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TomK32 edited this page Dec 31, 2012 · 11 revisions

A few this to know about this github organization

Level 0

Is this like official?

No, not yet. TomK32 (aka @ananablau) has created this organization and sure the event organizers will put links to it on the 1GAM website.

Why should I use git (or any other version control)?

Because your code is important. You are putting a lot of time into it, you could be out surfing or snowboarding or even on your xbox instead, but you are fighting hard to put lines of code together into a game. Out of this you need to treat your code, and thus your own time, with respect. Loosing your code (just think about what happened to Project Zomboid) is not very respectful.

If you think, "oh this version control takes up time", you are wrong. It helps you to keep track of your work, keep a clean version that you can release, allows you to go back a little to find out when a new bug came in (git bisect), and even stashing your unfinished work to fix and immediately release the fix and five minutes later return to your current task, that's worth gold.

Level 1

How to get started

Create a repository in your own account and fork it into the OneGameAMonth organization. Why that way round? In case something happens to the OneGameAMonth org your repo is still accessible. You have to push to both repos (look up git remote add if you need some help setting up), but safety first.

Pushing to two repos

So, you got your own repo, say TomK32/RogueBeach and the OneGameAMonth/RogueBeach. Now you want to push your code to both repos everytime and not use two commands for it, and git allows you doing this by editing your .git/config:

[remote "origin"]
  url = [email protected]:OneGameAMonth/Rogue-Beach-CA.git
  url = [email protected]:TomK32/Rogue-Beach-CA.git
  fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*

Level 2

  • Invite others to join your game and work with you on your game
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