diff --git a/.testENV b/.testENV
index c9a62f00..eac72e3e 100644
--- a/.testENV
+++ b/.testENV
## Email
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 405ff595..fb5d0055 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,7 +1,93 @@
+#### [v4.1.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v4.0.1...v4.1.0)
+- Added param's filtering on users endpoints [`70414c7`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/70414c768e6b0523d162e623814978709e1318b7)
+- Updated sdk [`cd95404`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/cd95404a1405ba984522d6063b867b74285807fd)
+#### [v4.0.1](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v4.0.0...v4.0.1)
+> 12 September 2023
+- Update package.json [`aebd216`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/aebd216c8db7558a570f327835e04fcb98b6b062)
+- Updated web sdk to remove double exports [`f7fd354`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/f7fd354aea5ecaf363f22d53643c442079d9120d)
+### [v4.0.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.3.0...v4.0.0)
+> 21 August 2023
+- Added ability to change default eprofile [`1986203`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/19862031613249ed51aab7c85663b265d9939eca)
+#### [v3.3.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.7...v3.3.0)
+> 14 August 2023
+- Feature #107 Add Gmail dedupe config [`#39`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/39)
+- Update users-get.js [`9f457c2`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/9f457c2d75ea20b9dd5ac9b956b8b777b2527581)
+- Move logic back to interfaces [`7df3b29`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/7df3b29d8078f1cb6a8b3dc49926f39a282815e6)
+- Remove conditional around create user test [`67356da`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/67356dad5c0c223d78bbc30acd6f348fbe52144c)
+- Remove unused var [`0e74f03`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/0e74f03950e654716fb254e55553a0b09def774f)
+- Change scope, and order of if [`cc008a6`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/cc008a6ccba3e7b7bfc8ed4e85bd43eac752823e)
+- oop [`5b3e508`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/5b3e50818788d3d36a7f59e63edb71c1d9fc54ee)
+- consolidate logic to checkUser [`858e861`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/858e861ace793f20b54d9c321311026c4206aa9e)
+- Move into util func [`65acf8a`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/65acf8ab0e719fcb40b90b8033a4ed2b0cb303e2)
+- Update tests to use DeDupe [`28afe82`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/28afe82737b320c4bd26e21cfc0d7408fd942c22)
+- Move dedupe below valid user check [`14ab80e`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/14ab80e99843fc2cc3705d177c568a54556ea55b)
+- Remove unnecesary lowercase [`5f3bfb5`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/5f3bfb5146e2cd0bcd6b02a3f8fd329671fd3a68)
+- Remove oop test db setup, default new config to false [`c62fc94`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/c62fc94eeeaa3f8f54515ece645691167bfc6267)
+- Update config, add gmail dedupe check, add tests [`6c644c3`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/6c644c3d5af40e0073037ef2d5de83032ec7e173)
+#### [v3.2.7](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.6...v3.2.7)
+> 21 June 2023
+- Feature #88 Add route redirects [`#38`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/38)
+- add tests [`f8548d2`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/f8548d230e4afff23f843f6ae55db0c526e17e10)
+- use other param [`23d0206`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/23d02064366c8bcdd40e028f2b1091fd194a4881)
+- add route redirect logic [`fc3272a`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/fc3272ae350b8500dc4b0c9f448b3a4fdccaccb2)
+- add route redirect logic [`200bbc9`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/200bbc9b6a53ff00399cc69fd4ed4f3c589c884a)
+- Revert "redirects start" [`e2fd904`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/e2fd9044cc5954ed10637140f1f9159703bacc67)
+- Revert "redirects start" [`fa45685`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/fa456854812802f4c1f064a06a59882452781054)
+- redirects start [`a3fd160`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/a3fd1601fd16123a72e7479bf1a67bb8ca45a1d5)
+- redirects start [`d650bfe`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/d650bfe664c2d3455c374d84fa5df87ba6ee5a49)
+#### [v3.2.6](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.5...v3.2.6)
+> 21 June 2023
+#### [v3.2.5](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.4...v3.2.5)
+> 21 June 2023
+- Update regex.js [`77b9bcb`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/77b9bcbd3fc3f7ecaafa8e1eeb8487de49b26d76)
+- Update package.json [`4ffdf10`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/4ffdf105f5f874e59bc7ff44f74c2767e856d5e7)
+#### [v3.2.4](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.3...v3.2.4)
+> 19 May 2023
+- Fix #102 Fix max login attempts account locking [`#37`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/37)
+- Merge pull request #37 from Trazi-Ventures/fix-#102-lock-accounts-on-max-attempts [`#102`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/issues/102)
+- Fix max attempts lock user issue [`8fc5c96`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/8fc5c96ba68fdccc7da0b6dbaf11b65cb28cc89b)
+#### [v3.2.3](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.2...v3.2.3)
+> 12 May 2023
+- Fix #101 password recovery email data [`#101`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/issues/101)
+#### [v3.2.2](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.1...v3.2.2)
+> 12 May 2023
+- Feature #101 Add data to password recovery email [`#36`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/36)
+- add data to password recovery email [`3c4baeb`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/3c4baeb46d6eb27e5c920f78179df03dd18d280a)
+- Update Travelling.postman_collection.json [`474eff0`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/474eff08a76ef20325ccb210eea56736770cb759)
#### [v3.2.1](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.0...v3.2.1)
+> 22 March 2023
- Update package.json [`e34774f`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/e34774f2cc05617d3b97aa2cf8bd4d5b949f2f02)
#### [v3.2.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.1.5...v3.2.0)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e66323ec..24fd82f2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1247,151 +1247,31 @@ Path: api/v1/groups/import
- "group": {
- "anonymous": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "route": "/travelling/portal/*",
- "host": null,
- "name": "*-travelling-portal-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/auth/*",
- "host": null,
- "name": "*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/assets/*",
- "host": null,
- "removeFromPath": "/travelling/assets/",
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-assets-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/config/password",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-config-password"
- },
- {
- "route": "/favicon.ico",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-favicon.ico"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": null,
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group3": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": [
- "testgroup|group1",
- "group|group2"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "superadmin": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "host": null,
- "route": "/travelling/*",
- "name": "*-travelling-*"
- },
- {
- "name": "test-one-*-three"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": [
- "group|anonymous"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group4": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": [],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group2": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "route": "/test/get",
- "host": "",
- "removeFromPath": "/test/get",
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-test-get"
- },
- {
- "route": "/test/post",
- "host": "",
- "removeFromPath": "/test/post",
- "method": "POST",
- "name": "post-test-post"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": [
- "testgroup|group1"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group5": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "route": "/test/delete/:grouptype",
- "host": "",
- "removeFromPath": "/test/delete",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "name": "delete-test-delete-:grouptype"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": [
- "group|group4",
- "group|superadmin"
- ],
- "is_default": true
- },
- "group1": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": null,
- "is_default": false
- }
- },
- "testgroup": {
- "group1": {
- "type": "testgroup",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": [
- "group|group4"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "superadmin": {
- "type": "testgroup",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": null,
- "is_default": false
- }
+ "group": {
+ "anonymous": {
+ "allowed": [
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/portal/*"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/assets/*"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/favicon.ico"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/logout"},
+ {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/forgot"},
+ {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/reset"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/activate"},
+ {"method": "POST", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/token"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/login/otp"},
+ {"method": "POST","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ {"method": "GET","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/password"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/portal/webclient"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/metrics"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/health"}
+ ]
+ }
@@ -2617,7 +2497,7 @@ body
* [Users](#Users)
* [.byGroupRequest(group_request, authorization_bearer)](#Users.byGroupRequest)
* [.count(limit, skip, filter, ids, authorization_bearer)](#Users.count)
- * [.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)](#Users.get)
+ * [.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)](#Users.get)
@@ -2692,7 +2572,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users/count
-### Users.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)
+### Users.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)
get - Gets all the users
##### Filter Params
@@ -2728,6 +2608,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users
| filter | any
| Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) |
| sortdir | any
| Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC) |
| ids | any
| Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f) |
+| params | any
| (example: id) |
| authorization_bearer | string
| The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token. |
@@ -2737,7 +2618,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users
* [UsersDomain](#UsersDomain)
* [.count(domain, limit, skip, filter, ids, authorization_bearer)](#UsersDomain.count)
- * [.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)](#UsersDomain.get)
+ * [.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)](#UsersDomain.get)
@@ -2780,7 +2661,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users/domain/:domain/count
-### UsersDomain.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)
+### UsersDomain.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)
get - Gets all the users
##### Filter Params
@@ -2817,6 +2698,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users/domain/:domain
| filter | any
| Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: created_on>2021-06-01,created_on<2021-06-08) |
| sortdir | any
| Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC) |
| ids | any
| Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f) |
+| params | any
| (example: id,created_on) |
| authorization_bearer | string
| The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token. |
@@ -3806,7 +3688,7 @@ Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| body | Object
| |
-| domain | any
| Domain name (example: test.com) (example: traziventures.com) |
+| domain | any
| Domain name (example: test.com) (example: contactsource.com) |
| randomPassword | any
| Generates a random password on the backend securely if set to `true` (example: true) |
| authorization_bearer | string
| The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token. |
@@ -3814,8 +3696,8 @@ Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain
- "email": "test@test.com",
- "password": "Pas5w0r!d"
+ "email": "mark+test@trazi.com",
+ "password": "Trazi123**"
@@ -3889,8 +3771,94 @@ const { Travelling } = require('./sdk.js')('');
+#### [v4.1.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v4.0.1...v4.1.0)
+- Added param's filtering on users endpoints [`70414c7`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/70414c768e6b0523d162e623814978709e1318b7)
+- Updated sdk [`cd95404`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/cd95404a1405ba984522d6063b867b74285807fd)
+#### [v4.0.1](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v4.0.0...v4.0.1)
+> 12 September 2023
+- Update package.json [`aebd216`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/aebd216c8db7558a570f327835e04fcb98b6b062)
+- Updated web sdk to remove double exports [`f7fd354`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/f7fd354aea5ecaf363f22d53643c442079d9120d)
+### [v4.0.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.3.0...v4.0.0)
+> 21 August 2023
+- Added ability to change default eprofile [`1986203`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/19862031613249ed51aab7c85663b265d9939eca)
+#### [v3.3.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.7...v3.3.0)
+> 14 August 2023
+- Feature #107 Add Gmail dedupe config [`#39`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/39)
+- Update users-get.js [`9f457c2`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/9f457c2d75ea20b9dd5ac9b956b8b777b2527581)
+- Move logic back to interfaces [`7df3b29`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/7df3b29d8078f1cb6a8b3dc49926f39a282815e6)
+- Remove conditional around create user test [`67356da`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/67356dad5c0c223d78bbc30acd6f348fbe52144c)
+- Remove unused var [`0e74f03`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/0e74f03950e654716fb254e55553a0b09def774f)
+- Change scope, and order of if [`cc008a6`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/cc008a6ccba3e7b7bfc8ed4e85bd43eac752823e)
