#HOWTO run Rhino remotely.
Specific instructions for running Rhino (javascript) remotely.
To run rhino remotely, you need to get a copy of the version of android.js and json2.js for Rhino, and tweak slightly.
For your convenience, I've supplied tweaked versions (and a test script) here.
Set up a server in sl4a View-->Interpreters-->Menu-->Start Server-->Private
Look in 'Alerts-->SL4a Service' to get remote port number, ie: 39492 From your host, run:
adb forward tcp:9999 tcp:39492
set AP_PORT=9999
set AP_HOST=localhost
Using the supplied android.js and json2.js (in zip file above) and the js.jar from Mozilla: run the following command line:
java -jar js.jar testtoast.js
All going well, Rhino should run, and a little popup message should appear on your phone.
For you further convenience, I've put a copy of js.jar here. (js.jar is the core rhino implementation)
Changes to android.js:
- Removed hardcode absolute path to json2.js
- Removed authenticate step.