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This library provides some interfaces, classes, Roslyn Source Generators, Roslyn Analyzers and Roslyn CodeFixes for implementation of Smart Enums, Value Objects and Discriminated Unions.


  • Version 8:
    • C# 11 (or higher) for generated code
    • SDK 8.0.400 (or higher) for building projects
  • Version 7:
    • C# 11 (or higher) for generated code
    • SDK 7.0.401 (or higher) for building projects
  • Version 6:
    • C# 11 (or higher) for generated code
    • SDK 7.0.102 (or higher) for building projects
  • Version 5:
    • C# 9 (or higher) for generated code
    • SDK 6.0.300 (or higher) for building projects


Smart Enums

Install: Install-Package Thinktecture.Runtime.Extensions

Documentation: Smart Enums


Definition of a 2 Smart Enums without any custom properties and methods. All other features mentioned above are generated by the Roslyn Source Generators in the background.

// Smart Enum with a string as the underlying type
public sealed partial class ProductType
   public static readonly ProductType Groceries = new("Groceries");
   public static readonly ProductType Housewares = new("Housewares");

// Smart Enum with an int as the underlying type
public sealed partial class ProductGroup
   public static readonly ProductGroup Apple = new(1);
   public static readonly ProductGroup Orange = new(2);

Behind the scenes a Roslyn Source Generator, which comes with the library, generates additional code. Some of the features that are now available are ...

// a private constructor which takes the key and additional members (if we had any)
public sealed partial class ProductType
   public static readonly ProductType Groceries = new("Groceries");


// a property for iteration over all items
IReadOnlyList<ProductType> allTypes = ProductType.Items;


// getting the item with specific name, i.e. its key
// throw UnknownEnumIdentifierException if the provided key doesn't match to any item
ProductType productType = ProductType.Get("Groceries");

// Alternatively, using an explicit cast (behaves the same as with Get)
ProductType productType = (ProductType)"Groceries";


// the same as above but returns a bool instead of throwing an exception (dictionary-style)
bool found = ProductType.TryGet("Groceries", out ProductType productType);


// similar to TryGet but accepts `IFormatProvider` and returns a ValidationResult instead of a boolean.
ValidationResult? validationResult = ProductType.Validate("Groceries", null, out productType);

if (validationResult == ValidationResult.Success)
    logger.Information("Product type {Type} found with Validate", productType);
    logger.Warning("Failed to fetch the product type with Validate. Validation result: {ValidationResult}", validationResult.ErrorMessage);


// implicit conversion to the type of the key
string key = ProductType.Groceries; // "Groceries"


// Equality comparison with 'Equals' 
// which compares the keys using default or custom 'IEqualityComparer<T>'
bool equal = ProductType.Groceries.Equals(ProductType.Groceries);


// Equality comparison with '==' and '!='
bool equal = ProductType.Groceries == ProductType.Groceries;
bool notEqual = ProductType.Groceries != ProductType.Groceries;


// Hash code
int hashCode = ProductType.Groceries.GetHashCode();


// 'ToString' implementation
string key = ProductType.Groceries.ToString(); // "Groceries"


ILogger logger = ...;

// Switch-case (Action)
productType.Switch(ProductType.Groceries, () => logger.Information("Switch with Action: Groceries"),
                   ProductType.Housewares, () => logger.Information("Switch with Action: Housewares"));
// Switch-case with parameter (Action<TParam>) to prevent closures
                   ProductType.Groceries, static l => l.Information("Switch with Action: Groceries"),
                   ProductType.Housewares, static l => l.Information("Switch with Action: Housewares"));

// Switch case returning a value (Func<TResult>)
var returnValue = productType.Switch(ProductType.Groceries, static () => "Switch with Func<T>: Groceries",
                                     ProductType.Housewares, static () => "Switch with Func<T>: Housewares");

// Switch case with parameter returning a value (Func<TParam, TResult>) to prevent closures
returnValue = productType.Switch(logger,
                                 ProductType.Groceries, static l => "Switch with Func<T>: Groceries",
                                 ProductType.Housewares, static l => "Switch with Func<T>: Housewares");


// Implements IParsable<T> which is especially helpful with minimal web apis.
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see EnumGenerationAttribute).
bool parsed = ProductType.TryParse("Groceries", null, out var parsedProductType);


