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7. Syntax of DFDL Annotation Elements

This section describes the syntax of each of the DFDL annotation elements along with discussion of their basic meanings.

The DFDL annotation elements are listed in Table 2 - DFDL Annotation Elements

7.1 Component Format Annotations

A data format can be 'used' or put into effect for a part of the schema by use of the component format annotation elements.

There are specific annotations for each type of schema component that supports only the representation properties applicable to that component. The table below gives the specific annotation for each schema component.

Schema component DFDL annotation
xs:choice dfdl:choice

{% hint style="info" %} This is a hint, which might be a way to do comments. But can we put them in markdown tables? {% endhint %} | | xs:element | dfdl:element | | xs:element reference | dfdl:element | | xs:group reference | dfdl:group | | xs:schema | dfdl:format | | xs:sequence | dfdl:sequence | | xs:simpleType | dfdl:simpleType |

Table 6 DFDL Component Format Annotations

Now we examine a few examples, and then there are sections which describe each kind of annotation object in detail.

Here is an example of DFDL component format annotation, specifically use of dfdl:element on an xs:element declaration:

<xs:schema ...> ... <xs:element name="root"> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:element ref="aBaseConfig" representation="text" encoding="UTF-8"/> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> ... </xs:schema>

Note that in the above, the DFDL annotation lives inside this surrounding context of xs:annotation and xs:appinfo elements. This is just the standard XSD way of doing annotations. The source attribute is an identifier that separates different families of appinfo annotations.

Below we see a dfdl:format annotation is used inside a dfdl:defineFormat annotation to define a named reusable set of representation properties that can be referenced from another format annotation.

<xs:schema ...> ... <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:defineFormat name="baseFormat"> <dfdl:format byteOrder="bigEndian" encoding="ascii"/> </dfdl:defineFormat> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> ... </xs:schema>

A dfdl:format annotation at the top level of a schema, that is as an annotation child element on the xs:schema, provides a set of default properties for the lexically enclosed schema document. (See 8.1.2 Providing Defaults for DFDL properties.)

<xs:schema ...> ... <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:format representation="binary" byteOrder="bigEndian" encoding="ascii"/> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> ... </xs:schema>

7.1.1 Property Binding Syntax

A property binding is the syntax in a DFDL schema that gives a value to a property. Up to this point, the examples in this document have all used a specific syntax for property bindings called attribute form. However, the format properties may be specified in any one of three forms:

  1. Attribute form
  2. Element form
  3. Short form

A DFDL property may be specified using any of the forms with the following exceptions:

  • The dfdl:ref property may be specified in attribute or short form
  • The dfdl:escapeSchemeRef property may be specified in attribute or short form
  • The dfdl:hiddenGroupRef property may be specified in attribute or short form
  • The dfdl:prefixLengthType property may be specified in attribute or short form
  • Short form MUST NOT be used on the xs:schema element.

It is a Schema Definition Error if the same property is specified in more than one form. That is, there is no priority ordering where one form takes precedent over another. Property Binding Syntax: Attribute Form

Within the format annotation elements are bindings for properties of the form:


For example:

<xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:format encoding="utf-8" separator="%NL;"/> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation>

This is the attribute form of property binding. Property Binding Syntax: Element Form

The representation properties can sometimes have complex syntax, so an element form for individual property bindings is provided to ease syntactic expression difficulties. The annotation element is dfdl:property and it has one attribute 'name' which provides the name of the property.

For example:

<xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:format> <dfdl:property name='encoding'>utf-8</dfdl:property> <dfdl:property name='separator'>%NL;</dfdl:property> </dfdl:format> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation>

Element form is mostly used for properties that themselves contain the quotation mark characters and escape characters so that the property value can be expressed without concerns about confusion with the XSD syntax use of these same characters. XML's CDATA encapsulation can be used to allow malformed XML and mismatched quotes to be easily used as representation property values.

Here is an example where a delimiter has a syntax that overlaps with what XML comments look like. Use of XML's CDATA bracketing makes this less clumsy to express than using XML escape characters:

<dfdl:property name='initiator'><[CDATA[<!-- ]]></dfdl:property> Property Binding Syntax: Short Form

To save textual clutter, short-form syntax for format annotations is also allowed on xs:element, xs:sequence, xs:choice, xs:group (for group references only), and xs:simpleType schema elements. (The xs:schema element cannot carry short-form annotations). Attributes which are in the namespace '' and whose local name matches one of the DFDL representation properties are assumed to be equivalent to specific DFDL attribute form annotations.

