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Blender App to render Movies

This document walks through the different stages you'll need to go through to create a web app that can render frames and movies.

It attempts to break features out into stages.


Let's start small and familarize ourselves with this web application.

Preface: app.rb

First, let's look at the app.rb file in the root of this project. We're using the Sinatra framework to start this app.

When you load the initial page the server (the app.rb file itself) responds through this function.

First we're using the logger to write some information to the log file (located at log/app.log). This can be useful in debugging.

Next we set the @flash instance variable to welcome the users to the application.

Lastly, the erb function renders the page. The argument we give to the erb function is :index the page we want to render. I.e., views/index.erb will be the page we want to render when the server responds.

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

Preface: app.rb: change the flash message

To start off, let's change the flash message from Welcome to Summer Institute! to anything else you like.

Note that along with info, there's also danger to generate a red panel and warning to generate a yellow panel.

Preface: views/index.erb: change the page content

The initial page that's rendered - views/index.erb - doesn't have a lot to it yet. It simply says Hello world!. Let's change this text now just to get a feel for changing the page and seeing it render.

1. Start the new projects page.

First we want the ability to create new rendering projects.

1a. Add the link to the navigation bar.

In this step we'll add a link (anchor (a)) in the navigation bar (nav) that points to the pages we'll setup in later steps.

You may have noticed that the navigation bar (nav) already exists in views/layout.erb. It already has one link that points to the root of this project.

The structure of the links in the navigation bar (nav) are as follows: There is one single unordered list (ul) with many list item (li)s as children. Within the list item (li) is an anchor (a) that has an href that points to the page we'll be creating in later steps. Within the anchor (a) is an idiomatic text (i) tag for icons and the actual text we'll display for users.

The anchor (a)'s href needs a URL to point to. We can use the url Sinatra function to generate one for us. The href should point to url('/projects/new').

ul (already exists)
      "text to display"

Be sure to add the list item (li) (li) as a child of the existing unordered list (ul) (ul)

official solution - addition to views/layout.erb.
             <i class="fas fa-home"></i> <%= title %>
+        <li class="nav-item active">
+          <a href="<%= url('/projects/new') %>" class="nav-link">
+            <i class="fas fa-camera"></i> New Project
+          </a>
+        </li>

official solution - full views/layout.erb file.
<!doctype html>

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">

  <title><%= title %></title>
  <script src="[email protected]/dist/jquery.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="[email protected]/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha384-fQybjgWLrvvRgtW6bFlB7jaZrFsaBXjsOMm/tB9LTS58ONXgqbR9W8oWht/amnpF" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="<%= url("/app.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
  <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="<%= url("/favicon.ico") %>"/>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="[email protected]/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-zCbKRCUGaJDkqS1kPbPd7TveP5iyJE0EjAuZQTgFLD2ylzuqKfdKlfG/eSrtxUkn" crossorigin="anonymous">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-DNOHZ68U8hZfKXOrtjWvjxusGo9WQnrNx2sqG0tfsghAvtVlRW3tvkXWZh58N9jp" crossorigin="anonymous">

  <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark">
    <a href="/" class="navbar-brand"><%= ENV["ONDEMAND_TITLE"] %></a>
    <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbarSupportedContent" aria-controls="navbarSupportedContent" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation">
      <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"></span>

    <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarSupportedContent">
      <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
        <li class="nav-item active">
          <a href="<%= url("/") %>" class="nav-link">
            <i class="fas fa-home"></i> <%= title %>

        <li class="nav-item active">
          <a href="<%= url('/projects/new') %>" class="nav-link">
            <i class="fas fa-camera"></i> New Project

<div class="container" role="main">
  <% @flash.each do |type, msg| %>
    <div class="alert alert-<%= type %> alert-dismissible fade show my-3" role="alert">
      <%= msg %>
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
  <% end unless @flash.nil? %>

  <%== yield %>


Now if you refresh the page, you should see a camera in the navigation bar. However, if you click it the webserver will return an error because we haven't created the server actions or pages yet.

1b. Add the new projects webpage and server actions

Now let's make the server action and web page for this "New Projects" functionality.

First, let's add the server action in app.rb. The server needs to respond to GET requests to the /projects/new URL path. In fact, the error page that Sinatra responds with gives you a hint on how to do this.

official solution - addition to app.rb.
     @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }
+  get '/projects/new' do
+    erb(:new_project)
+  end

If you click this link at this point, you may get an error page containing the error Errno::ENOENT because we're trying to render a file that does not exist yet. Simply creating the file resolves the issue.

Once you've created the views/new_project.erb, you can start editing it. This webpage needs to supply an form for users to fill out. Websites use forms to pass information from the user to the server.

This form should have one text input for specifying the project name. This is the only piece of information required to create a project - the name of the project.


  • forms need a button to submit the form.
  • forms need an action attribute to know where to submit the form.
  • labels are not strictly required, but should always be used to label inputs.
official solution - addition to views/new_project.erb.
+<h1 class="my-3">Create a new Rendering Project</h1>
+<form action="<%= url("/projects/new") %>" method="post">
+  <div class="form-group">
+    <label for="name">Project Name</label>
+    <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" id="name" required>
+  </div>
+  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary my-3">Submit</button>

Now if you click on New Project in the navigation bar the form should be rendering because the file exists and the server knows that it needs to render it for this URL.

Submitting this form however, will not work because the server does not know how to respond to POST requests at the same url.

Let's add another method to the app.rb file so that it knows how to respond to POST requests to /projects/new as well as GET requests.

For simplicity in this step, let's re-render the views/new_project.erb while providing a new @flash message containing the parameters that were sent. Sinatra provides the params variable to inspect what parameters have been sent to the web server.

official solution - addition to app.rb file.
     @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }
+  get '/projects/new' do
+    erb(:new_project)
+  end
+  post '/projects/new' do
+"Trying to create a project with: #{params.inspect}")
+    @flash = { info: "Trying to create a project with: #{params.inspect}" }
+    erb(:new_project)
+  end

official solution - full app.rb file.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/new' do

  post '/projects/new' do"Trying to create a project with: #{params.inspect}")
    @flash = { info: "Trying to create a project with: #{params.inspect}" }


official solution - full views/new_project.erb file.
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center">
  <h1 class="my-2">Create a new rendering project</h1>    

<form action="<%= url("/projects/new") %>" method="post">

  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="name">Name</label>
    <input id="name" name="name" type="text" class="form-control" required/>

  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary my-2">Submit</button>

Now that the server knows how to respond to the different HTTP methods on the /projects/new route - you should be able to navigate to the new project's page from the navigation bar, see the form, and submit the form without errors.

2. Creating new projects.

Now that we have the groundwork for creating projects - we need to actually create the project in the post '/projects/new' method (remember this is the action that's called when the users submits the form through a POST request).

Once users create a project, we then need a route to show the project. This will be get '/projects/:name' route that we'll also use to create new projects.

Note that /projects/new changes to /projects/:name with :name being a variable. There's also a special case when :name is new.

2a. Implement new projects.

Given users input the project name - we need to:

  • Sanitize the input by lowercasing it and changing any spaces to underscores.
  • Create the directory on the file system.
  • Redirect to the page that shows the project the user just created. Though this redirection will fail until we get to step 2b.


