diff --git a/api/1.0/overview/index.html b/api/1.0/overview/index.html
index 310bd6a5..39e28b5f 100644
--- a/api/1.0/overview/index.html
+++ b/api/1.0/overview/index.html
@@ -553,31 +553,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "gsagostinho.DangerousHUD.PurpleVariant";
- "version" = "2.0.2";
- "title" = "Dangerous HUD Purple Variant";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.87";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "This is a HUD in the style of Elite Dangerous, featuring an pink theme for both the HUD and for the GUI, cockpit views (fighter, hauler or glass only), glass effect, monitor effect for aft view, new sounds effects (ECM, hyperjumps, low energy, missile warning), custom made warnings signs, HUD animations including a pulsating scanner. Based on phkb's Xenon HUD. Tested with vanilla Oolite as well as with BGS (Backgroundset) and Xenon UI OXPs, all of which work fine with the pink color scheme.";
- "category" = "HUDs";
- "author" = "gsagostinho";
- "license" = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/3/34/Gsagostinho.DangerousHUD.PurpleVariant.oxz";
- "information_url" = "";
- "file_size" = 23685744;
- "tags" = ("Balance=green", "HUD", "HUDs", "hud", "huds");
- "upload_date" = 1610873265;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "gsagostinho.DangerousHUD.WhiteVariant";
"version" = "2.0.2";
@@ -3617,39 +3592,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Griff.Cobra_MkIII";
- "version" = "1.04.3";
- "title" = "Griff Cobra MkIII";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Cobra Mk III. Requires a video card capable of supporting Oolite Shaders. Note - this OXP suppresses the spawning of the Default Oolite Cobra Mk III, replacing it with the version in this oxp";
- "category" = "Retextures";
- "author" = "Griff";
- "license" = "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/d/dc/Oolite.oxp.Griff.Cobra_MkIII.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Griff_Industries";
- "file_size" = 2848811;
- "upload_date" = 1610873485;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Griff.Griff_shipset_decals";
- "version" = "1.0";
- "description" = "Griff_shipset_decals";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Griff_alloys_and_wreckage";
- "version" = "1.0";
- "description" = "Griff Alloys and Wreckage";
- }
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Griff.Cobra_MkIII.SubentMissiles";
"version" = "1.02";
@@ -4288,30 +4230,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Griff.Station_Bundle";
- "version" = "1.3";
- "title" = "Griff Station Bundle";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Large texture reskins for the Coriolis, Dodo, Ico and Rock Hermit Stations. Requires a video card capable of supporting Oolite Shaders. This oxz includes a 'shipdata-overrides.plist' file that stops the default Oolite station models from spawning";
- "category" = "Retextures";
- "author" = "Griff";
- "license" = "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/a/a5/Oolite.oxp.Griff.Station_bundle.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Griff_Industries";
- "file_size" = 95932087;
- "upload_date" = 1610873402;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Griff.Thargoids";
"version" = "1.04.3";
@@ -8862,35 +8780,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Svengali.BGS";
- "version" = "2.5.4";
- "title" = "BGS";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.88";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "BackgroundSet - effects, ambient sounds and images.";
- "category" = "Ambience";
- "author" = "Svengali";
- "license" = "CC-by-nc-sa 4.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/3/3a/BGS2.5.4.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/BGS";
- "file_size" = 9869225;
- "tags" = ("ambience", "adjustable", "audio", "backgrounds", "child", "dependencies", "effects", "images", "pictures", "shaders", "sounds", "user friendly", "visuals");
- "upload_date" = 1693293170;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Svengali.Library";
- "version" = "1.7.1";
- "description" = "Depends on Library 1.7.1.";
- }
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Svengali.CCL";
"version" = "1.7.2";
@@ -10604,31 +10493,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Thargoid.YAH-WitchpointOverride";
- "version" = "1.00";
- "title" = "Your Ad Here Witchpoint Override";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.79";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Suppresses the witchpoint billboards in YAH";
- "category" = "Ambience";
- "author" = "Thargoid";
- "license" = "Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 license with clauses - see readme file";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/7/77/YAH_Witchpoint_Override_1.00.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/YAH_Witchpoint_Override_OXP";