For example, the two forms below are equivalent in that they describe the same data format. The first is the short form of the second:

<xs:element name="elem1"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence dfdl:separator="%HT;" > ... </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name="elem2"> <xs:complexType> <xs:sequence> <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:sequence separator="%HT;" /> </xs:appinfo></xs:annotation> ... </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element>

Another example:

<xs:sequence dfdl:separator=","> <xs:element name="elem1" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="unbounded" dfdl:representation="text" dfdl:textNumberRep="standard" dfdl:initiator="[" dfdl:terminator="]"/> <xs:element name="elem2" type="xs:int" maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:element representation="text" textNumberRep="standard" initiator="[" terminator="]"/> </xs:appinfo></xs:annotation> </xs:element> </xs:sequence>

The above show use of short-form property binding syntax for annotating elements and sequences. Short-form is applicable also to xs:choice, xs:group, and xs:simpleType schema components. However,, note that short form property bindings are not allowed on the xs:schema element, an attribute form dfdl:format annotation must be used instead.

7.1.2 Empty String as a Representation Property Value

DFDL provides no mechanism to un-set a property. Setting a representation property's value to the empty string doesn't remove the value for that property but sets it to the empty string value. This may not be a valid value for certain properties.

For example, in delimited text data formats, it is sensible for the separator to be defined to be the empty string. This turns off use of separator delimiters. For many other string-valued properties, it is a Schema Definition Error to assign them the empty string value. For example, the character set encoding property (dfdl:encoding) cannot be set to the empty string.

7.2 dfdl:defineFormat - Reusable Data Format Definitions

To avoid error-prone redundant expression of properties in DFDL schemas, a collection of DFDL properties can be given a name so that they are reusable by way of a format reference.

One or more dfdl:defineFormat annotation elements can appear within the annotation children of the xs:schema element.

Each dfdl:defineFormat has a required name attribute.

The construct creates a named data format definition. The value of the name attribute is of XML type NCName. The format name will become a member of the schema's target namespace. These names must be unique within the namespace.

If multiple format definitions have the same 'name' attribute, in the same namespace, then it is a Schema Definition Error.

Here is an example of a format definition:

<xs:schema ...> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:defineFormat name="baseFormat" > <dfdl:format representation="text" encoding="ascii" /> </dfdl:defineFormat> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> ... </xs:schema>

A dfdl:defineFormat serves only to supply a named definition for a format for reuse from other places. It does not cause any use of the representation properties it contains to describe any actual data.

7.2.1 Using/Referencing a Named Format Definition: The dfdl:ref Property

A named, reusable, dfdl:defineFormat definition is used by referring to its name from a format annotation using the dfdl:ref property. For example, here this annotation reuses the format named 'baseFormat':

<dfdl:element ref="baseFormat" encoding="ebcdic-cp-us" />

The behavior of this dfdl:element definition is as if all representation properties defined by the named dfdl:defineFormat definition for 'baseFormat' were instead written directly on this dfdl:element annotation; however, these are superseded by any representation properties that are defined here such as the dfdl:encoding property in the example above.

7.2.2 Inheritance for dfdl:defineFormat

A dfdl:defineFormat declaration can inherit from another named format definition by use of the dfdl:ref property of the dfdl:format annotation. This allows a single-inheritance hierarchy that reuses definitions. When one definition extends another in this way, any property definitions contained in its direct elements override those in any inherited definition.

An example format that inherits from a named format definition is:

<xs:schema ...> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:defineFormat name="myConfig" > <dfdl:format representation="binary" ref="baseFormat" /> </dfdl:defineFormat> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> ... </xs:schema>

Conceptually, the dfdl:ref inheritance chains can be flattened and removed by copying all inherited property bindings and then superseding those for which there is a local binding. Throughout this document we will assume inheritance is fully flattened. That is, all dfdl:ref inheritance is first removed by flattening before any other examination of properties occurs.

It is a Schema Definition Error if use of the dfdl:ref property results in a circular path.