  • You should create project directories under the projects directory already a part of this application. Calling __dir__ within app.rb will give you the current directory of the file (app.rb).
  • You can use FileUtils to create directories.
  • Sinatra provides a redirect helper function to redirect the client to a different page.

official solution - addition to app.rb.

+  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
+  def projects_root
+    "#{__dir__}/projects"
+  end
   post '/projects/new' do
-"Trying to render frames with: #{params.inspect}")
-    @flash = { info: "Trying to render frames with: #{params.inspect}" }
+    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')
+    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

-    erb(:new_project)
+    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }
+    redirect(url("/projects/#{dir}"))

official solution - full app.rb file
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/new' do

  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

Note that we use tap method on the string "#{projects_root}/#{dir}". This one-liner is equivalent to the ruby code below, only we didn't have to create & allocate the variable temp_variable.

We can create the string and use it directly with tap without having to save it. We don't need to save it because we don't need to use it a second time.

temp_variable = "#{projects_root}/#{dir}"

Now when you submit the form in the get '/projects/:name' page - you'll find that the directory ./projects/<user input> has been created. However, the application doesn't know how to respond to the /projects/<user input> route yet. We'll create this functionality in the next step.

2b. Creating a page for showing projects.

Now that POST requests to /projects/new modify the system to create a project, we need the functionality to actually show that project.

In this step you need to:

  • Modify the get '/projects/new' method to respond to /projects/:name where :name is the variable project name the user is trying to navigate to.
  • Create the HTML to be displayed when showing a project. This should be views/show_project.erb file. It can contain anything at this point, it just needs to exist.


  • When changing the route from /projects/new to /projects/:name Sinatra will extract the variable :name from the URL and populate the params Hash with that key that you can access through params[:name].
  • See for more information. You can search this page for :name to see the examples.
  • Note that you'll have to account for the edge case when :name is new. If the :name variable is 'new' we should render views/new_project.erb instead of views/show_project.erb.

official solution - addition to app.rb.
-  get '/projects/new' do
-    erb(:new_project)
+  get '/projects/:name' do
+    if params[:name] == 'new'
+      erb(:new_project)
+    else
+      erb(:show_project)
+    end

2c. Validate the directory.

While this works fine, we need to account for the cases when the user has input a URL to a project that doesn't exist. So we need to ensure that when we render the show page (erb(:show_project)) we only render pages for valid projects.

In this step you must validate that the parameter :name is actually a directory.


  • Create a Pathname variable that is projects_root (created in a previous step) and the params[:name] variable. Pathname has nice helper functions like directory? to check if the path is an actual directory.
  • Use an if block to check if the path is valid. If it isn't you should provide a danger flash message and redirect to the root URL ("/").
official solution - addition to app.rb.
   get '/projects/:name' do
     if params[:name] == 'new'
       @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
-      erb(:show_project)
+      if( && @directory.readable?)
+        erb(:show_project)
+      else
+        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }
+        redirect(url('/'))
+      end

official solution - views/show_project.erb file.
Showing project at <%= @directory %>

full app.rb file
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/:name' do
    if params[:name] == 'new'
      @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")

      if( && @directory.readable?)
        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }


  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

3. Update the / (index) page to list all the projects.

3a. Find all the project directories.

Now that we can create projects, we need the / (index) route to list them all out so that we can navigate to and from them.

In this step you'll need to generate an Array of all the project directories.


  • You should already have helper method projects_root that is the parent directory for all the projects.
  • You can use the Dir class to find children of that directory.
  • You'll need to show only directories, filtering out files. The Pathname class is a great choice to help you do this.

Let's write a helper method called project_dirs that will return a list of all the children of projects_root through the Dir class. Sorting the list alphabetically is just a nice thing to do.

official solution - addition to app.rb file.
     'Summer Instititue Starter App'

+  def project_dirs
+    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|
+    end.sort_by(&:to_s)
+  end
   get '/' do'requsting the index')
     @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

3b. Find all the project directories.

Now we can use the helper method project_dirs to loop through each project directory and create an unordered list (ul) with a list item (li) for each project directory and create an anchor (a) link so users can navigate to the /projects/:name route for each project.

Additionally, within the anchor (a) we can use idiomatic text (i) tags for icons to make it look nice and a paragraph (p) tag to display the project name.

Here is the structure we're looking for. Note that you can also use div tags for spacing and sizing.

So, this is the structure we're going for more or less. Note that you may opt for an outer div to create the right size of icons.

official solution - addition to views/index.erb file.
   <%= title %>

-Hello world!
+<h2 class="my-4">Projects</h2>
+<div class='row my-5'>
+  <ul class='list-group list-group-horizontal flex-wrap col-md-12'>
+    <% project_directories.each do |project_dir| %>
+    <li class='list-group-item btn btn-outline-dark m-3 border'>
+      <div>
+        <a href='<%= url("/projects/#{project_dir}") %>' class="text-center">
+          <i class='fas fa-fw fa-camera fa-5x'></i>
+          <p><%= project_dir.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize %><p/>
+        </a>
+      </div>
+    </li>
+    <% end %>
+  </ul>

full app.rb file
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  def project_dirs
    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|"#{projects_root}/#{path}").directory?

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/:name' do
    if params[:name] == 'new'
      @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")

      if( && @directory.readable?)
        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }


  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

full views/index.erb file
<h1 class="display-4 py-3 mb-3 border-bottom">
  <%= title %>

<h2 class="my-4">Projects</h2>

<div class='row my-5'>
  <ol class='list-group list-group-horizontal flex-wrap col-md-12'>
    <% project_dirs.each do |project_dir| %>
    <li class='list-group-item btn btn-outline-dark m-3 border'>
        <a href='<%= url("/projects/#{project_dir}") %>' class="text-center">
          <i class='fas fa-fw fa-camera fa-5x'></i>
          <p><%= project_dir.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize %><p/>
    <% end %>

4. Form and route for rendering frames.

4a. Start the frame render form.

Now that we can create projects and can navigate to and from them, this is where the real work of the app starts. This application is meant to generate frames from a blend file. So, in the show_project.erb page we need to provide users with a form to fill out to submit a job with various settings like how many frames they want to render from which blend file and so on.

Note that this form should POST requests to /render/frames and this POST request will not work until we finish step 5.

We need a form that users can fill out these fields:

  • blend_file select - which blend file they want to generate frames from.
  • account select - the account code to be used (jobs require an account for billing purposes).
  • num_cpus number input - how many CPUs the job will use. This should have a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 48.
  • frame_range text input - the range of frames the job will generate (like 1-100 will generate frames 1 through 100). Note blender expects this field to be a specific format and that we can check for specific patterns using the pattern attribute.
  • walltime number input - how long the job will run for.
  • project_directory hidden input - this will be a hidden field that tells the job where to output the images.

Note that we'll also need a button to submit the form and that all fields are required.

Beyond just providing the form for functionality, we should style it too so that it looks visually pleasing to users. The official solution provides the structure for this form as follows. You can read this as <tag name>.<css class list>. So a div.row would be <div class="row">...</div> and so on.

