Check for automated AA and AAA conformance color contrast according to the WCAG
Forward is an automated accessibility color contrast checker that receives a color palette as the input and returns all its possible AA and AAA color contrast combinations.
Currently, you can upload a color palette in JSON format. It's an array containing color objects.
Each object has a "name"
property and a "rgb"
property containing an array with the rgb values [r, g, b].
"name": "Light Pink",
"rgb": [255, 176, 193]
"name": "Cyclamen",
"rgb": [243, 116, 174]
"name": "Light Crimson",
"rgb": [234, 99, 140]
- 🚀 Node.js
- 🐈 yarn
>= 1.12
git clone
cd forward
yarn dev
# In a second terminal window
yarn test --watchAll
Feel free to contribute! Open an issue, submit a Pull Request or let’s discuss what should be next. ❤️