7.3 The dfdl:assert Statement Annotation Element

The dfdl:assert statement annotation element is used to assert truths about a DFDL model that are used when parsing to ensure that the data are well-formed. They are not used when unparsing.

There is a critical distinction between dfdl:assert checks and XSD validation checks.

The dfdl:assert checks guide parsing and the creation of the DFDL Infoset by causing processing errors on failure. Conversely XSD validation inspects the values within the Infoset. Validation failures never affect whether the parser is able to produce a DFDL Infoset.

The dfdl:assert checks are performed even when validation is off.

Examples of dfdl:assert elements are below:

<dfdl:assert message="Value is not zero." test="{ ../x eq 0}" /> <dfdl:assert message="Precondition violation." > {../x le 0 and ../y ne "-->" and ../y ne "<!—" } </dfdl:assert> <dfdl:assert message="Postcondition violation." testKind='expression'> {../x ne "'"} </dfdl:assert>

7.3.1 Properties for dfdl:assert

A dfdl:assert annotation contains a test expression or a test pattern. The dfdl:assert is said to be successful if the test expression evaluates to true or the test pattern returns a non-zero length match, and unsuccessful if the test expression evaluates to false or the test pattern returns a zero length match. An unsuccessful dfdl:assert causes either a processing error or a recoverable error to be issued, as specified by the failureType property of the dfdl:assert.

The testKind property specifies whether an expression or pattern is used by the dfdl:assert. The expression or pattern can be expressed as an attribute or as a value.

<dfdl:assert test="{test expression}" /> <dfdl:assert> {test expression} </dfdl:assert>

It is a Schema Definition Error if a test expression or test pattern is specified in more than one form.

It is a Schema Definition Error if both a test expression and a test pattern are specified.

A dfdl:assert can appear as an annotation on these schema components:

  • an xs:element declaration (local or global)
  • an xs:element reference
  • an xs:group reference
  • an xs:sequence
  • an xs:choice
  • an xs:simpleType definition (local or global)

The resolved set of annotations for an annotation point is a combined set of annotations taken from:

  • a group reference and the global group definition it references
  • an element reference and the global element declaration it references, and any type definition it references.
  • an element declaration and the type definition it references.
  • a simple type definition and the base simple type it references.

If the resolved set of statement annotations for a schema component contains multiple dfdl:assert statements, then those with testKind 'pattern' are executed before those with testKind 'expression' (the default). However, within each group the order of execution among them is not specified.

If one of the resolved set of asserts for a schema component is unsuccessful, and the failureType of the assert is ‘processingError’, then no further asserts in the set are executed.

Property Name Description

Enum (optional)

Valid values are 'expression', 'pattern'

Default value is 'expression'

Specifies whether a DFDL expression or DFDL regular expression pattern is used in the dfdl:assert.

Annotation: dfdl:assert


DFDL Expression

Applies when testKind is 'expression'

A DFDL expression that evaluates to true or false. If the expression evaluates to true then parsing continues. If the expression evaluates to false then a processing error is raised.

Any element referred to by the expression must have already been processed or must be a descendent of this element.

If a processing error occurs during the evaluation of the test expression then the dfdl:assert also fails.

It is a Schema Definition Error if testKind is 'expression' or not specified, and an expression is not supplied by either the value of the dfdl:assert element or the value of the test attribute.

Annotation: dfdl:assert


DFDL Regular Expression

Applies when testKind is 'pattern'

A DFDL regular expression that is applied against the data stream starting at the data position corresponding to the beginning of the representation. Consequently, the framing (including any initiator) is visible to the the start of the component on which the dfdl:assert is positioned.

If the pattern matching of the regular expression reads data that cannot be decoded into characters of the current encoding, then the behavior is controlled by the dfdl:encodingErrorPolicy property. See Section 11.2.1 Property dfdl:encodingErrorPolicy for details.

If the length of the match is zero then the dfdl:assert evaluates to false and a processing error is raised.

If the length of the match is non-zero then the dfdl:assert evaluates to true.

If a processing error occurs during the evaluation of the test regular expression then the dfdl:assert also fails.

It is a Schema Definition Error if testKind is 'pattern', and a pattern is not supplied by either the value of the dfdl:assert element or the value of the testPattern property.

It is a Schema Definition Error if there is no value for the dfdl:encoding property in scope.

