diff --git a/apps/OpenSign/src/App.js b/apps/OpenSign/src/App.js
index d47209390..74c468f15 100644
--- a/apps/OpenSign/src/App.js
+++ b/apps/OpenSign/src/App.js
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ const GenerateToken = lazy(() => import("./pages/GenerateToken"));
const Webhook = lazy(() => import("./pages/Webhook"));
const AddAdmin = lazy(() => import("./pages/AddAdmin"));
const UpdateExistUserAdmin = lazy(() => import("./pages/UpdateExistUserAdmin"));
-const DraftTemplate = lazy(() => import("./pages/DraftTemplate"));
const Preferences = lazy(() => import("./pages/Preferences"));
pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = `//unpkg.com/pdfjs-dist@${pdfjs.version}/legacy/build/pdf.worker.min.mjs`;
@@ -206,10 +205,6 @@ function App() {
} />
- }
- />
} />
diff --git a/apps/OpenSign/src/components/AddUser.js b/apps/OpenSign/src/components/AddUser.js
index f8e593e44..2f2035233 100644
--- a/apps/OpenSign/src/components/AddUser.js
+++ b/apps/OpenSign/src/components/AddUser.js
@@ -431,6 +431,7 @@ const AddUser = (props) => {
{/* * */}
+ {/* added hint for phone number being optional */}
- const { t } = useTranslation();
- const isHeader = useSelector((state) => state.showHeader);
- const { jwttoken } = useParams();
- const signRef = useRef(null);
- const dragRef = useRef(null);
- const divRef = useRef(null);
- const numPages = 1;
- const isMobile = window.innerWidth < 767;
- const [pdfDetails, setPdfDetails] = useState([]);
- const [isMailSend, setIsMailSend] = useState(false);
- const [allPages, setAllPages] = useState(null);
- const [pageNumber, setPageNumber] = useState(1);
- const [signBtnPosition, setSignBtnPosition] = useState([]);
- const [xySignature, setXYSignature] = useState({});
- const [dragKey, setDragKey] = useState();
- const [signersdata, setSignersData] = useState([]);
- const [signerPos, setSignerPos] = useState([]);
- const [isSelectListId, setIsSelectId] = useState();
- const [isSendAlert, setIsSendAlert] = useState(false);
- const [isCreateDocModal, setIsCreateDocModal] = useState(false);
- const [isSubscribe, setIsSubscribe] = useState(false);
- const [isRotate, setIsRotate] = useState({ status: false, degree: 0 });
- const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState({
- isLoad: true,
- message: t("loading-mssg")
- });
- const [handleError, setHandleError] = useState();
- const [pdfNewWidth, setPdfNewWidth] = useState();
- const [templateTour, setTemplateTour] = useState(true);
- const [checkTourStatus, setCheckTourStatus] = useState(false);
- const [tourStatus, setTourStatus] = useState([]);
- const [signerUserId, setSignerUserId] = useState();
- const [pdfOriginalWH, setPdfOriginalWH] = useState([]);
- const [containerWH, setContainerWH] = useState();
- const [isShowEmail, setIsShowEmail] = useState(false);
- const [selectedEmail, setSelectedEmail] = useState(false);
- const [isResize, setIsResize] = useState(false);
- const [isSigners, setIsSigners] = useState(false);
- const [zIndex, setZIndex] = useState(1);
- const [showDropdown, setShowDropdown] = useState(false);
- const [widgetType, setWidgetType] = useState("");
- const [isRadio, setIsRadio] = useState(false);
- const [blockColor, setBlockColor] = useState("");
- const [selectWidgetId, setSelectWidgetId] = useState("");
- const [isNameModal, setIsNameModal] = useState(false);
- const [isTextSetting, setIsTextSetting] = useState(false);
- const [pdfLoad, setPdfLoad] = useState(false);
- const [pdfRotateBase64, setPdfRotatese64] = useState("");
- const [uniqueId, setUniqueId] = useState("");
- const [isModalRole, setIsModalRole] = useState(false);
- const [roleName, setRoleName] = useState("");
- const [isAddUser, setIsAddUser] = useState({});
- const [isEditTemplate, setIsEditTemplate] = useState(false);
- const [isPageCopy, setIsPageCopy] = useState(false);
- const [signKey, setSignKey] = useState();
- const [IsReceipent, setIsReceipent] = useState(true);
- const [isDontShow, setIsDontShow] = useState(false);
- const [isDragging, setIsDragging] = useState(false);
- const [currWidgetsDetails, setCurrWidgetsDetails] = useState([]);
- const [isCheckbox, setIsCheckbox] = useState(false);
- const [widgetName, setWidgetName] = useState(false);
- const [isAddRole, setIsAddRole] = useState(false);
- const [fontSize, setFontSize] = useState();
- const [fontColor, setFontColor] = useState();
- const [zoomPercent, setZoomPercent] = useState(0);
- const [scale, setScale] = useState(1);
- const [isSubscriptionExpired, setIsSubscriptionExpired] = useState(false);
- const [isAlert, setIsAlert] = useState({ type: "success", msg: "" });
- const [isPublic, setIsPublic] = useState("");
- const [isPublicErr, setIsPublicError] = useState("");
- const [isAllRoleLinked, setIsAllRolelinked] = useState(false);
- const [signatureType, setSignatureType] = useState([]);
- const [, drop] = useDrop({
- accept: "BOX",
- drop: (item, monitor) => addPositionOfSignature(item, monitor),
- collect: (monitor) => ({ isOver: !!monitor.isOver() })
- });
- const [{ isDragSign }, dragSignature] = useDrag({
- type: "BOX",
- item: { type: "BOX", id: 1, text: "signature" },
- collect: (monitor) => ({ isDragSign: !!monitor.isDragging() })
- });
- const [{ isDragStamp }, dragStamp] = useDrag({
- type: "BOX",
- item: { type: "BOX", id: 2, text: "stamp" },
- collect: (monitor) => ({ isDragStamp: !!monitor.isDragging() })
- });
- const decode = jwtDecode(jwttoken);
- const templateId = decode?.template_id;
- useEffect(() => {
- fetchTemplate();
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- }, []);
- useEffect(() => {
- const updateSize = () => {
- if (divRef.current) {
- const pdfWidth = pdfNewWidthFun(divRef);
- setPdfNewWidth(pdfWidth);
- setContainerWH({
- width: divRef.current.offsetWidth,
- height: divRef.current.offsetHeight
- });
- setScale(1);
- setZoomPercent(0);
- }
- };
- // Use setTimeout to wait for the transition to complete
- const timer = setTimeout(updateSize, 100); // match the transition duration
- return () => clearTimeout(timer);
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- }, [divRef.current, isHeader]);
- const handleNavigation = () => {
- // navigate("/subscription");
- setIsSubscriptionExpired(true);
- };
- async function checkIsSubscribed() {
- const res = await fetchSubscription("", "", false, false, jwttoken);
- const plan = res.plan;
- const billingDate = res.billingDate;
- if (plan === "freeplan") {
- return true;
- } else if (billingDate) {
- if (new Date(billingDate) > new Date()) {
- setIsSubscribe(true);
- return true;
- } else {
- handleNavigation(plan);
- }
