All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added class TraceSetOptimizer and subclasses with various AI algorithms to minimize tracesets.
- Added several classes (CategoricalGenerator etc.) for learning and generating data fields.
- Allow RandomTester to be called with urls=[] so it can be used for test generation purposes.
- Nothing.
- PrefixTraceExtractor supports more flexible ways of extracting ML features from traces.
- Added eShop example: trace file and some scripts
- Updated dependency versions to better support Python 3.8 and higher.
- Added developers_agilkia.yml so it is easy to create an Agilkia development environment.
- Added
- Restructured the main docs page so it is more useful on
- Improved the docs of TracePrefixExtractor to show new features.
- Added --cluster option to script, which does bag-of-words MeanShift clustering.
- Nothing.
- Support for hierarchical clustering in output JSON files. See TraceSet.set_clusters etc.
- Added example of hierarchical clustering in examples/scanner/
- Add examples/scanner helper scripts for converting to/from Scanette CSV files.
- Add examples/scanner scripts to illustrate clustering and choosing a given number of tests.
- Added Event.status_float for non-integer status values, with NaN for missing/strange values.
- Improved the tests for reading various older versions of JSON files.
- Improve API of TraceSet.with_traces_grouped_by to take a lambda function for the key, and to throw exception on missing keys by default.
- Cluster labels are now stored in the JSON file, with an optional scipy linkage array for hierarchical clusters.
- Bug fix release to correct dependencies. Removed fastcluster package as it clashed with some numpy versions.
- Added examples/scanner for the SuperMarket scanner example (scanette in French).
- Nicer printing of Event objects.
- Added TracePrefixExtractor (an sklearn feature extractor for trace prefixes) to support machine learning.
- Added SmartSequenceGenerator that uses an ML model to generate sequences of actions.
- Added SmartSequenceGenerator.generate_all_traces algorithm, to generate all high-probability traces.
- Allow SmartSequenceGenerator to take URLs, and add a way of executing generated tests.
- Fixed errors in decode_outputs, to handle zeep objects properly.
- Change TraceSet.clusters to be private (._clusters) so it is not saved.
This is for consistency, since we cannot easily save _cluster_data and both are needed for visualize_clusters. The idea is that clustering is transient, so needs to be redone after save/load. - Improved the default copying of meta_data when a TraceSet is created with traces all from one parent.
- Added support for readthedocs so that documentation is built automatically for each version.
- Added consistent meta_data field to all three levels: Event, Trace, TraceSet.
- Made clustering and visualisation a bit more flexible.
- Add more meta-data to the flit pyproject.toml file.
- Delay import of arff until user calls to_arff, because liac-arff is pip-only and conda-build does not seem to handle that.
- Documentation in Sphinx format, to go onto
- Added clustering and visualization of clusters using TSNE.
- Added TraceSet.with_traces_split and with_traces_grouped_by methods to support some common cases.
- Major refactoring to use class Event, instead of just dict.
- Also started using mypy type checker and removed most type errors.
- Added initial support for smart test generation, using ML action prediction model.
- Add username + password support when interacting with a web service.
- Added save_to_arff method to support the StackedTrees tool from Gilles Bisson.
- Added traces_to_pandas to convert to a Pandas DataFrame. Includes action, inputs, and output status and errors.
- Switched to MIT license and added more docs.
- Moved action_chars into meta-data.
- Implemented some JSON-trace-version upgrade code, so older data files are read correctly.
- Major refactoring of lists-of-list-of-events into TraceSet and Trace objects, with GDF-like meta-data.
- Color non-zero status results red in trace_to_string to make them stand out.