It is a Schema Definition Error if dfdl:leadingSkip is other than 0.

It is a Schema Definition Error if the dfdl:alignment is not 1 or 'implicit'

Annotation: dfdl:assert


String or DFDL Expression

Defines text to be used as a diagnostic code or for use in an error message, when the assert is unsuccessful.

The DFDL Expression must return type xs:string. Any element referred to by the message expression must have already been processed or must be a descendent of this element. There is special treatment for errors that occur while evaluating the message expression. See below for details.

Annotation: dfdl:assert


Enum (optional)

Valid values are 'processingError', 'recoverableError'.

Default value is 'processingError'.

Specifies the type of failure that occurs when the dfdl:assert is unsuccessful.

When 'processingError', a processing error is raised.

When 'recoverableError', a recoverable error is raised.

If an error occurs while evaluating the test expression, a processing error occurs, not a recoverable error.

Recoverable errors do not cause backtracking like processing errors.

Annotation: dfdl:assert

Table dfdl:assert properties

Example of a dfdl:assert with a message expression:

<dfdl:assert message="{ fn:concat('unknown case ', ../data1) }"> { if (...pred1...) then ...expr1... else if (...pred2...) then ...expr2... else fn:false() } </dfdl:assert>

The message specified by the message property is issued only if the dfdl:assert is unsuccessful, that is, the test expression evaluates to false or the test pattern returns a zero-length match. If so, and the message property is an expression, the message expression is evaluated at that time.

If a processing error or Schema Definition Error occurs while evaluating the message expression, a recoverable error is issued to record this error (containing implementation-dependent content), then processing of the assert continues as if there was no problem and in a manner consistent with the failureType property, but using an implementation-dependent substitute message.

7.3.2 Controlling the Timing of Statement Evaluation

Schema authors can insert xs:sequence constructs to control the timing of evaluation of statements more precisely. For example:

<xs:sequence dfdl:separator=","> ... <xs:element ref="a" .../> <xs:sequence> <xs:sequence> <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo source="" > <dfdl:assert test="{test expression}" /> </xs:appinfo></xs:annotation> </xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="b" .../> </xs:sequence> ... </xs:sequence>

In the above, the assert test expression is evaluated after parsing element 'a', and before parsing element "b". The use of two nested interior sequences surrounding element 'b' in this manner ensures that the outermost sequence's separator usage is not disrupted.

7.4 The dfdl:discriminator Statement Annotation Element

DFDL discriminator statements are used during parsing to resolve points of uncertainty (choices, optional elements, array repetition) that cannot be resolved by speculative parsing. Discriminators are not used during unparsing.

A DFDL discriminator may contain a test expression that evaluates to true or false. The discriminator is said to be successful if the test evaluates to true and unsuccessful (or fails) if the test evaluates to false. A discriminator may alternatively contain a test regular expression pattern and the discriminator is successful if the test pattern matches with non-zero length and is unsuccessful (or fails) if there is no match or a zero-length match.

Discriminators can also be used to force a resolution earlier during the parsing of a model group so that subsequent parsing errors are treated as processing errors of a known schema component rather than a failure to find a schema component.

A discriminator determines the existence or non-existence of a schema component. If the discriminator is successful, then the component is known to exist, and any subsequent errors will not cause backtracking at the nearest point of uncertainty. If a discriminator is unsuccessful then the component is known not to exist, and backtracking occurs immediately.

If the complex type of an element contains a sequence group as its content model then if the sequence group is known not to exist, then the element is known not to exist.

Examples of dfdl:discriminator annotation are below :

<dfdl:discriminator> { ../recType eq 0 } </dfdl:discriminator> <dfdl:discriminator test="{ ../recType eq 0}" />

When the discriminator's expression evaluates to "false", then it causes a processing error, and the discriminator is said to fail.

7.4.1 Properties for dfdl:discriminator

Within a dfdl:discriminator, the testKind property specifies whether an expression or pattern is used by the dfdl:discriminator. The expression or pattern can be expressed as an attribute or as a value.

<dfdl:discriminator test="{test expression}" /> <dfdl:discriminator> { test expression } </dfdl:discriminator>

It is a Schema Definition Error if a the test expression or test pattern is specified in more than one form.

It is a Schema Definition Error if both a test expression and a test pattern are specified.