- } else {
- handleNavigation(plan);
- }
- }
- //function to fetch tenant Details
- const fetchTenantDetails = async () => {
- if (jwttoken) {
- try {
- const tenantDetails = await getTenantDetails("", jwttoken);
- if (tenantDetails && tenantDetails === "user does not exist!") {
- alert(t("user-not-exist"));
- } else if (tenantDetails) {
- const signatureType = tenantDetails?.SignatureType || [];
- const filterSignTypes = signatureType?.filter(
- (x) => x.enabled === true
- );
- return filterSignTypes;
- }
- } catch (e) {
- alert(t("user-not-exist"));
- }
- } else {
- alert(t("user-not-exist"));
- }
- };
- // `fetchTemplate` function in used to get Template from server and setPlaceholder ,setSigner if present
- const fetchTemplate = async () => {
- try {
- const tenantSignTypes = await fetchTenantDetails();
- const params = { templateId: templateId };
- const token = jwttoken
- ? { jwttoken: jwttoken }
- : { sessionToken: localStorage.getItem("accesstoken") };
- const templateDeatils = await axios.post(
- `${localStorage.getItem("baseUrl")}functions/getTemplate`,
- params,
- {
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "X-Parse-Application-Id": localStorage.getItem("parseAppId"),
- ...token
- }
- }
- );
- const documentData =
- templateDeatils.data && templateDeatils.data.result
- ? [templateDeatils.data.result]
- : [];
- if (templateDeatils?.data?.result?.IsPublic !== undefined) {
- if (templateDeatils?.data?.result?.IsPublic === true) {
- setIsPublic("true");
- } else {
- setIsPublic("false");
- }
- } else {
- setIsPublic("undefined");
- }
- if (documentData && documentData.length > 0) {
- if (isEnableSubscription) {
- checkIsSubscribed(documentData[0]?.ExtUserPtr?.Email);
- }
- const userSignatureType =
- documentData[0]?.ExtUserPtr?.SignatureType || signatureTypes;
- const docSignTypes =
- documentData?.[0]?.SignatureType || userSignatureType;
- const updatedSignatureType = await handleSignatureType(
- tenantSignTypes,
- docSignTypes
- );
- setSignatureType(updatedSignatureType);
- const updatedPdfDetails = [...documentData];
- updatedPdfDetails[0].SignatureType = updatedSignatureType;
- setPdfDetails(updatedPdfDetails);
- setIsSigners(true);
- if (documentData[0].Signers && documentData[0].Signers.length > 0) {
- setIsSelectId(0);
- if (
- documentData[0].Placeholders &&
- documentData[0].Placeholders.length > 0
- ) {
- setSignerPos(documentData[0].Placeholders);
- let signers = [...documentData[0].Signers];
- let updatedSigners = documentData[0].Placeholders.map((x) => {
- let matchingSigner = signers.find(
- (y) => x.signerObjId && x.signerObjId === y.objectId
- );
- if (matchingSigner) {
- return {
- ...matchingSigner,
- Role: x.Role ? x.Role : matchingSigner.Role,
- Id: x.Id,
- blockColor: x.blockColor
- };
- } else {
- return { Role: x.Role, Id: x.Id, blockColor: x.blockColor };
- }
- });
- setSignersData(updatedSigners);
- setUniqueId(updatedSigners[0].Id);
- setBlockColor(updatedSigners[0].blockColor);
- } else {
- const updatedSigners = documentData[0].Signers.map((x, index) => ({
- ...x,
- Id: randomId(),
- Role: "User " + (index + 1)
- }));
- setSignersData(updatedSigners);
- setUniqueId(updatedSigners[0].Id);
- setBlockColor(updatedSigners[0].blockColor);
- }
- } else {
- setRoleName("User 1");
- if (
- documentData[0].Placeholders &&
- documentData[0].Placeholders.length > 0
- ) {
- let updatedSigners = documentData[0].Placeholders.map((x) => {
- return { Role: x.Role, Id: x.Id, blockColor: x.blockColor };
- });
- setSignerPos(documentData[0].Placeholders);
- setUniqueId(updatedSigners[0].Id);
- setSignersData(updatedSigners);
- setIsSelectId(0);
- setBlockColor(updatedSigners[0].blockColor);
- }
- }
- } else if (
- documentData === "Error: Something went wrong!" ||
- (documentData.result && documentData.result.error)
- ) {
- setHandleError(t("something-went-wrong-mssg"));
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- } else {
- setHandleError(t("no-data-avaliable"));
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- }
- const res = await contractUsers(jwttoken);
- if (res[0] && res.length) {
- setSignerUserId(res[0].objectId);
- const tourstatus = res[0].TourStatus && res[0].TourStatus;
- if (tourstatus && tourstatus.length > 0) {
- setTourStatus(tourstatus);
- const checkTourRecipients = tourstatus.filter(
- (data) => data.templateTour
- );
- if (checkTourRecipients && checkTourRecipients.length > 0) {
- setCheckTourStatus(checkTourRecipients[0].templateTour);
- }
- }
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- } else if (res === "Error: Something went wrong!") {
- setHandleError(t("something-went-wrong-mssg"));
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- } else if (res.length === 0) {
- setHandleError(t("no-data-avaliable"));
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log("err ", err);
- if (err?.response?.data?.code === 101) {
- setHandleError(t("no-data-avaliable"));
- } else {
- setHandleError(t("something-went-wrong-mssg"));
- }
- }
- };
- //function for setting position after drop signature button over pdf
- const addPositionOfSignature = (item, monitor) => {
- if (item && item.text) {
- setWidgetName(item.text);
- }
- getSignerPos(item, monitor);
- };
- // `getSignerPos` is used to get placeholder position when user place it and save it in array
- const getSignerPos = (item, monitor) => {
- if (uniqueId) {
- const signer = signersdata.find((x) => x.Id === uniqueId);
- if (signer) {
- const posZIndex = zIndex + 1;
- setZIndex(posZIndex);
- const containerScale = getContainerScale(
- pdfOriginalWH,
- pageNumber,
- containerWH
- );
- const key = randomId();
- const dragTypeValue = item?.text ? item.text : monitor.type;
- const widgetWidth =
- defaultWidthHeight(dragTypeValue).width * containerScale;
- const widgetHeight =
- defaultWidthHeight(dragTypeValue).height * containerScale;
- let dropData = [],
- currentPagePosition;
- let placeHolder;
- if (item === "onclick") {
- // `getBoundingClientRect()` is used to get accurate measurement height of the div
- const divHeight = divRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().height;
- const dropObj = {
- //onclick put placeholder center on pdf
- xPosition: widgetWidth / 4 + containerWH.width / 2,
- yPosition: widgetHeight + divHeight / 2,
- isStamp:
- (dragTypeValue === "stamp" || dragTypeValue === "image") && true,
- key: key,
- scale: containerScale,
- zIndex: posZIndex,
- type: dragTypeValue,
- options: addWidgetOptions(dragTypeValue),
- Width: widgetWidth / (containerScale * scale),
- Height: widgetHeight / (containerScale * scale)
- };