// Implements IFormattable if the underlyng type (like int) is an IFormattable itself.
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see EnumGenerationAttribute).
var formatted = ProductGroup.Apple.ToString("000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // 001


// Implements IComparable and IComparable<T> if the underlyng type (like int) is an IComparable itself.
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see EnumGenerationAttribute).
var comparison = ProductGroup.Apple.CompareTo(ProductGroup.Orange); // -1

// Implements comparison operators (<,<=,>,>=) if the underlyng type (like int) has comparison operators itself.
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see EnumGenerationAttribute).
var isBigger = ProductGroup.Apple > ProductGroup.Orange;       

Definition of a new Smart Enum with 1 custom property RequiresFoodVendorLicense and 1 method Do with different behaviors for different enum items.

public partial class ProductType
   public static readonly ProductType Groceries = new("Groceries",  requiresFoodVendorLicense: true);
   public static readonly ProductType Housewares = new HousewaresProductType();

   public bool RequiresFoodVendorLicense { get; }

   public virtual void Do()
      // do default stuff

   private class HousewaresProductType : ProductType
      public HousewaresProductType()
         : base("Housewares", requiresFoodVendorLicense: false)

      public override void Do()
         // do special stuff

Value Objects

Install: Install-Package Thinktecture.Runtime.Extensions

Documentation: Value Objects


Simple Value Object

Definition of 2 value objects, one with 1 string property Value and the other with an int.

public sealed partial class ProductName
   public string Value { get; }

public sealed partial class Amount
   private readonly int _value;

After the implementation of the ProductName, a Roslyn source generator kicks in and implements the rest. Following API is available from now on.

// Factory method for creation of new instances.
// Throws ValidationException if the validation fails
ProductName bread = ProductName.Create("Bread");

// Alternatively, using an explicit cast (behaves the same as with Create)
ProductName bread = (ProductName)"Bread"; // is the same as calling "ProductName.Create"


// the same as above but returns a bool instead of throwing an exception (dictionary-style)
bool created = ProductName.TryCreate("Milk", out ProductName milk);


// similar to TryCreate but accepts `IFormatProvider` and returns a ValidationResult instead of a boolean.
ValidationResult? validationResult = ProductName.Validate("Milk", null, out var milk);

if (validationResult == ValidationResult.Success)
    logger.Information("Product name {Name} created", milk);
    logger.Warning("Failed to create product name. Validation result: {ValidationResult}", validationResult.ErrorMessage);


// implicit conversion to the type of the key member
string valueOfTheProductName = bread; // "Bread"


// Equality comparison with 'Equals'
// which compares the key members using default or custom 'IEqualityComparer<T>'
bool equal = bread.Equals(bread);


// Equality comparison with '==' and '!='
bool equal = bread == bread;
bool notEqual = bread != bread;


// Hash code
int hashCode = bread.GetHashCode();


// 'ToString' implementation
string value = bread.ToString(); // "Bread"


// Implements IParsable<T> which is especially helpful with minimal web apis.
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see ValueObjectAttribute).
bool success = ProductName.TryParse("New product name", null, out var productName);


// Implements "IFormattable" if the key member is an "IFormattable".
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see ValueObjectAttribute).
var amount = Amount.Create(42);
string formattedValue = amount.ToString("000", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // "042"


// Implements "IComparable<ProductName>" if the key member is an "IComparable"
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see ValueObjectAttribute).
var amount = Amount.Create(1);
var otherAmount = Amount.Create(2);

var comparison = amount.CompareTo(otherAmount); // -1

// Implements comparison operators (<,<=,>,>=) if the key member has comparison operators itself.
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see ValueObjectAttribute).
var isBigger = amount > otherAmount;  


// Implements addition / subtraction / multiplication / division if the key member supports operators
// This feature can be disabled if it doesn't make sense (see ValueObjectAttribute).
var sum = amount + otherAmount;

Complex Value Object

Definition of a complex value object with 2 properties and a custom validation of the arguments.

public partial class Boundary
   public decimal Lower { get; }
   public decimal Upper { get; }

   static partial void ValidateFactoryArguments(ref ValidationResult? validationResult, ref decimal lower, ref decimal upper)
      if (lower <= upper)

      validationResult = new ValidationResult($"Lower boundary '{lower}' must be less than upper boundary '{upper}'");