+- oop [`5b3e508`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/5b3e50818788d3d36a7f59e63edb71c1d9fc54ee)
+- consolidate logic to checkUser [`858e861`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/858e861ace793f20b54d9c321311026c4206aa9e)
+- Move into util func [`65acf8a`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/65acf8ab0e719fcb40b90b8033a4ed2b0cb303e2)
+- Update tests to use DeDupe [`28afe82`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/28afe82737b320c4bd26e21cfc0d7408fd942c22)
+- Move dedupe below valid user check [`14ab80e`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/14ab80e99843fc2cc3705d177c568a54556ea55b)
+- Remove unnecesary lowercase [`5f3bfb5`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/5f3bfb5146e2cd0bcd6b02a3f8fd329671fd3a68)
+- Remove oop test db setup, default new config to false [`c62fc94`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/c62fc94eeeaa3f8f54515ece645691167bfc6267)
+- Update config, add gmail dedupe check, add tests [`6c644c3`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/6c644c3d5af40e0073037ef2d5de83032ec7e173)
+#### [v3.2.7](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.6...v3.2.7)
+> 21 June 2023
+- Feature #88 Add route redirects [`#38`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/38)
+- add tests [`f8548d2`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/f8548d230e4afff23f843f6ae55db0c526e17e10)
+- use other param [`23d0206`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/23d02064366c8bcdd40e028f2b1091fd194a4881)
+- add route redirect logic [`fc3272a`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/fc3272ae350b8500dc4b0c9f448b3a4fdccaccb2)
+- add route redirect logic [`200bbc9`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/200bbc9b6a53ff00399cc69fd4ed4f3c589c884a)
+- Revert "redirects start" [`e2fd904`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/e2fd9044cc5954ed10637140f1f9159703bacc67)
+- Revert "redirects start" [`fa45685`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/fa456854812802f4c1f064a06a59882452781054)
+- redirects start [`a3fd160`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/a3fd1601fd16123a72e7479bf1a67bb8ca45a1d5)
+- redirects start [`d650bfe`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/d650bfe664c2d3455c374d84fa5df87ba6ee5a49)
+#### [v3.2.6](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.5...v3.2.6)
+> 21 June 2023
+#### [v3.2.5](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.4...v3.2.5)
+> 21 June 2023
+- Update regex.js [`77b9bcb`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/77b9bcbd3fc3f7ecaafa8e1eeb8487de49b26d76)
+- Update package.json [`4ffdf10`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/4ffdf105f5f874e59bc7ff44f74c2767e856d5e7)
+#### [v3.2.4](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.3...v3.2.4)
+> 19 May 2023
+- Fix #102 Fix max login attempts account locking [`#37`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/37)
+- Merge pull request #37 from Trazi-Ventures/fix-#102-lock-accounts-on-max-attempts [`#102`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/issues/102)
+- Fix max attempts lock user issue [`8fc5c96`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/8fc5c96ba68fdccc7da0b6dbaf11b65cb28cc89b)
+#### [v3.2.3](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.2...v3.2.3)
+> 12 May 2023
+- Fix #101 password recovery email data [`#101`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/issues/101)
+#### [v3.2.2](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.1...v3.2.2)
+> 12 May 2023
+- Feature #101 Add data to password recovery email [`#36`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/pull/36)
+- add data to password recovery email [`3c4baeb`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/3c4baeb46d6eb27e5c920f78179df03dd18d280a)
+- Update Travelling.postman_collection.json [`474eff0`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/474eff08a76ef20325ccb210eea56736770cb759)
#### [v3.2.1](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.2.0...v3.2.1)
+> 22 March 2023
- Update package.json [`e34774f`](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/commit/e34774f2cc05617d3b97aa2cf8bd4d5b949f2f02)
#### [v3.2.0](https://github.com/Trazi-Ventures/travelling/compare/v3.1.5...v3.2.0)
diff --git a/include/database/index.js b/include/database/index.js
index 396fae5a..09044ad3 100644
--- a/include/database/index.js
+++ b/include/database/index.js
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@ class Database {
//config.log.logger.trace('checkAuth: ', users);
if (users == null || users.length == 0) {
- if(span) {span.end();}
+ if (span) {
+ span.end();
+ }
throw {
user: null,
err: {
@@ -47,7 +49,9 @@ class Database {
// Locked check
if (user.locked) {
- if(span) {span.end();}
+ if (span) {
+ span.end();
+ }
throw {
user: user,
err: {
@@ -59,13 +63,26 @@ class Database {
// Password check
if (user.password == (await crypto.hash(password, null, user.getEncryptedProfile(user)))) {
- if (config.login.maxLoginAttempts && (user.failed_login_attempts + 1) >= config.login.maxLoginAttempts && (!user.last_login.ip || user.last_login.ip !== ip)) {
- config.log.warn(helpers.text(`[Security Flag]: Possible attempt at account hijacking via password brute force. Attacker IP: ${parse.getIp(req)} on account ${sessionUser.email} (${sessionUser.domain})`,span))
- await lockUserFailedPassword(user, span);
+ if (
+ config.login.maxLoginAttempts &&
+ user.failed_login_attempts + 1 >= config.login.maxLoginAttempts &&
+ (!user.last_login.ip || user.last_login.ip !== ip)
+ ) {
+ config.log.warn(
+ helpers.text(
+ `[Security Flag]: Possible attempt at account hijacking via password brute force. Attacker IP: ${parse.getIp(
+ req
+ )} on account ${sessionUser.email} (${sessionUser.domain})`,
+ span
+ )
+ );
+ await this.lockUserFailedPassword(user, span);
} else {
user.failed_login_attempts = 0;
await user.updated();
- if(span) {span.end();}
+ if (span) {
+ span.end();
+ }
return { user, err: null };
} else {
@@ -75,11 +92,13 @@ class Database {
// Failed login
if (config.login.maxLoginAttempts && user.failed_login_attempts >= config.login.maxLoginAttempts) {
- await lockUserFailedPassword(user, span);
+ await this.lockUserFailedPassword(user, span);
} else {
await user.updated();
- if(span) {span.end();}
+ if (span) {
+ span.end();
+ }
throw {
user: user,
err: {
@@ -89,14 +108,16 @@ class Database {
- static async lockUserFailedPassword(user,span) {
+ static async lockUserFailedPassword(user, span) {
user.locked = true;
user.locked_reason = config.user.locked.message;
user.change_password = true;
await user.updated();
- if(span) {span.end();}
+ if (span) {
+ span.end();
+ }
throw {
user: user,
err: {
@@ -124,6 +145,7 @@ class Database {
userProp.domain = domain;
userProp.change_username = false;
userProp.change_password = false;
+ userProp.eprofile = config.pg.crypto.eprofile;
if (config.registration.requireManualActivation) {
userProp.locked = true;
diff --git a/include/database/models/basemodel.js b/include/database/models/basemodel.js
index f4593024..9bcbfb3c 100644
--- a/include/database/models/basemodel.js
+++ b/include/database/models/basemodel.js
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ BaseModel.findAllByFilter = async function ({
- ids
+ ids,
+ params
}) {
var keys = [];
var values = [];
@@ -20,11 +21,27 @@ BaseModel.findAllByFilter = async function ({
if (!query) {
if (count) {
query = `SELECT COUNT(id) FROM ${this.table} `;
+ }
+ else if(params) {
+ if (params.indexOf(',') > -1) {
+ params = params.split(',');
+ } else {
+ params = [params];
+ }
+ var query = `SELECT `
+ for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
+ if (this._defaultModel[params[i]] === null || typeof this._defaultModel[params[i]] === 'string') {
+ query += `${params[i]}${params.length > i + 1 ? ',' : ''}`;
+ }
+ }
+ query += ` FROM ${this.table} `;
} else {
query = `SELECT * FROM ${this.table} `;
+ console.log(query)
if ((limit && isNaN(limit)) || (skip && isNaN(skip))) {
throw new Error('Invalid filter');
diff --git a/include/database/models/group.js b/include/database/models/group.js
index 1b63b4c9..5d7ce26f 100644
--- a/include/database/models/group.js
+++ b/include/database/models/group.js
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ class Group extends Base(BaseModel, 'groups', {
method: String,
remove_from_path: String,
route: String,
- host: String
+ host: String,
+ redirect: String
allowed: null,
diff --git a/include/database/models/token.js b/include/database/models/token.js
index 49a72d0a..82ee711d 100644
--- a/include/database/models/token.js
+++ b/include/database/models/token.js
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class Token extends Base(BaseModel, 'tokens', {
secret CHARACTER varying(350),
secret_encrypt text,
__secret_encrypt character varying(258),
+ eprofile character varying(350),
PRIMARY KEY (id, user_id)
diff --git a/include/routes/v1/functions/auth.js b/include/routes/v1/functions/auth.js
index 7e293d10..41abd456 100644
--- a/include/routes/v1/functions/auth.js
+++ b/include/routes/v1/functions/auth.js
@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ var registerRoute = async (req, res) => {
var isValid = await checkValidUser(req.body);
+ if (config.email.validation.internal.dedupeGmail && req.body.email.includes('@gmail.com')) {
+ req.body.email = Email.dedupeGmail(req.body.email);
+ }
if (isValid === true) {
isValid = await Database.checkDupe(req.body);
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ var registerRoute = async (req, res) => {
var username = config.user.username.enabled ? req.body.username.toLowerCase() : '';
var password = req.body.password;
- var email = req.body.email.toLowerCase();
+ var email = req.body.email;
var domain = 'default';
var groupRequest;
diff --git a/include/routes/v1/functions/groups.js b/include/routes/v1/functions/groups.js
index 49eacec6..c2925c80 100644
--- a/include/routes/v1/functions/groups.js
+++ b/include/routes/v1/functions/groups.js
@@ -234,7 +234,8 @@ async function getUsersByGroup(req, res, router) {
skip: req.query.skip,
sort: req.query.sort,
sortdir: req.query.sortdir,
- count: !!req.returnCountOnly
+ count: !!req.returnCountOnly,
+ params: req.query.params
} catch {
diff --git a/include/routes/v1/functions/users.js b/include/routes/v1/functions/users.js
index 32a6f00b..c213df47 100644
--- a/include/routes/v1/functions/users.js
+++ b/include/routes/v1/functions/users.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const Database = require('../../../database');
const User = require('../../../database/models/user');
const regex = require('../../../utils/regex');
const CookieToken = require('../../../utils/cookietoken');
+const EmailUtils = require('../../../utils/email');
async function deleteUser(opts) {
var id = userUtils.getId(opts.req);
@@ -172,6 +173,14 @@ async function editUser(opts) {
model.domain = domain;
+ if (model.email) {
+ model.email = model.email.toLowerCase();
+ if (config.email.validation.internal.dedupeGmail && model.email.includes('@gmail.com')) {
+ model.email = EmailUtils.dedupeGmail(model.email);
+ }
+ }
isValid = await Database.checkDupe(model);
diff --git a/include/routes/v1/users.js b/include/routes/v1/users.js
index e6a39558..116061e9 100644
--- a/include/routes/v1/users.js
+++ b/include/routes/v1/users.js
@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts, done) {
skip: req.query.skip,
filter: req.query.filter,
sortdir: req.query.sortdir,
- ids: req.query.ids
+ ids: req.query.ids,
+ params: req.query.params
} catch {
@@ -237,7 +238,8 @@ module.exports = function (app, opts, done) {
skip: req.query.skip,
filter: req.query.filter,
sortdir: req.query.sortdir,
- ids: req.query.ids
+ ids: req.query.ids,
+ params: req.query.params
} catch {
diff --git a/include/server/groupmanager.js b/include/server/groupmanager.js
index a839d77d..ad9147bd 100644
--- a/include/server/groupmanager.js
+++ b/include/server/groupmanager.js
@@ -58,13 +58,14 @@ class GroupManager {
this.mergedRoutes[grps[i].type][grps[i].name] = this.groupInheritedMerge(new Group(grps[i]._), grps, span);
for (var j = 0; j < this.mergedRoutes[grps[i].type][grps[i].name].length; j++) {
- allPossibleRoutesTemp[this.mergedRoutes[grps[i].type][grps[i].name][j].route] = true;
+ allPossibleRoutesTemp[this.mergedRoutes[grps[i].type][grps[i].name][j].route] =
+ this.mergedRoutes[grps[i].type][grps[i].name][j];
- allPossibleRoutesTemp = Object.keys(allPossibleRoutesTemp);
- for (let i = 0; i < allPossibleRoutesTemp.length; i++) {
- var t = allPossibleRoutesTemp[i].split('/');
+ const allPossibleRoutesTempKeys = Object.keys(allPossibleRoutesTemp);
+ for (let i = 0; i < allPossibleRoutesTempKeys.length; i++) {
+ var t = allPossibleRoutesTempKeys[i].split('/');
var last = this.allPossibleRoutes;
@@ -75,7 +76,9 @@ class GroupManager {
last[t[j]] = {};
- last[t[j]].name = allPossibleRoutesTemp[i];
+ last[t[j]].name = allPossibleRoutesTempKeys[i];
+ last[t[j]].redirect = allPossibleRoutesTemp[allPossibleRoutesTempKeys[i]].redirect;
last = last[t[j]];
diff --git a/include/server/router.js b/include/server/router.js
index 192733bb..4fb44ed3 100644
--- a/include/server/router.js
+++ b/include/server/router.js
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ class Router {
var groups = await gm.currentGroup(req, res);
if (sessionUser && sessionUser.locked) {
- if(config.user.locked.message !== sessionUser.locked_reason) {
+ if (config.user.locked.message !== sessionUser.locked_reason) {
req.logout(req, res);
res.code(401).send('Account Locked');
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
return false;
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Router {
r = this.isRouteAllowed(req.raw.method, req.raw.url, groups[i].routes, sessionUser, routedGroup, headersDomain);
if (r) {
- possibleRoute = r.route;
+ possibleRoute = r;
@@ -107,17 +107,17 @@ class Router {
for (var i = 0; i < troute.length; i++) {
if (last[troute[i]]) {
- possibleRoute = last[troute[i]].name;
+ possibleRoute = last[troute[i]];
last = last[troute[i]];
} else if (last['*']) {
- possibleRoute = last['*'].name;
+ possibleRoute = last['*'];
last = last['*'];
if (req.raw.url.indexOf(config.portal.path) == 0) {
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
return false;
@@ -137,6 +137,8 @@ class Router {
// console.log(req.raw.url, req.raw.url, config.portal.path)
this.setBackurl(res, req);
+ } else if (possibleRoute && possibleRoute.redirect) {
+ res.redirect(possibleRoute.redirect);
} else {
res.code(401).send('Access Denied');
@@ -157,7 +159,7 @@ class Router {
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
return false;
@@ -191,10 +193,14 @@ class Router {
if (config.stats.captureGroupRoutes && req.raw.url.indexOf('/' + config.serviceName + '/') == -1) {
- this.nstats.addWeb({ routerPath: possibleRoute, method: req.raw.method, socket: req.raw.socket }, res, sTime);
+ this.nstats.addWeb(