A dfdl:discriminator can be an annotation on these schema components:

  • an xs:element declaration (local or global)
  • an xs:element reference
  • an xs:group reference
  • an xs:sequence
  • an xs:choice
  • an xs:simpleType definition (local or global)

The resolved set of statement annotations for a schema component can contain only a single dfdl:discriminator or one or more dfdl:assert annotations, but not both. To clarify: dfdl:assert annotations and dfdl:discriminator annotations are exclusive of each other. It is a Schema Definition Error otherwise.

Property Name Description


Valid values are 'expression', 'pattern'

Default value is 'expression'

Specifies whether a DFDL expression or DFDL regular expression is used in the dfdl:discriminator .

Annotation: dfdl:discriminator


DFDL Expression

Applies when testKind is 'expression'

A DFDL expression that evaluates to true or false. If the expression evaluates to true then the discriminator succeeds, and parsing continues. If the expression evaluates to false then the discriminator fails, and a processing error is raised.
If a processing error occurs during the evaluation of the test expression then the discriminator also fails.

Any element referred to by the expression must have already been processed or is a descendent of this element.

The expression must have been evaluated by the time this element and its descendants have been processed or when a processing error occurs when processing this element or its descendants.

It is a Schema Definition Error if testKind is 'expression' or not specified, and an expression is not supplied by either the value of the dfdl:discriminator element or the value of the test attribute.

Annotation: dfdl:discriminator


DFDL Regular Expression

Applies when testKind is 'pattern'

A DFDL regular expression that is applied against the data stream starting at the data position corresponding to the beginning of the representation. Consequently, the framing (including any initiator) is visible to the the start of the component on which the dfdl:discriminator is positioned.

If the pattern matching of the regular expression reads data that cannot be decoded into characters of the current encoding, then the behavior is controlled by the dfdl:encodingErrorPolicy property. See Section 11.2.1 Property dfdl:encodingErrorPolicy for details.

If the length of the match is zero then the dfdl:discriminator evaluates to false and a processing error is raised.

If the length of the match is non-zero then the dfdl:discriminator evaluates to true.

It is a Schema Definition Error if testKind is 'pattern', and a pattern is not supplied by either the value of the dfdl:discriminator element or the value of the testPattern property.

It is a Schema Definition Error if there is no value for the dfdl:encoding property in scope.

It is a Schema Definition Error if dfdl:leadingSkip is other than 0.

It is a Schema Definition Error if the dfdl:alignment is not 1 or 'implicit'

Annotation: dfdl:discriminator


String or DFDL Expression

Defines text to be used as a diagnostic code or for use in an error message, when the discriminator is unsuccessful.

The DFDL Expression must return type xs:string. Any element referred to by the message expression must have already been processed or must be a descendent of this element. There is special treatment for errors that occur while evaluating the message expression. See below for details.

Annotation: dfdl:discriminator

Table dfdl:discriminator properties

The message specified by the message property is issued only if the discriminator is unsuccessful, that is, the test expression evaluates to false or the test pattern returns a zero-length match. If so, and the message property is an expression, the message expression is evaluated at that time.

If a processing error or Schema Definition Error occurs while evaluating the message expression, a recoverable error is issued to record this error (containing implementation-dependent content), then processing of the discriminator continues as if there was no problem, but in the case of failure using an implementation-dependent substitute message.

Examples of dfdl:discriminator annotations:

<xs:sequence> <xs:choice> <xs:element name='branchSimple' > <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:discriminator test='{. eq "a"}' /> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <xs:element name='branchComplex' > <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:discriminator test='{./identifier eq "b"}' /> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='identifier' /> ... </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> <xs:element name='branchNestedComplex' > <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:discriminator test='{./Header/identifier eq "c"}'/> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='Header' /> <xs:complexType > <xs:sequence> <xs:element name='identifier' /> ... </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> </xs:element> </xs:choice> </xs:sequence>

7.5 The dfdl:defineEscapeScheme Defining Annotation Element

One or more dfdl:defineEscapeScheme annotation elements can appear within the annotation children of the xs:schema. The dfdl:defineEscapeScheme elements may only appear as annotation children of the xs:schema.

The order of their appearance does not matter, nor does their position relative to other annotation or non-annotation children of the xs:schema.

