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550 lines (326 loc) · 14.3 KB

File metadata and controls

550 lines (326 loc) · 14.3 KB


v0.8.1 - 2024-04-10


  • 修复保持分享链接根目录出错。


  • updateuser 命令中也更新 tokens。

v0.8.0 - 2024-04-09

Add new apis and remove unneeded apis.

Inner datas

  1. PcsFile class

    • path

      Default is the name of the file. It will be different from different apis returned. See AliPCSApi.meta, AliPCSApi.meta_by_path, AliPCSApi.get_file, AliPCSApi.list, AliPCSApi.list_iter, AliPCSApi.path_traceback, AliPCSApi.path.

    • update_download_url

      The method is removed. Use AliPCSApi.update_download_url instead.

  2. FromTo type

    The original FromTo is a nametuple. We change it to a general type FromTo = Tuple[F, T]

  3. PcsDownloadUrl class

    • expires

      Add the method to check whether the download_url expires.


  1. AliPCSBaseError class

    The base Exception class used for the PCS errors.

  2. AliPCSError(AliPCSBaseError) class

    The error returned from alipan server when the client’s request is incorrect or the token is expired.

    It throw at AliPCS class when an error occurs.

  3. DownloadError(AliPCSBaseError) class

    An error occurs when downloading action fails.

  4. UploadError(AliPCSBaseError) class

    An error occurs when uploading action fails.

  5. RapidUploadError(UploadError) class

    An error occurred when rapid uploading action fails.

  6. make_alipcs_error function

    Make an AliPCSError instance.

  7. handle_error function

    uses the _error_max_retries attribute of the wrapped method’s class to retry.

Core APIs

  1. AliPCS class

    class AliPCS:
        SHARE_AUTHS: Dict[str, SharedAuth] = {}
        def __init__(
            refresh_token: str,
            access_token: str = "",
            token_type: str = "Bearer",
            expire_time: int = 0,
            user_id: str = "",
            user_name: str = "",
            nick_name: str = "",
            device_id: str = "",
            default_drive_id: str = "",
            role: str = "",
            status: str = "",
            error_max_retries: int = 2,
            max_keepalive_connections: int = 50,
            max_connections: int = 50,
            keepalive_expiry: float = 10 * 60,
            connection_max_retries: int = 2,
        ): ...

    The core service apis. It directly handles the raw requests and responses of the service.

    New/Changed APIs are following:

    • path_traceback method (New)

      Traceback the path of the file by its file_id. Return the list of all parent directories' info from the file to the top level directory.

    • meta_by_path method (New)

      Get meta info of the file by its path.

      Can not get the shared files' meta info.

    • meta method (Changed)

      Get meta info of the file by its file_id.

    • exists method (Changed)

      Check whether the file exists. Return True if the file exists and does not in the trash else False.

    • exists_in_trash method (New)

      Check whether the file exists in the trash. Return True if the file exists in the trash else False.

    • walk method (New)

      Walk through the directory tree by its file_id.

    • download_link method (Changed)

      Get download link of the file by its file_id.

      First try to get the download link from the meta info of the file. If the download link is not in the meta info, then request the getting download url api.

  2. AliPCSApi class

    class AliPCSApi:
        def __init__(
            refresh_token: str,
            access_token: str = "",
            token_type: str = "",
            expire_time: int = 0,
            user_id: str = "",
            user_name: str = "",
            nick_name: str = "",
            device_id: str = "",
            default_drive_id: str = "",
            role: str = "",
            status: str = "",
            error_max_retries: int = 2,
            max_keepalive_connections: int = 50,
            max_connections: int = 50,
            keepalive_expiry: float = 10 * 60,
            connection_max_retries: int = 2,
        ): ...

    The core service api with wrapped AliPCS class. It parses the raw content of response of AliPCS request into the inner data structions.

    • New/Changed APIs are following:

      • path_traceback method (New)

        Traceback the path of the file. Return the list of all PcsFiles from the file to the top level directory.

