diff --git a/build/build.xml b/build/build.xml
index fa74dd85b..2d84f3882 100644
--- a/build/build.xml
+++ b/build/build.xml
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ External Dependencies:
diff --git a/src/cfml/system/modules_app/games-commands/commands/game/snake.cfc b/src/cfml/system/modules_app/games-commands/commands/game/snake.cfc
index 341be5a99..2f7755614 100644
--- a/src/cfml/system/modules_app/games-commands/commands/game/snake.cfc
+++ b/src/cfml/system/modules_app/games-commands/commands/game/snake.cfc
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-* Play a fun, retro-style snake game. The "snake" is on the loose and you need to gobble up as many juicy apples as you can.
+* Play a fun, retro-style snake game. The "snake" is on the loose and you need to gobble up as many juicy apples as you can.
* Use the S, F, E, and C keys on your keyboard to move left, right, up and down respectively. If you have a 10-key pad, you can also use 4, 6, 8, and 2.
-* But be careful- if you run into a wall or into your own tail, the game is over! The snake will grow every time he eats and apple, and once you
+* But be careful- if you run into a wall or into your own tail, the game is over! The snake will grow every time he eats and apple, and once you
* clear all the apples, more will appear for your chomping pleasure.
* .
* Press Q to quit the game at any time.
@@ -13,68 +13,68 @@
component aliases="snake" {
processingdirective pageEncoding='UTF-8';
property name='p' inject='print';
function run() {
variables.directionOpposites = {
'up' = 'down',
'down' = 'up',
'left' = 'right',
'right' = 'left'
- // ╚ ╔ ╩ ╦ ╠ ? ╬ ╣ ║ ╗ ?
+ // ╚ ╔ ╩ ╦ ╠ ═ ╬ ╣ ║ ╗ ╝
variables.height = 17;
variables.width = 53;
//variables.height = shell.getTermHeight()-13;
//variables.width = shell.getTermWidth()-3;
variables.centerX = round( variables.width / 2 );
variables.centerY = round( variables.height / 2 );
- variables.gameHeader =
- '╔?????????????????????????????????????????????????????╗' & cr &
+ variables.gameHeader =
+ '╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗' & cr &
'║ ' & p.boldGreen( 'CommandBox Snake' ) & ' ║' & cr &
'║ by Brad Wood ║░' & cr &
- '╠?????????????????????????????????????????????????????╣░';
+ '╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣░';
// Initialize an array with an index for each row
variables.gameSurface = arrayNew( 2 );
var i = 0;
// For each row...
while( ++i <= variables.height ) {
// Initialize it as an array of characters for each column
- //variables.gameSurface[ i ] = [];
+ //variables.gameSurface[ i ] = [];
loop from=1 to=variables.width index='j' {
variables.gameSurface[ i ][ j ] = ' ';
- }
+ }
variables.gameFooter =
- '╠?????????????????????????????????????????????????????╣░' & cr &
+ '╠═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╣░' & cr &
'║ ' & p.bold( 'S' ) & ' or ' & p.bold( '4' ) & ' moves left ║░' & cr &
'║ ' & p.bold( 'F' ) & ' or ' & p.bold( '6' ) & ' moves right ║░' & cr &
'║ ' & p.bold( 'E' ) & ' or ' & p.bold( '8' ) & ' moves up ║░' & cr &
'║ ' & p.bold( 'C' ) & ' or ' & p.bold( '2' ) & ' moves down ║░' & cr &
'║ ║░' & cr &
'║ Press ' & p.bold( 'Q' ) & ' to quit ║░' & cr &
- '╚??????????????????????????????????????????????????????░' & cr &
+ '╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝░' & cr &
' ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░';
- var h = p.bold( '?' );
+ var h = p.bold( '═' );
var v = p.bold( '║' );
var ul = p.bold( '╔' );
var ur = p.bold( '╗' );
var bl = p.bold( '╚' );
- var br = p.bold( '?' );
+ var br = p.bold( '╝' );
var sh = p.bold( '░' );
var s = ' ';
@@ -87,16 +87,16 @@ component aliases="snake" {
[ bl, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, h, br, sh ],
[ s, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh, sh ]
// Flush out anything stored up
// Start with a blank slate
// This lets the thread know we're still running'
variables.snakeRun = true;
try {
// This thread will keep redrawing the screen while the main thread waits for user input
threadName = 'snakeDrawer#createUUID()#';
@@ -106,24 +106,24 @@ component aliases="snake" {
while( variables.snakeRun ) {
// Move and re-draw if not in an invalid state
if( !variables.collision ) {
- variables.collision = !move( getNextDirection() );
+ variables.collision = !move( getNextDirection() );
// Decrease this to speed up the game
sleep( 300 );
- }
+ }
} catch( any e ) {
logger.error( e.message & ' ' & e.detail, e.stacktrace );
} // End thread
var key = '';
while( true ) {
// Detect user input
key = shell.waitForKey();
if( isQuit( key ) ) {
} else if( isLeft( key ) ) {
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ component aliases="snake" {
} else if( isRetry( key ) ) {
} catch ( any e ) {
@@ -147,12 +147,12 @@ component aliases="snake" {
thread action="join" name=threadName;
// We're done with the game, clean up.
