current job (it will lose half of the salary and reset the rest)
    • none - Makes nothing
  • has-work:
    • salary - Get the salary of the player
    • leavejob - Leaves the current job (it will lose half of the salary and reset the rest)
    • none - Makes nothing

Items Configuration Section : Material

In this configuration you can change the material of the item

Items Configuration Section : Item Data

In this configuration you can change the Item Data of the background item. This item data only exists in 1.13x-.

Items Configuration Section : Enchanted

In this configuration you can change if you want the item enchanted or not [true=yes, false=no]