<sizing class> is a column class like col-md-6 or similar. We want the form to be presented in a visually appealing way using the [bootstrap grid] system. We want the first 2 fields to be of size 6 (2 items taking up the whole row) and the next 3 fields to be of size 4 (3 items taking up the whole row). project_directory is hidden, so there's no need to style it.

      div.form-group <sizing class>

This is the visual structure we're going for:

blend_file account
num_cpus frame_range walltime


  • As a first pass, you should put temporary values in the select options for account and blend_file. We'll be updating this in later phases.
  • Create the form with all the fields first, then add the divs and style it.
  • After styling it, at a minimum you should add labels. Additionally, you could add small help text for some fields.
  • Remember forms need an action and method attributes to know how and where to submit the form. The action will be <%= url("/render/frames") %> (even though we haven't implemented this on the server yet) and the method will be post.
official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb file.
-Showing project at <%= @directory %>
+<form action="<%= url("/render/frames") %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
+  <div class="col-md-12">
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
+        <label for="blend_file">Blend File</label>
+        <select name="blend_file" id="blend_file" class="form-control">
+          <option value="tmp">Temp</option>
+        </select>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
+        <label for="account">Account</label>
+        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
+          <option value="tmp">Temp</option>
+        </select>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
+        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
+        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="4" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
+        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
+        <label for="frame_range">Frame Range (N-M)</label>
+        <input id="frame_range" name="frame_range" type="text" class="form-control" pattern="(\d+\.\.\d+)|(\d+(?:,\d+)*)" required>
+        <small class="form-text text-muted">Ex: "1..10" renders frames 1-10, "1,3,5" renders frames 1, 3 and 5...</small>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
+        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
+        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
+        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>
+      </div>
+      <div>
+        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- end class="row" -->
+    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
+      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>
+    </div>
+  </div>

official solution - full views/show_project.erb file.
<form action="<%= url("/render/frames") %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

  <div class="col-md-12">
    <div class="row">

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="blend_file">Blend File</label>
        <select name="blend_file" id="blend_file" class="form-control">
          <option value="tmp">Temp</option>

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="account">Account</label>
        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
          <option value="tmp">Temp</option>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="4" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="frame_range">Frame Range (N-M)</label>
        <input id="frame_range" name="frame_range" type="text" class="form-control" pattern="(\d+\.\.\d+)|(\d+(?:,\d+)*)" required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Ex: "1..10" renders frames 1-10, "1,3,5" renders frames 1, 3 and 5...</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>

        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>

    </div> <!-- end class="row" -->

    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>


4b. Populate the account list.

Now that we have the form ready, let's add somethings on the backend to fill out those temporary selections and add a placeholder for the route that we POST this form to.

First, let's populate a list of accounts that you can submit jobs with. This will populate a list that we can use in the account select option in the form.

We'll use the Etc and Process modules to pull the current user's available Unix groups. Let's add this helper for accounts that:

  • takes the current processes' groups
  • maps those groups (they're integers) to strings (the name of the group)
  • filter that list for all groups that start with P (only groups that start with P are valid projects for the job scheduler).
official solution - addition to app.rb file.
  def project_dirs
    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|"#{projects_root}/#{path}").directory?

+  def accounts
+ do |group_id|
+      Etc.getgrgid(group_id).name
+ do |group|
+      group.start_with?('P')
+    end
+  end
   get '/' do'requsting the index')
     @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

Now that the account list is populated on the backend server, we can use them in the view. Instead of having the 1 temporary select option - let's use some ERB to list out all the possible account options that one could use.

official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb file.
       <div class="form-group col-md-6">
         <label for="account">Account</label>
         <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
-          <option value="tmp">Temp</option>
+          <%- accounts.each do |account| -%>
+          <option value="<%= account %>"><%= account %></option>
+          <%- end -%>

4c. Populate the blend file list.

Similar to the step above for accounts - let's populate the select form field for the choice of blend file (blend_file select).

Note that this step requires you downloading a blend file or two. At the time of writing, version 4.2 is what's available. Blender distributes blender demo files that are freely available. So please download a blend file or two that is compatible with 4.2 and place them in the blend_files directory before starting this step.

Once you've downloaded one or two blender demo files, we first need to get the backend server to recognize the files in the blend_files folder.

Let's add a blend_files helper method in the server to generate a list of files that are available. The official solution uses the Dir module with the glob API to use wildcards like * to list all files in that directory that end with the .blend extension.


  • Dir.glob will return the full path of the file, so you should also map that full file to the file's basename. You can use File class find the basename.
official solution - addition to app.rb file.

+  def blend_files
+    Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/blend_files/*.blend").map do |f|
+      File.basename(f)
+    end
+  end
   get '/' do'requsting the index')
     @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

Now that the server can list all our blend files, we need to update the view to list them out. Here we can use each to iterate through the collection and generate a select option for each blend file.

official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb file
       <div class="form-group col-md-6">
         <label for="blend_file">Blend File</label>
         <select name="blend_file" id="blend_file" class="form-control">
-          <option value="tmp">Temp</option>
+          <%- blend_files.each do |file| -%>
+          <option value="<%= file %>"><%= file %></option>
+          <%- end -%>

4d. Fixup the show_project page.

This step is just a couple UI enhancements to make the page layout a little bit better in get /projects/:name.

We'd like to add the project name to the page. Before we can add it to the HTML page, we need to define it in the server.

Recall that the directory name is the name of the project. Also recall that we did some sanitization to the directory changing spaces ( ) to underscores (_), so we'll want to reverse that operation before presenting it in the UI.


  • @directory is a Pathname, which we can use basename on to get the directory name (and not the full path).
  • Refer to another location where we used gsub on a string to change it.
  • Strings also provide a capitalize function.
  • project_name should be an instance variable (i.e., @project_name).
official solution - addition to app.rb file.
       @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
+      @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize

       if( && @directory.readable?)

Now that the server has the instance variable @project_name, we can display it in the web page.

The official solution uses heading elements to display the name of the project as well as the section of the page that you're rendering frames in the form.

official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb file.
+<h1 class='d-flex my-2 justify-content-center'><%= @project_name %></h1>
+<h2>Render Frames</h2>
 <form action="<%= url("/render/frames") %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

   <div class="col-md-12">

official solution - full app.rb file.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  def project_dirs
    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|"#{projects_root}/#{path}").directory?

  def accounts do |group_id|
      Etc.getgrgid(group_id).name do |group|

  def blend_files
    Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/blend_files/*.blend").map do |f|

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/:name' do
    if params[:name] == 'new'
      @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
      @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize

      if( && @directory.readable?)
        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }


  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

full views/show_project.erb file
<h1 class='d-flex my-2 justify-content-center'><%= @project_name %></h1>

<h2>Render Frames</h2>

<form action="<%= url("/render/frames") %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

  <div class="col-md-12">
    <div class="row">

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="blend_file">Blend File</label>
        <select name="blend_file" id="blend_file" class="form-control">
          <%- blend_files.each do |file| -%>
          <option value="<%= file %>"><%= file %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="account">Account</label>
        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
          <%- accounts.each do |account| -%>
          <option value="<%= account %>"><%= account %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="4" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="frame_range">Frame Range (N-M)</label>
        <input id="frame_range" name="frame_range" type="text" class="form-control" pattern="(\d+\.\.\d+)|(\d+(?:,\d+)*)" required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Ex: "1..10" renders frames 1-10, "1,3,5" renders frames 1, 3 and 5...</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>

        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>

    </div> <!-- end class="row" -->

    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>


5. Rendering frames.

Step 4 added a form so that users can render frames from within a project view. However, the route for rendering frames does not exist yet (or doesn't do anything). In this step we'll make that route and start an HPC job that renders the frames from the chosen blend file.