- "file_size" = 2307;
- "tags" = ("ambience");
- "upload_date" = 1610873341;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.ThetaSeven.TAURockhopper";
"version" = "1.1.2";
@@ -11296,30 +11160,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Wildeblood.distant_suns";
- "version" = "0.5.1";
- "title" = "Distant Suns";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Distant Suns tweaks the appearance of every star individually. Every star has its colour set. Cooler red stars have their habitable planets close by and are easy to skim for fuel. Super-luminous blue-white stars are far removed from their habitable zone and sun-skimming is impractical. Some stars are named.";
- "category" = "Ambience";
- "author" = "Wildeblood";
- "license" = "CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/a/af/Distant_Suns_0.5.1.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Distant_Suns";
- "file_size" = 52411;
- "upload_date" = 1610873410;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.Wildeblood.galaxy_names";
"version" = "1.0";
@@ -12114,30 +11954,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.another_commander.LaveIsEarth8k";
- "version" = "1.2";
- "title" = "Lave is Earth 8k";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.89";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Converts Lave to Earth by fully retexturing it with 8k diffuse + city lights and normal + specular (gloss) textures. This is a demonstration of the custom planet texturing capabilities present in Oolite version 1.89 and later.";
- "category" = "Ambience";
- "author" = "";
- "license" = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/8/8e/LaveIsEarth8k.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Lave_is_Earth_8k";
- "file_size" = 136528732;
- "upload_date" = 1610873367;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.another_commander.TionislaIsMars8k";
"version" = "1.0";
@@ -12646,30 +12462,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.captsolo.tori2.02";
- "version" = "2.1";
- "title" = "Torus Stations";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Adds the massive single and double Torus main stations to a very few high tech worlds.";
- "category" = "Dockables";
- "author" = "Murgh, Svengali, & CaptSolo";
- "license" = "CC-BY-SA 3.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/3/3f/Tori_2.1.oxz";
- "information_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Torus_station";
- "file_size" = 12727621;
- "upload_date" = 1699070153;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.cheyd.DHI_nav_buoy";
"version" = "1.0.3";
@@ -15811,37 +15603,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.phkb.XenonUI_SWEconomy_Additions";
- "version" = "1.0";
- "title" = "Xenon UI SW Economy Addition";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Updated F6 Economy list to be compatible with SW Economy OXP.";
- "category" = "Ambience";
- "author" = "phkb";
- "license" = "CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/0/07/XenonUI_SWEconomy_Addition.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/XenonUI";
- "file_size" = 169555;
- "upload_date" = 1693979594;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUI";
- "version" = "0";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.stranger.SW_Economy";
- "version" = "0";
- }
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.phkb.ZGrOovy_VarietyPack";
"version" = "2.1";
@@ -20204,99 +19965,6 @@
- }, {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesD";
- "version" = "2.1";
- "title" = "Xenon UI Resources Pack D (16:10)";
- "required_oolite_version" = "1.80";
- "maximum_oolite_version" = "";
- "description" = "Background image resources (16:10 format) for the Xenon UI OXP, using Xolonium font.";
- "category" = "Ambience";
- "author" = "phkb";
- "license" = "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0";
- "download_url" = "https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/d/df/XenonUIResourcesD.oxz";
- "information_url" = "http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/XenonUI";
- "file_size" = 8258340;
- "tags" = ("Balance=green", "Backgrounds");
- "upload_date" = 1703677426;
- "requires_oxps" = (
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUI";
- "version" = "1.2.0";
- "description" = "Requires the main Xenon UI OXP.";
- }
- );
- "optional_oxps" = (
- );
- "conflict_oxps" = (