- dropData.push(dropObj);
- placeHolder = { pageNumber: pageNumber, pos: dropData };
- } else {
- const offset = monitor.getClientOffset();
- //adding and updating drop position in array when user drop signature button in div
- const containerRect = document
- .getElementById("container")
- .getBoundingClientRect();
- const x = offset.x - containerRect.left;
- const y = offset.y - containerRect.top;
- const getXPosition = signBtnPosition[0]
- ? x - signBtnPosition[0].xPos
- : x;
- const getYPosition = signBtnPosition[0]
- ? y - signBtnPosition[0].yPos
- : y;
- const dropObj = {
- xPosition: getXPosition / (containerScale * scale),
- yPosition: getYPosition / (containerScale * scale),
- isStamp:
- (dragTypeValue === "stamp" || dragTypeValue === "image") && true,
- key: key,
- scale: containerScale,
- // isMobile: isMobile,
- zIndex: posZIndex,
- type: item.text,
- options: addWidgetOptions(dragTypeValue),
- Width: widgetWidth / (containerScale * scale),
- Height: widgetHeight / (containerScale * scale)
- };
- dropData.push(dropObj);
- placeHolder = { pageNumber: pageNumber, pos: dropData };
- }
- let filterSignerPos = signerPos.find((data) => data.Id === uniqueId);
- const getPlaceHolder = filterSignerPos?.placeHolder;
- if (getPlaceHolder) {
- //checking exist placeholder on same page
- currentPagePosition = getPlaceHolder.find(
- (data) => data.pageNumber === pageNumber
- );
- }
- //checking current page has already some placeholders then update that placeholder and add upcoming placehoder position
- if (getPlaceHolder && currentPagePosition) {
- const updatePlace = getPlaceHolder.filter(
- (data) => data.pageNumber !== pageNumber
- );
- const getPos = currentPagePosition?.pos;
- const newSignPos = getPos.concat(dropData);
- let xyPos = { pageNumber: pageNumber, pos: newSignPos };
- updatePlace.push(xyPos);
- const updatesignerPos = signerPos.map((x) =>
- x.Id === uniqueId ? { ...x, placeHolder: updatePlace } : x
- );
- setSignerPos(updatesignerPos);
- } else {
- //else condition to add placeholder widgets on multiple page first time
- const updatesignerPos = signerPos.map((x) =>
- x.Id === uniqueId && x?.placeHolder
- ? { ...x, placeHolder: [...x.placeHolder, placeHolder] }
- : x.Id === uniqueId
- ? { ...x, placeHolder: [placeHolder] }
- : x
- );
- setSignerPos(updatesignerPos);
- }
- if (dragTypeValue === "dropdown") {
- setShowDropdown(true);
- } else if (dragTypeValue === "checkbox") {
- setIsCheckbox(true);
- } else if (dragTypeValue === radioButtonWidget) {
- setIsRadio(true);
- } else if (
- [textInputWidget, "name", "company", "job title", "email"].includes(
- dragTypeValue
- )
- ) {
- setFontSize(12);
- setFontColor("black");
- }
- setCurrWidgetsDetails({});
- setWidgetType(dragTypeValue);
- setSignKey(key);
- setSelectWidgetId(key);
- setIsMailSend(false);
- } else {
- setIsReceipent(false);
- }
- } else {
- setIsAddRole(true);
- }
- };
- const tourAddRole = [
- {
- selector: '[data-tut="reactourAddbtn"]',
- content: t("add-user-template"),
- position: "top",
- style: { fontSize: "13px" }
- }
- ];
- //function for get pdf page details
- const pageDetails = async (pdf) => {
- let pdfWHObj = [];
- const totalPages = pdf?.numPages;
- for (let index = 0; index < totalPages; index++) {
- const getPage = await pdf.getPage(index + 1);
- const scale = 1;
- const { width, height } = getPage.getViewport({ scale });
- pdfWHObj.push({ pageNumber: index + 1, width, height });
- }
- setPdfOriginalWH(pdfWHObj);
- setPdfLoad(true);
- };
- //function for save x and y position and show signature tab on that position
- const handleTabDrag = (key) => {
- setDragKey(key);
- setIsDragging(true);
- };
- //function for set and update x and y postion after drag and drop signature tab
- const handleStop = (event, dragElement, signerId, key) => {
- setFontColor();
- setFontSize();
- if (!isResize && isDragging) {
- const dataNewPlace = addZIndex(signerPos, key, setZIndex);
- let updateSignPos = [...signerPos];
- updateSignPos.splice(0, updateSignPos.length, ...dataNewPlace);
- const signId = signerId; //? signerId : signerObjId;
- const keyValue = key ? key : dragKey;
- const containerScale = getContainerScale(
- pdfOriginalWH,
- pageNumber,
- containerWH
- );
- if (keyValue >= 0) {
- const filterSignerPos = updateSignPos.filter(
- (data) => data.Id === signId
- );
- if (filterSignerPos.length > 0) {
- const getPlaceHolder = filterSignerPos[0].placeHolder;
- const getPageNumer = getPlaceHolder.filter(
- (data) => data.pageNumber === pageNumber
- );
- if (getPageNumer.length > 0) {
- const getXYdata = getPageNumer[0].pos;
- const getPosData = getXYdata;
- const addSignPos = getPosData.map((url) => {
- if (url.key === keyValue) {
- return {
- ...url,
- xPosition: dragElement.x / (containerScale * scale),
- yPosition: dragElement.y / (containerScale * scale)
- };
- }
- return url;
- });
- const newUpdateSignPos = getPlaceHolder.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.pageNumber === pageNumber) {
- return { ...obj, pos: addSignPos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- const newUpdateSigner = updateSignPos.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.Id === signId) {
- return { ...obj, placeHolder: newUpdateSignPos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- setSignerPos(newUpdateSigner);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- setIsMailSend(false);
- setTimeout(() => setIsDragging(false), 200);
- };
- //function for delete signature block
- const handleDeleteSign = (key, Id) => {
- const updateData = [];
- const filterSignerPos = signerPos.filter((data) => data.Id === Id);
- if (filterSignerPos.length > 0) {
- const getPlaceHolder = filterSignerPos[0].placeHolder;
- const getPageNumer = getPlaceHolder.filter(
- (data) => data.pageNumber === pageNumber
- );
- if (getPageNumer.length > 0) {
- const getXYdata = getPageNumer[0].pos.filter(
- (data) => data.key !== key
- );
- if (getXYdata.length > 0) {
- updateData.push(getXYdata);
- const newUpdatePos = getPlaceHolder.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.pageNumber === pageNumber) {
- return { ...obj, pos: updateData[0] };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- const newUpdateSigner = signerPos.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.Id === Id) {
- return { ...obj, placeHolder: newUpdatePos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- setSignerPos(newUpdateSigner);
- } else {
- const getRemainPage = filterSignerPos[0].placeHolder.filter(
- (data) => data.pageNumber !== pageNumber
- );
- //condition to check placeholder length is greater than 1 do not need to remove whole placeholder