If you haven't already, you can add a starter post '/render/frames method. You can simply redirect somewhere else in this function. It may also be nice to provide a flash message, perhaps containing the params object.

official solution - addition to app.rb file
+  post '/render/frames' do
+    session[:flash] = { info: "rendering frames with '#{params}'" }
+    redirect(url("/"))
+  end
   get '/' do'requsting the index')
     @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

Now if you press Render Frames in the form of the get '/projects/:name page you'll get redirected to the root URL with a flash message.

At this point, we need to buildout the sbatch command to run the job given all the input that the user entered in the form.

sbatch takes many command line arguments. Here's what we'll be setting from the params variable the user provides in the form:

  • account will set the -A flag.
  • walltime will set -t flag after being formatted to HH:00:00.
  • num_cpus will set -n flag.
  • blend_file will populate the BLEND_FILE_PATH environment variable.
  • project_directory will populate the OUTPUT_DIR environment variable and be used to set the job's output location for the --output flag.
  • frame_range will populate the FRAME_RANGE environment variable.
  • We can hard code the cluster to be pitzer through the -M flag.
  • You should also hard code the --parseable flag so that the command output is parseable.
  • We should also set the job name with the -J option. This job name should have the blend_file parameter in it to distinguish the job.
  • The last argument to sbatch will be the shell script we're trying to run in the job. This shell script already exists in this project at scripts/

We can use backtick characters (`) to issue a command from the Ruby server. For example `echo 'hello world'` within your Ruby program will issue the command echo 'hello world'.


  • Start the sbatch command with as few arguments as possible. Get it to launch the job, then add parameters.
  • The format function to format the params[:walltime] into the HH:00:00 format.
  • You can assign the output of commands to a variable when running commands with backticks (`) in Ruby.
  • The official solution takes the output of the sbatch command and displays a flash message when the next page is loaded. You can extract this message from the session object in the get '/projects/:name' method.
official solution - addition to app.rb file
         @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{name}")
         @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize
+        @flash = session.delete(:flash)
         if( && @directory.readable?)
   post '/render/frames' do
-    session[:flash] = { info: "rendering frames with '#{params}'" }
-    redirect(url("/"))
+"rendering frames with #{params.inspect}")
+    blend_file = "#{__dir__}/blend_files/#{params[:blend_file]}"
+    walltime = format('%02d:00:00', params[:walltime])
+    dir = params[:project_directory]
+    args = ['-J', "blender-#{params[:blend_file]}", '--parsable', '-A', params[:account]]
+    args.concat ['--export', "BLEND_FILE_PATH=#{blend_file},OUTPUT_DIR=#{dir},FRAME_RANGE=#{params[:frame_range]}"]
+    args.concat ['-n', params[:num_cpus], '-t', walltime, '-M', 'pitzer']
+    args.concat ['--output', "#{dir}/%j.out"]
+    output = `/bin/sbatch #{args.join(' ')}  #{__dir__}/scripts/ 2>&1`
+    job_id = output.strip.split(';').first
+    session[:flash] = { info: "submitted job #{job_id}" }
+    redirect(url("/projects/#{dir.split('/').last}"))
   get '/' do

official solution - full app.rb file.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  def project_dirs
    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|"#{projects_root}/#{path}").directory?

  def accounts do |group_id|
      Etc.getgrgid(group_id).name do |group|

  def blend_files
    Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/blend_files/*.blend").map do |f|

  post '/render/frames' do"rendering frames with #{params.inspect}")

    blend_file = "#{__dir__}/blend_files/#{params[:blend_file]}"
    walltime = format('%02d:00:00', params[:walltime])
    dir = params[:project_directory]

    args = ['-J', "blender-#{params[:blend_file]}", '--parsable', '-A', params[:account]]
    args.concat ['--export', "BLEND_FILE_PATH=#{blend_file},OUTPUT_DIR=#{dir},FRAME_RANGE=#{params[:frame_range]}"]
    args.concat ['-n', params[:num_cpus], '-t', walltime, '-M', 'pitzer']
    args.concat ['--output', "#{dir}/%j.out"]

    output = `/bin/sbatch #{args.join(' ')}  #{__dir__}/scripts/ 2>&1`
    job_id = output.strip.split(';').first

    session[:flash] = { info: "submitted job #{job_id}" }

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/:name' do
    if params[:name] == 'new'
      @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
      @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize
      @flash = session.delete(:flash)

      if( && @directory.readable?)
        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }


  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

6. Add image carousel.

6a. Start the image carousel.

Now that we can submit jobs, step 6 adds an image carousel to the get '/projects/:name' page so that users can see the output of the render job.

The official solution uses the Bootstrap carousel library to show the images on the page in a visually pleasing way.

To complete this step we need to:

Finding the images is as easy as using the Dir module to glob (use wildcards) the directory where they should be. This will find all the files in the directory that end with .png extension and assign this Array to an instance variable we call @images.

official solution - addition to app.rb file
       @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
       @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize
       @flash = session.delete(:flash)
+      @images = Dir.glob("#{@directory}/*.png")
       if( && @directory.readable?)

The HTML to show the images is far more complicated. Looking at the Bootstrap carousel documentation we need to create some outer divs around our imgs so that Bootstrap knows where to apply the changes.

This is the basic structure of elements with CSS Classes that we'll need to get this on the page.

div[class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"]

    <!-- loop start -->
    div[class="carousel-item"] (the first image will also have the 'active' class)
    <!-- loop end -->

This works by:

  • Applying the HTML data attributes data-ride="carousel" to the outer most div.
  • Applying the [CSS Classs]es carousel and slide to the outer most div.
  • Applying the [CSS Classs] carousel-inner to the inner div.
  • Looping through all the @images to create a div that has the CSS CLass carousel-item. This div will have a child img element that is the actual image.
    • The very first image will additionally have the CSS CLass active. Instead of each you can use each_with_index to supply the index of the Array and apply the active class when the index is zero.
    • The @images is an Array of full paths to the file. You can use /pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs<%= image %> as the src attribute for the img.
official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb file
 <h1 class='d-flex my-2 justify-content-center'><%= @project_name %></h1>
+<div class="row my-3">
+  <div id="blend_image_carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
+    <div id="blend_image_carousel_inner" class="carousel-inner">
+      <%- @images.each_with_index do |image, index| -%>
+      <div id="<%= File.basename(image) %>" class="carousel-item <%= index == 0 ? 'active' : nil %>">
+        <img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs<%= image %>">
+      </div>
+      <%- end -%>
+    </div> <!-- carousel inner -->
+  </div><!-- carousel -->
 <h2>Render Frames</h2>

6b. Add carousel indicators.