+ { routerPath: possibleRoute.name, method: req.raw.method, socket: req.raw.socket },
+ res,
+ sTime
+ );
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
@@ -241,7 +247,9 @@ class Router {
(sessionUser.username || sessionUser.email) +
' (' +
- routedGroup.type + ':' + routedGroup.name +
+ routedGroup.type +
+ ':' +
+ routedGroup.name +
',' +
sessionUser.domain +
') | ' +
@@ -256,14 +264,21 @@ class Router {
} else {
- 'Unregistered User' + ' (anonymous)' + ' | ' + parse.getIp(req) + ' | [' + req.raw.method + '] ' + req.raw.url,
+ 'Unregistered User' +
+ ' (anonymous)' +
+ ' | ' +
+ parse.getIp(req) +
+ ' | [' +
+ req.raw.method +
+ '] ' +
+ req.raw.url,
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
@@ -271,7 +286,11 @@ class Router {
if (config.stats.captureGroupRoutes) {
- this.nstats.addWeb({ routerPath: possibleRoute, method: req.raw.method, socket: req.raw.socket }, res, sTime);
+ this.nstats.addWeb(
+ { routerPath: possibleRoute.route, method: req.raw.method, socket: req.raw.socket },
+ res,
+ sTime
+ );
var target = {
@@ -293,7 +312,9 @@ class Router {
(sessionUser.username || sessionUser.email) +
' (' +
- routedGroup.type + ':' + routedGroup.name +
+ routedGroup.type +
+ ':' +
+ routedGroup.name +
',' +
sessionUser.domain +
') | ' +
@@ -334,7 +355,7 @@ class Router {
this.proxy.ws(req.raw, req._wssocket, target);
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
@@ -354,14 +375,14 @@ class Router {
this.proxy.web(req.raw, res.raw, target);
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
return true;
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
@@ -375,7 +396,7 @@ class Router {
// Should never get here;
log.wtf(helpers.text('router you what?', span));
- if(span) {
+ if (span) {
diff --git a/include/token/index.js b/include/token/index.js
index ed715b45..e8d29ff9 100644
--- a/include/token/index.js
+++ b/include/token/index.js
@@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ class TokenHandler {
- secret: secret.toString('hex')
+ secret: secret.toString('hex'),
+ eprofile: config.pg.crypto.eprofile
token.secret = secret.toString('hex');
diff --git a/include/utils/config.js b/include/utils/config.js
index ee86a1b7..c59cd76c 100644
--- a/include/utils/config.js
+++ b/include/utils/config.js
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ const config = {
secret: misc.isSetDefault(process.env.TRAVELLING_PG_CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION_SECRET, null),
salt: misc.isSetDefault(process.env.TRAVELLING_PG_CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION_SALT, null),
+ eprofile: misc.isSetDefault(process.env.TRAVELLING_PG_CRYPTO_IMPLEMENTATION_EPROFILE, null),
encryptUserData: misc.isSetDefault(misc.stringToBool(process.env.TRAVELLING_PG_CRYPTO_ENCRYPT_USER_DATA), false)
@@ -237,6 +238,9 @@ const config = {
method: misc.isSetDefault(process.env.TRAVELLING_EMAIL_VALIDATION_EXTERNAL_METHOD, 'GET')
+ },
+ internal: {
+ dedupeGmail: misc.isSetDefault(misc.stringToBool(process.env.TRAVELLING_EMAIL_GMAIL_DEDUPE), false)
from: misc.isSetDefault(process.env.TRAVELLING_EMAIL_FROM, null),
diff --git a/include/utils/email.js b/include/utils/email.js
index 78290933..edff7b90 100644
--- a/include/utils/email.js
+++ b/include/utils/email.js
@@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ const restTransporter = {
simple: false,
json: true,
- body: { user: mail.data.user, token: mail.data.token, clientip: mail.data.clientip }
+ body: {
+ user: mail.data.user,
+ token: mail.data.token,
+ clientip: mail.data.clientip,
+ data: mail.data.data ? { ip: mail.data.data.ip, tokenExpiry: mail.data.data.tokenExpiry } : {}
+ }
callback(null, true);
} catch (e) {
@@ -76,12 +81,18 @@ class Email {
resetPasswordSubject: Handlebars.compile(
fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.passwordResetSubject), 'utf-8')
- activationBody: Handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.activationBody), 'utf-8')),
+ activationBody: Handlebars.compile(
+ fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.activationBody), 'utf-8')
+ ),
activationSubject: Handlebars.compile(
fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.activationSubject), 'utf-8')
- welcomeBody: Handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.welcomeBody), 'utf-8')),
- welcomeSubject: Handlebars.compile(fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.welcomeSubject), 'utf-8'))
+ welcomeBody: Handlebars.compile(
+ fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.welcomeBody), 'utf-8')
+ ),
+ welcomeSubject: Handlebars.compile(
+ fs.readFileSync(require('path').resolve(config.email.template.welcomeSubject), 'utf-8')
+ )
@@ -102,6 +113,10 @@ class Email {
subject = templates.resetPasswordSubject({ user });
+ const d = new Date();
+ const e = new Date(d.getTime() + config.email.recovery.expiration * 1000);
+ const tokenExpiry = e.toUTCString(); // Could change display formatting here.
var info = await transporter.sendMail({
from: config.email.from,
to: email,
@@ -111,7 +126,8 @@ class Email {
- clientip
+ clientip,
+ data: { ip: clientip, tokenExpiry: tokenExpiry.toString() }
if (config.email.test.enable) {
@@ -190,6 +206,19 @@ class Email {
+ static dedupeGmail(emailRaw = '') {
+ let [email, domain] = emailRaw.toLowerCase().split('@');
+ if (email.indexOf('.') > -1) {
+ email = email.replace(/\./g, '');
+ }
+ if (email.indexOf('+') > -1) {
+ email = email.split('+')[0];
+ }
+ return `${email}@${domain}`;
+ }
module.exports = Email;
diff --git a/include/utils/regex.js b/include/utils/regex.js
index 23983572..aeca430a 100644
--- a/include/utils/regex.js
+++ b/include/utils/regex.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ const regex = {
// safeName: new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z0-9_\/\?\-\@\#\$\%\!\^\&\*\.]{1,350}$/g)
- safeName: new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z0-9\ \.\-\_\@]{1,350}$/),
+ safeName: new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z0-9\ \.\-\_\@\#]{1,350}$/),
userData: new RegExp(/^[A-Za-z0-9\ \.\,\!\?\$\:\;\~\#\%\&\-\_\@\n\t\(\)\{\}\[\]\"]{1,}$/),
base64Image: new RegExp(
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 5dc14796..8e1a5df6 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@trazi/travelling",
- "version": "3.2.1",
+ "version": "4.1.0",
"description": "A dynamic route level groups permissions middleman service",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
"adost": "^2.0.0",
"aws-sdk": "^2.516.0",
"dotenv": "^8.2.0",
- "fasquest": "^3.1.1",
+ "fasquest": "^3.1.3",
"fast-proxy": "^1.0.0",
"fastify": "^3.11.0",
"fastify-cookie": "^5.1.0",
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
"nodemailer": "^6.3.0",
"nstats": "4.2.0",
"wog": "latest",
- "zcs": "^2.2.0"
+ "zcs": "^2.4.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@abeai/recho": "^1.4.0",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"jest-junit": "^11.0.1",
"jsdoc-to-markdown": "^8.0.0",
"mdsquash": "^1.0.6",
- "postgen": "^5.0.0",
+ "postgen": "^5.0.4",
"prettier": "^2.0.5",
"prettier-eslint": "^11.0.0"
diff --git a/scripts/sql/patch_2.sql b/scripts/sql/patch_2.sql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f99707c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/sql/patch_2.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ ALTER TABLE tokens
+ ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS eprofile character varying(350)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sdk/README.md b/sdk/README.md
index c947b8d8..b3f34e4f 100644
--- a/sdk/README.md
+++ b/sdk/README.md
@@ -409,151 +409,31 @@ Path: api/v1/groups/import
- "group": {
- "anonymous": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "route": "/travelling/portal/*",
- "host": null,
- "name": "*-travelling-portal-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/auth/*",
- "host": null,
- "name": "*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/assets/*",
- "host": null,
- "removeFromPath": "/travelling/assets/",
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-assets-*"
- },
- {
- "route": "/travelling/api/v1/config/password",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-config-password"
- },
- {
- "route": "/favicon.ico",
- "host": null,
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-favicon.ico"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": null,
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group3": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": [
- "testgroup|group1",
- "group|group2"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "superadmin": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "host": null,
- "route": "/travelling/*",
- "name": "*-travelling-*"
- },
- {
- "name": "test-one-*-three"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": [
- "group|anonymous"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group4": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": [],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group2": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "route": "/test/get",
- "host": "",
- "removeFromPath": "/test/get",
- "method": "GET",
- "name": "get-test-get"
- },
- {
- "route": "/test/post",
- "host": "",
- "removeFromPath": "/test/post",
- "method": "POST",
- "name": "post-test-post"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": [
- "testgroup|group1"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "group5": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": [
- {
- "route": "/test/delete/:grouptype",
- "host": "",
- "removeFromPath": "/test/delete",
- "method": "DELETE",
- "name": "delete-test-delete-:grouptype"
- }
- ],
- "inherited": [
- "group|group4",
- "group|superadmin"
- ],
- "is_default": true
- },
- "group1": {
- "type": "group",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": null,
- "is_default": false
- }
- },
- "testgroup": {
- "group1": {
- "type": "testgroup",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": [
- "group|group4"
- ],
- "is_default": false
- },
- "superadmin": {
- "type": "testgroup",
- "allowed": null,
- "inherited": null,
- "is_default": false
- }
+ "group": {
+ "anonymous": {
+ "allowed": [
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/portal/*"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/assets/*"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/favicon.ico"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/logout"},
+ {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/forgot"},
+ {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/reset"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/activate"},
+ {"method": "POST", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/token"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/login/otp"},
+ {"method": "POST","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ {"method": "GET","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/password"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/portal/webclient"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/metrics"},
+ {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/health"}
+ ]
+ }
@@ -1779,7 +1659,7 @@ body
* [Users](#Users)
* [.byGroupRequest(group_request, authorization_bearer)](#Users.byGroupRequest)
* [.count(limit, skip, filter, ids, authorization_bearer)](#Users.count)
- * [.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)](#Users.get)
+ * [.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)](#Users.get)
@@ -1854,7 +1734,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users/count
-### Users.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)
+### Users.get(sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)
get - Gets all the users
##### Filter Params
@@ -1890,6 +1770,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users
| filter | any
| Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) |
| sortdir | any
| Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC) |
| ids | any
| Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f) |
+| params | any
| (example: id) |
| authorization_bearer | string
| The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token. |
@@ -1899,7 +1780,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users
* [UsersDomain](#UsersDomain)
* [.count(domain, limit, skip, filter, ids, authorization_bearer)](#UsersDomain.count)
- * [.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)](#UsersDomain.get)
+ * [.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)](#UsersDomain.get)
@@ -1942,7 +1823,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users/domain/:domain/count
-### UsersDomain.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, authorization_bearer)
+### UsersDomain.get(domain, sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params, authorization_bearer)
get - Gets all the users
##### Filter Params
@@ -1979,6 +1860,7 @@ Path: api/v1/users/domain/:domain
| filter | any
| Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: created_on>2021-06-01,created_on<2021-06-08) |
| sortdir | any
| Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC) |
| ids | any
| Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f) |
+| params | any
| (example: id,created_on) |
| authorization_bearer | string
| The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token. |
@@ -2968,7 +2850,7 @@ Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| body | Object
| |
-| domain | any
| Domain name (example: test.com) (example: traziventures.com) |
+| domain | any
| Domain name (example: test.com) (example: contactsource.com) |
| randomPassword | any
| Generates a random password on the backend securely if set to `true` (example: true) |
| authorization_bearer | string
| The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token. |
@@ -2976,8 +2858,8 @@ Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain
- "email": "test@test.com",
- "password": "Pas5w0r!d"
+ "email": "mark+test@trazi.com",
+ "password": "Trazi123**"
diff --git a/sdk/Travelling.postman_collection.json b/sdk/Travelling.postman_collection.json
index 8012e5da..4f443e27 100644
--- a/sdk/Travelling.postman_collection.json
+++ b/sdk/Travelling.postman_collection.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
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"name": "Travelling",
"schema": "https://schema.getpostman.com/json/collection/v2.1.0/collection.json",
- "_exporter_id": "15847205"
+ "_exporter_id": "208035"
"item": [
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n\t\"email\": \"test@test.com\",\n\t\"password\": \"Pas5w0r!d\"\n}",
+ "raw": "{\n\t\"email\": \"mark+test@trazi.com\",\n\t\"password\": \"Trazi123**\"\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
@@ -218,76 +218,14 @@
"variable": [
"key": "domain",
- "value": "traziventures.com",
+ "value": "contactsource.com",
"description": "Domain name (example: test.com)"
"description": "Register a user\n\n`group_request`\tis optional."
