diff --git a/release/RELEASE.md b/release/RELEASE.md
index 0a026a3f6..563fa7c13 100644
--- a/release/RELEASE.md
+++ b/release/RELEASE.md
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
- [Prepare release](#prepare-release)
- [Release](#release)
- * [Publish release to Maven Central](#publish-release-to-maven-central)
- * [Publish release to GitHub](#publish-release-to-github)
- * [Build unsigned APK and bundle for Google Play Store](#build-unsigned-apk-and-bundle-for-google-play-store)
- * [Announce the new release on FoODS](#announce-the-new-release-on-foods)
+ * [Publish release to Maven Central](#publish-release-to-maven-central)
+ * [Publish release to GitHub](#publish-release-to-github)
+ * [Publish release to Google Play Store](#publish-release-to-google-play-store)
+ * [Announce the new release on GitHub & FoODS](#announce-the-new-release-on-github--foods)
## Prepare release
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
./gradlew prepareRelease -Pversion=X.Y.Z
- This task performs the following changes to the project:
+ This task performs the following changes to the project:
- Update `version` project property in `gradle.properties`.
- Update version of ODS Android dependencies in various Markdown files.
- Update the changelog.
@@ -29,9 +29,9 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
- Verify the changes mentioned above, then commit and push.
- Please see [DEVELOP.md](../DEVELOP.md#documentation) to get more information about how to build and verify the documentation.
- Once the Jekyll server is started, the documentation for version X.Y.Z should be available at
+ Please see [DEVELOP.md](../DEVELOP.md#documentation) to get more information about how to build and verify the documentation.
+ Once the Jekyll server is started, the documentation for version X.Y.Z should be available at
- Create a new pull request named `Prepare release X.Y.Z` on GitHub to merge your branch into `develop`.
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
./gradlew tagRelease
- This task adds an `X.Y.Z` tag and push it to the remote repository.
+ This task adds an `X.Y.Z` tag and push it to the remote repository.
### Publish release to Maven Central
@@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
- Click `Review deployments`, select `maven-central-release` and click `Approve and deploy`.
- ![Maven Central release deployment](images/maven_central_release_01.png)
+ ![Maven Central release deployment](images/maven_central_release_01.png)
- Go to [Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager](https://oss.sonatype.org).
- Click `Staging Repositories` and verify the content of the ODS Android repository.
- ![Sonatype staging repositories](images/maven_central_release_02.png)
+ ![Sonatype staging repositories](images/maven_central_release_02.png)
- Click `Close` if content is OK or `Drop` otherwise.
- Retrieve the Sonatype repository ID from either the repository name or URL.
- ![Sonatype repository ID](images/maven_central_release_03.png)
+ ![Sonatype repository ID](images/maven_central_release_03.png)
- Launch the `testSonatypeRepository` Gradle task using the ID from the previous step:
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
./gradlew testSonatypeRepository -PsonatypeRepositoryId=
- This task allows you to test the release before it is deployed to Maven Central and performs the following changes to the project:
+ This task allows you to test the release before it is deployed to Maven Central and performs the following changes to the project:
- Add Sonatype Maven repository.
- Remove all Android Studio modules except `app`.
- Replace project dependencies with module dependencies in `app`.
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
- Edit the new release draft.
- ![Edit GitHub release](images/github_release_01.png)
+ ![Edit GitHub release](images/github_release_01.png)
- Set previous tag and click `Generate release notes` to automatically generate the release notes.
- ![Generate GitHub release notes](images/github_release_02.png)
+ ![Generate GitHub release notes](images/github_release_02.png)
- Verify the release notes using the preview tab.
@@ -113,34 +113,49 @@ This file lists all the steps to follow when releasing a new version of ODS Andr
- Click `Integrations`, find the uploaded bundle in the `Artifacts` sections and click `Create release`.
- ![Create OMA Portal release](images/google_play_store_release_01.png)
+ ![Create OMA Portal release](images/google_play_store_release_01.png)
- Progress through the various submission steps.
- When step is `Store submissions`, select `Closed beta with Google Groups`, set `Email addresses` to `odsapp@googlegroups.com` and click `Go for store submission`.
- ![OMA Portal store submission](images/google_play_store_release_02.png)
+ ![OMA Portal store submission](images/google_play_store_release_02.png)
+- To publish the release you have to click a last time on "Got to publication". You should receive a confirmation email from OMA with a "Published" status.
+### Announce the new release on GitHub & FoODS
+- Go to [GitHub Announcements](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/ods-android/discussions/categories/announcements)
+- Click `New discussion`
+- Set title to `ODS Android library X.Y.Z`
+- Post a message with screenshots of new elements to announce the release
+Here is an example of the v0.15.0 release announcement:
+**ODS Android library v0.15.0 is here!**
+Be careful, this version includes several APIs change in the library in order to prepare the v1.0 release.
+### New components
+**- List item
+**: It allows you to display a Checkbox, a Switch, a RadioButton, an Icon or a Caption text as trailing element. If this does not meet your needs, you can use another signature which accept any Composable as trailing.
-### Announce the new release on FoODS
-- Go to [Teams - FoODS: ODS Mobile Android](https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a62efff7aca9f4865a841076b4a6c428f%40thread.tacv2/4-ODS%2520Mobile%2520Android?groupId=a9581e9e-6775-46f5-9e4a-3ce57096e6be&tenantId=90c7a20a-f34b-40bf-bc48-b9253b6f5d20)
-- Post a message with screenshots of new elements to announce the release.
+**- Toggle text buttons group**:
- As Microsoft Teams does not support pasting Markdown, open the text below in a Markdown editor that produces rich text, copy the rich text and paste it to Microsoft Teams. Finally edit the message to display the emojis and add newlines wherever needed.
+🗒️ Please review the [v0.15.0 release note](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/ods-android/releases/tag/0.15.0) for a complete list of changes since our previous release.
+📱 You can subscribe to the [Orange Design System Google group](https://groups.google.com/g/odsapp) in order to be able to install the [Demo app](https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.orange.ods.app).
- > (rocket) Release X.Y.Z is available!
- >
- > **New components**
- >- C8
- >- C9
- >
- >**New module**
- >- M1
- >
- >(page) [Release note](https://github.com/Orange-OpenSource/ods-android/releases/tag/X.Y.Z)
- >
- >(phone) [Demo app](https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.orange.ods.app)
- >
- >Note: Please subscribe to the [Orange Design System Google group](https://groups.google.com/g/odsapp) in order to be able to install the demo app.
+- Go to `Teams - FoODS` and post a message with a link to the previously created GitHub announcement