With the carousel created, you should see the images in the get '/projects/:name' routes. The bootstrap javascript should be iterating through these images.

That's all well and good, but should still enable a way for users to navigate through all the images.

First, we'll add an unordered list (ul) with list item (li)s to be our carousel indicators. Carousel indicators are the items at the bottom of the carousel that users can click on to navigate to specific images.

We'll add this unordered list (ul) as a sibling to the div with the CSS Class carousel-inner.

So if we take the structure from step 6a and add this, it becomes:

div[class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"]
  div[class="carousel inner"]

    <!-- loop over each image begin -->
    div[class="carousel-item"] (the first image will also have class 'active')
    <!-- loop end >

    <!-- loop over each image number begin -->
      li[data-slide-to="the image number"] (the first indicator will have the class 'active')
    <!-- loop end >

This works by:


  • The list item (li)s all need a number to know where to slide to.
    • The @images instance variable is an Array so you can call length on that array to find the length of the Array.
    • You can use the Range class to create another Array that is all the numbers 1 through @images.length.
    • Or you can use each_with_index on @images and just disregard the image variable, using only the index variable.
  • Note that the Bootstrap carousel library expects the data-slide-to HTML data attributes to start at 0. So if you have 2 images, the data-slide-to attributes would be 0 and 1 not 1 and 2.

official solution - update to views/show_project.erb file.
   <div id="blend_image_carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
+    <ol id="blend_image_carousel_indicators" class="carousel-indicators">
+      <% ([email protected]).each do |index| %>
+      <li data-target="#blend_image_carousel" data-slide-to="<%= index-1 %>" class="<%= index == 1 ? 'active' : nil %>" ></li>
+      <% end %>
+    </ol>
     <div id="blend_image_carousel_inner" class="carousel-inner">

Now you should have indicators at the bottom of the images. There should be one for each image. They should be clickable and correctly

6c. Add carousel previous & next buttons.

Now that we have carousel indicators, we also want to add buttons to navigate to the previous and next images.

We'll use anchor (a)s that are siblings to the div with the CSS Class carousel-inner.

These anchor (a)s will have two children, both of them spans. The first span will be the actual clickable icon. The second is for Accessibility of screen readers to indicate what this button does (because there's no visual text for what the button does).


  • This is the structure with CSS Classes. Note that this example is for the previous button. The next button would use carousel-control-next and carousel-control-next-icon CSS Classes.
a[class="carousel-control-prev" role="button" href="#blend_image_carousel" data-slide="prev"]
  span[class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"]
official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb file.
     </div> <!-- carousel inner -->
+    <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#blend_image_carousel" role="button" data-slide="prev">
+      <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
+      <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
+    </a>
+    <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#blend_image_carousel" role="button" data-slide="next">
+      <span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
+      <span class="sr-only">Next</span>
+    </a>
   </div><!-- carousel -->

official solution - full app.rb file.
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  def project_dirs
    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|"#{projects_root}/#{path}").directory?

  def accounts do |group_id|
      Etc.getgrgid(group_id).name do |group|

  def blend_files
    Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/blend_files/*.blend").map do |f|

  post '/render/frames' do"rendering frames with #{params.inspect}")

    blend_file = "#{__dir__}/blend_files/#{params[:blend_file]}"
    walltime = format('%02d:00:00', params[:walltime])
    dir = params[:project_directory]

    args = ['-J', "blender-#{params[:blend_file]}", '--parsable', '-A', params[:account]]
    args.concat ['--export', "BLEND_FILE_PATH=#{blend_file},OUTPUT_DIR=#{dir},FRAME_RANGE=#{params[:frame_range]}"]
    args.concat ['-n', params[:num_cpus], '-t', walltime, '-M', 'pitzer']
    args.concat ['--output', "#{dir}/%j.out"]

    output = `/bin/sbatch #{args.join(' ')}  #{__dir__}/scripts/ 2>&1`
    job_id = output.strip.split(';').first

    session[:flash] = { info: "submitted job #{job_id}" }

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/:name' do
    if params[:name] == 'new'
      @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
      @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize
      @flash = session.delete(:flash)
      @images = Dir.glob("#{@directory}/*.png")

      if( && @directory.readable?)
        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }


  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

official solution - full views/show_project.erb file.
<h1 class='d-flex my-2 justify-content-center'><%= @project_name %></h1>

<div class="row my-3">

  <div id="blend_image_carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">

    <ol id="blend_image_carousel_indicators" class="carousel-indicators">
      <% (1..@images.length).each do |index| %>
      <li data-target="#blend_image_carousel" data-slide-to="<%= index-1 %>" class="<%= index == 1 ? 'active' : nil %>" ></li>
      <% end %>

    <div id="blend_image_carousel_inner" class="carousel-inner">

      <%- @images.each_with_index do |image, index| -%>
      <div id="<%= File.basename(image) %>" class="carousel-item <%= index == 0 ? 'active' : nil %>">
        <img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs<%= image %>">
      <%- end -%>

    </div> <!-- carousel inner -->

    <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#blend_image_carousel" role="button" data-slide="prev">
      <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
      <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>

    <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#blend_image_carousel" role="button" data-slide="next">
      <span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
      <span class="sr-only">Next</span>

  </div><!-- carousel -->


<h2>Render Frames</h2>

<form action="<%= url("/render/frames") %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

  <div class="col-md-12">
    <div class="row">

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="blend_file">Blend File</label>
        <select name="blend_file" id="blend_file" class="form-control">
          <%- blend_files.each do |file| -%>
          <option value="<%= file %>"><%= file %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="account">Account</label>
        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
          <%- accounts.each do |account| -%>
          <option value="<%= account %>"><%= account %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="4" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="frame_range">Frame Range (N-M)</label>
        <input id="frame_range" name="frame_range" type="text" class="form-control" pattern="(\d+\.\.\d+)|(\d+(?:,\d+)*)" required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Ex: "1..10" renders frames 1-10, "1,3,5" renders frames 1, 3 and 5...</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>

        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>

    </div> <!-- end class="row" -->

    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>


7. Automatically update carousel.

Having the carousel is great, but as it is in step 6, users have to manually refresh the page to see any updates. This is a poor user experience, so step 7 adds some javascript to query the filesystem for new images. When there are new images from the rendering job, the javascript will fetch it and add it to the page automatically without users having to refresh the page.

We're using the jquery javascript framework for convenience.

7a. Start editing app.js

The javascript file public/app.js is already loaded on every page. We're going to add to this file in this step.

jQuery is a function that will run when the window page load event is fired. I.e., when the page is loaded.

Let's change this slightly by:

  • Adding a new function called updateCarousel that takes no arguments.
  • This new function updateCarousel should do something simple like logging some simple message through console.log.
  • The block provided to the jQuery function should call this new function updateCarousel.

Note that you may have to hard refresh the page (ctrl + shift + r) to download the new app.js file.

official solution - update to public/app.js file.
 jQuery(() => {
-  console.log('hello world');
+  updateCarousel();
+function updateCarousel() {
+  console.log('hello world from the updateCarousel function.');

7b. Pass directory to javascript.

Now that we have a helper function to update the carousel, let's get started with that work!

First we need a way to pass the project's directory to the javascript running on the client's browser. We can do this through HTML data attributes.

