is a small package developed as a companion to theechopype
package for ocean sonar data processing. Its goal is to assess the adherence of an echosounder dataset converted by echopype
to the echopype adaptation of the SONAR-netCDF4 version 1 convention.
uses NetCDF "CDL" files as its representations of echopype
's adaptation of SONAR-netCDF4 version 1. These CDL files are stored in the echopype_checker/cdls
directory; a CDL file may contain one or more groups. Tests are carried out on one SONAR-netCDF4 group at a time. In addition to variable attributes found in datasets converted by echopype
, the CDL's contain three special attributes:
: From v1 convention. Mandatory (M), Optional (O), etc.echopype_mods
: Keywords specifying changes to convention specification for the variable (eg, added) implemented inechopype
: Atrbiute added to some variables to to provide additional context and history to the change introduced byechopype
checks variables (presence, name, data type, dimensions)
and attributes (presence, attribute values).
This code snippet illustrates package usage:
from echopype_checker import ConventionCDL
# Instantatiate the ConventionCDL checker object
# for the Sonar/Beam_group1 group
conv_check = ConventionCDL("Sonar/Beam_group1")
# Attach the corresponding xarray dataset for
# the echopype EchoData object that will be assessed.
# Here, beamgroup1_ds may be based on a dataset
# previously converted using echopype.open_raw
# Perform checks only on mandatory ("M") variables
# Now run one of the tests: presence of expected variables
More complete examples are provided as Jupyter notebooks in the notebooks
directory for three echosounder instrument types: AZFP, EK60 and EK80.
The notebooks
directory also contains a notebook, checker-objects.ipynb, that illustrates the internal data structures found in the ConventionCDL
object. The two data structures are available as object properties:
: An xarray `Dataset`` that is the result of simply reading the target group from the corresponding CDL file.cdl_variables_df
: A simplified version of thecdl_ds
xarray Dataset, in the form of a PandasDataFrame
. It provides what is often more convenient access to CDL variables and attributes.
can be installed directly from its GitHub repository:
pip install git+
While it does not require echopype
, it will be most useful when installed together with echopype
See the echopype
installation instruction.