- "response": [
- {
- "name": "Register User",
- "originalRequest": {
- "method": "POST",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "Content-Type",
- "name": "Content-Type",
- "value": "application/json",
- "type": "text"
- }
- ],
- "body": {
- "mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n\t\"username\":\"user1\",\n\t\"password\":\"swagmoney69xd420\",\n\t\"email\": \"test@test.com\"\n}"
- },
- "url": {
- "raw": "{{TRAVELLING}}/api/v1/auth/register",
- "host": [
- ],
- "path": [
- "api",
- "v1",
- "auth",
- "register"
- ]
- }
- },
- "status": "OK",
- "code": 200,
- "_postman_previewlanguage": "json",
- "header": [
- {
- "key": "content-type",
- "value": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
- },
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- "value": "Tue, 20 Aug 2019 19:57:38 GMT"
- },
- {
- "key": "Connection",
- "value": "keep-alive"
- }
- ],
- "cookie": [],
- "body": "{\n \"msg\": \"Access Granted\"\n}"
- }
- ]
+ "response": []
"name": "Login",
@@ -1737,7 +1675,7 @@
"cookie": [],
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@@ -3323,6 +3261,11 @@
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@@ -3458,6 +3401,11 @@
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@@ -3697,7 +3645,7 @@
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- "raw": "{\n \"group\": {\n \"anonymous\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": [\n {\n \"route\": \"/travelling/portal/*\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"name\": \"*-travelling-portal-*\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/travelling/api/v1/auth/*\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"name\": \"*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"name\": \"get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"name\": \"get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/travelling/assets/*\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"removeFromPath\": \"/travelling/assets/\",\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"name\": \"get-travelling-assets-*\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/travelling/api/v1/config/password\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"name\": \"get-travelling-api-v1-config-password\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/favicon.ico\",\n \"host\": null,\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"name\": \"get-favicon.ico\"\n }\n ],\n \"inherited\": null,\n \"is_default\": false\n },\n \"group3\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": null,\n \"inherited\": [\n \"testgroup|group1\",\n \"group|group2\"\n ],\n \"is_default\": false\n },\n \"superadmin\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": [\n {\n \"host\": null,\n \"route\": \"/travelling/*\",\n \"name\": \"*-travelling-*\"\n },\n {\n \"name\": \"test-one-*-three\"\n }\n ],\n \"inherited\": [\n \"group|anonymous\"\n ],\n \"is_default\": false\n },\n \"group4\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": null,\n \"inherited\": [],\n \"is_default\": false\n },\n \"group2\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": [\n {\n \"route\": \"/test/get\",\n \"host\": \"\",\n \"removeFromPath\": \"/test/get\",\n \"method\": \"GET\",\n \"name\": \"get-test-get\"\n },\n {\n \"route\": \"/test/post\",\n \"host\": \"\",\n \"removeFromPath\": \"/test/post\",\n \"method\": \"POST\",\n \"name\": \"post-test-post\"\n }\n ],\n \"inherited\": [\n \"testgroup|group1\"\n ],\n \"is_default\": false\n },\n \"group5\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": [\n {\n \"route\": \"/test/delete/:grouptype\",\n \"host\": \"\",\n \"removeFromPath\": \"/test/delete\",\n \"method\": \"DELETE\",\n \"name\": \"delete-test-delete-:grouptype\"\n }\n ],\n \"inherited\": [\n \"group|group4\",\n \"group|superadmin\"\n ],\n \"is_default\": true\n },\n \"group1\": {\n \"type\": \"group\",\n \"allowed\": null,\n \"inherited\": null,\n \"is_default\": false\n }\n },\n \"testgroup\": {\n \"group1\": {\n \"type\": \"testgroup\",\n \"allowed\": null,\n \"inherited\": [\n \"group|group4\"\n ],\n \"is_default\": false\n },\n \"superadmin\": {\n \"type\": \"testgroup\",\n \"allowed\": null,\n \"inherited\": null,\n \"is_default\": false\n }\n }\n}",
+ "raw": "{\n \"group\": {\n \"anonymous\": {\n \"allowed\": [\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/portal/*\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/assets/*\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/favicon.ico\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/auth/logout\"},\n {\"method\": \"PUT\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/auth/password/forgot\"},\n {\"method\": \"PUT\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/auth/password/reset\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/auth/activate\"},\n {\"method\": \"POST\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/auth/token\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/auth/login/otp\"},\n {\"method\": \"POST\",\"route\":\"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\",\"route\":\"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/config/password\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/api/v1/config/portal/webclient\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/metrics\"},\n {\"method\": \"GET\", \"route\": \"/account/health\"}\n ]\n }\n }\n}\n",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
diff --git a/sdk/node/index.js b/sdk/node/index.js
index ea69a6f9..e5fd9234 100644
--- a/sdk/node/index.js
+++ b/sdk/node/index.js
@@ -865,151 +865,31 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* body
* ```json
* {
- * "group": {
- * "anonymous": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/portal/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "name": "*-travelling-portal-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/auth/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "name": "*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/assets/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "removeFromPath": "/travelling/assets/",
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-assets-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/config/password",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-config-password"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/favicon.ico",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-favicon.ico"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": null,
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group3": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": [
- * "testgroup|group1",
- * "group|group2"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "superadmin": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "host": null,
- * "route": "/travelling/*",
- * "name": "*-travelling-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "name": "test-one-*-three"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": [
- * "group|anonymous"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group4": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": [],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group2": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "route": "/test/get",
- * "host": "",
- * "removeFromPath": "/test/get",
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-test-get"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/test/post",
- * "host": "",
- * "removeFromPath": "/test/post",
- * "method": "POST",
- * "name": "post-test-post"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": [
- * "testgroup|group1"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group5": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "route": "/test/delete/:grouptype",
- * "host": "",
- * "removeFromPath": "/test/delete",
- * "method": "DELETE",
- * "name": "delete-test-delete-:grouptype"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": [
- * "group|group4",
- * "group|superadmin"
- * ],
- * "is_default": true
- * },
- * "group1": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": null,
- * "is_default": false
- * }
- * },
- * "testgroup": {
- * "group1": {
- * "type": "testgroup",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": [
- * "group|group4"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "superadmin": {
- * "type": "testgroup",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": null,
- * "is_default": false
- * }
+ * "group": {
+ * "anonymous": {
+ * "allowed": [
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/portal/*"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/assets/*"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/favicon.ico"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/logout"},
+ * {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/forgot"},
+ * {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/reset"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/activate"},
+ * {"method": "POST", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/token"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/login/otp"},
+ * {"method": "POST","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ * {"method": "GET","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/password"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/portal/webclient"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/metrics"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/health"}
+ * ]
* }
+ * }
* }
+ *
* ```
static async import(body, authorization_bearer, opts) {
@@ -3290,6 +3170,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* @param {any} filter Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06)
* @param {any} sortdir Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC)
* @param {any} ids Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f)
+ * @param {any} params (example: id)
* @param {string} authorization_bearer The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.
static async get(
@@ -3299,6 +3180,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
+ params,
) {
@@ -3306,7 +3188,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
method: 'GET',
simple: false,
uri: hostUrl + '/' + `api/v1/users`,
- qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids },
+ qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params },
authorization: {
bearer: authorization_bearer,
@@ -3430,6 +3312,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* @param {any} filter Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: created_on>2021-06-01,created_on<2021-06-08)
* @param {any} sortdir Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC)
* @param {any} ids Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f)
+ * @param {any} params (example: id,created_on)
* @param {string} authorization_bearer The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.
static async get(
@@ -3440,6 +3323,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
+ params,
) {
@@ -3447,7 +3331,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
method: 'GET',
simple: false,
uri: hostUrl + '/' + `api/v1/users/domain/${domain}`,
- qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids },
+ qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params },
authorization: {
bearer: authorization_bearer,
@@ -5226,15 +5110,15 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain
* @param {Object} body
- * @param {any} domain Domain name (example: test.com) (example: traziventures.com)
+ * @param {any} domain Domain name (example: test.com) (example: contactsource.com)
* @param {any} randomPassword Generates a random password on the backend securely if set to `true` (example: true)
* @param {string} authorization_bearer The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.
* @example
* body
* ```json
* {
- * "email": "test@test.com",
- * "password": "Pas5w0r!d"
+ * "email": "mark+test@trazi.com",
+ * "password": "Trazi123**"
* }
* ```
diff --git a/sdk/package.json b/sdk/package.json
index f4cd2c62..dbc898bb 100644
--- a/sdk/package.json
+++ b/sdk/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@trazi/travelling-sdk",
- "version": "2.15.1",
+ "version": "2.15.4",
"description": "",
"main": "node/index.js",
"files": [
diff --git a/sdk/web/index.mjs b/sdk/web/index.mjs
index 9063a621..b7f7ab26 100644
--- a/sdk/web/index.mjs
+++ b/sdk/web/index.mjs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
'use strict';
-function hasOwnProperty(e, t) {
+function hasOwnProperty$1(e, t) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t);
-var isArray =
+var isArray$2 =
Array.isArray ||
function (e) {
return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.call(e);
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ function stringify(e, t, n, r) {
(n = n || '='),
null === e && (e = void 0),
'object' == typeof e
- ? map(objectKeys(e), function (r) {
+ ? map$1(objectKeys(e), function (r) {
var o = encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(r)) + n;
- return isArray(e[r])
- ? map(e[r], function (e) {
+ return isArray$2(e[r])
+ ? map$1(e[r], function (e) {
return o + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(e));
: o + encodeURIComponent(stringifyPrimitive(e[r]));
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function stringify(e, t, n, r) {
: ''
-function map(e, t) {
+function map$1(e, t) {
if (e.map) return e.map(t);
for (var n = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) n.push(t(e[r], r));
return n;
@@ -52,40 +52,41 @@ var objectKeys =
for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.push(n);
return t;
-function parse(e, t, n, r) {
+function parse$1(e, t, n, r) {
(t = t || '&'), (n = n || '=');
var o = {};
if ('string' != typeof e || 0 === e.length) return o;