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile has absolute path.

      • meta_by_path method (New)

        Get the meta of the the path. Can not get the shared files' meta info by their paths.

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile is the argument remotepath.

      • meta method (Changed)

        Get meta info of the file.

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile is only the name of the file.

      • get_file method (New)

        Get the file's info by the given remotepath or file_id

        If the remotepath is given, the file_id will be ignored.

        Important: If the remotepath is given, the path property of the returned PcsFile is the remotepath. If the file_id is given, the path property of the returned PcsFile is only the name of the file.

      • exists method (Changed)

        Check whether the file exists. Return True if the file exists and does not in the trash else False.

      • exists_in_trash method (Changed)

        Check whether the file exists in the trash. Return True if the file exists in the trash else False.

      • list method (Changed)

        List files and directories in the given directory (which has the file_id). The return items size is limited by the limit parameter. If you want to list more, using the returned next_marker parameter for next list call.

        Important: These PcsFile instances' path property is only the name of the file.

      • list_iter method (Changed)

        Iterate all files and directories at the directory (which has the file_id).

        These returned PcsFile instances' path property is the path from the first sub-directory of the file_id to the file name. e.g. If the directory (owned file_id) has path level0/, a sub-directory which of path is level0/level1/level2 then its corresponding PcsFile.path is level1/level2.

      • path method (Changed)

        Get the pcs file's info by the given absolute remotepath

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile is the argument remotepath.

      • list_path method (Removed)

      • list_path_iter method (Removed)

      • walk method (New)

        Recursively Walk through the directory tree which has file_id.

        Important: These PcsFile instances' path property is the path from the first sub-directory of the file_id to the file. e.g. If the directory (owned file_id) has path level0/, a sub-directory which of path is level0/level1/level2 then its corresponding PcsFile.path is level1/level2.

      • makedir method (Changed)

        Make a directory in the dir_id directory

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile is only the name of the directory.

      • makedir_path method (Changed)

        Make a directory by the absolute remotedir path

        Return the list of all PcsFiles from the directory to the top level directory.

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile has absolute path.

      • rename method (Changed)

        Rename the file with file_id to name

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile is only the name of the file.

      • copy method (Changed)

        Copy file_ids[:-1] to file_ids[-1]

        Important: The path property of the returned PcsFile is only the name of the file.

      • update_download_url method (New)

        Update the download url of the pcs_file if it is expired.

        Return a new PcsFile with the updated download url.


  1. MeDownloader class

    class MeDownloader:
        def __init__(
            range_request_io: RangeRequestIO,
            localpath: PathType,
            continue_: bool = False,
            max_retries: int = 2,
            done_callback: Optional[Callable[..., Any]] = None,
            except_callback: Optional[Callable[[Exception], Any]] = None,
        ) -> None: ...
  2. download module

    • DownloadParams class (Removed)

      We remove the DownloadParams instead of using arguments for function calling.

    • download_file function (Changed)

      download_file downloads one remote file to one local directory. Raise any error occurred. So giving the upper level caller to handle errors.

    • download function (Changed)

      download function downloads any number of remote files/directory to one local directory. It uses a ThreadPoolExecutor to download files concurrently and raise the exception if any error occurred.

  3. upload module

    • UploadType class (Removed) only support to upload a file through uploading slice parts one by one.

      So, the class is not needed.

    • upload_file function (Changed)

      Upload a file from one local file ( from_to[0]) to remote ( from_to[1]).

      First try to rapid upload, if failed, then upload file's slices.

      Raise exception if any error occurs.

    • upload function (Changed)

      Upload files in from_to_list to Alipan Drive.

      Use a ThreadPoolExecutor to upload files concurrently.