Let's add a hidden div with on data attribute for the directory. The CSS Class d-none sets the display attribute to none to make it invisible.


  • A div with no text will not be visible on the page. However adding the CSS Class d-none will ensure that it's not on the page.
  • This div will need an id so that we can easily query for the element.
  • HTML data attributes can be arbitrarily named. That is, there's noting preventing you from adding data-asdnwenbtadsnsdf='foo' to an element. However, it would be hard to query for that. So you should likely just use data-directory to make it easy.
official solution - update to views/show_project.erb file.
+<div class='d-none' id="project_config" data-directory="<%= @directory %>">

Now in public/app.js we can query for this element and extract the directory so that we can then later list the files in that directory.

First we use plain javascript APIs like getElementById to get the HTML element we're looking for. Note that app.js is being loaded on every page. So if configElement is null, we should just exit because we're not on a project's page.

Once we have the element we're looking for, we can use it's dataset to find the directory. We'll need this parameter because that is the file system location we'll be inspecting for new png images.


  • Use getElementById to find the element we're looking for. (We're looking for the element we just created in this step).
  • Remember to check if this element is null which it will be on the index page.
  • HTML data attributes are present in javascript objects through the dataset property.
official solution - addition to public/app.js file.
 function updateCarousel() {
-  console.log('hello world');
+  const configElement = document.getElementById('project_config');
+  if(configElement == null) {
+    return;
+  }
+  const directory =;
+  console.log(`will be querying ${directory} for new images.`);

7c. Fetch the directory data.

Now that we know what directory we want to query to find the new images - we can start making those queries.

We'll be using the javascript's fetch API to make HTTP calls to Open OnDemand's files app.

Since we already know the directory we need to query, we can put that directly in the url variable. Next we'll need a set of options, importantly, the Accept header. This tells the server what we're willing to accept in the response. We specify that we're only willing to accept application/json in the server's response.

We can then call fetch and simply turn the data into json format. We'll then just log it to the console in this step.


  • The URL parameter is /pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/ + the directory you're searching.
  • Be sure to use the 'Accept': 'application/json' HTTP Header to tell the server you want a json response.
  • Although the response is actually json, the initial response from fetch will be a text string. Use the json() function on the response to turn into actual json data.
  • fetch will return a Promise object. You can chain together many instances of then after a Promise resolves. The data returned in one then will be the input to the next then.
official solution - update to public/app.js file.
  console.log(`will be querying ${directory} for new images.`);
+  const url = `/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/${directory}`;
+  const options = {
+    headers: {
+      'Accept': 'application/json'
+    }
+  }
+  fetch(url, options)
+    .then(response => response.json())
+    .then(data => console.log(data));

7d. Mapping and filtering the json data

The files response we're getting from the server isn't exactly what we need. So, we're going to need to do some translations and filtering before we can update the DOM (Document Object Model).

We need to:

  • Extract the file property from the json response.
  • Extract the name property of the file from the file data.
  • Filter the list of names for only names that end with png.


  • Use your browsers console to inspect the json object. (it should be printing to the console log).
  • Use the map (js) function to map data from one format to another.
  • Use the filter function to filter data.
official solution - addition to public/app.js file.
   fetch(url, options)
     .then(response => response.json())
-    .then(data => console.log(data));
+    .then(data => data['files'])
+    .then(files => => file['name']))
+    .then(files => files.filter(file => file.endsWith('png')))
+    .then(files => {
+      for(const file of files) {
+        console.log(file);
+      }
+    });

7e. Determine if image needs to be added.

Now that we've extracted all the file names that currently exist on the filesystem, we can almost begin to modify the DOM (Document Object Model). Let's setup the scaffoling to do just that.

We need to:

  • While looping through all the images - determine if the page already has that image.
  • At the end of the loop call updateCarousel again to continue searching for new files.

In the loop of all files, we can generate the HTML id and use getElementById to query for the iamge. If we find the image is already on the page (the query returned something that is not null) we can just continue the loop.

If we don't find the image already on the DOM (Document Object Model) we'll just log that we will be adding it.

Note that in step 6a you may not have provided a unique id to each image. The div that wraps images should have a unique id based off of the filename itself.

As the last step, we can use setTimeout to call the updateCarousel function all over again in 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds) thereby continuing our search for new images.


  • Use setTimeout to call updateCarousel again at some point in the future.
  • The div wrapping the img needs a unique id. If you didn't apply unique ids in step 6a, you need to do so now.
  • You can use getElementById to find the div that holds the img. If this returns null the image does not yet exist on the page.
official solution - addition to public/app.js file.
     .then(files => files.filter(file => file.endsWith('png')))
     .then(files => {
       for(const file of files) {
-        console.log(file);
+        const image = document.getElementById(file);
+        // image is already on the DOM so just return.
+        if(image != null) {
+          console.log(`skipping ${file} because it's already on the DOM.`);
+          continue;
+        }
+        console.log(`adding ${file} to the DOM.`);
+      setTimeout(updateCarousel, 30000);

7f. Create new image div.

Now that we have the javascript built out to query the filesystem for new files, we need to edit the DOM (Document Object Model) to add the new file.

Fist, we'll make the new HTML div. The div we're attempting to make is given below. This should look familar from the views/show_project.erb.

<div id="render_0001_png" class="carousel-item">
  <img class="d-block w-100" src="/path/to/image/render_0001.png">

To do this with javascript we'll use the createElement API. Let's create the outer div first. We'll use the classList API to add the carousel-item class to it.

To add the img element as the inner child HTML to the parent div newImage we can use the innerHTML API and provide a string.


official solution - addition to public/app.js file
         console.log(`adding ${imageId} to the DOM.`);
+        newImage = document.createElement('div');
+ = file;
+        newImage.classList.add('carousel-item');
+        newImage.innerHTML = `<img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/${directory}/${file}" >`;
       setTimeout(updateCarousel, 30000);

7g. Create new li indicator.

Now we have the javascript creating a new div and img which is great. However, the Bootstrap carousel has list item (li) indicators at the bottom for navigation.

We can't add the image without the list item (li) indicator, so let's do that now.

The HTML we're trying to build is similar to this (though the numbers in data-slide-to will be variable).

<li data-target="#blend_image_carousel" data-slide-to="1"></li>

Again, we'll use the createElement API, but this time passing li as the argument.

We can use the setAttribute API to add HTML data attributes to the list item (li).

official solution - addition to public/app.js file.
         newImage.innerHTML = `<img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/${q}/${file}" >`;
+        const newIndicator = document.createElement('li');
+        newIndicator.setAttribute('data-target', '#blend_image_carousel');
       setTimeout(updateCarousel, 30000);

We also need to set the data-slide-to HTML data attributes as well. To do this however, we need to find the current size of the [ol] so that we can add 1 to that value to get the correct data-slide-to value.

Luckily the [ol] in question has the id blend_image_carousel_indicators. So we can use the handy getElementById to find it. When we call children on this element, it'll return an Array of child elements. We can then call length on that array to find the number of children in the [ol].

official solution - addition to public/app.js file
         newImage.innerHTML = `<img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/${q}/${file}" >`;
+        const indicatorList = document.getElementById('blend_image_carousel_indicators');
+        const totalImages = indicatorList.children.length;
         const newIndicator = document.createElement('li');
         newIndicator.setAttribute('data-target', '#blend_image_carousel');
+        newIndicator.setAttribute('data-slide-to', totalImages);
       setTimeout(updateCarousel, 30000);

7h. Attach elements to the DOM.