+ var a = /\+/g;
e = e.split(t);
- var a = 1e3;
- r && 'number' == typeof r.maxKeys && (a = r.maxKeys);
- var s = e.length;
- 0 < a && s > a && (s = a);
- for (var d = 0; d < s; ++d) {
- var l,
- h,
+ var s = 1e3;
+ r && 'number' == typeof r.maxKeys && (s = r.maxKeys);
+ var d = e.length;
+ 0 < s && d > s && (d = s);
+ for (var l = 0; l < d; ++l) {
+ var h,
- f = e[d].replace(/\+/g, '%20'),
- c = f.indexOf(n);
- 0 <= c
- ? ((l = f.substr(0, c)), (h = f.substr(c + 1)))
- : ((l = f), (h = '')),
- (p = decodeURIComponent(l)),
+ f,
+ c = e[l].replace(a, '%20'),
+ g = c.indexOf(n);
+ 0 <= g
+ ? ((h = c.substr(0, g)), (p = c.substr(g + 1)))
+ : ((h = c), (p = '')),
(u = decodeURIComponent(h)),
- hasOwnProperty(o, p)
- ? isArray(o[p])
- ? o[p].push(u)
- : (o[p] = [o[p], u])
- : (o[p] = u);
+ (f = decodeURIComponent(p)),
+ hasOwnProperty$1(o, u)
+ ? isArray$2(o[u])
+ ? o[u].push(f)
+ : (o[u] = [o[u], f])
+ : (o[u] = f);
return o;
var qs = {
encode: stringify,
stringify: stringify,
- decode: parse,
- parse: parse,
+ decode: parse$1,
+ parse: parse$1,
maxInt = 2147483647,
base = 36,
@@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ var qs = {
function error(e) {
throw new RangeError(errors[e]);
-function map$1(e, t) {
+function map(e, t) {
for (var n = e.length, r = []; n--; ) r[n] = t(e[n]);
return r;
@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ function mapDomain(e, t) {
1 < n.length && ((r = n[0] + '@'), (e = n[1])),
(e = e.replace(regexSeparators, '.'));
var o = e.split('.'),
- a = map$1(o, t).join('.');
+ a = map(o, t).join('.');
return r + a;
function ucs2decode(e) {
@@ -349,9 +350,9 @@ function write(t, n, r, o, a, l) {
w = 8 * l - a - 1,
R = (1 << w) - 1,
v = R >> 1,
- x = 23 === a ? g(2, -24) - g(2, -77) : 0,
- E = o ? 0 : l - 1,
- L = o ? 1 : -1,
+ S = 23 === a ? g(2, -24) - g(2, -77) : 0,
+ L = o ? 0 : l - 1,
+ x = o ? 1 : -1,
d = 0 > n || (0 === n && 0 > 1 / n) ? 1 : 0;
for (
n = f(n),
@@ -359,7 +360,7 @@ function write(t, n, r, o, a, l) {
? ((b = isNaN(n) ? 1 : 0), (y = R))
: ((y = h(u(n) / p)),
1 > n * (_ = g(2, -y)) && (y--, (_ *= 2)),
- (n += 1 <= y + v ? x / _ : x * g(2, 1 - v)),
+ (n += 1 <= y + v ? S / _ : S * g(2, 1 - v)),
2 <= n * _ && (y++, (_ /= 2)),
y + v >= R
? ((b = 0), (y = R))
@@ -367,14 +368,14 @@ function write(t, n, r, o, a, l) {
? ((b = (n * _ - 1) * g(2, a)), (y += v))
: ((b = n * g(2, v - 1) * g(2, a)), (y = 0)));
8 <= a;
- t[r + E] = 255 & b, E += L, b /= 256, a -= 8
+ t[r + L] = 255 & b, L += x, b /= 256, a -= 8
for (
y = (y << a) | b, w += a;
0 < w;
- t[r + E] = 255 & y, E += L, y /= 256, w -= 8
+ t[r + L] = 255 & y, L += x, y /= 256, w -= 8
- t[r + E - L] |= 128 * d;
+ t[r + L - x] |= 128 * d;
var toString = {}.toString,
isArray$1 =
@@ -383,8 +384,9 @@ var toString = {}.toString,
return '[object Array]' == toString.call(e);
- !(global$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT !== void 0) || global$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT;
+ !(global$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT !== void 0) || global$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT),
+ kMaxLength();
function kMaxLength() {
return Buffer$1.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT ? 2147483647 : 1073741823;
@@ -1592,7 +1594,8 @@ var inherits,
release: release,
config: config,
uptime: uptime,
- };
+ },
+ process = browser$1;
inherits =
'function' == typeof Object.create
? function (e, t) {
@@ -1615,7 +1618,7 @@ inherits =
var inherits$1 = inherits,
formatRegExp = /%[sdj%]/g;
-function format(e) {
+function format$1(e) {
if (!isString(e)) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < arguments.length; n++)
@@ -1653,8 +1656,8 @@ function format(e) {
function deprecate(e, t) {
function n() {
if (!r) {
- if (browser$1.throwDeprecation) throw new Error(t);
- else browser$1.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(t) : console.error(t);
+ if (process.throwDeprecation) throw new Error(t);
+ else process.traceDeprecation ? console.trace(t) : console.error(t);
r = !0;
return e.apply(this, arguments);
@@ -1663,7 +1666,7 @@ function deprecate(e, t) {
return function () {
return deprecate(e, t).apply(this, arguments);
- if (!0 === browser$1.noDeprecation) return e;
+ if (!0 === process.noDeprecation) return e;
var r = !1;
return n;
@@ -1671,14 +1674,14 @@ var debugEnviron,
debugs = {};
function debuglog(e) {
if (
- (isUndefined(debugEnviron) &&
- (debugEnviron = browser$1.env.NODE_DEBUG || ''),
+ (isUndefined(debugEnviron) && (debugEnviron = process.env.NODE_DEBUG || ''),
(e = e.toUpperCase()),
if (new RegExp('\\b' + e + '\\b', 'i').test(debugEnviron)) {
+ var t = 0;
debugs[e] = function () {
- var t = format.apply(null, arguments);
+ var t = format$1.apply(null, arguments);
console.error('%s %d: %s', e, 0, t);
} else debugs[e] = function () {};
@@ -1735,13 +1738,13 @@ function stylizeWithColor(e, t) {
: e;
-function stylizeNoColor(e) {
+function stylizeNoColor(e, t) {
return e;
function arrayToHash(e) {
var t = {};
return (
- e.forEach(function (e) {
+ e.forEach(function (e, n) {
t[e] = !0;
@@ -1751,7 +1754,7 @@ function formatValue(e, t, r) {
if (
e.customInspect &&
t &&
- isFunction(t.inspect) &&
+ isFunction$1(t.inspect) &&
t.inspect !== inspect &&
!(t.constructor && t.constructor.prototype === t)
) {
@@ -1768,7 +1771,7 @@ function formatValue(e, t, r) {
return formatError(t);
if (0 === i.length) {
- if (isFunction(t)) {
+ if (isFunction$1(t)) {
var d = t.name ? ': ' + t.name : '';
return e.stylize('[Function' + d + ']', 'special');
@@ -1780,7 +1783,7 @@ function formatValue(e, t, r) {
var l = '',
h = !1,
p = ['{', '}'];
- if ((isArray$2(t) && ((h = !0), (p = ['[', ']'])), isFunction(t))) {
+ if ((isArray(t) && ((h = !0), (p = ['[', ']'])), isFunction$1(t))) {
var u = t.name ? ': ' + t.name : '';
l = ' [Function' + u + ']';
@@ -1832,7 +1835,7 @@ function formatError(e) {
function formatArray(e, t, n, r, o) {
for (var a = [], s = 0, d = t.length; s < d; ++s)
- hasOwnProperty$1(t, s + '')
+ hasOwnProperty(t, s + '')
? a.push(formatProperty(e, t, n, r, s + '', !0))
: a.push('');
return (
@@ -1851,7 +1854,7 @@ function formatProperty(e, t, n, r, o, a) {
? (s = e.stylize('[Getter/Setter]', 'special'))
: (s = e.stylize('[Getter]', 'special'))
: d.set && (s = e.stylize('[Setter]', 'special')),
- hasOwnProperty$1(r, o) || (i = '[' + o + ']'),
+ hasOwnProperty(r, o) || (i = '[' + o + ']'),
s ||
(0 > e.seen.indexOf(d.value)
? ((s = isNull(n)
@@ -1898,7 +1901,7 @@ function reduceToSingleString(e, t, n) {
? n[0] + ('' === t ? '' : t + '\n ') + ' ' + e.join(',\n ') + ' ' + n[1]
: n[0] + t + ' ' + e.join(', ') + ' ' + n[1];
-function isArray$2(e) {
+function isArray(e) {
return Array.isArray(e);
function isBoolean(e) {
@@ -1934,7 +1937,7 @@ function isError(t) {
('[object Error]' === objectToString(t) || t instanceof Error)
-function isFunction(e) {
+function isFunction$1(e) {
return 'function' == typeof e;
function objectToString(e) {
@@ -1945,7 +1948,7 @@ function _extend(e, t) {
for (var n = Object.keys(t), r = n.length; r--; ) e[n[r]] = t[n[r]];
return e;
-function hasOwnProperty$1(e, t) {
+function hasOwnProperty(e, t) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t);
var url = {
@@ -2000,80 +2003,81 @@ function urlParse(e, t, n) {
return r.parse(e, t, n), r;
Url.prototype.parse = function (e, t, n) {
- return parse$1(this, e, t, n);
+ return parse(this, e, t, n);
-function parse$1(e, t, n, r) {
+function parse(e, t, n, r) {
if (!isString(t))
throw new TypeError("Parameter 'url' must be a string, not " + typeof t);
var o = t.indexOf('?'),
a = -1 !== o && o < t.indexOf('#') ? '?' : '#',
- d = t.split(a);
- (d[0] = d[0].replace(/\\/g, '/')), (t = d.join(a));
- var u = t;
- if (((u = u.trim()), !r && 1 === t.split('#').length)) {
- var f = simplePathPattern.exec(u);
- if (f)
+ d = t.split(a),
+ u = /\\/g;
+ (d[0] = d[0].replace(u, '/')), (t = d.join(a));
+ var f = t;
+ if (((f = f.trim()), !r && 1 === t.split('#').length)) {
+ var c = simplePathPattern.exec(f);
+ if (c)
return (
- (e.path = u),
- (e.href = u),
- (e.pathname = f[1]),
- f[2]
- ? ((e.search = f[2]),
- (e.query = n ? parse(e.search.substr(1)) : e.search.substr(1)))
+ (e.path = f),
+ (e.href = f),
+ (e.pathname = c[1]),
+ c[2]
+ ? ((e.search = c[2]),
+ (e.query = n ? parse$1(e.search.substr(1)) : e.search.substr(1)))
: n && ((e.search = ''), (e.query = {})),
- var c = protocolPattern.exec(u);
- if (c) {
- c = c[0];
- var g = c.toLowerCase();
- (e.protocol = g), (u = u.substr(c.length));
+ var g = protocolPattern.exec(f);
+ if (g) {
+ g = g[0];
+ var m = g.toLowerCase();
+ (e.protocol = m), (f = f.substr(g.length));
- if (r || c || u.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
- var m = '//' === u.substr(0, 2);
- m && !(c && hostlessProtocol[c]) && ((u = u.substr(2)), (e.slashes = !0));
+ if (r || g || f.match(/^\/\/[^@\/]+@[^@\/]+/)) {
+ var y = '//' === f.substr(0, 2);
+ y && !(g && hostlessProtocol[g]) && ((f = f.substr(2)), (e.slashes = !0));
- var y, b, _, w;
- if (!hostlessProtocol[c] && (m || (c && !slashedProtocol[c]))) {
- var R = -1;
- for (y = 0; y < hostEndingChars.length; y++)
- (b = u.indexOf(hostEndingChars[y])),
- -1 !== b && (-1 === R || b < R) && (R = b);
- var v, x;
+ var b, _, w, R;
+ if (!hostlessProtocol[g] && (y || (g && !slashedProtocol[g]))) {
+ var v = -1;
+ for (b = 0; b < hostEndingChars.length; b++)
+ (_ = f.indexOf(hostEndingChars[b])),
+ -1 !== _ && (-1 === v || _ < v) && (v = _);
+ var S, L;
for (
- x = -1 === R ? u.lastIndexOf('@') : u.lastIndexOf('@', R),
- -1 !== x &&
- ((v = u.slice(0, x)),
- (u = u.slice(x + 1)),
- (e.auth = decodeURIComponent(v))),
- R = -1,
- y = 0;
- y < nonHostChars.length;
- y++
+ L = -1 === v ? f.lastIndexOf('@') : f.lastIndexOf('@', v),
+ -1 !== L &&
+ ((S = f.slice(0, L)),
+ (f = f.slice(L + 1)),
+ (e.auth = decodeURIComponent(S))),
+ v = -1,
+ b = 0;
+ b < nonHostChars.length;
+ b++
- (b = u.indexOf(nonHostChars[y])),
- -1 !== b && (-1 === R || b < R) && (R = b);
- -1 === R && (R = u.length),
- (e.host = u.slice(0, R)),
- (u = u.slice(R)),
+ (_ = f.indexOf(nonHostChars[b])),
+ -1 !== _ && (-1 === v || _ < v) && (v = _);
+ -1 === v && (v = f.length),
+ (e.host = f.slice(0, v)),
+ (f = f.slice(v)),
(e.hostname = e.hostname || '');
- var E = '[' === e.hostname[0] && ']' === e.hostname[e.hostname.length - 1];
- if (!E) {
- var L = e.hostname.split(/\./);
- for (y = 0, _ = L.length; y < _; y++) {
- var S = L[y];
- if (S && !S.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {
- for (var A = '', C = 0, O = S.length; C < O; C++)
- A += 127 < S.charCodeAt(C) ? 'x' : S[C];
+ var x = '[' === e.hostname[0] && ']' === e.hostname[e.hostname.length - 1];
+ if (!x) {
+ var E = e.hostname.split(/\./);
+ for (b = 0, w = E.length; b < w; b++) {
+ var C = E[b];
+ if (C && !C.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {
+ for (var A = '', T = 0, P = C.length; T < P; T++)
+ A += 127 < C.charCodeAt(T) ? 'x' : C[T];
if (!A.match(hostnamePartPattern)) {
- var P = L.slice(0, y),
- k = L.slice(y + 1),
- T = S.match(hostnamePartStart);
- T && (P.push(T[1]), k.unshift(T[2])),
- k.length && (u = '/' + k.join('.') + u),
- (e.hostname = P.join('.'));
+ var O = E.slice(0, b),
+ B = E.slice(b + 1),
+ M = C.match(hostnamePartStart);
+ M && (O.push(M[1]), B.unshift(M[2])),
+ B.length && (f = '/' + B.join('.') + f),
+ (e.hostname = O.join('.'));
@@ -2081,47 +2085,47 @@ function parse$1(e, t, n, r) {
(e.hostname =
e.hostname.length > hostnameMaxLen ? '' : e.hostname.toLowerCase()),
- E || (e.hostname = toASCII(e.hostname)),
- (w = e.port ? ':' + e.port : '');
- var B = e.hostname || '';
- (e.host = B + w),
+ x || (e.hostname = toASCII(e.hostname)),
+ (R = e.port ? ':' + e.port : '');
+ var q = e.hostname || '';
+ (e.host = q + R),
(e.href += e.host),
- E &&
+ x &&
((e.hostname = e.hostname.substr(1, e.hostname.length - 2)),
- '/' !== u[0] && (u = '/' + u));
+ '/' !== f[0] && (f = '/' + f));
- if (!unsafeProtocol[g])
- for (y = 0, _ = autoEscape.length; y < _; y++) {
- var h = autoEscape[y];
- if (-1 !== u.indexOf(h)) {
- var q = encodeURIComponent(h);
- q === h && (q = escape(h)), (u = u.split(h).join(q));
+ if (!unsafeProtocol[m])
+ for (b = 0, w = autoEscape.length; b < w; b++) {
+ var h = autoEscape[b];
+ if (-1 !== f.indexOf(h)) {
+ var U = encodeURIComponent(h);
+ U === h && (U = escape(h)), (f = f.split(h).join(U));
- var M = u.indexOf('#');
- -1 !== M && ((e.hash = u.substr(M)), (u = u.slice(0, M)));
- var U = u.indexOf('?');
+ var I = f.indexOf('#');
+ -1 !== I && ((e.hash = f.substr(I)), (f = f.slice(0, I)));
+ var D = f.indexOf('?');
if (
- (-1 === U
+ (-1 === D
? n && ((e.search = ''), (e.query = {}))
- : ((e.search = u.substr(U)),
- (e.query = u.substr(U + 1)),
- n && (e.query = parse(e.query)),
- (u = u.slice(0, U))),
- u && (e.pathname = u),
- slashedProtocol[g] && e.hostname && !e.pathname && (e.pathname = '/'),
+ : ((e.search = f.substr(D)),
+ (e.query = f.substr(D + 1)),
+ n && (e.query = parse$1(e.query)),
+ (f = f.slice(0, D))),
+ f && (e.pathname = f),
+ slashedProtocol[m] && e.hostname && !e.pathname && (e.pathname = '/'),
e.pathname || e.search)
) {
- w = e.pathname || '';
- var I = e.search || '';
- e.path = w + I;
+ R = e.pathname || '';
+ var Y = e.search || '';
+ e.path = R + Y;
- return (e.href = format$1(e)), e;
+ return (e.href = format(e)), e;
function urlFormat(e) {
- return isString(e) && (e = parse$1({}, e)), format$1(e);
+ return isString(e) && (e = parse({}, e)), format(e);
-function format$1(e) {
+function format(e) {
var t = e.auth || '';
t && ((t = encodeURIComponent(t)), (t = t.replace(/%3A/i, ':')), (t += '@'));
var n = e.protocol || '',
@@ -2158,7 +2162,7 @@ function format$1(e) {
Url.prototype.format = function () {
- return format$1(this);
+ return format(this);
function urlResolve(e, t) {
return urlParse(e, !1, !0).resolve(t);