- //array only resove particular widgets
- if (getRemainPage && getRemainPage.length > 0) {
- const newUpdatePos = filterSignerPos.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.Id === Id) {
- return { ...obj, placeHolder: getRemainPage };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- let signerupdate = [];
- signerupdate = signerPos.filter((data) => data.Id !== Id);
- signerupdate.push(newUpdatePos[0]);
- setSignerPos(signerupdate);
- } else {
- const updatedData = signerPos.map((item) => {
- if (item.Id === Id) {
- // Create a copy of the item object and delete the placeHolder field
- const updatedItem = { ...item };
- delete updatedItem.placeHolder;
- return updatedItem;
- }
- return item;
- });
- setSignerPos(updatedData);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
- //function for change page
- function changePage(offset) {
- setSignBtnPosition([]);
- setPageNumber((prevPageNumber) => prevPageNumber + offset);
- }
- //function for capture position on hover or touch widgets
- const handleDivClick = (e) => {
- const isTouchEvent = e.type.startsWith("touch");
- const divRect = e.currentTarget.getBoundingClientRect();
- let mouseX, mouseY;
- if (isTouchEvent) {
- const touch = e.touches[0]; // Get the first touch point
- mouseX = touch.clientX - divRect.left;
- mouseY = touch.clientY - divRect.top;
- setSignBtnPosition([{ xPos: mouseX, yPos: mouseY }]);
- } else {
- mouseX = e.clientX - divRect.left;
- mouseY = e.clientY - divRect.top;
- const xyPosition = { xPos: mouseX, yPos: mouseY };
- setXYSignature(xyPosition);
- }
- };
- //function for capture position of x and y on hover signature button last position
- const handleMouseLeave = () => setSignBtnPosition([xySignature]);
- const alertSendEmail = async () => {
- const isPlaceholderExist = signerPos.every((data) => data.placeHolder);
- if (isPlaceholderExist) {
- handleSaveTemplate();
- } else {
- setIsSendAlert(true);
- }
- };
- // `saveTemplate` is used to update template on server using savetemplate endpoint
- const saveTemplate = async () => {
- if (signersdata?.length) {
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: true, message: t("loading-mssg") });
- setIsSendAlert(false);
- let signers = [];
- if (signersdata?.length > 0) {
- signers = signersdata?.reduce((acc, x) => {
- if (x.objectId) {
- acc.push({
- __type: "Pointer",
- className: "contracts_Contactbook",
- objectId: x.objectId
- });
- }
- return acc;
- }, []);
- }
- let pdfUrl = pdfDetails[0]?.URL;
- if (pdfRotateBase64) {
- try {
- pdfUrl = await convertBase64ToFile(
- pdfDetails[0].Name,
- pdfRotateBase64
- );
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("error to convertBase64ToFile", e);
- }
- }
- try {
- const data = {
- templateId: templateId,
- Placeholders: signerPos,
- Signers: signers,
- URL: pdfUrl,
- Name: pdfDetails[0]?.Name || "",
- Note: pdfDetails[0]?.Note || "",
- Description: pdfDetails[0]?.Description || "",
- SendinOrder: pdfDetails[0]?.SendinOrder || false,
- AutomaticReminders: pdfDetails[0]?.AutomaticReminders,
- RemindOnceInEvery: parseInt(pdfDetails[0]?.RemindOnceInEvery),
- NextReminderDate: pdfDetails[0]?.NextReminderDate,
- IsEnableOTP: pdfDetails[0]?.IsEnableOTP === true ? true : false,
- IsTourEnabled: pdfDetails[0]?.IsTourEnabled === true ? true : false,
- SignatureType: signatureType
- };
- const baseURL = localStorage.getItem("baseUrl");
- const url = `${baseURL}functions/savetemplate`;
- const headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "X-Parse-Application-Id": localStorage.getItem("parseAppId"),
- jwttoken: jwttoken
- };
- await axios.post(url, data, { headers });
- // console.log("savetemplate", res.data);
- const isSignersLinked =
- signerPos?.some((x) => !x.signerObjId) === false;
- setIsAllRolelinked(isSignersLinked);
- setIsCreateDocModal(true);
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- } catch (e) {
- setIsLoading(false);
- alert(t("something-went-wrong-mssg"));
- console.log("error", e);
- }
- } else {
- setIsReceipent(false);
- }
- };
- // `handleSaveTemplate` is used to save template based of validation
- const handleSaveTemplate = async () => {
- const isPublicTemplate = isPublic === "true";
- if (isPublicTemplate) {
- const unlinkSignerIndex = signerPos?.findIndex((x) => !x?.signerObjId);
- const unlinkSigners = signerPos?.filter((x) => !x?.signerObjId)?.length; // unLink with role
- if (unlinkSignerIndex === 0 && unlinkSigners === 1) {
- await saveTemplate();
- } else {
- setIsPublicError(true);
- }
- } else {
- await saveTemplate();
- }
- };
- const handleDontShow = (isChecked) => setIsDontShow(isChecked);
- //here you can add your messages in content and selector is key of particular steps
- const tourConfig = [
- {
- selector: '[data-tut="reactourAddbtn"]',
- content: () => (
- ),
- position: "top",
- observe: '[data-tut="reactourAddbtn--observe"]',
- style: { fontSize: "13px" }
- },
- {
- selector: '[data-tut="reactourFirst"]',
- content: () => (
- ),
- position: "top",
- style: { fontSize: "13px" },
- action: () => handleCloseRoleModal()
- },
- {
- selector: '[data-tut="addWidgets"]',
- content: () => (
- ),
- position: "top",
- style: { fontSize: "13px" }
- },
- {
- selector: '[data-tut="reactourThird"]',
- content: () => (
- ),
- position: "top",
- style: { fontSize: "13px" }
- },
- {
- selector: '[data-tut="headerArea"]',
- content: () => (
- ),
- position: "top",
- style: { fontSize: "13px" }
- }
- ];
- //function for update TourStatus
- const closeTour = async () => {
- setTemplateTour(false);
- if (isDontShow) {
- let updatedTourStatus = [];
- if (tourStatus.length > 0) {
- updatedTourStatus = [...tourStatus];
- const templatetourIndex = tourStatus.findIndex(
- (obj) => obj["templateTour"] === false || obj["templateTour"] === true
- );
- if (templatetourIndex !== -1) {
- updatedTourStatus[templatetourIndex] = { templateTour: true };
- } else {
- updatedTourStatus.push({ templateTour: true });
- }
- } else {
- updatedTourStatus = [{ templateTour: true }];
- }
- try {
- const url = `${localStorage.getItem(
- "baseUrl"
- )}functions/updatetourstatus`;
- const parseAppId = localStorage.getItem("parseAppId");
- const accesstoken = localStorage.getItem("accesstoken");
- const token = jwttoken
- ? { jwttoken: jwttoken }
- : { "X-Parse-Session-Token": accesstoken };
- const data = { TourStatus: updatedTourStatus, ExtUserId: signerUserId };
- await axios.post(url, data, {
- headers: {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "X-Parse-Application-Id": parseAppId,
- ...token
- }
- });
- } catch (err) {
