diff --git a/book/README.md b/book/README.md index 911abd8..de92d22 100644 --- a/book/README.md +++ b/book/README.md @@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ Navigate using the sidebar or the "next page" arrows to begin. ## License -The Solo Development Guide is released as [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). See our [Github Repository](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide) for more details. +The Solo Development Guide is released as [CC BY-SA 4.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). See our [Github Repository](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide) for more details. diff --git a/book/advanced-logs.md b/book/advanced-logs.md index 13f74da..9a9a0cd 100644 --- a/book/advanced-logs.md +++ b/book/advanced-logs.md @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ The system logs directory (`/log` on both Solo and the Controller) contains all Logs of a particular type share the same prefix (e.g. `solo.tlog`) and have a numeric suffix to indicate how old they are (e.g. `solo.tlog` is the most recent log, `solo.tlog.1` is the second most recent log, etc.). When a new log is created all logs are pushed down one number. At most, 20 logs are saved! -The main log types are listed below (we hope provide information about the other logs [as it becomes available](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/issues/224)). +The main log types are listed below (we hope provide information about the other logs [as it becomes available](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/issues/224)). ### Solo Controller diff --git a/book/example-get-started.md b/book/example-get-started.md index 7c84858..ca96c01 100644 --- a/book/example-get-started.md +++ b/book/example-get-started.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # Running the Examples This guide contains a number of examples showing how to use DroneKit on Solo. These are stored on Github in separate folders under -[solodevguide/examples](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/tree/master/examples). +[solodevguide/examples](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/tree/master/examples). The examples can be run locally from your development computer to communicate with either Solo or a simulated copter, or they can be run on Solo itself. @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The following instructions can be used to package each of the examples on a host
``` - git clone https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide + git clone https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide cd solodevguide/examples/helloworld ``` @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ The following instructions explain how to run the examples locally from a host P ``` - git clone https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide + git clone https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide cd solodevguide/examples/helloworld ``` @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ The following instructions explain how to run the examples locally from a host P ``` - git clone https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide + git clone https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide cd solodevguide/examples/helloworld ``` diff --git a/book/example-helloworld.md b/book/example-helloworld.md index 847087a..261636f 100644 --- a/book/example-helloworld.md +++ b/book/example-helloworld.md @@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ To run the example locally: ``` - git clone https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide + git clone https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide cd solodevguide/examples/helloworld ``` @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ To run the example on Solo solo script pack ``` - The libraries that are bundled are defined in the [requirements.txt](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/blob/master/examples/helloworld/requirements.txt) file in the example directory. For this example DroneKit itself is the only dependency: + The libraries that are bundled are defined in the [requirements.txt](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/blob/master/examples/helloworld/requirements.txt) file in the example directory. For this example DroneKit itself is the only dependency: diff --git a/book/example-opencv.md b/book/example-opencv.md index d0dc245..66d1821 100644 --- a/book/example-opencv.md +++ b/book/example-opencv.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Detect faces using the onboard camera in Solo. -**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [opencv folder](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/opencv) on Github. +**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [opencv folder](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/opencv) on Github. ## Running a Custom OpenCV example diff --git a/book/example-skywriter.md b/book/example-skywriter.md index 6f6985a..619a129 100644 --- a/book/example-skywriter.md +++ b/book/example-skywriter.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Move solo around using high-level directional commands. -**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [skywriter folder](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/skywriter) on Github. +**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [skywriter folder](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/skywriter) on Github. ## High-level directional commands diff --git a/book/example-stillframe.md b/book/example-stillframe.md index d6f1ebb..2f85626 100644 --- a/book/example-stillframe.md +++ b/book/example-stillframe.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Capturing Stills and Video -**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [stillframe folder](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/stillframe) on Github. +**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [stillframe folder](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/stillframe) on Github. ## Description of the server @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The server is implemented using _[flask](http://flask.pocoo.org/)_, and should b See [Bundling Python](advanced-python.html) for an explanation of the following steps. -Clone the [solodevguide](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide) repository and cd into the [examples/stillframe](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/stillframe) directory. +Clone the [solodevguide](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide) repository and cd into the [examples/stillframe](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/stillframe) directory. In this folder, prepare your environment by running: diff --git a/book/example-webserver.md b/book/example-webserver.md index 3c3f820..2dc2fea 100644 --- a/book/example-webserver.md +++ b/book/example-webserver.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Building upon the Hello World! example, let's run a web server from Solo that is This can provide an alternate interface to Solo internals than just the Solo app. For example, you can create a ground control station written entirely in JavaScript and HTML, or allow a control panel for custom (or even fully autonomous) actions by Solo! -**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [webserver folder](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/webserver) on Github. +**NOTE:** To run this example, please `git clone` or download all the files in the [webserver folder](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide/tree/master/examples/webserver) on Github. ## Using Flask diff --git a/book/starting-contributing.md b/book/starting-contributing.md index 3f6dcae..975abb7 100644 --- a/book/starting-contributing.md +++ b/book/starting-contributing.md @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ # Contributing -Thanks for your interest in contributing to this guide! We accept contributions [via pull requests or new issues on our Github repository](https://github.com/3drobotics/solodevguide). +Thanks for your interest in contributing to this guide! We accept contributions [via pull requests or new issues on our Github repository](https://github.com/opensolo/solodevguide). Our goal is to create an intuitive and comprehensive guide on how to work with Solo. Please submit issues you've had with the existing content, typographical corrections, or even whole new tutorials. diff --git a/book/starting-troubleshooting.md b/book/starting-troubleshooting.md index e76752f..8522ff1 100644 --- a/book/starting-troubleshooting.md +++ b/book/starting-troubleshooting.md @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Factory resetting is the most reliable way to undo changes that break your system. To factory reset your Solo back to the "Gold Master" state, follow the [Factory Reset Procedure](http://3drobotics.com/kb/factory-reset/). ## Fetching System Logs diff --git a/docs/README.md b/docs/README.md deleted file mode 100644 index 911abd8..0000000 --- a/docs/README.md +++ /dev/null @@ -1,48 +0,0 @@ -There are some tricks to developing on Solo faster that we have not documented in the rest of this guide.
+If you do not want to be prompted for a password each time you SSH into Solo, you can copy your SSH public key to Solo:
+ + +solo provision
+By copying your public key to Solo, you will no longer be prompted for your password each time you run ssh
+(see "solo" Command Line Tool for more information).
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+ Solo Development Guide
+ Licenses