diff --git a/docs/reference.rst b/docs/reference.rst
index d8e18bd244..f2d89afaf8 100644
--- a/docs/reference.rst
+++ b/docs/reference.rst
@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ Launchers
+ parsl.launchers.MpiRunLauncher
diff --git a/docs/userguide/configuring.rst b/docs/userguide/configuring.rst
index f3fe5cc407..a57e815fe7 100644
--- a/docs/userguide/configuring.rst
+++ b/docs/userguide/configuring.rst
@@ -536,12 +536,27 @@ Center's **Expanse** supercomputer. The example is designed to be executed on th
.. literalinclude:: ../../parsl/configs/expanse.py
+Improv (Argonne LCRC)
+.. image:: https://www.lcrc.anl.gov/sites/default/files/styles/965_wide/public/2023-12/20231214_114057.jpg?itok=A-Rz5pP9
+**Improv** is a PBS Pro based supercomputer at Argonne's Laboratory Computing Resource
+Center (LCRC). The following snippet is an example configuration that uses `parsl.providers.PBSProProvider`
+and `parsl.launchers.MpiRunLauncher` to run on multinode jobs.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../parsl/configs/improv.py
.. _configuring_nersc_cori:
Perlmutter (NERSC)
NERSC provides documentation on `how to use Parsl on Perlmutter `_.
+Perlmutter is a Slurm based HPC system and parsl uses `parsl.providers.SlurmProvider` with `parsl.launchers.SrunLauncher`
+to launch tasks onto this machine.
Frontera (TACC)
@@ -599,6 +614,8 @@ Polaris (ALCF)
:width: 75%
ALCF provides documentation on `how to use Parsl on Polaris `_.
+Polaris uses `parsl.providers.PBSProProvider` and `parsl.launchers.MpiExecLauncher` to launch tasks onto the HPC system.
Stampede2 (TACC)
diff --git a/parsl/configs/improv.py b/parsl/configs/improv.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a40282829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsl/configs/improv.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+from parsl.config import Config
+from parsl.executors import HighThroughputExecutor
+from parsl.launchers import MpiRunLauncher
+from parsl.providers import PBSProProvider
+config = Config(
+ executors=[
+ HighThroughputExecutor(
+ label="Improv_multinode",
+ max_workers_per_node=32,
+ provider=PBSProProvider(
+ # PBS directives (header lines), for example:
+ # scheduler_options='#PBS -l mem=4gb',
+ scheduler_options='',
+ queue="compute",
+ # Command to be run before starting a worker:
+ # **WARNING** Improv requires an openmpi module to be
+ # loaded for the MpiRunLauncher. Add additional env
+ # load commands to this multiline string.
+ worker_init='''
+module load gcc/13.2.0;
+module load openmpi/5.0.3-gcc-13.2.0; ''',
+ launcher=MpiRunLauncher(),
+ # number of compute nodes allocated for each block
+ nodes_per_block=2,
+ walltime='00:10:00'
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
diff --git a/parsl/executors/high_throughput/executor.py b/parsl/executors/high_throughput/executor.py
index c4097500f1..0e0ea9c892 100644
--- a/parsl/executors/high_throughput/executor.py
+++ b/parsl/executors/high_throughput/executor.py
@@ -790,7 +790,8 @@ def status(self) -> Dict[str, JobStatus]:
connected_blocks = self.connected_blocks()
for job_id in job_status:
job_info = job_status[job_id]
- if job_info.terminal and job_id not in connected_blocks:
+ if job_info.terminal and job_id not in connected_blocks and job_info.state != JobState.SCALED_IN:
+ logger.debug("Rewriting job %s from status %s to MISSING", job_id, job_info)
job_status[job_id].state = JobState.MISSING
if job_status[job_id].message is None:
job_status[job_id].message = (
diff --git a/parsl/executors/status_handling.py b/parsl/executors/status_handling.py
index 34db2300f6..615f09de78 100644
--- a/parsl/executors/status_handling.py
+++ b/parsl/executors/status_handling.py
@@ -347,7 +347,10 @@ def scale_in_facade(self, n: int, max_idletime: Optional[float] = None) -> List[
if block_ids is not None:
new_status = {}
for block_id in block_ids:
- new_status[block_id] = JobStatus(JobState.CANCELLED)
- del self._status[block_id]
+ logger.debug("Marking block %s as SCALED_IN", block_id)
+ s = JobStatus(JobState.SCALED_IN)
+ new_status[block_id] = s
+ self._status[block_id] = s
+ self._simulated_status[block_id] = s
return block_ids
diff --git a/parsl/jobs/states.py b/parsl/jobs/states.py
index 7ba4aae94e..792a515bac 100644
--- a/parsl/jobs/states.py
+++ b/parsl/jobs/states.py
@@ -46,12 +46,17 @@ class JobState(IntEnum):
bad worker environment or network connectivity issues.