Each dfdl:defineEscapeScheme has a required name attribute and a required dfdl:escapeScheme child element.

The construct creates a named escape scheme definition. The value of the name attribute is of XML type NCName. The name will become a member of the schema's target namespace. These names must be unique within the namespace among escape schemes.

If multiple dfdl:defineEscapeScheme definitions have the same 'name' attribute, in the same namespace, then it is a Schema Definition Error.

Each dfdl:defineEscapeScheme annotation element contains a dfdl:escapeScheme annotation element as detailed below.

Here is an example of an escapeScheme definition:

<xs:schema ...> <xs:annotation> <xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:defineEscapeScheme name="myEscapeScheme"> <dfdl:escapeScheme escapeKind="escapeCharacter" escapeCharacter='/' /> ... </dfdl:defineEscapeScheme> </xs:appinfo> </xs:annotation> ... </xs:schema>

A dfdl:defineEscapeScheme serves only to supply a named definition for a dfdl:escapeScheme for reuse from other places. It does not cause any use of the representation properties it contains to describe any actual data.

7.5.1 Using/Referencing a Named escapeScheme Definition

A named, reusable, escape scheme is used by referring to its name from a dfdl:escapeSchemeRef property on an element. For example:

<xs:element name="foo" type="xs:string" > <xs:annotation><xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:element representation="text" escapeSchemeRef="myEscapeScheme"/> </xs:appinfo></xs:annotation> </xs:element>

7.6 The dfdl:escapeScheme Annotation Element

The dfdl:escapeScheme annotation is used within a dfdl:defineEscapeScheme annotation to group the properties of an escape scheme and allows a common set of properties to be defined that can be reused.

An escape scheme defines the properties that describe the text escaping rules in force when data such as text delimiters are present in the data. There are two variants on such schemes,

  • The use of a single escape character to cause the next character to be interpreted literally. The escape character itself is escaped by the escape-escape character.
  • The use of a pair of escape strings to cause the enclosed group of characters to be interpreted literally. The ending escape string is escaped by the escape escape character.

On parsing, the escape scheme is applied after pad characters are trimmed and on unparsing before pad characters are added.

DFDL does not perform any substitutions for ampersand notations like <.

The syntax of dfdl:escapeScheme is defined in Section 13.2.1.Table 26 Properties Common to All Simple Types with Text Representation

The dfdl:escapeScheme Properties.

7.7 DFDL Variable Annotations

DFDL Variables provide a means for communication and parameterization within a DFDL schema. Use of variables increases the modularity of a schema by enabling some parts of a schema to be parameterized so that they are reusable.

There are 3 DFDL annotation elements associated with DFDL variables:

  • dfdl:defineVariable - defines a variable's name, type, default value.
  • dfdl:newVariableInstance - introduces a temporary new instance of the variable for the duration of processing of a model-group
  • dfdl:setVariable - assigns the value of a variable instance, which can be a global instance, or one created via dfdl:newVariableInstance.

Variables are defined at the top-level of a schema and have a specific simple type.

A distinction is made between the variable as defined (name, type, default value), and an instance of the variable where a value can be stored.

The dfdl:defineVariable annotation defines the name, type, and optionally default value for the variable. It is like defining a class of variables, instances of which will actually store values. The dfdl:defineVariable also introduces a single unique global instance of the variable. Additional instances are allocated in a stack-like fashion using dfdl:newVariableInstance which causes new instances to come into existence upon entry to an element or model group, and these instances go away on exit from the same.

DFDL variables only vary in the sense that different instances of the same variable can have different values. A single instance of a variable only ever takes on a single value. Each variable instance is a single-assignment location for a value. Once a variable instance's value has been read, it can never be assigned again. If it has not yet been assigned, and its default value has not been read, then a variable instance can be assigned once using dfdl:setVariable.

More information about variables and how they work operationally is in Section 18.2 Variables. The remaining sub-sections of this section focus only on the variable-related DFDL annotations and their syntax.

7.7.1 dfdl:defineVariable Annotation Element

A variable is introduced using dfdl:defineVariable:

name = NCName
type? = QName
defaultValue? = logical value or dfdl expression
external? = 'false' | 'true' >
<!-- Contains: logical value or dfdl expression (default value) -->

The name of a newly defined variable is placed into the target namespace of the schema containing the annotation. Variable names are distinct from format and escape scheme names and so cannot conflict with them. A variable can have any type from the DFDL subset of XML schema simple types. If no type is specified, the type is xs:string.