@@ -2241,7 +2245,7 @@ function urlResolveObject(e, t) {
e.host && ('' === u[0] ? (u[0] = e.host) : u.unshift(e.host)),
(e.host = null)),
(b = b && ('' === u[0] || '' === w[0])));
- var x;
+ var S;
if (y)
(r.host = e.host || '' === e.host ? e.host : r.host),
(r.hostname = e.hostname || '' === e.hostname ? e.hostname : r.hostname),
@@ -2258,8 +2262,8 @@ function urlResolveObject(e, t) {
return (
R &&
((r.hostname = r.host = w.shift()),
- (x = !!(r.host && 0 < r.host.indexOf('@')) && r.host.split('@')),
- x && ((r.auth = x.shift()), (r.host = r.hostname = x.shift()))),
+ (S = !!(r.host && 0 < r.host.indexOf('@')) && r.host.split('@')),
+ S && ((r.auth = S.shift()), (r.host = r.hostname = S.shift()))),
(r.search = e.search),
(r.query = e.query),
(isNull(r.pathname) && isNull(r.search)) ||
@@ -2275,32 +2279,32 @@ function urlResolveObject(e, t) {
for (
- var E = w.slice(-1)[0],
- L =
- ((r.host || e.host || 1 < w.length) && ('.' === E || '..' === E)) ||
- '' === E,
- S = 0,
- A = w.length;
- 0 <= A;
- A--
+ var L = w.slice(-1)[0],
+ x =
+ ((r.host || e.host || 1 < w.length) && ('.' === L || '..' === L)) ||
+ '' === L,
+ E = 0,
+ C = w.length;
+ 0 <= C;
+ C--
- (E = w[A]),
- '.' === E
- ? w.splice(A, 1)
- : '..' === E
- ? (w.splice(A, 1), S++)
- : S && (w.splice(A, 1), S--);
- if (!b && !_) for (; S--; S) w.unshift('..');
+ (L = w[C]),
+ '.' === L
+ ? w.splice(C, 1)
+ : '..' === L
+ ? (w.splice(C, 1), E++)
+ : E && (w.splice(C, 1), E--);
+ if (!b && !_) for (; E--; E) w.unshift('..');
b && '' !== w[0] && (!w[0] || '/' !== w[0].charAt(0)) && w.unshift(''),
- L && '/' !== w.join('/').substr(-1) && w.push('');
- var C = '' === w[0] || (w[0] && '/' === w[0].charAt(0));
+ x && '/' !== w.join('/').substr(-1) && w.push('');
+ var A = '' === w[0] || (w[0] && '/' === w[0].charAt(0));
return (
R &&
- ((r.hostname = r.host = C ? '' : w.length ? w.shift() : ''),
- (x = !!(r.host && 0 < r.host.indexOf('@')) && r.host.split('@')),
- x && ((r.auth = x.shift()), (r.host = r.hostname = x.shift()))),
+ ((r.hostname = r.host = A ? '' : w.length ? w.shift() : ''),
+ (S = !!(r.host && 0 < r.host.indexOf('@')) && r.host.split('@')),
+ S && ((r.auth = S.shift()), (r.host = r.hostname = S.shift()))),
(b = b || (r.host && w.length)),
- b && !C && w.unshift(''),
+ b && !A && w.unshift(''),
? (r.pathname = w.join('/'))
: ((r.pathname = null), (r.path = null)),
@@ -2325,8 +2329,7 @@ function parseHost(e) {
t && (e.hostname = t);
var _blobConstructor,
- hasFetch =
- isFunction$1(global$1.fetch) && isFunction$1(global$1.ReadableStream);
+ hasFetch = isFunction(global$1.fetch) && isFunction(global$1.ReadableStream);
function blobConstructor() {
if ('undefined' != typeof _blobConstructor) return _blobConstructor;
try {
@@ -2349,14 +2352,14 @@ function checkTypeSupport(e) {
var haveArrayBuffer = 'undefined' != typeof global$1.ArrayBuffer,
haveSlice =
- haveArrayBuffer && isFunction$1(global$1.ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice),
+ haveArrayBuffer && isFunction(global$1.ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice),
arraybuffer = haveArrayBuffer && checkTypeSupport('arraybuffer'),
msstream = !hasFetch && haveSlice && checkTypeSupport('ms-stream'),
mozchunkedarraybuffer =
!hasFetch && haveArrayBuffer && checkTypeSupport('moz-chunked-arraybuffer'),
- overrideMimeType = isFunction$1(xhr.overrideMimeType),
- vbArray = isFunction$1(global$1.VBArray);
-function isFunction$1(e) {
+ overrideMimeType = isFunction(xhr.overrideMimeType),
+ vbArray = isFunction(global$1.VBArray);
+function isFunction(e) {
return 'function' == typeof e;
xhr = null;
@@ -2378,7 +2381,7 @@ function EventEmitter() {
((this._events = new EventHandlers()), (this._eventsCount = 0)),
(this._maxListeners = this._maxListeners || void 0);
- (EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function (e) {
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.setMaxListeners = function t(e) {
if ('number' != typeof e || 0 > e || isNaN(e))
throw new TypeError('"n" argument must be a positive number');
return (this._maxListeners = e), this;
@@ -2388,7 +2391,7 @@ function $getMaxListeners(e) {
? EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners
: e._maxListeners;
-EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function () {
+EventEmitter.prototype.getMaxListeners = function e() {
return $getMaxListeners(this);
function emitNone(e, t, n) {
@@ -2421,49 +2424,49 @@ function emitMany(e, t, n, r) {
for (var o = e.length, a = arrayClone(e, o), s = 0; s < o; ++s)
a[s].apply(n, r);
-EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function (e) {
- var t,
- n,
+EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function t(e) {
+ var n,
- l = 'error' === e;
- if (((s = this._events), s)) l = l && null == s.error;
- else if (!l) return !1;
- if (((d = this.domain), l)) {
- if (((t = arguments[1]), d))
- t || (t = new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event')),
- (t.domainEmitter = this),
- (t.domain = d),
- (t.domainThrown = !1),
- d.emit('error', t);
- else if (t instanceof Error) throw t;
+ l,
+ h = 'error' === e;
+ if (((d = this._events), d)) h = h && null == d.error;
+ else if (!h) return !1;
+ if (((l = this.domain), h)) {
+ if (((n = arguments[1]), l))
+ n || (n = new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event')),
+ (n.domainEmitter = this),
+ (n.domain = l),
+ (n.domainThrown = !1),
+ l.emit('error', n);
+ else if (n instanceof Error) throw n;
else {
- var h = new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event. (' + t + ')');
- throw ((h.context = t), h);
+ var p = new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event. (' + n + ')');
+ throw ((p.context = n), p);
return !1;
- if (((n = s[e]), !n)) return !1;
- var p = 'function' == typeof n;
- switch (((r = arguments.length), r)) {
+ if (((r = d[e]), !r)) return !1;
+ var u = 'function' == typeof r;
+ switch (((o = arguments.length), o)) {
case 1:
- emitNone(n, p, this);
+ emitNone(r, u, this);
case 2:
- emitOne(n, p, this, arguments[1]);
+ emitOne(r, u, this, arguments[1]);
case 3:
- emitTwo(n, p, this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
+ emitTwo(r, u, this, arguments[1], arguments[2]);
case 4:
- emitThree(n, p, this, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
+ emitThree(r, u, this, arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
- for (o = Array(r - 1), a = 1; a < r; a++) o[a - 1] = arguments[a];
- emitMany(n, p, this, o);
+ for (a = Array(o - 1), s = 1; s < o; s++) a[s - 1] = arguments[s];
+ emitMany(r, u, this, a);
return !0;
@@ -2509,11 +2512,11 @@ function _addListener(e, t, n, r) {
function emitWarning(t) {
'function' == typeof console.warn ? console.warn(t) : console.log(t);
-(EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function (e, t) {
+(EventEmitter.prototype.addListener = function n(e, t) {
return _addListener(this, e, t, !1);
(EventEmitter.prototype.on = EventEmitter.prototype.addListener),
- (EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function (e, t) {
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.prependListener = function n(e, t) {
return _addListener(this, e, t, !0);
function _onceWrap(e, t, n) {
@@ -2523,59 +2526,59 @@ function _onceWrap(e, t, n) {
var o = !1;
return (r.listener = n), r;
-(EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (e, t) {
+(EventEmitter.prototype.once = function n(e, t) {
if ('function' != typeof t)
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
return this.on(e, _onceWrap(this, e, t)), this;
- (EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function (e, t) {
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.prependOnceListener = function n(e, t) {
if ('function' != typeof t)
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
return this.prependListener(e, _onceWrap(this, e, t)), this;
- (EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function (e, t) {
- var n, r, o, a, s;
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.removeListener = function n(e, t) {
+ var r, o, a, s, d;
if ('function' != typeof t)
throw new TypeError('"listener" argument must be a function');
- if (((r = this._events), !r)) return this;
- if (((n = r[e]), !n)) return this;
- if (n === t || (n.listener && n.listener === t))
+ if (((o = this._events), !o)) return this;
+ if (((r = o[e]), !r)) return this;
+ if (r === t || (r.listener && r.listener === t))
0 == --this._eventsCount
? (this._events = new EventHandlers())
- : (delete r[e],
- r.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', e, n.listener || t));
- else if ('function' != typeof n) {
- for (o = -1, a = n.length; 0 < a--; )
- if (n[a] === t || (n[a].listener && n[a].listener === t)) {
- (s = n[a].listener), (o = a);
+ : (delete o[e],
+ o.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', e, r.listener || t));
+ else if ('function' != typeof r) {
+ for (a = -1, s = r.length; 0 < s--; )
+ if (r[s] === t || (r[s].listener && r[s].listener === t)) {
+ (d = r[s].listener), (a = s);
- if (0 > o) return this;
- if (1 === n.length) {
- if (((n[0] = void 0), 0 == --this._eventsCount))
+ if (0 > a) return this;
+ if (1 === r.length) {
+ if (((r[0] = void 0), 0 == --this._eventsCount))
return (this._events = new EventHandlers()), this;
- delete r[e];
- } else spliceOne(n, o);
- r.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', e, s || t);
+ delete o[e];
+ } else spliceOne(r, a);
+ o.removeListener && this.emit('removeListener', e, d || t);
return this;
- (EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function (e) {
- var t, n;
- if (((n = this._events), !n)) return this;
- if (!n.removeListener)
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.removeAllListeners = function t(e) {
+ var n, r;
+ if (((r = this._events), !r)) return this;
+ if (!r.removeListener)
return (
0 === arguments.length
? ((this._events = new EventHandlers()), (this._eventsCount = 0))
- : n[e] &&
+ : r[e] &&
(0 == --this._eventsCount
? (this._events = new EventHandlers())
- : delete n[e]),
+ : delete r[e]),
if (0 === arguments.length) {
- for (var r, o = Object.keys(n), a = 0; a < o.length; ++a)
- (r = o[a]), 'removeListener' === r || this.removeAllListeners(r);
+ for (var o, a = Object.keys(r), s = 0; s < a.length; ++s)
+ (o = a[s]), 'removeListener' !== o && this.removeAllListeners(o);
return (
(this._events = new EventHandlers()),
@@ -2583,35 +2586,35 @@ function _onceWrap(e, t, n) {
- if (((t = n[e]), 'function' == typeof t)) this.removeListener(e, t);
- else if (t)
- do this.removeListener(e, t[t.length - 1]);
- while (t[0]);
+ if (((n = r[e]), 'function' == typeof n)) this.removeListener(e, n);
+ else if (n)
+ do this.removeListener(e, n[n.length - 1]);
+ while (n[0]);
return this;
- (EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function (e) {
- var t,
- n,
- r = this._events;
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.listeners = function t(e) {
+ var n,
+ r,
+ o = this._events;
return (
- r
- ? ((t = r[e]),
- (n = t
- ? 'function' == typeof t
- ? [t.listener || t]
- : unwrapListeners(t)
+ o
+ ? ((n = o[e]),
+ (r = n
+ ? 'function' == typeof n
+ ? [n.listener || n]
+ : unwrapListeners(n)
: []))
- : (n = []),
- n
+ : (r = []),
+ r
(EventEmitter.listenerCount = function (e, t) {
return 'function' == typeof e.listenerCount
? e.listenerCount(t)
- : listenerCount.call(e, t);
+ : listenerCount$1.call(e, t);
- (EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount);
-function listenerCount(e) {
+ (EventEmitter.prototype.listenerCount = listenerCount$1);
+function listenerCount$1(e) {
var t = this._events;
if (t) {
var n = t[e];
@@ -2620,7 +2623,7 @@ function listenerCount(e) {
return 0;
-EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function () {
+EventEmitter.prototype.eventNames = function e() {
return 0 < this._eventsCount ? Reflect.ownKeys(this._events) : [];
function spliceOne(e, t) {
@@ -2815,7 +2818,7 @@ function prependListener(e, t, n) {
: (e._events[t] = [n, e._events[t]])
: e.on(t, n));
-function listenerCount$1(e, t) {
+function listenerCount(e, t) {
return e.listeners(t).length;
function ReadableState(e, t) {
@@ -3032,7 +3035,7 @@ function maybeReadMore_(e, t) {
n = t.length;
t.readingMore = !1;
-(Readable.prototype._read = function () {
+(Readable.prototype._read = function (e) {
this.emit('error', new Error('not implemented'));
(Readable.prototype.pipe = function (e, t) {
@@ -3074,7 +3077,7 @@ function maybeReadMore_(e, t) {
debug('onerror', t),
e.removeListener('error', i),
- 0 === listenerCount$1(e, 'error') && e.emit('error', t);
+ 0 === listenerCount(e, 'error') && e.emit('error', t);
function s() {
e.removeListener('finish', d), l();
@@ -3231,8 +3234,9 @@ function flow(e) {
return e[t].apply(e, arguments);
+ var n = ['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume'];
return (
- forEach(['error', 'close', 'destroy', 'pause', 'resume'], function (t) {
+ forEach(n, function (t) {
e.on(t, o.emit.bind(o, t));
(o._read = function (t) {
@@ -3369,9 +3373,9 @@ function WritableState(e, t) {
(this.bufferedRequestCount = 0),
(this.corkedRequestsFree = new CorkedRequest(this));
-WritableState.prototype.getBuffer = function () {
- for (var e = this.bufferedRequest, t = []; e; ) t.push(e), (e = e.next);
- return t;
+WritableState.prototype.getBuffer = function e() {
+ for (var t = this.bufferedRequest, n = []; t; ) n.push(t), (t = t.next);
+ return n;
function Writable(e) {
return this instanceof Writable || this instanceof Duplex
@@ -3434,7 +3438,7 @@ function validChunk(e, t, n, r) {
e.bufferedRequest &&
clearBuffer(this, e));
- (Writable.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function (e) {
+ (Writable.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function t(e) {
if (
('string' == typeof e && (e = e.toLowerCase()),
@@ -3634,6 +3638,146 @@ function onend() {
function onEndNT(e) {
+inherits$1(Transform, Duplex);
