This project is shopping page. You can see products and categories and add them to your basket and after then you can buy these products.
🎆✨ Live Demo :
- React
- This project is written full of React and tools around React
- Redux
- I used Redux with Hooks also I used Redux Logger middleware to log users behaviours.Also I used Redux Persist to save some datas to local storage with that way soe datas like products in basket won't disappear when user left the page or refresh it
- Reselect
- I used Reselect package to improve performance. With this tool functions only runs once with same input. This tool is one of the tool to use memoizing for React.
- Firebase
- For sign-in and sign-up operation I used Firebase for authentication and save users data in it.
- Styled-Components
- About styling I tried styled-components. Not sure is the best way to write styled component the way I wrote though.
- Stripe
- I used stripe API to make demo payment page. Only for test purposes.
- As I mentioned I used Firebase and Iput my secret API keys to .env file. First step you need to create and write API key informations to that file.
- Run `yarn` on terminal to install packages that you need
- Run `yarn start` script to run project
👤 Orhan Özkerçin