Now that we have the elements, there's one edge case we need to take care of - what happens when there are no images on the page?

Well, if there are no images on the page yet, we need to add the active CSS Class to the indicator and image. We can check the totalImages to see if it's 0 or not. If it is, we'll apply the CSS Class.


  • Use the classList property on the element to add the active class.
official solution - addition to public/app.js file.
         newIndicator.setAttribute('data-target', '#blend_image_carousel');
         newIndicator.setAttribute('data-slide-to', totalImages);
+        if(totalImages == 0) {
+          newIndicator.classList.add('active');
+          newImage.classList.add('active');
+        }
       setTimeout(updateCarousel, 30000);

With that edge case out of the way - we can now actually add the newly created elements to the DOM (Document Object Model).

We can do this through the append API on elements that are already a part of the DOM (Document Object Model).

Note that we want to append the new image divs to the blend_image_carousel_inner element, so we have to query for it.


  • append will append the new element as a child of the existing element.
+        const carousel = document.getElementById('blend_image_carousel_inner');
+        carousel.append(newImage);
+        indicatorList.append(newIndicator);

7i. Edge case for first image.

There is an edge case we have to account for and it's this: What happens when the page loads without any images and the javascript is adding the very first image?

The answer is: nothing. This is becuase we need to apply the active CSS Class to the image if it's the very first image.


  • We have the variable totalImages which is the number of total images. If it is 0 - then this is the first image and we need to apply the CSS Class active.
  • active needs to be applied to both the div that holds the image and the list item (li) that is the indicator.
  • You can use the classList property to add the active class to these elements.
official solution - addition to the public/app.js file.
         const carousel = document.getElementById('blend_image_carousel_inner');
+        if(totalImages == 0){
+          newImage.classList.add('active');
+          newIndicator.classList.add('active');
+        }

official solution - full public/app.js file.
jQuery(() => {

function updateCarousel() {
  const configElement = document.getElementById('project_config');
  if(configElement == null) {

  const directory =;

  const url = `/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/${directory}`;
  const options = {
    headers: {
      'Accept': 'application/json'

  fetch(url, options)
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => data['files'])
    .then(files => => file['name']))
    .then(files => files.filter(file => file.endsWith('png')))
    .then(files => {
      for(const file of files) {
        const image = document.getElementById(file);

        // image is already on the DOM so just return.
        if(image != null) {
          console.log(`skipping ${file} because it's already on the DOM.`);

        console.log(`adding ${file} to the DOM.`);

        newImage = document.createElement('div'); = file;
        newImage.innerHTML = `<img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs/${directory}/${file}" >`;

        const indicatorList = document.getElementById('blend_image_carousel_indicators');
        const totalImages = indicatorList.children.length;
        const newIndicator = document.createElement('li');
        newIndicator.setAttribute('data-target', '#blend_image_carousel');
        newIndicator.setAttribute('data-slide-to', totalImages);

        const carousel = document.getElementById('blend_image_carousel_inner');

        if(totalImages == 0){


      setTimeout(updateCarousel, 30000);

8. Render a video.

Now we have facilities to render frames which is great! However, frames (images) are not the result we want. We want to bundle these frames into a movie.

Step 8 creates another form for users to fill out to that will submit another job that will create an mp4 video file out of all the images you've created.

8a. Video rendering form.

We're going to need another form for users to fill out to submit another job.

This form will need:

  • account is a select widget which is the same account from step 4a.
  • frames_per_second is a number input to define the frames per second the video is rendered with.
  • num_cpus will be a number input to define how many CPUs the job will use just like in step 4a.
  • walltime is an number input to define the job's running time just like in step 4a.
  • project_directory is a hidden input to define the proejct's directory just like in step 4a.

There are 4 visible form items for the user to fill out. For simplicity, we'll use col-md-3 sizes for all form fields so that they all fit on the same row.

This form will submit to a route that doesn't exist yet. It should submit to url("/render/video") which we will implement in the next step.


  • Many of these are already defined in the other form you created in step 4a. Refer to them for guidance.
  • Remember that forms need an action and a button.
official solution - addition to views/show_project.erb
 <div id="project_config" class="d-none" data-directory="<%= @directory %>">
+<h2 class="my-2">Render Video</h2>
+<form action="<%= url("/render/video") %>" method="post">
+  <div class="col-md-12">
+    <div class="row">
+      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
+        <label for="account">Account</label>
+        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
+          <%- accounts.each do |account| -%>
+          <option value="<%= account %>"><%= account %></option>
+          <%- end -%>
+        </select>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
+        <label for="frames_per_second">Frames Per Second</label>
+        <input class="form-control" type="number" max="60" name="frames_per_second">
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
+        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
+        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="1" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
+        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
+        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
+        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
+        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>
+      </div>
+      <div>
+        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>
+      </div>
+    </div> <!-- row -->
+    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
+      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>
+    </div>
+  </div>

8b. Video rendering job.

Just as before, we made the form before we made the route that can handle it. Similar to the post '/render/frames' route, we need to make a post '/render/videos' route.

This method will be very similar to the method in post '/render/frames' where we build an sbatch command to submit a job.

The script we'll be submitting is scripts/ The sbatch command will use the input from

Once again, sbatch takes many command line arguments. Here's what we'll be setting from the params variable the user provides in the form:

  • account will set the -A flag.
  • walltime will set -t flag after being formatted to HH:00:00.
  • num_cpus will set -n flag.
  • frames_per_second will populate the FRAMES_PER_SECOND environment variable.
  • project_directory will populate the OUTPUT_DIR environment variable and be used to set the job's output location for the --output flag.


  • Start small and build on what you have. You can start just by defining the method, then flashing params. I.e., @flash = params.inspect.
  • Look at post '/render/frames' or step 4 for additional information on how to issue a command in Ruby.
official solution - addition to app.rb file.
     session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }
+  post '/render/video' do
+"Trying to render video with: #{params.inspect}")
+    output_dir = params[:project_directory]
+    frames_per_second = params[:frames_per_second]
+    walltime = format('%02d:00:00', params[:walltime])
+    args = ['-J', 'blender-video', '--parsable', '-A', params[:account]]
+    args.concat ['--export', "FRAMES_PER_SEC=#{frames_per_second},OUTPUT_DIR=#{output_dir}"]
+    args.concat ['-n', params[:num_cpus], '-t', walltime, '-M', 'pitzer']
+    args.concat ['--output', "#{output_dir}/video-render-%j.out"]
+    output = `/bin/sbatch #{args.join(' ')}  #{__dir__}/scripts/ 2>&1`
+    job_id = output.strip.split(';').first
+    session[:flash] = { info: "Submitted job #{job_id}"}
+    redirect(url("/projects/#{output_dir.split('/').last}"))
+  end

official solution - full app.rb file
# frozen_string_literal: true

require 'sinatra/base'
require 'logger'

