This patch release contains improvements and bug fixes for requests and fees/fines log actions
- MODAUD-31 - Requests log actions - improvements
- MODAUD-41 - Fees/fines records in Circulation log do not contain item details
The primary focus of this release was to update RMB and module logging
The primary focus of this release was to fix issues with Notices, Loans and Manual Blocks actions logging
- MODAUD-29 Template name in Notices log description and Source filed in Loan log record are empty
- MODAUD-28 User barcode isn't present in log record entry
The primary focus of this release was to implement Circulation Audit Logs logic
- MODAUD-24 Migrate mod-audit to JDK 11
- MODAUD-23 mod-audit: RMB Update
- MODAUD-21 Notices: log actions
- MODAUD-20 Check In/Check Out: log actions
- MODAUD-19 Requests: log actions
- MODAUD-18 Blocks: log actions
- MODAUD-17 Fees/fines: log actions
- MODAUD-16 Loans: log actions
- MODAUD-15 LogEventListener for mod-audit
- MODAUD-14 LogEventSender library
- MODAUD-12 Prepare DB tables for Circulation Audit Logs
- MODAUD-10 GET /audit-data/logs for Circulation Audit Logs
- MODAUD-9 Create LogRecord schema
- Update RMB to v30.0.2
- update some dependencies
- update to RAML 1.0 and RMB 21
- provide basic CRUD for audit data