+ """This job has been deliberately scaled in. Scaling code should not be concerned
+ that the job never ran (for example for error handling purposes).
+ """
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self.name}"
- JobState.TIMEOUT, JobState.MISSING]
+ JobState.TIMEOUT, JobState.MISSING, JobState.SCALED_IN]
class JobStatus:
diff --git a/parsl/tests/test_htex/test_multiple_disconnected_blocks.py b/parsl/tests/test_htex/test_multiple_disconnected_blocks.py
index 159c20f58d..4168f41b79 100644
--- a/parsl/tests/test_htex/test_multiple_disconnected_blocks.py
+++ b/parsl/tests/test_htex/test_multiple_disconnected_blocks.py
@@ -21,16 +21,14 @@ def local_config():
- worker_init="conda deactivate; export PATH=''; which python; exit 0",
- init_blocks=2,
- max_blocks=4,
- min_blocks=0,
+ worker_init="exit 0",
+ init_blocks=2
- strategy='htex_auto_scale',
+ strategy='none',
diff --git a/parsl/tests/test_monitoring/test_htex_init_blocks_vs_monitoring.py b/parsl/tests/test_monitoring/test_htex_init_blocks_vs_monitoring.py
index eb7a25003b..ada972e747 100644
--- a/parsl/tests/test_monitoring/test_htex_init_blocks_vs_monitoring.py
+++ b/parsl/tests/test_monitoring/test_htex_init_blocks_vs_monitoring.py
@@ -78,6 +78,6 @@ def test_row_counts(tmpd_cwd, strategy):
(c, ) = result.first()
assert c == 1, "There should be a single pending status"
- result = connection.execute(text("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM block WHERE block_id = 0 AND status = 'CANCELLED' AND run_id = :run_id"), binds)
+ result = connection.execute(text("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM block WHERE block_id = 0 AND status = 'SCALED_IN' AND run_id = :run_id"), binds)
(c, ) = result.first()
assert c == 1, "There should be a single cancelled status"
diff --git a/parsl/tests/test_scaling/test_regression_3568_scaledown_vs_MISSING.py b/parsl/tests/test_scaling/test_regression_3568_scaledown_vs_MISSING.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a56b53af10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsl/tests/test_scaling/test_regression_3568_scaledown_vs_MISSING.py
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import time
+import pytest
+import parsl
+from parsl.channels import LocalChannel
+from parsl.config import Config
+from parsl.executors import HighThroughputExecutor
+from parsl.launchers import WrappedLauncher
+from parsl.providers import LocalProvider
+def local_config():
+ # see the comments inside test_regression for reasoning about why each
+ # of these parameters is set why it is.
+ return Config(
+ max_idletime=1,
+ strategy='htex_auto_scale',
+ strategy_period=1,
+ executors=[
+ HighThroughputExecutor(
+ label="htex_local",
+ encrypted=True,
+ provider=LocalProvider(
+ init_blocks=1,
+ min_blocks=0,
+ max_blocks=1,
+ launcher=WrappedLauncher(prepend="sleep inf ; "),
+ ),
+ )
+ ],
+ )
+def task():
+ return 7
+def test_regression(try_assert):
+ # The above config means that we should start scaling out one initial
+ # block, but then scale it back in after a second or so if the executor
+ # is kept idle (which this test does using try_assert).
+ # Because of 'sleep inf' in the WrappedLaucher, the block will not ever
+ # register.
+ # The bug being tested is about mistreatment of blocks which are scaled in
+ # before they have a chance to register, and the above forces that to
+ # happen.
+ # After that scaling in has happened, we should see that we have one block
+ # and it should be in a terminal state. The below try_assert waits for
+ # that to become true.
+ # At that time, we should also see htex reporting no blocks registered - as
+ # mentioned above, that is a necessary part of the bug being tested here.
+ # Give 10 strategy periods for the above to happen: each step of scale up,
+ # and scale down due to idleness isn't guaranteed to happen in exactly one
+ # scaling step.
+ htex = parsl.dfk().executors['htex_local']
+ try_assert(lambda: len(htex.status_facade) == 1 and htex.status_facade['0'].terminal,
+ timeout_ms=10000)
+ assert htex.connected_blocks() == [], "No block should have connected to interchange"
+ # Now we can reconfigure the launcher to let subsequent blocks launch ok,
+ # and run a trivial task. That trivial task will scale up a new block and
+ # run the task successfully.
+ # Prior to issue #3568, the bug was that the scale in of the first
+ # block earlier in the test case would have incorrectly been treated as a
+ # failure, and then the block error handler would have treated that failure
+ # as a permanent htex failure, and so the task execution below would raise
+ # a BadStateException rather than attempt to run the task.
+ assert htex.provider.launcher.prepend != "", "Pre-req: prepend attribute should exist and be non-empty"
+ htex.provider.launcher.prepend = ""
+ assert task().result() == 7