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Peeragogy Post Pilot Course 12 April 2020 Session Notes

Charlie Danoff edited this page Apr 12, 2020 · 2 revisions

On Thursday, April 9th three of us came together for the second session of our "Post-Pilot Peeragogy" course. We spent some time brainstorming about how the course could work and got into some other fun topics! One immediate positive outcome was that Vitor created a WhatsApp group for peers on that platform to collaborate :)

You can join it with this link


How can we use a video to welcome newcomers and get more people interested in the course?

  • Make a ted talk style video about peeragogy to get people's attention
  • Once we have their attention, then introduce course and the handbook
    • Give people an opportunity to fill out parts of the handbook (or maybe a form for the course)
    • Maybe ask "How do you define peers?" and then look at different responses students give and discuss
    • Make it more active learning


  • Multiple teachers - different points of view
  • Students challenge teacher
  • Students talk to one another
  • Research how some courses on Coursera / Khan Academy / EdX

Consider breaking up course and/or handbook into smaller bites (akin to Paola's mini handbook idea)

  • Instead of one big handbook/course have tree of possibilities, where people can choose from one of multiple mini handbooks/courses: business, for college students, for educators, for creative people
  • Important to keep it fresh and updated, don't want to talk about concepts were true 20 years ago, but not anymore

Some inspiration may be found in movies Vitor likes about teaching and learning with a peer to peer perspective