OpenSIPS SoftSwitch comes with a set of tests to validate the correctness of the platform.
The following tests suite is available:
- 01.register_disabled: checks that a disabled user cannot register
- 01.register_enabled: tests that an enabled user can register
- verifies that a user - caller can call another user - callee
- 02.call_disabled_callee: checks that a disabled user cannot receive calls; first, caller and callee register, then callee is disabled and caller tries to call callee 2 times: first time the call is completed, the second time, after 70 seconds, the call is rejected (because callee's REGISTER expires)
- 02.call_disabled_caller: tests that a disabled caller cannot make calls
- 03.call_unregistered_callee: checks that a call with an unregistered callee is rejected
- 03.call_vm_not_found: checks that a call with an unregistered callee is redirected to voicemail if callee has voicemail enabled for not found scenario
- 04.call_callee_reject: checks that a call rejected by callee is correctly handled
- 04.call_vm_busy: tests that a call rejected by callee is redirected to voicemail if callee has voicemail enabled for busy scenario
- 05.call_no_answer: checks that a call with no answer is correctly handled
- 05.call_vm_no_answer: verifies that a call with no answer is redirected to voicemail if callee has voicemail enabled for no answer scenario
- 06.db_dnd: checks if DND ACL works correctly by enabling/disabling it in the database
- 06.star_dnd: tests if DND ACL works correctly by using the star code to enable/disable it
- 06.star_dnd_with_vm: checks if DND ACL works correctly by using the star code to enable/disable it, when voicemail is enabled for callee for busy scenario
- 07.cf_always: tests that a call is always forwarded to a different URI if callee has call forwarding enabled for always scenario
- 07.cf_busy: verifies that a rejected call is forwarded to a different URI if callee has call forwarding enabled for busy scenario
- 07.cf_no_answer: tests that a call with no answer is forwarded to a different URI if callee has call forwarding enabled for no answer scenario
- 07.cf_not_found: checks that a call with an unregistered callee is forwarded to a different URI if callee has call forwarding enabled for not found scenario
- 08.call_did: checks if callee can receive calls on a DID assigned to him
- 09.unknown_domain_callee: tests that a call to a local IP address is completed
- 09.unknown_domain_caller: verifies that a call from an unknown domain is rejected
- 10.listen_vm_disabled: checks that a user cannot listen to voicemail if voicemail is disabled
- 10.listen_vm_enabled: tests that a user can listen to voicemail if voicemail is enabled
- 11.call_gateway: checks that a call to a known gateway is completed
- 11.gateway_call_did: tests that a call coming from a known gateway is completed
The following command will start a Docker container that will run these SIPssert scenarios:
# or, if you want to run a specific test
./ sipssert/ -t 01.register_enabled