      Raise exception if any error occurs.

v0.7.0 - 2024-04-03


  • MeDownloader 剥离线程池,让上层函数来控制。
  • 不在 upload_file 函数上进行重试,让上层函数来控制。
  • PcsFile.update_download_url 将在下个版本删除。请该用 AliPCSApi.update_download_url
  • RangeRequestIO 增加 read_iter 方法。
  • 使用 python-dateutil 库来解析时间。


  • 修复播放分享文件时的暂停问题。

v0.6.3 - 2024-02-04


  • 减少上传时对文件检查的 api 请求。
  • 支持 Python 3.8 ~ 3.12

v0.6.2 - 2023-12-04


  • 修复上传链接超时


  • 根新依赖

v0.6.1 - 2023-05-09


  • 修复下载进度条太长的问题。

v0.6.0 - 2023-04-24

New Feature

  • 支持 阿里云盘开放平台 api。

v0.5.3 - 2023-02-28


  • 因为 device_id 不再在 AliPCS.user_info 中返回,需要把运行环境中的 device_id 加入到 user_info

v0.5.2 - 2023-02-25


  • 修复 DeviceSessionSignatureInvalid 报错。支持自动更新 signature

v0.5.1 - 2023-02-22


  • 修复 ls 命令输出省略结果。 (#11)

v0.5.0 - 2023-02-15


  • 使用临时 API 接口,让下载可用。

v0.4.1 - 2023-02-02


  • 修复安装失败。


  • 更新依赖。

v0.4.0 - 2023-01-09

Breaking Changes

  • 下面几个 api 都增加了参数 part_number

    • AliPCS.create_file
    • AliPCS.prepare_file
    • AliPCSApi.create_file
    • AliPCSApi.prepare_file

    part_number 指明上传的该文件需要分几次上传。 这个参数需要用户自己计算出来。一般用 ceiling(上传文件大小 / 单个上传分片大小),其中一般 单个上传分片大小 建议为 80MB


  • 修复上传大于 100G 的文件失败的问题。 (#4)
  • 修复播出路径出错的问题。

v0.3.4 - 2022-12-16


  • 修复删除用户错误。 (#3)

v0.3.3 - 2022-12-10


  • 更新 AliPCS.meta api。

v0.3.2 - 2022-12-04


  • listsharedlinks 命令支持分页。


  • 在下载和上传时,让调用者去初始化进度条。


  • 修复不完整上传错误。
  • 修复上传时创建多个同名目录的问题。
  • 修复同步失败的问题。
  • 修复 ls, download, play, search--include-regex 选项。


  • 更新依赖。

v0.3.1 - 2022-10-26


  • 修复同步命令(sync)错误。
  • 修复下载连接过期的问题。


  • 删除命令(remove)支持--file-id参数。

v0.3.0 - 2022-09-24


  • 支持保存分享连接至本地



    store = true


    命令 描述
    storesharedlinks 保存分享连接至本地
    listsharedlinks 显示本地保存的分享连接
    listsharedfiles 显示本地保存的分享文件
    findsharedlinks 查找本地保存的分享连接
    findsharedfiles 查找本地保存的分享文件
    findshared 查找本地保存的分享连接和文件
    deletestoredshared 删除本地保存的分享连接或文件
    cleanstore 清理本地保存的无效分享连接

v0.2.5 - 2022-01-15


  • 更新依赖。


  • 阿里网盘不支持单文件并发上传。upload --upload-type One 失效。

v0.2.4 - 2021-10-12


  • 支持 的分享连接。


  • 修复 upload -t One
  • 修复 ls, download, play 用于分享连接。


  • play 命令选项 --play 缩写为 --pl

v0.2.3 - 2021-09-24


  • 重复列出分享根目录。


  • ls, download, play 命令用于分享 url 或 id 时,必须指定路径或 file id。

v0.2.2 - 2021-09-23


  • 修复保存分享连接根目录出错。

v0.2.1 - 2021-09-23


  • 支持下载、播放他人分享的文件。
  • listsharedpaths 命令合并到 ls
  • 支持保存他人分享连接中的特定文件。

v0.1.0 - 2021-09-19

Runnable version