variables.snakeRun = false;
// Wait until the thread finishes its last draw
thread action="join" name=threadName;
/* *************************************************************************************
@@ -160,37 +160,37 @@ component aliases="snake" {
************************************************************************************* */
private function printGame() {
// Reset cursor to upper left hand corner
print.text( chr( 27 ) & '[H' ).toConsole();
print.line( variables.gameHeader );
var thisGameSurface = duplicate( variables.gameSurface );
// Overlay the snake
for( var part in variables.body ) {
thisGameSurface[ part.y ][ part.x ] = p.green( '0' );
// Overlay the apples
for( var apple in variables.apples ) {
thisGameSurface[ apple.y ][ apple.x ] = p.redBold( '@' );
// If boom-booms happened, overlay message
if( variables.collision ) {
// Add in score
thisScore = NumberFormat( variables.biteCount, "000" );
gameOverMessage[ 4 ][ 18 ] = mid( thisScore, 1, 1 );
gameOverMessage[ 4 ][ 19 ] = mid( thisScore, 2, 1 );
gameOverMessage[ 4 ][ 20 ] = mid( thisScore, 3, 1 );
// Find the offset of the upper left corner
var startX = variables.centerX - ( round( gameOverMessage[1].len() / 2 ) );
- var startY = variables.centerY - ( round( gameOverMessage.len() / 2 ) );
+ var startY = variables.centerY - ( round( gameOverMessage.len() / 2 ) );
var YOffset = 0;
for( var line in gameOverMessage ) {
@@ -200,23 +200,23 @@ component aliases="snake" {
// Now that we've build up the array of characters, spit them out to the console
for( var row in thisGameSurface ) {
print.text( '║' );
- for( var col in row ) {
+ for( var col in row ) {
print.text( col );
print.line( '║░' );
print.line( variables.gameFooter );
@@ -224,26 +224,26 @@ component aliases="snake" {
// This needs to be synchronized with getNextDirection()
private function go( newDirection ) {
lock name='snake_direction' type='exclusive' timeout=2 {
// Figure out where we'll be going right before this direction is used
if( variables.direction.len() ) {
var preceedingDirection = variables.direction.first();
} else {
- var preceedingDirection = variables.lastDirection;
+ var preceedingDirection = variables.lastDirection;
// Firstly, don't add additional directions that are the same as where we're already headed
// so we don't stack up redundant junk in the queue that makes the snake appear unresponsive.
- // Secondly, only obey if the new direction isn't in the opposite (since that's an annoying instant "game over")
- // UNLESS the snake is stil a baby-- then it can go anywhere it wants
+ // Secondly, only obey if the new direction isn't in the opposite (since that's an annoying instant "game over")
+ // UNLESS the snake is stil a baby-- then it can go anywhere it wants
if( arguments.newDirection != preceedingDirection &&
( arguments.newDirection != variables.directionOpposites[ preceedingDirection ] || isBaby() )
) {
- variables.direction.prepend( newDirection );
+ variables.direction.prepend( newDirection );
// This needs to be synchronized with go()
private function getNextDirection() {
lock name='snake_direction' type='exclusive' timeout=2 {
@@ -257,17 +257,17 @@ component aliases="snake" {
// Otherwise, just go the last place we went for lack of something better
nextDirection = variables.lastDirection;
// Remember where we are going
variables.lastDirection = nextDirection;
return nextDirection;
private function move( required direction ) {
var head = variables.body[1];
var newHead = duplicate( head );
// Move the head
switch( arguments.direction ) {
case 'up':
@@ -282,35 +282,35 @@ component aliases="snake" {
case 'right':
// If the snake bites an apple, it grows by one
if( !bite( newHead ) ) {
// Move tail
variables.body.deleteAt( variables.body.len() );
// If we hit something, the move failed
if( isWallCollision( newHead ) || isSnakeCollision( newHead ) ) {
return false;
// Move the snakes head
variables.body.prepend( newHead );
// Move successful
return true;
// This is a baby snake? i.e. Only 1 body segment.