The defaultValue is optional. This is a literal value or an expression which evaluates to a constant, and it can be specified as an attribute or as the element value. If specified, the default value must match the type of the variable (otherwise it is a Schema Definition Error).

Note that the syntax supports both a defaultValue attribute and the default value being specified by the element value. Only one or the other may be present (otherwise it is a Schema Definition Error). To set the default value to "" (empty string), the defaultValue attribute syntax must be used, or the expression { "" } must be used as the element value.

Note also that the value of the name attribute is an NCName. The name of a variable is defined in the target namespace of the schema containing the definition. If multiple dfdl:defineVariable definitions have the same 'name' attribute in the same namespace then it is a Schema Definition Error.

A default instance of the variable is automatically created (with global scope) at the start of processing. Additional instances of a variable can be created. See Section 7.7.2 below.

The external property is optional. If not specified it takes the default value 'false'. If true, the value may be provided by the DFDL processor and this external value will be used as the global default value overriding any defaultValue specified on the dfdl:defineVariable annotation. The mechanism by which the processor provides this value is implementation-defined.

There is no required order between dfdl:defineVariable and other schema level defining annotations or a dfdl:format annotation that may refer to the variable.

A defaultValue expression is evaluated before processing of the data stream begins.

A defaultValue expression can refer to other variables but not to the Infoset (so no path locations).When a defaultValue expression references other variables, the referenced variables each must either have a defaultValue or be external. It is a Schema Definition Error otherwise.

If a defaultValue expression references another variable then that prevents the referenced variable's value from ever changing, that is, it is considered to be a read of the variable's value.

If a defaultValue expression references another variable and this causes a circular reference, it is a Schema Definition Error.

It is a Schema Definition Error if the type of the variable is a user-defined simple type restriction. Examples

<dfdl:defineVariable name="EDIFACT_DS" type="xs:string" defaultValue="," /> <dfdl:defineVariable name="codepage" type="xs:string" external="true">utf-8</dfdl:defineVariable> Predefined Variables

The following variables are predefined

Name Namespace URI Type Default value External
encoding xs:string 'UTF-8' true
byteOrder xs:string 'bigEndian' true
binaryFloatRep xs:string 'ieee' true
outputNewLine xs:string '%LF;' true

Table 9 Pre-defined variables

These variables are expected to be commonly set externally so are predefined for convenience. Below we see the DFDL encoding property being set to the value of an expression (between "{" and "}"), and that expression just returns the value of the dfdl:encoding variable which we see being referenced as $dfdl:encoding below.

  `<xs:element name="title" type="xs:string">  
      <xs:appinfo source="">`  
                 `<dfdl:element` **`encoding="{$dfdl:encoding}"`** `/>`  

7.7.2 The dfdl:newVariableInstance Statement Annotation Element

Scoped instances of defined variables are created using dfdl:newVariableInstance:

<dfdl:newVariableInstance ref = QName
`defaultValue? = logical value or dfdl expression >


All instances share the same name, type, and default value, but they have distinct storage for separate values using a stack-like mechanism where a new instance is introduced for an element or model-group. These new instances are associated with a schema component using dfdl:newVariableInstance. These instances have the lifetime of the schema component. While that schema component is being parsed/unparsed, the new variable instance is used and other variable instances for the same variable are not available.

If the variable has a default value from its dfdl:defineVariable, this will used as the default value for any instances of the variable unless overridden when the instance is created using dfdl:newVariableInstance.

Since an initial instance is created when the variable is defined, the use of dfdl:newVariableInstance is optional.

The dfdl:newVariableInstance annotation can be used on a group reference, sequence or choice only. It is a Schema Definition Error otherwise.

The lifetime of the instance of a variable is the dynamic scope of the schema component and its content model and so is inherited by any contained constructs or construct references.

The ref property is a QName. That is, it may be qualified with a namespace prefix.