Discriminated Unions

Features: * Roslyn Analyzers and CodeFixes help the developers to implement the Discriminated Unions correctly * Provides proper implementation of Equals, GetHashCode, ToString and equality comparison via == and != * Switch-Case/Map * Renaming of properties * Definition of nullable reference types

Definition of a basic union with 2 types:

[Union<string, int>]
public partial class TextOrNumber;

// Up to 5 types
[Union<string, int, bool, Guid, char>]
public partial class MyUnion;

Behind the scenes a Roslyn Source Generator generates additional code. Some of the features that are now available are ...

// Implicit conversion from one of the defined generics.
TextOrNumber textOrNumberFromString = "text";
TextOrNumber textOrNumberFromInt = 42;

// Check the type of the value.
// By default, the properties are named using the name of the type (`String`, `Int32`)
bool isText = textOrNumberFromString.IsString;
bool isNumber = textOrNumberFromString.IsInt32;

// Getting the typed value.
// Throws "InvalidOperationException" if the current value doesn't match the calling property.
// By default, the properties are named using the name of the type (`String`, `Int32`)
string text = textOrNumberFromString.AsString;
int number = textOrNumberFromInt.AsInt32;

// Alternative approach is to use explicit cast.
// Behavior is identical to methods "As..."
string text = (string)textOrNumberFromString;
int number = (int)textOrNumberFromInt;

// Getting the value as object, i.e. untyped.
object value = textOrNumberFromString.Value;

// Implementation of Equals, GetHashCode and ToString
// PLEASE NOTE: Strings are compared using "StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase" by default! (configurable)
bool equals = textOrNumberFromInt.Equals(textOrNumberFromString);
int hashCode = textOrNumberFromInt.GetHashCode();
string toString = textOrNumberFromInt.ToString();

// Equality comparison operators
bool equal = textOrNumberFromInt == textOrNumberFromString;
bool notEqual = textOrNumberFromInt != textOrNumberFromString;

There are multiple overloads of switch-cases: with Action, Func<T> and concrete values. To prevent closures, you can pass a value to method Switch, which is going to be passed to provided callback (Action/Func<T>).

By default, the names of the method arguments are named after the type specified by UnionAttribute<T1, T2>. Reserved C# keywords (like string) must string with @ (like @string, @default, etc.).

// With "Action"
textOrNumberFromString.Switch(@string: s => logger.Information("[Switch] String Action: {Text}", s),
                              int32: i => logger.Information("[Switch] Int Action: {Number}", i));

// With "Action". Logger is passed as additional parameter to prevent closures.
                              @string: static (l, s) => l.Information("[Switch] String Action with logger: {Text}", s),
                              int32: static (l, i) => l.Information("[Switch] Int Action with logger: {Number}", i));

// With "Func<T>"
var switchResponse = textOrNumberFromInt.Switch(@string: static s => $"[Switch] String Func: {s}",
                                                int32: static i => $"[Switch] Int Func: {i}");

// With "Func<T>" and additional argument to prevent closures.
var switchResponseWithContext = textOrNumberFromInt.Switch(123.45,
                                                           @string: static (value, s) => $"[Switch] String Func with value: {ctx} | {s}",
                                                           int32: static (value, i) => $"[Switch] Int Func with value: {ctx} | {i}");

// Use `Map` instead of `Switch` to return concrete values directly.
var mapResponse = textOrNumberFromString.Map(@string: "[Map] Mapped string",
                                             int32: "[Map] Mapped int");

Use T1Name/T2Name of the UnionAttribute to get more meaningful names.

[Union<string, int>(T1Name = "Text",
                    T2Name = "Number")]
public partial class TextOrNumber;

The properties and method arguments are renamed accordingly:

bool isText = textOrNumberFromString.IsText;
bool isNumber = textOrNumberFromString.IsNumber;

string text = textOrNumberFromString.AsText;
int number = textOrNumberFromInt.AsNumber;

textOrNumberFromString.Switch(text: s => logger.Information("[Switch] String Action: {Text}", s),
                              number: i => logger.Information("[Switch] Int Action: {Number}", i));