IRIS Insee Geolocalizer
Pyris collects some data about IRIS from the French INSEE institute. It's possible from an address to find the IRIS code and some statistics data, e.g. population, employment or housing data.
IRIS are specific codes and data related to more than 50,000 districts, built by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies.
- Running instance
- API documentation at
Some Insee stats for each IRIS, census 2013: population (by sex and age), employment and housing.
For instance, you can:
to the some information about a specific IRIS codeURL/search/q=place de la bourse Bordeaux
to get the IRIS data from a specific address
You have to install postgreSQL and PostGIS. For Debian:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgis
You have to be a PostgreSQL superuser to create the postgis extension for your database. If it's not the case, you can do:
su - postgres
psql pyris -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
All usefull scripts are in the scripts-data folder. Two steps:
- Download and some data processing for IGN and Insee data. Take a look to the Makefile in scripts-data.
- Then load data into your database thanks to the Python script
To summarize, in a dedicated virtualenv, do:
- Go to scripts-data
- Run make all
- Run python ./data
For Python dependencies which help you to process data, take a look to the scripts-data/requirements.txt file.
You also have a configuration file example at scripts-data/settings.ini.sample.
First, download the few CSS & JavaScript dependencies with a
bower install
(just a Bootstrap and jQuery).
Then : > gunicorn -b
> gunicorn -b --env PYRIS_APP_SETTINGS=./appdev.yml
if you have to specify db credentials or logging Flask app
See an example of a app.yml file
Visit http://localhost:5555/pyris
- postgresql
- postgis
- flask
- flask restplus
- psycopg2
- slumber
- pyaml