- console.log("axios err while update tourstatus", err);
- }
- }
- };
- // `handleAddSigner` is used to open Add Role Modal
- const handleAddSigner = () => {
- setIsModalRole(true);
- setRoleName("");
- };
- // `handleAddRole` function is called when use click on add button in addRole modal
- // save Role in entry in signerList and user
- const handleAddRole = (e) => {
- e.preventDefault();
- const count = signersdata.length > 0 ? signersdata.length + 1 : 1;
- const Id = randomId();
- const index = signersdata.length;
- const obj = {
- Role: roleName || "User " + count,
- Id: Id,
- blockColor: color[index]
- };
- setSignersData((prevArr) => [...prevArr, obj]);
- const signerPosObj = {
- signerPtr: {},
- signerObjId: "",
- blockColor: color[index],
- Role: roleName || "User " + count,
- Id: Id
- };
- setSignerPos((prev) => [...prev, signerPosObj]);
- setIsModalRole(false);
- setRoleName("");
- setUniqueId(Id);
- setBlockColor(color[index]);
- setIsSelectId(index);
- setIsMailSend(false);
- };
- // `handleDeleteUser` function is used to delete record and placeholder when user click on delete which is place next user name in recipients list
- const handleDeleteUser = (Id) => {
- const updateSigner = signersdata
- .filter((x) => x.Id !== Id)
- .map((x, i) => ({ ...x, blockColor: color[i] }));
- setSignersData(updateSigner);
- const updatePlaceholderUser = signerPos
- .filter((x) => x.Id !== Id)
- .map((x, i) => ({ ...x, blockColor: color[i] }));
- const index = signersdata.findIndex((x) => x.Id === Id);
- if (index === signersdata.length - 1) {
- setUniqueId(updateSigner[updateSigner.length - 1]?.Id || "");
- setIsSelectId(index - 1 || 0);
- setBlockColor(color[index - 1 || 0]);
- } else {
- setUniqueId(updateSigner[index]?.Id || "");
- setIsSelectId(index);
- setBlockColor(color[index]);
- }
- setSignerPos(updatePlaceholderUser);
- setIsMailSend(false);
- };
- // `handleLinkUser` is used to open Add/Choose Signer Modal when user can link existing or new User with placeholder
- // and update entry in signersList
- const handleLinkUser = (id) => {
- setIsAddUser({ [id]: true });
- };
- // `handleAddUser` is used to adduser
- const handleAddUser = (data) => {
- const signerPtr = {
- __type: "Pointer",
- className: "contracts_Contactbook",
- objectId: data.objectId
- };
- const updatePlaceHolder = signerPos.map((x) => {
- if (x.Id === uniqueId) {
- return { ...x, signerPtr: signerPtr, signerObjId: data.objectId };
- }
- return { ...x };
- });
- setSignerPos(updatePlaceHolder);
- const updateSigner = signersdata.map((x) => {
- if (x.Id === uniqueId) {
- return { ...x, ...data, className: "contracts_Contactbook" };
- }
- return { ...x };
- });
- setSignersData(updateSigner);
- setIsMailSend(false);
- const index = signersdata.findIndex((x) => x.Id === uniqueId);
- setIsSelectId(index);
- };
- // `closePopup` is used to close Add/Choose signer modal
- const closePopup = () => setIsAddUser({});
- // `handleRoleChange` function is call when user update Role name from recipients list
- const handleRoleChange = (event, roleId) => {
- // Update the role when the content changes
- const updatedRoles = signersdata.map((role) =>
- role.Id === roleId ? { ...role, Role: event.target.value } : role
- );
- setSignersData(updatedRoles);
- const updatedPlaceholder = signerPos.map((role) =>
- role.Id === roleId ? { ...role, Role: event.target.value } : role
- );
- setSignerPos(updatedPlaceholder);
- setIsMailSend(false);
- };
- // `handleOnBlur` function is call when user click outside input box
- const handleOnBlur = (updateRole, roleId) => {
- // Update the role when the content changes
- if (!updateRole) {
- const updatedRoles = signersdata.map((role) =>
- role.Id === roleId ? { ...role, Role: roleName } : role
- );
- setSignersData(updatedRoles);
- const updatedPlaceholder = signerPos?.map((role) =>
- role.Id === roleId ? { ...role, Role: roleName } : role
- );
- setSignerPos(updatedPlaceholder);
- }
- };
- const handleEditTemplateModal = () => setIsEditTemplate(!isEditTemplate);
- const handleEditTemplateForm = (data) => {
- setIsEditTemplate(false);
- const updateTemplate = pdfDetails.map((x) => {
- return { ...x, ...data };
- });
- setPdfDetails(updateTemplate);
- setIsMailSend(false);
- };
- const handleCloseRoleModal = () => {
- setIsModalRole(false);
- };
- const handleSaveWidgetsOptions = (
- dropdownName,
- dropdownOptions,
- minCount,
- maxCount,
- isReadOnly,
- addOption,
- deleteOption,
- status,
- defaultValue,
- isHideLabel
- ) => {
- const filterSignerPos = signerPos.filter((data) => data.Id === uniqueId);
- if (filterSignerPos.length > 0) {
- const getPlaceHolder = filterSignerPos[0].placeHolder;
- const getPageNumer = getPlaceHolder.filter(
- (data) => data.pageNumber === pageNumber
- );
- if (getPageNumer.length > 0) {
- const getXYdata = getPageNumer[0].pos;
- const getPosData = getXYdata;
- const addSignPos = getPosData.map((position) => {
- if (position.key === signKey) {
- if (widgetType === radioButtonWidget) {
- if (addOption) {
- return {
- ...position,
- Height: position.Height
- ? position.Height + 15
- : defaultWidthHeight(widgetType).height + 15
- };
- } else if (deleteOption) {
- return {
- ...position,
- Height: position.Height
- ? position.Height - 15
- : defaultWidthHeight(widgetType).height - 15
- };
- } else {
- return {
- ...position,
- options: {
- ...position.options,
- name: dropdownName,
- values: dropdownOptions,
- status: status,
- defaultValue: defaultValue,
- isReadOnly: isReadOnly || false,
- isHideLabel: isHideLabel || false,
- fontSize:
- fontSize || currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontSize || 12,
- fontColor:
- fontColor ||
- currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontColor ||
- "black"
- }
- };
- }
- } else if (widgetType === "checkbox") {
- if (addOption) {
- return {
- ...position,
- Height: position.Height
- ? position.Height + 15
- : defaultWidthHeight(widgetType).height + 15
- };
- } else if (deleteOption) {
- return {
- ...position,
- Height: position.Height
- ? position.Height - 15
- : defaultWidthHeight(widgetType).height - 15
- };
- } else {
- return {
- ...position,
- options: {
- ...position.options,
- name: dropdownName,
- values: dropdownOptions,
- validation: {
- minRequiredCount: minCount,
- maxRequiredCount: maxCount
- },
- isReadOnly: isReadOnly || false,
- defaultValue: defaultValue,
- isHideLabel: isHideLabel || false,
- fontSize:
- fontSize || currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontSize || 12,
- fontColor:
- fontColor ||
- currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontColor ||