+function TransformState(e) {
+ (this.afterTransform = function (t, n) {
+ return afterTransform(e, t, n);
+ }),
+ (this.needTransform = !1),
+ (this.transforming = !1),
+ (this.writecb = null),
+ (this.writechunk = null),
+ (this.writeencoding = null);
+function afterTransform(e, t, n) {
+ var r = e._transformState;
+ r.transforming = !1;
+ var o = r.writecb;
+ if (!o) return e.emit('error', new Error('no writecb in Transform class'));
+ (r.writechunk = null),
+ (r.writecb = null),
+ null !== n && n !== void 0 && e.push(n),
+ o(t);
+ var a = e._readableState;
+ (a.reading = !1),
+ (a.needReadable || a.length < a.highWaterMark) && e._read(a.highWaterMark);
+function Transform(e) {
+ if (!(this instanceof Transform)) return new Transform(e);
+ Duplex.call(this, e), (this._transformState = new TransformState(this));
+ var t = this;
+ (this._readableState.needReadable = !0),
+ (this._readableState.sync = !1),
+ e &&
+ ('function' == typeof e.transform && (this._transform = e.transform),
+ 'function' == typeof e.flush && (this._flush = e.flush)),
+ this.once('prefinish', function () {
+ 'function' == typeof this._flush
+ ? this._flush(function (e) {
+ done(t, e);
+ })
+ : done(t);
+ });
+(Transform.prototype.push = function (e, t) {
+ return (
+ (this._transformState.needTransform = !1),
+ Duplex.prototype.push.call(this, e, t)
+ );
+ (Transform.prototype._transform = function (e, t, n) {
+ throw new Error('Not implemented');
+ }),
+ (Transform.prototype._write = function (e, t, n) {
+ var r = this._transformState;
+ if (
+ ((r.writecb = n),
+ (r.writechunk = e),
+ (r.writeencoding = t),
+ !r.transforming)
+ ) {
+ var o = this._readableState;
+ (r.needTransform || o.needReadable || o.length < o.highWaterMark) &&
+ this._read(o.highWaterMark);
+ }
+ }),
+ (Transform.prototype._read = function (e) {
+ var t = this._transformState;
+ null !== t.writechunk && t.writecb && !t.transforming
+ ? ((t.transforming = !0),
+ this._transform(t.writechunk, t.writeencoding, t.afterTransform))
+ : (t.needTransform = !0);
+ });
+function done(e, t) {
+ if (t) return e.emit('error', t);
+ var n = e._writableState,
+ r = e._transformState;
+ if (n.length) throw new Error('Calling transform done when ws.length != 0');
+ if (r.transforming)
+ throw new Error('Calling transform done when still transforming');
+ return e.push(null);
+inherits$1(PassThrough, Transform);
+function PassThrough(e) {
+ return this instanceof PassThrough
+ ? void Transform.call(this, e)
+ : new PassThrough(e);
+(PassThrough.prototype._transform = function (e, t, n) {
+ n(null, e);
+ inherits$1(Stream, EventEmitter),
+ (Stream.Readable = Readable),
+ (Stream.Writable = Writable),
+ (Stream.Duplex = Duplex),
+ (Stream.Transform = Transform),
+ (Stream.PassThrough = PassThrough),
+ (Stream.Stream = Stream);
+function Stream() {
+ EventEmitter.call(this);
+Stream.prototype.pipe = function (e, t) {
+ function n(t) {
+ e.writable && !1 === e.write(t) && d.pause && d.pause();
+ }
+ function r() {
+ d.readable && d.resume && d.resume();
+ }
+ function o() {
+ l || ((l = !0), e.end());
+ }
+ function a() {
+ l || ((l = !0), 'function' == typeof e.destroy && e.destroy());
+ }
+ function i(e) {
+ if ((s(), 0 === EventEmitter.listenerCount(this, 'error'))) throw e;
+ }
+ function s() {
+ d.removeListener('data', n),
+ e.removeListener('drain', r),
+ d.removeListener('end', o),
+ d.removeListener('close', a),
+ d.removeListener('error', i),
+ e.removeListener('error', i),
+ d.removeListener('end', s),
+ d.removeListener('close', s),
+ e.removeListener('close', s);
+ }
+ var d = this;
+ d.on('data', n),
+ e.on('drain', r),
+ e._isStdio || (t && !1 === t.end) || (d.on('end', o), d.on('close', a));
+ var l = !1;
+ return (
+ d.on('error', i),
+ e.on('error', i),
+ d.on('end', s),
+ d.on('close', s),
+ e.on('close', s),
+ e.emit('pipe', d),
+ e
+ );
var rStates = {
@@ -3650,7 +3794,7 @@ function IncomingMessage(e, t, n) {
(r.trailers = {}),
(r.rawTrailers = []),
r.on('end', function () {
- browser$1.nextTick(function () {
+ process.nextTick(function () {
@@ -3900,7 +4044,7 @@ var unsafeHeaders = [
try {
a.open(e._opts.method, e._opts.url, !0);
} catch (t) {
- return void browser$1.nextTick(function () {
+ return void process.nextTick(function () {
e.emit('error', t);
@@ -3930,7 +4074,7 @@ var unsafeHeaders = [
try {
} catch (t) {
- return void browser$1.nextTick(function () {
+ return void process.nextTick(function () {
e.emit('error', t);
@@ -4127,20 +4271,15 @@ class Fasquest {
_request(e, n, r = 0) {
- var o = this._setOptions({ ...e });
- o.json && o.body && (o.body = JSON.stringify(o.body)),
- o.body &&
- !o.headers['Content-Length'] &&
- (o.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(o.body));
- var a = client[o.proto].request(o, (e) => {
+ var o = this._setOptions(e),
+ a = client[o.proto].request(o, (e) => {
(e.body = ''),
e.on('data', (t) => {
e.body += t;
e.on('end', () => {
if (
- (clearTimeout(i),
- delete o.agent,
+ (o.timeout && clearTimeout(i),
-1 !== REDIRECT_CODES.indexOf(e.statusCode) && r < o.redirect_max)
return (
@@ -4158,8 +4297,9 @@ class Fasquest {
? n(a, e, new SimpleError())
: n(a, e, null);
- }),
- i = setTimeout(() => {
+ });
+ if (o.timeout)
+ var i = setTimeout(() => {
}, o.timeout || 6e4);
a.on('error', (t) => {
@@ -4167,29 +4307,46 @@ class Fasquest {
-1 < t.message.indexOf('socket hang up')
? new RequestTimeoutError(t)
: new RequestError(t);
- return delete o.agent, n(a, null, e);
+ return n(a, null, e);
o.body && a.write(o.body),
_setOptions(e) {
- if (((e.simple = !1 !== e.simple), (e.method = e.method || 'GET'), e.qs)) {
- var t = qs.stringify(e.qs);
- 0 < t.length && (e.uri += (-1 < e.uri.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + t);
+ var t = {
+ simple: !1 !== e.simple,
+ method: e.method || 'GET',
+ uri: e.uri,
+ timeout: e.timeout,
+ };
+ if (e.qs) {
+ var n = qs.stringify(e.qs);
+ 0 < n.length && (t.uri += (-1 < t.uri.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + n);
+ if (
+ ((t = this._uri_to_options(t.uri, t)),
+ (t.agent = e.agent || this.agent[e.proto]),
+ (t.headers = {}),
+ e.headers)
+ )
+ for (var r = Object.keys(e.headers), o = 0; o < r.length; o++)
+ t.headers[r[o]] = e.headers[r[o]];
return (
- this._uri_to_options(e),
- (e.agent = e.agent || this.agent[e.proto]),
- e.headers || (e.headers = {}),
- ? (e.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json')
- : e.form &&
- ((e.body = qs.stringify(e.form)),
- (e.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
- (e.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(e.body))),
+ ? ((t.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'),
+ e.body && (t.body = JSON.stringify(e.body)))
+ : e.form
+ ? ((t.body = qs.stringify(e.form)),
+ (t.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'),
+ (t.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(t.body)))
+ : e.body &&
+ ((t.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(e.body)),
+ !t.headers['Content-Type'] &&
+ (t.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'),
+ (t.body = e.body)),
e.authorization &&
- ? (e.headers.Authorization =
+ ? (t.headers.Authorization =
'Basic ' +
e.authorization.basic.client +
@@ -4198,36 +4355,37 @@ class Fasquest {
: e.authorization.bearer &&
- (e.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + e.authorization.bearer),
- delete e.authorization),
- e.redirect_max || 0 === e.redirect_max || (e.redirect_max = 5),
- e
+ (t.headers.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + e.authorization.bearer)),
+ e.redirect_max || 0 === e.redirect_max || (t.redirect_max = 5),
+ t
- _uri_to_options(e) {
- var t = { proto: '', path: '', port: 80, host: '' },
- n = e.uri.split('://');
- if (((t.proto = n[0]), -1 < n[1].indexOf(':'))) {
- const e = n[1].split(':'),
- r = e[1].indexOf('/');
- -1 < r
- ? ((n[1] = e[1]), (t.path = n[1].slice(r)), (t.port = n[1].slice(0, r)))
- : (t.port = e[1]),
- (t.host = e[0]);
- } else t.port = 'https' == t.proto ? 443 : 80;
- const r = n[1].indexOf('/');
- -1 < r
- ? ((t.path = t.path || n[1].slice(r)),
- (t.host = t.host || n[1].slice(0, r)))
- : ((t.path = t.path || '/'), (t.host = t.host || n[1])),
- (e.proto = t.proto),
- (e.path = t.path),
- (e.port = t.port),
- (e.host = t.host);
+ _uri_to_options(e, t) {
+ var n = { proto: '', path: '', port: 80, host: '' },
+ r = e.split('://');
+ n.proto = r[0];
+ var o = r[1].indexOf(':');
+ if (-1 < o && !isNaN(r[1][o + 1])) {
+ const e = r[1].indexOf('/');
+ -1 < e
+ ? ((n.path = r[1].slice(e)), (n.port = r[1].slice(o + 1, e)))
+ : (n.port = r[1].slice(o + 1)),
+ (n.host = r[1].slice(0, o));
+ } else n.port = 'https' == n.proto ? 443 : 80;
+ const a = r[1].indexOf('/');
+ return (
+ -1 < a
+ ? ((n.path = n.path || r[1].slice(a)),
+ (n.host = n.host || r[1].slice(0, a)))
+ : ((n.path = n.path || '/'), (n.host = n.host || r[1])),
+ (t.proto = n.proto),
+ (t.path = n.path),
+ (t.port = n.port),
+ (t.host = n.host),
+ t
+ );
-var Fasquest_1 = new Fasquest();
-export default Fasquest_1;
* SDK - importing the SDK for use
@@ -4860,151 +5018,31 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* body
* ```json
* {
- * "group": {
- * "anonymous": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/portal/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "name": "*-travelling-portal-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/auth/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "name": "*-travelling-api-v1-auth-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-route-allowed"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-user-me-permission-allowed-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/assets/*",
- * "host": null,
- * "removeFromPath": "/travelling/assets/",
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-assets-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/travelling/api/v1/config/password",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-travelling-api-v1-config-password"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/favicon.ico",
- * "host": null,
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-favicon.ico"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": null,
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group3": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": [
- * "testgroup|group1",
- * "group|group2"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "superadmin": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "host": null,
- * "route": "/travelling/*",
- * "name": "*-travelling-*"
- * },
- * {
- * "name": "test-one-*-three"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": [
- * "group|anonymous"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group4": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": [],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group2": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "route": "/test/get",
- * "host": "",
- * "removeFromPath": "/test/get",
- * "method": "GET",
- * "name": "get-test-get"
- * },
- * {
- * "route": "/test/post",
- * "host": "",
- * "removeFromPath": "/test/post",
- * "method": "POST",
- * "name": "post-test-post"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": [
- * "testgroup|group1"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "group5": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": [
- * {
- * "route": "/test/delete/:grouptype",
- * "host": "",
- * "removeFromPath": "/test/delete",
- * "method": "DELETE",
- * "name": "delete-test-delete-:grouptype"
- * }
- * ],
- * "inherited": [
- * "group|group4",
- * "group|superadmin"
- * ],
- * "is_default": true
- * },
- * "group1": {
- * "type": "group",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": null,
- * "is_default": false
- * }
- * },
- * "testgroup": {
- * "group1": {
- * "type": "testgroup",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": [
- * "group|group4"
- * ],
- * "is_default": false
- * },
- * "superadmin": {
- * "type": "testgroup",
- * "allowed": null,
- * "inherited": null,
- * "is_default": false
- * }
+ * "group": {
+ * "anonymous": {
+ * "allowed": [
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/portal/*"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/assets/*"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/favicon.ico"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/logout"},
+ * {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/forgot"},
+ * {"method": "PUT", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/password/reset"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/activate"},
+ * {"method": "POST", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/token"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/auth/login/otp"},
+ * {"method": "POST","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ * {"method": "GET","route":"/account/api/v1/auth/oauth/authorize"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/permission/allowed/*"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/user/me/route/allowed"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/password"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/api/v1/config/portal/webclient"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/metrics"},
+ * {"method": "GET", "route": "/account/health"}
+ * ]
* }
+ * }
* }
+ *
* ```
static async import(body, authorization_bearer, opts) {
@@ -7285,6 +7323,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* @param {any} filter Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06)
* @param {any} sortdir Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC)
* @param {any} ids Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f)
+ * @param {any} params (example: id)
* @param {string} authorization_bearer The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.