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResources";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesB";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesC";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesE";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesF";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesG";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesH";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesI";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesJ";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesK";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesL";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesM";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- },
- {
- "identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesN";
- "version" = "0";
- "description" = "Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required.";
- }
- );
}, {
"identifier" = "oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesE";
"version" = "2.1";
diff --git a/data/oxp.json b/data/oxp.json
index a66cd942..1f3e7997 100644
--- a/data/oxp.json
+++ b/data/oxp.json
@@ -543,34 +543,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"gsagostinho.DangerousHUD.PurpleVariant",
- "version":"2.0.2",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.87",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Dangerous HUD Purple Variant",
- "description":"This is a HUD in the style of Elite Dangerous, featuring an pink theme for both the HUD and for the GUI, cockpit views (fighter, hauler or glass only), glass effect, monitor effect for aft view, new sounds effects (ECM, hyperjumps, low energy, missile warning), custom made warnings signs, HUD animations including a pulsating scanner. Based on phkb's Xenon HUD. Tested with vanilla Oolite as well as with BGS (Backgroundset) and Xenon UI OXPs, all of which work fine with the pink color scheme.",
- "category":"HUDs",
- "author":"gsagostinho",
- "license":"CC BY-NC-SA 4.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/3/34/Gsagostinho.DangerousHUD.PurpleVariant.oxz",
- "information_url":null,
- "file_size":23685744,
- "upload_date":1610873265,
- "tags":[
- "Balance=green",
- "HUD",
- "HUDs",
- "hud",
- "huds"
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- ]
- },
@@ -3643,41 +3615,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Griff.Cobra_MkIII",
- "version":"1.04.3",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.80",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Griff Cobra MkIII",
- "description":"Cobra Mk III. Requires a video card capable of supporting Oolite Shaders. Note - this OXP suppresses the spawning of the Default Oolite Cobra Mk III, replacing it with the version in this oxp",
- "category":"Retextures",
- "author":"Griff",
- "license":"CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/d/dc/Oolite.oxp.Griff.Cobra_MkIII.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Griff_Industries",
- "file_size":2848811,
- "upload_date":1610873485,
- "tags":[
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Griff.Griff_shipset_decals",
- "version":"1.0",
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Griff_shipset_decals"
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Griff_alloys_and_wreckage",
- "version":"1.0",
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Griff Alloys and Wreckage"
- }
- ]
- },
@@ -4334,29 +4271,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Griff.Station_Bundle",
- "version":"1.3",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.80",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Griff Station Bundle",
- "description":"Large texture reskins for the Coriolis, Dodo, Ico and Rock Hermit Stations. Requires a video card capable of supporting Oolite Shaders. This oxz includes a 'shipdata-overrides.plist' file that stops the default Oolite station models from spawning",
- "category":"Retextures",
- "author":"Griff",
- "license":"CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/a/a5/Oolite.oxp.Griff.Station_bundle.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Griff_Industries",
- "file_size":95932087,
- "upload_date":1610873402,
- "tags":[
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- ]
- },
@@ -9025,48 +8939,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Svengali.BGS",
- "version":"2.5.4",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.88",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"BGS",
- "description":"BackgroundSet - effects, ambient sounds and images.",
- "category":"Ambience",
- "author":"Svengali",
- "license":"CC-by-nc-sa 4.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/3/3a/BGS2.5.4.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/BGS",
- "file_size":9869225,
- "upload_date":1693293170,
- "tags":[
- "ambience",
- "adjustable",
- "audio",
- "backgrounds",
- "child",
- "dependencies",
- "effects",
- "images",
- "pictures",
- "shaders",
- "sounds",
- "user friendly",
- "visuals"
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Svengali.Library",
- "version":"1.7.1",
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Depends on Library 1.7.1."
