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Talawa-admin installation

This document provides instructions on how to set up and start a running instance of talawa-admin on your local system. The instructions are written to be followed in sequence so make sure to go through each of them step by step without skipping any sections.

Table of contents

Set up talawa-api

Talawa-admin needs URL endpoint to a running instance of talawa-api graphql service to perform its operations. You need to set up a local instance of talawa-api on your system.

Follow the installation guide on talawa-api repo to set it up.

Clone this repository

First you need a local copy of talawa-admin. Run the following command in the directory of choice on your local system.

git clone

This will download a local copy of talawa-admin in that directory.

Change directory into the cloned repo

Right after cloning the repo you can change the directory of your current terminal(shell) to the root directory of cloned repository using this command:-

cd ./talawa-admin

NOTE:- All the commands we're going to execute in the following instructions will assume you are in the root directory of the cloned talawa-admin project. If you fail to do so, the commands will not work.

Creating .env file

A file named .env is required in the root directory of talawa-admin for storing environment variables used at runtime. It is not a part of the repo and you will have to create it. For a sample of .env file there is a file named .env.sample in the root directory. Create a new .env file by copying the contents of the .env.sample into .env file. Use this command:-

cp .env.example .env

This .env file must be populated with the following environment variables for talawa-admin to work:-

Variable Description
REACT_APP_TALAWA_URL URL endpoint for talawa-api graphql service
REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY Site key for authentication using reCAPTCHA

Follow the instructions from section Setting up REACT_APP_TALAWA_URL in .env file up to and including section Setting up REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY in .env file to set up these environment variables.

Setting up REACT_APP_TALAWA_URL in .env file

Make sure to go through this section on talawa-api's installation docs.

Copy/paste the endpoint for accessing talawa-api graphql service to the variable named REACT_APP_TALAWA_URL in .env file.


Setting up REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY in .env file

Make sure to go through this section on talawa-api's installation docs.

Talawa-admin needs the reCAPTCHA site key for the reCAPTCHA service you set up during talawa-api installation as shown in this screenshot:-

reCAPTCHA site key

Copy/paste this reCAPTCHA site key to the variable named REACT_APP_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY in .env file.


Setting up yarn

If you've followed the previous steps you should have already set up node.js on your system. Click here for the official setup guide for yarn.

Installing required packages/dependencies

Run the following command to install the packages and dependencies required by talawa-admin:-


Running talawa-admin

Run the following command to start talawa-admin development server:-

    yarn serve

Accessing talawa-admin

By default talawa-admin runs on port 3000 on your system's localhost. It is available on the following endpoint:-


Sign up on talawa-admin

The first time you navigate to the running talawa-admin's website you'll land at talawa-admin sign up page. Sign up using whatever credentials you want and create the account. Make sure to remember the email and password you entered because they'll be used to sign you in later on.

Elevate the permissions for created account

You have to manually elevate your account's permissions to make it admin approved and make it have SUPERADMIN privileges.

For the account you created:-

  1. Set adminApproved field to true:-

    adminApproved: true
  2. Set userType field to SUPERADMIN:-

    userType: "SUPERADMIN"

Sign in to talawa-admin

Now sign in to talawa-admin using the email and password you used to sign up.

Running tests

You can run the tests for talawa-admin using this command:-

yarn test

Linting code files

You can lint your code files using this command:-

yarn lint

Setting up Talawa-Admin and API for Talawa App

Talawa mobile app requires talawa-api running locally or remotely, which will be used as an organisation url.

On Your Local Machine

You need to setup your own local instance of Talawa-API and Talawa-admin. The advantage is that you'll be working with the latest code.

  1. You need to first setup the 2 supporting projects locally. Please refer the of the respective repository for further guidance.
    1. talawa-api
    2. talawa-admin
  2. Create a user account in talawa-admin. The user account is necessary for creating the first organization which will be needed during your development time.
    1. Enter your MongoDB dashboard to start the process of editing the users collection. This is done so that you will get authorized to create and manage an organization. Refer the images below as needed.
      1. Go to your MongoDB dashboard
      2. Select your project
      3. Click Browse collection
      4. Select users collection and edit the data. Change:
        1. userType from ADMIN to SUPERADMIN
        2. adminApproved from false to true.
        3. User Collection Modification
  3. After you have created the talawa-admin user account, you'll need to create an organization.
    1. Login to your talawa-admin account and create an organization
    2. Click the Create Organization button on the top corner
    3. Organization Creation
  4. Install talawa Please refer the of the respective repository for further guidance.
    1. Then use the URL (Organization URL) in this form:
      1. http://(IP-address):4000/graphql (See the below example)
      2. Example :