static async get(
@@ -7294,6 +7333,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
+ params,
) {
@@ -7301,7 +7341,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
method: 'GET',
simple: false,
uri: hostUrl + '/' + `api/v1/users`,
- qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids },
+ qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params },
authorization: {
bearer: authorization_bearer,
@@ -7425,6 +7465,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* @param {any} filter Filter parameters (example: locked=false,created_on>2021-06-03,created_on<2021-06-06) (example: created_on>2021-06-01,created_on<2021-06-08)
* @param {any} sortdir Sort direction (example ascending order: ASC) (example: ASC)
* @param {any} ids Comma seperated id values used in inclusion query (example: d0323874-9b24-4bc5-ae38-fb8808c4e453,08c4c17f-317b-4be8-bfbd-451a274a3f7f)
+ * @param {any} params (example: id,created_on)
* @param {string} authorization_bearer The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.
static async get(
@@ -7435,6 +7476,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
+ params,
) {
@@ -7442,7 +7484,7 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
method: 'GET',
simple: false,
uri: hostUrl + '/' + `api/v1/users/domain/${domain}`,
- qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids },
+ qs: { sort, limit, skip, filter, sortdir, ids, params },
authorization: {
bearer: authorization_bearer,
@@ -9221,15 +9263,15 @@ function SDK(host, opts) {
* Path: api/v1/auth/register/domain/:domain
* @param {Object} body
- * @param {any} domain Domain name (example: test.com) (example: traziventures.com)
+ * @param {any} domain Domain name (example: test.com) (example: contactsource.com)
* @param {any} randomPassword Generates a random password on the backend securely if set to `true` (example: true)
* @param {string} authorization_bearer The client_credentials generated OAUth2 access token.
* @example
* body
* ```json
* {
- * "email": "test@test.com",
- * "password": "Pas5w0r!d"
+ * "email": "mark+test@trazi.com",
+ * "password": "Trazi123**"
* }
* ```
diff --git a/tests/endpoints/auth-register.js b/tests/endpoints/auth-register.js
index 856b6de1..2b1fb678 100644
--- a/tests/endpoints/auth-register.js
+++ b/tests/endpoints/auth-register.js
@@ -146,6 +146,19 @@ module.exports = () => {
+ test('Create Test User [test_domain_7] - GMAIL', async () => {
+ var res = await Travelling.Auth.Domain.register(
+ {
+ username: 'test_domain_7',
+ password: 'Pas5w0r!d6',
+ email: 'test@gmail.com'
+ },
+ 'traziventures.com'
+ );
+ expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(200);
+ });
describe('Invalid', () => {
@@ -214,6 +227,28 @@ module.exports = () => {
+ if (config.email.validation.internal.dedupeGmail) {
+ test('Duplicate Email - with GMAIL dedupe (+)', async () => {
+ var res = await Travelling.Auth.register({
+ username: 'test1',
+ password: 'Pas5w0r!d',
+ email: 'test+123+6969@gmail.com'
+ });
+ expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(400);
+ });
+ test('Duplicate Email - with GMAIL dedupe (.)', async () => {
+ var res = await Travelling.Auth.register({
+ username: 'test1',
+ password: 'Pas5w0r!d',
+ email: 't.e.s.t+123+6969@gmail.com'
+ });
+ expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(400);
+ });
+ }
test('No Email', async () => {
var res = await Travelling.Auth.register({
username: 'test1',
diff --git a/tests/endpoints/user-edit.js b/tests/endpoints/user-edit.js
index 1771fb7c..586f64e7 100644
--- a/tests/endpoints/user-edit.js
+++ b/tests/endpoints/user-edit.js
@@ -333,6 +333,28 @@ module.exports = () => {
expect([400, 404]).toContain(editUserDataPropertyValueRes.statusCode);
+ if (config.email.validation.internal.dedupeGmail) {
+ test('Edit Current User (user 1) - Edit user data with dupe gmail', async () => {
+ // First edit user to have gmail email
+ const editRes = await Travelling.User.Current.editPropertyValue(
+ 'email',
+ 'testing.guy@gmail.com',
+ userContainer.user1Token
+ );
+ expect(editRes).toHaveProperty('statusCode', 200);
+ // Attempt to edit user data with dupe email properties (+, .)
+ const invalidRes = await Travelling.User.Current.editPropertyValue(
+ 'email',
+ 't.e.stinggu.y+123213@gmail.com',
+ userContainer.user1Token
+ );
+ expect(invalidRes).toHaveProperty('statusCode', 400);
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/tests/endpoints/users-get.js b/tests/endpoints/users-get.js
index f911f894..b0023d65 100644
--- a/tests/endpoints/users-get.js
+++ b/tests/endpoints/users-get.js
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
userContainer.users = res.body;
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
// Make sure we dont have any hashes
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.get('created_on', null, null, null, null, null, userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
test('Get Users with limit', async () => {
@@ -39,14 +39,14 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.get(null, null, 2, null, null, null, userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(7);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(8);
test('Get Users with sortdir', async () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.get(null, null, null, null, 'ASC', null, userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
test('Get Users with ids', async () => {
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.get(null, null, null, 'locked=false', null, null, userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(7);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(8);
test('Get Users with filter created_on in date range', async () => {
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
test('Get Users with filter created_on out of date range', async () => {
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(7);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(8);
test('Get Users with sort and limit', async () => {
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.get(
- 9,
+ 10,
`created_on >= ${yesterday.toISOString()}, created_on <= ${tomorrow.toISOString()}`,
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.count(null, null, null, null, userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body.count).toEqual(9);
+ expect(res.body.count).toEqual(10);
test('Get Users Count with limit', async () => {
@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Users.count(null, 3, null, null, userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body.count).toEqual(6);
+ expect(res.body.count).toEqual(7);
test('Get Users Count with limit and skip', async () => {
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body.count).toEqual(9);
+ expect(res.body.count).toEqual(10);
test('Get Users Count by Domain', async () => {
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Group.Users.get(superadminGroup.id, '', '', '', '', '', userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
// Make sure we dont have any hashes
@@ -627,14 +627,14 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Group.Users.count(superadminGroup.id, '', '', '', userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body.count).toBe(9);
+ expect(res.body.count).toBe(10);
test('Users by group name', async () => {
var res = await Travelling.Group.Users.get('superadmin', '', '', '', '', '', userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
test('Users by group name - limit', async () => {
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
test('Users by group name - sort', async () => {
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(resDESC.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(resDESC.body).toHaveLength(10);
let sortedDESC = true;
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(resASC.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(resASC.body).toHaveLength(10);
let sortedASC = true;
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
var res = await Travelling.Group.Users.count('superadmin', '', '', '', userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body.count).toBe(9);
+ expect(res.body.count).toBe(10);
test('Users by group type and ID', async () => {
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
test('Users count by group type and ID', async () => {
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body.count).toBe(9);
+ expect(res.body.count).toBe(10);
test('Users by group type and Name', async () => {
@@ -786,14 +786,14 @@ module.exports = () => {
- expect(res.body).toHaveLength(9);
+ expect(res.body).toHaveLength(10);
- test('Users by group type and Name', async () => {
+ test('Users count by group type and Name', async () => {
var res = await Travelling.Group.Type.Users.count('superadmin', 'group', '', '', '', userContainer.user1Token);
- expect(res.body.count).toBe(9);
+ expect(res.body.count).toBe(10);
diff --git a/tests/routes.js b/tests/routes.js
index 9a9fea04..5fc74b4a 100644
--- a/tests/routes.js
+++ b/tests/routes.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const config = require('../include/utils/config');
-const { Travelling } = require('../sdk/node')('' + config.serviceName,{
+const { Travelling } = require('../sdk/node')('' + config.serviceName, {
resolveWithFullResponse: true
var userContainer = require('./include/UserContainer.js');
@@ -69,6 +69,67 @@ module.exports = () => {
expect(res.body.params).toEqual({ param1: 'routes', param2: 'group5' });
+ test('[GET] redirect route - to health check with unauthenticated user', async () => {
+ const originalVal = config.misc.deniedRedirect;
+ // Set deniedRedirect to false for this test
+ config.misc.deniedRedirect = false;
+ await Travelling.Group.addRoute(
+ {
+ method: '*',
+ route: '/test-domain-redirect',
+ name: 'test-domain-redirect',
+ domain: '*',
+ redirect: 'http://example.com'
+ },
+ 'group6',
+ accessToken
+ );
+ var res = await fasq.request({
+ method: 'GET',
+ resolveWithFullResponse: true,
+ simple: false,
+ uri: '',
+ authorization: {
+ bearer: ''
+ }
+ });
+ config.misc.deniedRedirect = originalVal;
+ expect(res.body).not.toBe('Access Denied');
+ expect(res.body.includes('html')).toBe(true);
+ expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(200);
+ });
+ test('[GET] access denied on route with no redirect', async () => {
+ await Travelling.Group.addRoute(
+ {
+ method: '*',
+ route: '/test-domain-nada',
+ name: 'test-domain-nada',
+ domain: '*'
+ },
+ 'group6',
+ accessToken
+ );
+ var res = await fasq.request({
+ method: 'GET',
+ resolveWithFullResponse: true,
+ simple: false,
+ uri: '',
+ authorization: {
+ bearer: userContainer.user1Token // User1 shouldnt have group 6
+ }
+ });
+ expect(res.statusCode).toEqual(401);
+ expect(res.body).toBe('Access Denied');
+ });
test('[POST] with ID and Permission in Query Params HTTP', async () => {
await Travelling.Group.addRoute(