- "black"
- }
- };
- }
- } else {
- return {
- ...position,
- options: {
- ...position.options,
- name: dropdownName,
- status: status,
- values: dropdownOptions,
- defaultValue: defaultValue,
- fontSize:
- fontSize || currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontSize || 12,
- fontColor:
- fontColor ||
- currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontColor ||
- "black"
- }
- };
- }
- }
- return position;
- });
- const newUpdateSignPos = getPlaceHolder.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.pageNumber === pageNumber) {
- return { ...obj, pos: addSignPos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- const newUpdateSigner = signerPos.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.Id === uniqueId) {
- return { ...obj, placeHolder: newUpdateSignPos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- setSignerPos(newUpdateSigner);
- if (!addOption && !deleteOption) {
- handleNameModal();
- }
- }
- }
- setFontSize();
- setFontColor();
- };
- const handleWidgetdefaultdata = (defaultdata, isSignWidget) => {
- if (isSignWidget) {
- const updatedPdfDetails = [...pdfDetails];
- const signtypes = defaultdata.signatureType || signatureType;
- updatedPdfDetails[0].SignatureType = signtypes;
- // Update the SignatureType with the modified array
- setPdfDetails(updatedPdfDetails);
- setSignatureType(signtypes);
- }
- const options = ["email", "number", "text"];
- let inputype;
- if (defaultdata.textvalidate) {
- inputype = options.includes(defaultdata.textvalidate)
- ? defaultdata.textvalidate
- : "regex";
- }
- const filterSignerPos = signerPos.filter((data) => data.Id === uniqueId);
- if (filterSignerPos.length > 0) {
- const getPlaceHolder = filterSignerPos[0].placeHolder;
- const getPageNumer = getPlaceHolder.filter(
- (data) => data.pageNumber === pageNumber
- );
- if (getPageNumer.length > 0) {
- const getXYdata = getPageNumer[0].pos;
- const getPosData = getXYdata;
- const addSignPos = getPosData.map((position) => {
- if (position.key === signKey) {
- if (position.type === textInputWidget) {
- return {
- ...position,
- options: {
- ...position.options,
- name: defaultdata?.name || "text",
- status: defaultdata?.status || "required",
- hint: defaultdata?.hint || "",
- defaultValue: defaultdata?.defaultValue || "",
- validation:
- isSubscribe && inputype
- ? {
- type: inputype,
- pattern:
- inputype === "regex" ? defaultdata.textvalidate : ""
- }
- : {},
- fontSize:
- fontSize || currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontSize || 12,
- fontColor:
- fontColor ||
- currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontColor ||
- "black"
- }
- };
- } else {
- return {
- ...position,
- options: {
- ...position.options,
- name: defaultdata.name,
- status: defaultdata.status,
- defaultValue: defaultdata.defaultValue,
- fontSize:
- fontSize || currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontSize || 12,
- fontColor:
- fontColor ||
- currWidgetsDetails?.options?.fontColor ||
- "black"
- }
- };
- }
- }
- return position;
- });
- const newUpdateSignPos = getPlaceHolder.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.pageNumber === pageNumber) {
- return { ...obj, pos: addSignPos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- const newUpdateSigner = signerPos.map((obj) => {
- if (obj.Id === uniqueId) {
- return { ...obj, placeHolder: newUpdateSignPos };
- }
- return obj;
- });
- setSignerPos(newUpdateSigner);
- }
- }
- setFontSize();
- setFontColor();
- setCurrWidgetsDetails({});
- handleNameModal();
- };
- const handleNameModal = () => {
- setIsNameModal(false);
- setCurrWidgetsDetails({});
- setShowDropdown(false);
- setIsRadio(false);
- setIsCheckbox(false);
- };
- const clickOnZoomIn = () => {
- onClickZoomIn(scale, zoomPercent, setScale, setZoomPercent);
- };
- const clickOnZoomOut = () => {
- onClickZoomOut(zoomPercent, scale, setZoomPercent, setScale);
- };
- //`handleRotationFun` function is used to roatate pdf particular page
- const handleRotationFun = async (rotateDegree) => {
- const isRotate = handleRotateWarning(signerPos, pageNumber);
- if (isRotate) {
- setIsRotate({ status: true, degree: rotateDegree });
- } else {
- const urlDetails = await rotatePdfPage(
- pdfDetails[0].URL,
- rotateDegree,
- pageNumber - 1,
- pdfRotateBase64
- );
- setPdfRotatese64(urlDetails.base64);
- }
- };
- const handleRemovePlaceholder = async () => {
- handleRemoveWidgets(setSignerPos, signerPos, pageNumber, setIsRotate);
- const urlDetails = await rotatePdfPage(
- pdfDetails[0].URL,
- isRotate.degree,
- pageNumber - 1,
- pdfRotateBase64
- );
- setPdfRotatese64(urlDetails.base64);
- };
- // `handleQuickSendClose` is trigger when bulk send component trigger close event
- const handleQuickSendClose = (status, count) => {
- if (status === "success") {
- setIsCreateDocModal(false);
- if (count > 1) {
- setIsAlert({
- type: "success",
- msg: count + " " + t("document-sent-alert")
- });
- setTimeout(() => setIsAlert({ type: "success", msg: "" }), 1500);
- } else {
- setIsAlert({
- type: "success",
- msg: count + " " + t("document-sent-alert")
- });
- setTimeout(() => setIsAlert({ type: "success", msg: "" }), 1500);
- }
- } else {
- setIsAlert({
- type: "danger",
- message: t("something-went-wrong-mssg")
- });
- setTimeout(() => setIsAlert({ type: "success", msg: "" }), 1500);
- }
- };
- const handleGeneratePublic = async () => {
- const unlinkSignerIndex = signerPos?.findIndex((x) => !x?.signerObjId);
- const unlinkSigners = signerPos?.filter((x) => !x?.signerObjId)?.length; // count of total unlink roles
- if (unlinkSignerIndex === 0 && unlinkSigners === 1) {
- try {
- const role = signerPos[unlinkSignerIndex]?.Role;
- const data = { templateId: templateId, IsPublic: true, Role: role };
- const baseURL = localStorage.getItem("baseUrl");
- const url = `${baseURL}functions/updatetopublictemplate`;
- const headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "X-Parse-Application-Id": localStorage.getItem("parseAppId"),
- jwttoken: jwttoken
- };
- await axios.post(url, data, { headers });
- // console.log("updatetopublictemplate", res.data);
- setIsPublic("true");
- } catch (e) {
- alert(t("something-went-wrong-mssg"));
- console.log("error", e);
- }
- } else {
- setIsPublicError(true);
- }
- };
- const copytoclipboard = (publicUrl) => {
- copytoData(publicUrl);
- setIsAlert({ type: "success", msg: t("copied") });
- setTimeout(() => setIsAlert({ type: "success", msg: "" }), 1500); // Reset copied state after 1.5 seconds
- };
- // `handleSendDocument` is trigger when users are linked to all role