An optional defaultValue for the instance may be specified. It can be specified as an attribute or as the element value. The expression must not contain forward references to elements which have not yet been processed nor to the current component. If specified the default value must match the type of the variable as specified by dfdl:defineVariable. If the instance is not assigned a new default value then it will inherit the default value specified by dfdl:defineVariable or externally provided by the DFDL processor. If a default value is not specified (and has not been specified by dfdl:defineVariable) then the value of this instance is undefined until explicitly set (using dfdl:setVariable).

If a default value is specified this initial value of the instance will be set when the instance is created. The value will override any (global) default value which was specified by dfdl:defineVariable or which was provided externally to the DFDL processor. A variable instance with a valid value (specified or default) can be referenced anywhere within the scope of the element on which the instance was created.

Note that the syntax supports both a defaultValue attribute and the default value being specified by the annotation element value. Only one or the other may be present. (Schema definition error otherwise.)

To set the default value to "" (empty string), the defaultValue attribute syntax must be used, or the expression { "" } must be used as the element value.

The resolved set of annotations for a component may contain multiple dfdl:newVariableInstance statements. They must all be for unique variables; it is a Schema Definition Error otherwise. The order of execution is specified in Section 9.6 Evaluation Order for Statement Annotations.

There is no short form syntax for creating variable instances. Examples

<dfdl:newVariableInstance ref="EDIFACT_DS" defaultValue=","/> <dfdl:newVariableInstance ref="lengthUnitBits"> { if (../hdr/fmtCode eq "bits") then 1 else 8 } </dfdl:newVariableInstance>

7.7.3 The dfdl:setVariable Statement Annotation Element

Variable instances get their values either by default, by external definition, or by subsequent assignment using the dfdl:setVariable statement annotation.

ref = QName
value? = logical value or dfdl expression >
<!-- Contains: logical value or dfdl expression (value) -->

The dfdl:setVariable annotation can be used on a simpleType, group reference, sequence or choice. It may be used on an element or element reference only if the element is of simple type. It is a Schema Definition Error if dfdl:setVariable appears on an element of complex type, or an element reference to an element of complex type. This restriction is because the dfdl:setVariable expression cannot look forward/downward into the children of the complex type, as that would be a forward reference to data that has not been parsed. Simple type elements are allowed so that the expression "." (self value) can be used to obtain the value of the current simple element and assign it to a variable instance.

The ref property is a QName. That is, it may be qualified with a namespace prefix.

The syntax supports both a value attribute and the 'value' being specified by the element value. Only one or the other may be present (otherwise it is a Schema Definition Error). To set the value to "" (empty string), the value attribute syntax must be used, or the expression { "" } must be used as the element value.

The value must match the type of the variable as specified by dfdl:defineVariable.

A dfdl:setVariable value expression may refer to the value of this element using a relative path value ".". Use of relative path expressions is recommended wherever possible as this will allow the behavior of the parser to be more effectively scoped. However, this practice is not enforced and there may be situations in which use of an absolute path is in fact necessary.

The expression must not contain forward references to elements which have not yet been processed.

In normal processing, the value of an instance can only be set once using dfdl:setVariable. Attempting to set the value of the variable instance for a second time is a Schema Definition Error. In addition, if a reference to the variable's value has already occurred and returned a default or an externally supplied value, then no assignment (even a first one) can occur. An exception to this behavior occurs whenever the DFDL processor backtracks because it is processing multiple branches of a choice or as a result of speculative parsing. In this case the variable state is also rewound.

A dfdl:setVariable will override any default value specified on either dfdl:defineVariable or dfdl:newVariableInstance, or externally.

The resolved set of annotations for an annotation point may contain multiple dfdl:setVariable statements. They must all be for unique variables (different name and/or namespace) and it is a Schema Definition Error otherwise. The order of execution is specified in Section 9.6 Evaluation Order for Statement Annotations.

There is no short form syntax for variable assignment. Examples

<xs:element name="ds" type="xs:string"> <xs:annotation>< xs:appinfo source=""> <dfdl:setVariable ref="EDI:EDIFACT_DS" value="{.}" /> <dfdl:setVariable ref="delta"> {.} </dfdl:setVariable> </xs:appinfo></xs:annotation> </xs:element>

In the above example, the element named "ds" contains the string to be used as the EDI:EDIFACT_DS delimiter at other places in the data, so the above defines the value of the EDI:EDIFACT_DS variable to take on the value of this element. The variable delta is also being assigned the same value.