axiosStore is a light wrapper around axios that allows for caching get requests using cache.js
NOTE: As of v0.13.0 all array responses will instead return an object with a results
NOTE: As of v0.13.1 all string responses will instead return an object with a `value prop.
NOTE: As of v0.13.2 all number responses will instead return an object with a value
NOTE: As of v0.15.0 all boolean responses will instead return an object with a value
APIResponse = [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]; // => { results: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ] }
APIResponse = 'foobar'; // => { value: 'foobar' }
APIResponse = 47; // => { value: 47 }
APIResponse = true; // => { value: true }
If you would like to format the response you should use a callback prop as such:
const myAction = ({ id }, { api }) => {
// This function takes the response and expects you to return an augmented response
const formatResponse = response => ({
customNode: "this is data the API did not include, so adding it here"
// Pass it to the axios instance with `callback`
return api.get(`apiRoot/myEndpoint/${id}`, { callback: formatResponse });