Setup: OS: Arch Linux
-Pre Prep-
Download Arch Linux
Archinstall script -minimal -multilib Username - serveradmin > sudo Username - andyserver > normal Username - lindieserver > normal Username - tavianserver > normal
Additional packages:
- git
- vim
- ranger
- samba
- nftables
- openssh
- base-devel
- netdata
- apache
- motion
- cronie
- fail2ban
- python-pip
- python-virtualenv
- libffi
- synapse
- logwatch
- clamav
git packages:
Matrix setup: Add user: sudo useradd -r -m -U -d /var/lib/synapse synapse
Configure synapse: sudo su - synapse virtualenv -p python3 synapse source synapse/bin/activate pip install matrix-synapse
Generate config: synctl start synctl stop
edit config: vim /var/lib/synapse/homeserver.yaml
Start IM: synctl start
Monitoring software: sudo systemctl enable netdata sudo systemctl start netdata
Samba config: vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
Paste this: [global] workgroup = WORKGROUP server string = Samba Server %v netbios name = PotNet security = user map to guest = bad user dns proxy = no
[Shared] path = /srv/samba/shared browsable = yes writable = yes guest ok = no read only = no create mask = 0777 directory mask = 0777 valid users = lindie, andy, tavian
create shared directory: sudo mkdir -p /srv/samba/share sudo chown -R nobody:nobody /srv/samba/share sudo chmod -R 0775 /srv/samba/share
start services: sudo systemctl enable smb nmb sudo systemctl start smb nmb
Intranet: sudo systemctl enable httpd sudo systemctl start httpd
move webpages to: /srv/http/
Security cameras:
vim /etc/motion/motion.conf
Paste this: daemon on stream_localhost off stream_port 8081 webcontrol_localhost off webcontrol_port 8080
Media server: sudo systemctl enable plexmediaserver sudo systemctl start plexmediaserver
enable auto update: sudo vim /usr/local/bin/
Paste this: #!/bin/bash
sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm yay -Syu --noconfirm sudo paccache -r echo "System updated on $(date)" >> /var/log/system_update.log
terminal this: sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
enable daemon: sudo systemctl enable cronie sudo systemctl start cronie sudo crontab -e 0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/
SSH: vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Paste this: PermitRootLogin no PasswordAuthentication no AllowUsers your_username
terminal this: sudo systemctl restart sshd
fail2ban: sudo pacman -S fail2ban sudo systemctl enable fail2ban sudo systemctl start fail2ban
Clamav: sudo freshclam sudo systemctl enable clamav-freshclam sudo systemctl start clamav-freshclam sudo systemctl enable clamav-daemon sudo systemctl start clamav-daemon
firewall: vim /etc/nftables.conf
paste this: #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
flush ruleset
table inet filter { chain input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
# Allow established and related connections
ct state established,related accept
# Allow loopback interface
iif lo accept
# Allow ICMP
ip protocol icmp accept
# Allow SSH
tcp dport 22 accept
# Allow HTTP and HTTPS
tcp dport {80, 443} accept
# Allow Plex
tcp dport 32400 accept
# Allow Netdata
tcp dport 19999 accept
# Allow Samba
tcp dport {137, 138, 139, 445} accept
udp dport {137, 138, 139, 445} accept
# Allow Motion
tcp dport {8080, 8081} accept
# Log and drop everything else
log prefix "nftables: " counter drop
chain forward {
type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
chain output {
type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept;
Finish up by enabling the Quantum encryption script