- }
- ]
- },
@@ -10805,30 +10677,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Thargoid.YAH-WitchpointOverride",
- "version":"1.00",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.79",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Your Ad Here Witchpoint Override",
- "description":"Suppresses the witchpoint billboards in YAH",
- "category":"Ambience",
- "author":"Thargoid",
- "license":"Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 license with clauses - see readme file",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/7/77/YAH_Witchpoint_Override_1.00.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/YAH_Witchpoint_Override_OXP",
- "file_size":2307,
- "upload_date":1610873341,
- "tags":[
- "ambience"
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- ]
- },
@@ -11498,29 +11346,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.Wildeblood.distant_suns",
- "version":"0.5.1",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.80",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Distant Suns",
- "description":"Distant Suns tweaks the appearance of every star individually. Every star has its colour set. Cooler red stars have their habitable planets close by and are easy to skim for fuel. Super-luminous blue-white stars are far removed from their habitable zone and sun-skimming is impractical. Some stars are named.",
- "category":"Ambience",
- "author":"Wildeblood",
- "license":"CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/a/af/Distant_Suns_0.5.1.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Distant_Suns",
- "file_size":52411,
- "upload_date":1610873410,
- "tags":[
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- ]
- },
@@ -12295,29 +12120,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.another_commander.LaveIsEarth8k",
- "version":"1.2",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.89",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Lave is Earth 8k",
- "description":"Converts Lave to Earth by fully retexturing it with 8k diffuse + city lights and normal + specular (gloss) textures. This is a demonstration of the custom planet texturing capabilities present in Oolite version 1.89 and later.",
- "category":"Ambience",
- "author":null,
- "license":"CC BY-NC-SA 4.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/8/8e/LaveIsEarth8k.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Lave_is_Earth_8k",
- "file_size":136528732,
- "upload_date":1610873367,
- "tags":[
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- ]
- },
@@ -12811,29 +12613,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.captsolo.tori2.02",
- "version":"2.1",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.80",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Torus Stations",
- "description":"Adds the massive single and double Torus main stations to a very few high tech worlds.",
- "category":"Dockables",
- "author":"Murgh, Svengali, & CaptSolo",
- "license":"CC-BY-SA 3.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/3/3f/Tori_2.1.oxz",
- "information_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Torus_station",
- "file_size":12727621,
- "upload_date":1699070153,
- "tags":[
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- ]
- },
@@ -16009,41 +15788,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.phkb.XenonUI_SWEconomy_Additions",
- "version":"1.0",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.80",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Xenon UI SW Economy Addition",
- "description":"Updated F6 Economy list to be compatible with SW Economy OXP.",
- "category":"Ambience",
- "author":"phkb",
- "license":"CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/0/07/XenonUI_SWEconomy_Addition.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/XenonUI",
- "file_size":169555,
- "upload_date":1693979594,
- "tags":[
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUI",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":null
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.stranger.SW_Economy",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":null
- }
- ]
- },
@@ -20467,115 +20211,6 @@
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesD",
- "version":"2.1",
- "required_oolite_version":"1.80",
- "maximum_oolite_version":null,
- "title":"Xenon UI Resources Pack D (16:10)",
- "description":"Background image resources (16:10 format) for the Xenon UI OXP, using Xolonium font.",
- "category":"Ambience",
- "author":"phkb",
- "license":"CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0",
- "download_url":"https://wiki.alioth.net/img_auth.php/d/df/XenonUIResourcesD.oxz",
- "information_url":"http://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/XenonUI",
- "file_size":8258340,
- "upload_date":1703677426,
- "tags":[
- "Balance=green",
- "Backgrounds"
- ],
- "conflict_oxps":[
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResources",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesB",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesC",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesE",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesF",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesG",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesH",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesI",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesJ",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesK",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesL",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesM",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- },
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUIResourcesN",
- "version":null,
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Only one Xenon UI Resources pack is required."
- }
- ],
- "optional_oxps":[
- ],
- "requires_oxps":[
- {
- "identifier":"oolite.oxp.z.phkb.XenonUI",
- "version":"1.2.0",
- "maximum_version":null,
- "description":"Requires the main Xenon UI OXP."
- }
- ]
- },