This document contains information about development of the platform.
This repository contains the following directory structure:
- docs/: contains documentation files
- etc/:
- opensips/: subproject for OpenSIPS configuration files; contains opensips.cfg and other configuration files
- opensips-cp/:
- docker-entrypoint.d/: scripts that are executed when the container starts (e.g. to set up the database)
- user_management/: php files for that implement ACLs for user management tool
- image/: file where modules can be enabled/disabled for OpenSIPS Control Panel
- docker-entrypoint.d/: scripts that are executed when the container starts (e.g. to set up the database)
- mysql/: scripts to initialize the MySQL database schema
- freeswitch/:
- sipssert/: contains a suite of tests for the platform to be run with SIPssert framework
- docker-compose.yml: main file that defines services, networks and volumes for the platform
- .env: environment file that contains configuration for the platform
- script that runs the SIPssert tests (in a Docker container, no need to install SIPssert locally)