private function isBaby() {
- return variables.body.len() == 1;
+ return variables.body.len() == 1;
private function resetGame() {
// An array of coordinates that represent where the snake is
// He starts in the bottom center with a lenth of "1"
variables.body = [
@@ -319,16 +319,16 @@ component aliases="snake" {
y : variables.height-1
// Number of apples to start the game with
variables.appleCount = 6;
variables.biteCount = 0;
// An array of apples
variables.apples = [];
// Direction is an array to capture multiple key strokes that are
// pressed between screen refreshes
variables.direction = [ 'up' ];
@@ -336,26 +336,26 @@ component aliases="snake" {
variables.lastDirection = 'up';
variables.collision = false;
private function seedApples() {
// Randomly seed our apples
while( variables.apples.len() < variables.appleCount ) {
var newApple = {
x : randRange( 1, variables.width ),
y : randRange( 1, variables.height )
// Make sure we don't double-stack our apples, or put them on the snake
if( !isSnakeCollision( newApple ) && !isAppleCollision( newApple ) ) {
- variables.apples.append( newApple );
+ variables.apples.append( newApple );
private function isWallCollision( location ) {
// Check collision with outside of play area
location.x < 1
@@ -365,25 +365,25 @@ component aliases="snake" {
) {
return true;
return false;
private function isSnakeCollision( location ) {
// Check collision with snake
for( piece in variables.body ) {
- if( piece.x == location.x && piece.y == location.y ) {
+ if( piece.x == location.x && piece.y == location.y ) {
return true;
return false;
private function bite( location ) {
// Check to see if we reached an apple
for( apple in variables.apples ) {
if( apple.x == location.x && apple.y == location.y ) {
@@ -391,64 +391,64 @@ component aliases="snake" {
// Remove that apple from the game area
variables.apples.delete( apple );
// If that was the last apple
if( !variables.apples.len() ) {
// Add some more!
variables.appleCount += 6;
- seedApples();
+ seedApples();
return true;
return false;
private function isAppleCollision( location ) {
// Check to see if this location is an an apple
for( apple in variables.apples ) {
if( apple.x == location.x && apple.y == location.y ) {
return true;
return false;
private function isQuit( key ) {
// q or Q
return ( key == 113 || key == 81 );
private function isRetry( key ) {
// r or R
return ( key == 114 || key == 82 );
private function isUp( key ) {
- // e or E
+ // e or E
return ( key == 101 || key == 69 || key == 56 );
private function isDown( key ) {
- // c or C
+ // c or C
return ( key == 99 || key == 67 || key == 50 );
private function isLeft( key ) {
- // s or S
+ // s or S
return ( key == 115 || key == 83 || key == 52 );
private function isRight( key ) {
- // f or F
+ // f or F
return ( key == 102 || key == 70 || key == 54 );
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cfml/system/services/ServerService.cfc b/src/cfml/system/services/ServerService.cfc
index a226fe155..57328c2bb 100644
--- a/src/cfml/system/services/ServerService.cfc
+++ b/src/cfml/system/services/ServerService.cfc
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ component accessors="true" singleton {
serverInfo.SSLEnable = serverProps.SSLEnable ?: serverJSON.web.SSL.enable ?: defaults.web.SSL.enable;
serverInfo.HTTPEnable = serverProps.HTTPEnable ?: serverJSON.web.HTTP.enable ?: defaults.web.HTTP.enable;
- serverInfo.SSLPort
+ serverInfo.SSLPort = serverProps.SSLPort ?: serverJSON.web.SSL.port ?: defaults.web.SSL.port;
serverInfo.AJPEnable = serverProps.AJPEnable ?: serverJSON.web.AJP.enable ?: defaults.web.AJP.enable;
serverInfo.AJPPort = serverProps.AJPPort ?: serverJSON.web.AJP.port ?: defaults.web.AJP.port;