- const handleSendDocument = async () => {
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: true, message: t("loading-mssg") });
- const signers = signersdata?.filter((x) => x.objectId) || [];
- let pdfUrl = pdfDetails[0]?.URL;
- if (pdfRotateBase64) {
- try {
- pdfUrl = await convertBase64ToFile(pdfDetails[0].Name, pdfRotateBase64);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log("error to convertBase64ToFile", e);
- }
- }
- let template = pdfDetails[0];
- template.URL = pdfUrl;
- template.Signers = signers;
- template.Placeholders = signerPos;
- template.SignatureType = signatureType;
- const Documents = [template];
- const token = jwttoken
- ? { jwttoken: jwttoken }
- : { "X-Parse-Session-Token": localStorage.getItem("accesstoken") };
- const headers = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json",
- "X-Parse-Application-Id": localStorage.getItem("parseAppId"),
- ...token
- };
- const functionsUrl = `${localStorage.getItem(
- "baseUrl"
- )}functions/batchdocuments`;
- const params = { Documents: JSON.stringify(Documents) };
- try {
- const res = await axios.post(functionsUrl, params, { headers: headers });
- if (res.data && res.data.result === "success") {
- setIsAlert({
- type: "success",
- msg: Documents?.length + " " + t("document-sent-alert")
- });
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log("err in send document ", err);
- setIsAlert({ type: "danger", msg: t("something-went-wrong-mssg") });
- } finally {
- setIsLoading({ isLoad: false });
- setIsCreateDocModal(false);
- setTimeout(() => setIsAlert({ type: "success", msg: "" }), 1500);
- }
- };
- //function show signer list and share link to share signUrl
- const handlePublicShare = () => {
- let publicUrl;
- if (isStaging) {
- publicUrl = `https://staging.opensign.me/publicsign?templateid=${templateId}`;
- } else {
- publicUrl = `https://opensign.me/publicsign?templateid=${templateId}`;
- }
- return (
- {publicUrl}
- copytoclipboard(publicUrl)}
- type="button"
- className="flex flex-row items-center op-link op-link-primary"
- >
- {t("copy-link")}
- );
- };
- return (
- <>
- {isAlert.msg && {isAlert.msg} }
- {isLoading.isLoad ? (
- ) : isSubscriptionExpired ? (
- {t("owner-subscription-expired")}
- ) : handleError ? (
- ) : (
- {/* this component used for UI interaction and show their functionality */}
- {!checkTourStatus && (
- //this tour component used in your html component where you want to put
- //onRequestClose function to close tour
- //steps is defined what will be your messages and style also
- //isOpen is takes boolean value to open
- )}
- {isAddRole && (
- steps={tourAddRole}
- isOpen={isAddRole}
- rounded={5}
- closeWithMask={false}
- />
- )}
- {/* this component used to render all pdf pages in left side */}
- {/* pdf render view */}
- {/* this modal is used show alert set placeholder for all signers before send mail */}
- >
- >
- {/* this modal is used show send mail message and after send mail success message */}
- {isCreateDocModal && (
- >
- {isAllRoleLinked ? (
- Are you sure want to send document?
- handleSendDocument()}
- >
- Yes
- setIsCreateDocModal(false)}
- >
- No
- ) : (
- <>
- {isPublic !== "false" && (
- {t("or")}
- Copy/share signing link
- {isPublic === "undefined" ? (
- handleGeneratePublic()}
- >
- Generate Public Link
- ) : (
- handlePublicShare()
- )}
- )}
- >
- )}
- )}
- >
- To make your template public, it must either contain a
- single role, or, if it includes multiple roles, all
- additional roles must already be assigned to signers.
- The unassigned public role should remain empty and must
- be placed in the first position.{" "}
Visit below link to know more -
- copytoclipboard(
- "https://docs.opensignlabs.com/docs/help/Templates/publicTemplate"
- )
- }
- >
- https://docs.opensignlabs.com/docs/help/Templates/publicTemplate
- >
- type="button"
- className="op-btn op-btn-primary"
- >
- {t("ok")}
- {/* pdf header which contain funish back button */}
- {containerWH && (
- )}
- {/* signature button */}
- {isMobile ? (
- ) : (
- )}
- )}
- >
- );
-export default DraftTemplate;
diff --git a/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/apiV1.js b/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/apiV1.js
index dbac393b4..16a14decb 100644
--- a/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/apiV1.js
+++ b/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/apiV1.js
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ import createFolder from './routes/createFolder.js';
import updateFolder from './routes/updateFolder.js';
import getFolderList from './routes/getFolderList.js';
import deleteFolder from './routes/deleteFolder.js';
-import draftTemplate from './routes/draftTemplate.js';
const storage = multer.memoryStorage();
const upload = multer({ storage: storage });
@@ -74,9 +73,6 @@ app.delete('/document/:document_id', deleteDocument);
// get all types of documents on the basis of doctype
app.get('/documentlist/:doctype', getDocumentList);
-// create draft template with file base64
-app.post('/drafttemplate', draftTemplate);
// create Template with co-ordinate
app.post('/createtemplate', createTemplatewithCoordinate);
diff --git a/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/routes/draftTemplate.js b/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/routes/draftTemplate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9df731dd5..000000000
--- a/apps/OpenSignServer/cloud/customRoute/v1/routes/draftTemplate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-import axios from 'axios';
-import {
- color,
- customAPIurl,
- saveFileUsage,
- formatWidgetOptions,
- sanitizeFileName,
-} from '../../../../Utils.js';
-import uploadFileToS3 from '../../../parsefunction/uploadFiletoS3.js';
-import jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
-const randomId = () => Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000);
-export default async function draftTemplate(request, response) {
- const name = request.body.title;
- const note = request.body.note;
- const description = request.body.description;
- const signers = request.body.signers;
- const folderId = request.body.folderId;
- const base64File = request.body.file;
- const fileData = request.files?.[0] ? request.files[0].buffer : null;
- const SendinOrder = request.body.sendInOrder || true;
- const isEnableOTP = request.body?.enableOTP === true ? true : false;
- const isTourEnabled = request.body?.enableTour || false;
- const isPublic = request.body?.isPublic;
- const protocol = customAPIurl();
- const baseUrl = new URL(process.env.PUBLIC_URL).origin;
