git clone
cd tkLayout
You need a working version of root active (root and root-config should be in your path) and a few libraries are required:
- boost_filesystem
- boost_regex
- the root library set
If you are on lxplus you just have to run a bash shell and then
Compilation using make:
This will build the needed programs and put them in the ./bin directory.
Compilation using cmake (NEW):
mkdir build (all object files, help files, libs, ... will be kept here)
cd build
cmake .. (generate makefile)
make install (or write make all + make install)
make doc (generate Doxygen-based documentation in doc directory)
make uninstall (if cleaning needed)
rm * (clean all content in build directory & restart if needed)
This will build the needed programs, copy the executables into tkLayout/bin directory and create symlink in ${HOME}/bin directory.
If the make command runs properly you can install the program with the script
make install
If this is the first time that you install tkLayout, a few questions will be asked and a configuration fle will be created in $HOME/.tkgeometry:
- You will need to provide the destination directory for the www output of the program (proabably something like /afs/ this directory needs to be writable by you and readable by the web server. The style files will be copied during the installation to that directory (for example /afs/ ). If the style files get changed during the development a new ./ will be needed to get this propagated to the output. Alternatively, you can choose to make a symbolic link between the source directory style directory and the layout directory. This avoids the need of repeating the ./ at every update of the style files but in order to do this the source directory should also be within the reach of the web server.
- The set of momentum values to be used for the simulation
- [...] t.b.d.
To get the latest development version (usually UNSTABLE) you simply type
git fetch
git chechout master
make install