- try {
- const reqToken = request.headers['x-api-token'];
- if (!reqToken) {
- return response.status(400).json({ error: 'Please Provide API Token' });
- }
- const tokenQuery = new Parse.Query('appToken');
- tokenQuery.equalTo('token', reqToken);
- tokenQuery.include('userId');
- const token = await tokenQuery.first({ useMasterKey: true });
- if (token !== undefined) {
- // Valid Token then proceed request
- const parseUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(token));
- const userPtr = {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: '_User',
- objectId: parseUser.userId.objectId,
- };
- const contractsUser = new Parse.Query('contracts_Users');
- contractsUser.equalTo('UserId', userPtr);
- contractsUser.include('TenantId');
- const extUser = await contractsUser.first({ useMasterKey: true });
- const parseExtUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(extUser));
- let fileUrl;
- if (request.files?.[0]) {
- const base64 = fileData?.toString('base64');
- const file = new Parse.File(request.files?.[0]?.originalname, {
- base64: base64,
- });
- await file.save({ useMasterKey: true });
- fileUrl = file.url();
- const buffer = Buffer.from(base64, 'base64');
- saveFileUsage(buffer.length, fileUrl, parseUser.userId.objectId);
- } else {
- const filename = sanitizeFileName(`${name}.pdf`);
- let adapter = {};
- const ActiveFileAdapter = parseExtUser?.TenantId?.ActiveFileAdapter || '';
- if (ActiveFileAdapter) {
- adapter =
- parseExtUser?.TenantId?.FileAdapters?.find(x => (x.id = ActiveFileAdapter)) || {};
- }
- if (adapter?.id) {
- const filedata = Buffer.from(base64File, 'base64');
- // `uploadFileToS3` is used to save document in user's file storage
- fileUrl = await uploadFileToS3(filedata, filename, 'application/pdf', adapter);
- } else {
- const file = new Parse.File(filename, { base64: base64File }, 'application/pdf');
- await file.save({ useMasterKey: true });
- fileUrl = file.url();
- }
- const buffer = Buffer.from(base64File, 'base64');
- saveFileUsage(buffer.length, fileUrl, parseUser.userId.objectId);
- }
- const extUserPtr = {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: 'contracts_Users',
- objectId: extUser.id,
- };
- const object = new Parse.Object('contracts_Template');
- object.set('Name', name);
- if (note) {
- object.set('Note', note);
- }
- if (description) {
- object.set('Description', description);
- }
- if (SendinOrder) {
- object.set('SendinOrder', SendinOrder);
- }
- object.set('URL', fileUrl);
- object.set('CreatedBy', userPtr);
- object.set('ExtUserPtr', extUserPtr);
- object.set('IsEnableOTP', isEnableOTP);
- object.set('IsTourEnabled', isTourEnabled);
- const Public = isPublic !== undefined ? isPublic : false;
- if (isPublic !== undefined) {
- object.set('IsPublic', Public);
- }
- let contact = [];
- if (signers && signers.length > 0) {
- let parseSigners;
- if (base64File) {
- parseSigners = signers;
- } else {
- parseSigners = JSON.parse(signers);
- }
- let createContactUrl = protocol + '/v1/createcontact';
- for (const [index, element] of parseSigners.entries()) {
- if (element?.name && element?.email) {
- const body = {
- name: element?.name,
- email: element?.email,
- phone: element?.phone || '',
- };
- try {
- const res = await axios.post(createContactUrl, body, {
- headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-api-token': reqToken },
- });
- // console.log('res ', res.data);
- const contactPtr = {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: 'contracts_Contactbook',
- objectId: res.data?.objectId,
- };
- const newObj = { ...element, contactPtr: contactPtr, index: index };
- contact.push(newObj);
- } catch (err) {
- // console.log('err ', err.response);
- if (err?.response?.data?.objectId) {
- const contactPtr = {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: 'contracts_Contactbook',
- objectId: err.response.data?.objectId,
- };
- const newObj = { ...element, contactPtr: contactPtr, index: index };
- contact.push(newObj);
- }
- }
- } else {
- const newObj = { ...element, contactPtr: {}, index: index };
- contact.push(newObj);
- }
- }
- const updatedSigners = contact?.filter(x => x.contactPtr && x.contactPtr.objectId);
- if (updatedSigners && updatedSigners.length > 0) {
- object.set(
- 'Signers',
- updatedSigners?.map(x => x.contactPtr)
- );
- }
- let updatePlaceholders = [];
- for (const signer of contact) {
- const placeHolder = [];
- if (signer.widgets?.length > 0) {
- for (const widget of signer.widgets) {
- const pageNumber = widget.page;
- const page = placeHolder.find(page => page.pageNumber === pageNumber);
- const options = formatWidgetOptions(widget.type, widget.options);
- const widgetData = {
- isStamp: widget.type === 'stamp' || widget.type === 'image',
- key: randomId(),
- isDrag: false,
- scale: 1,
- isMobile: false,
- zIndex: 1,
- type: widget.type === 'textbox' ? 'text input' : widget.type,
- options: options,
- Width: widget.w,
- Height: widget.h,
- xPosition: widget.x,
- yPosition: widget.y,
- };
- if (page) {
- page.pos.push(widgetData);
- } else {
- placeHolder.push({ pageNumber, pos: [widgetData] });
- }
- }
- }
- updatePlaceholders.push({
- signerObjId: signer?.contactPtr?.objectId || '',
- signerPtr: signer?.contactPtr,
- Role: signer.role,
- Id: randomId(),
- blockColor: color[signer?.index],
- placeHolder,
- });
- }
- if (updatePlaceholders?.length > 0) {
- object.set('Placeholders', updatePlaceholders);
- }
- }
- if (folderId) {
- object.set('Folder', {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: 'contracts_Template',
- objectId: folderId,
- });
- }
- if (parseExtUser?.TenantId?.ActiveFileAdapter) {
- object.set('FileAdapterId', parseExtUser?.TenantId?.ActiveFileAdapter);
- }
- const newACL = new Parse.ACL();
- newACL.setPublicReadAccess(false);
- newACL.setPublicWriteAccess(false);
- newACL.setReadAccess(userPtr.objectId, true);
- newACL.setWriteAccess(userPtr.objectId, true);
- object.setACL(newACL);
- const res = await object.save(null, { useMasterKey: true });
- if (request.posthog) {
- request.posthog?.capture({
- distinctId: parseUser.userId.email,
- event: 'api_draft_template',
- properties: { response_code: 200 },
- });
- }
- const JwtToken = jwt.sign(
- { user_email: parseUser.userId.email, template_id: res.id },
- reqToken
- );
- return response.json({ objectId: res.id, url: `${baseUrl}/drafttemplate/${JwtToken}` });
- } else {
- return response.status(405).json({ error: 'Invalid API Token!' });
- }
- } catch (err) {
- console.log('err ', err);
- return response.status(400).json({ error: 'Something went wrong, please try again later!' });
- }