# App is the main application where all your logic & routing will go
class App < Sinatra::Base
  set :erb, escape_html: true
  enable :sessions

  attr_reader :logger

  def initialize
    @logger ='log/app.log')

  def title
    'Summer Instititue Starter App'

  def project_dirs
    Dir.children(projects_root).select do |path|"#{projects_root}/#{path}").directory?

  def accounts do |group_id|
      Etc.getgrgid(group_id).name do |group|

  def blend_files
    Dir.glob("#{__dir__}/blend_files/*.blend").map do |f|

  post '/render/frames' do"rendering frames with #{params.inspect}")

    blend_file = "#{__dir__}/blend_files/#{params[:blend_file]}"
    walltime = format('%02d:00:00', params[:walltime])
    dir = params[:project_directory]

    args = ['-J', "blender-#{params[:blend_file]}", '--parsable', '-A', params[:account]]
    args.concat ['--export', "BLEND_FILE_PATH=#{blend_file},OUTPUT_DIR=#{dir},FRAME_RANGE=#{params[:frame_range]}"]
    args.concat ['-n', params[:num_cpus], '-t', walltime, '-M', 'pitzer']
    args.concat ['--output', "#{dir}/%j.out"]

    output = `/bin/sbatch #{args.join(' ')}  #{__dir__}/scripts/ 2>&1`
    job_id = output.strip.split(';').first

    session[:flash] = { info: "submitted job #{job_id}" }

  get '/' do'requsting the index')
    @flash = session.delete(:flash) || { info: 'Welcome to Summer Institute!' }

  get '/projects/:name' do
    if params[:name] == 'new'
      @directory ="#{projects_root}/#{params[:name]}")
      @project_name = @directory.basename.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').capitalize
      @flash = session.delete(:flash)
      @images = Dir.glob("#{@directory}/*.png")

      if( && @directory.readable?)
        session[:flash] = { danger: "#{@directory} does not exist" }


  # helper function for the parent directory of all projects.
  def projects_root

  post '/projects/new' do
    dir = params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_')

    "#{projects_root}/#{dir}".tap { |d| FileUtils.mkdir_p(d) }

    session[:flash] = { info: "made new project '#{params[:name]}'" }

  post '/render/video' do"Trying to render video with: #{params.inspect}")

    output_dir = params[:project_directory]
    frames_per_second = params[:frames_per_second]
    walltime = format('%02d:00:00', params[:walltime])

    args = ['-J', 'blender-video', '--parsable', '-A', params[:account]]
    args.concat ['--export', "FRAMES_PER_SEC=#{frames_per_second},OUTPUT_DIR=#{output_dir}"]
    args.concat ['-n', params[:num_cpus], '-t', walltime, '-M', 'pitzer']
    args.concat ['--output', "#{output_dir}/video-render-%j.out"]
    output = `/bin/sbatch #{args.join(' ')}  #{__dir__}/scripts/ 2>&1`

    job_id = output.strip.split(';').first

    session[:flash] = { info: "Submitted job #{job_id}"}

official solution - full views/show_project.erb file.
<h1 class='d-flex my-2 justify-content-center'><%= @project_name %></h1>

<div class="row my-3">

  <div id="blend_image_carousel" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">

    <ol id="blend_image_carousel_indicators" class="carousel-indicators">
      <% (1..@images.length).each do |index| %>
      <li data-target="#blend_image_carousel" data-slide-to="<%= index-1 %>" class="<%= index == 1 ? 'active' : nil %>" ></li>
      <% end %>

    <div id="blend_image_carousel_inner" class="carousel-inner">

      <%- @images.each_with_index do |image, index| -%>
      <div id="<%= File.basename(image) %>" class="carousel-item <%= index == 0 ? 'active' : nil %>">
        <img class="d-block w-100" src="/pun/sys/dashboard/files/fs<%= image %>">
      <%- end -%>

    </div> <!-- carousel inner -->

    <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#blend_image_carousel" role="button" data-slide="prev">
      <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
      <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>

    <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#blend_image_carousel" role="button" data-slide="next">
      <span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
      <span class="sr-only">Next</span>

  </div><!-- carousel -->


<h2>Render Frames</h2>

<form action="<%= url("/render/frames") %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

  <div class="col-md-12">
    <div class="row">

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="blend_file">Blend File</label>
        <select name="blend_file" id="blend_file" class="form-control">
          <%- blend_files.each do |file| -%>
          <option value="<%= file %>"><%= file %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-6">
        <label for="account">Account</label>
        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
          <%- accounts.each do |account| -%>
          <option value="<%= account %>"><%= account %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="4" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="frame_range">Frame Range (N-M)</label>
        <input id="frame_range" name="frame_range" type="text" class="form-control" pattern="(\d+\.\.\d+)|(\d+(?:,\d+)*)" required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Ex: "1..10" renders frames 1-10, "1,3,5" renders frames 1, 3 and 5...</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-4">
        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>

        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>

    </div> <!-- end class="row" -->

    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>


<div id="project_config" class="d-none" data-directory="<%= @directory %>">

<h2 class="my-2">Render Video</h2>

<form action="<%= url("/render/video") %>" method="post">
  <div class="col-md-12">
    <div class="row">

      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
        <label for="account">Account</label>
        <select name="account" id="account" class="form-control">
          <%- accounts.each do |account| -%>
          <option value="<%= account %>"><%= account %></option>
          <%- end -%>

      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
        <label for="frames_per_second">Frames Per Second</label>
        <input class="form-control" type="number" max="60" name="frames_per_second">

      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
        <label for="num_cpus">CPUs</label>
        <input id="num_cpus" name="num_cpus" type="number" min="1" max="48" class="form-control" value='4' required>
        <small class="form-text text-muted">More CPUs means less time rendering.</small>

      <div class="form-group col-md-3">
        <label for="walltime">Walltime</label>
        <input type="number" id="walltime" name="walltime" class="form-control" value="1" min="1" max="48">
        <small class="form-text text-muted">Hours</small>

        <input type="hidden" name="project_directory" id="project_directory" value="<%= @directory %>" required>

    </div> <!-- row -->

    <div class="row justify-content-md-end my-1">
      <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary float-right">Render Frames</button>

9. Extra credit and beyond.

Congratulations! At this point you're done. But, like anything else, there's always more to do. Here are a couple examples of things you can add to this application.

  • Add the ability to request multiple nodes instead of just 1. This way rendering frames can go much quicker becuase you'll be able to use more cores than any one machine has.
    • Hint: Break the problem up! Instead of rendering 1..100 frames on a single machine, get the program to render 1..50 on one machine and 51..100 on the other. The environment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID will be a different number for each machine you've requested.
  • Add the ability to change the project icon. Right now, every project icon in the index page is a camera (it's an icon - i - tag with fas fa-fw fa-camera fa-5x CSS classes). Make this configurable so that when you create a new project, you get to choose the icon.
    • Hint: google fontawesome for the entire list of icons you can use.
  • Once you've completed stop 8, you can additionally display the video on the webpage.
  • Add the ability to track jobs. Once the job is created, the status of the job is not indicated on these pages. This makes the user navigate away from this page to see the job's status. This extra credit work would add the ability to track the jobs you submit through the forms.
    • Hint: Save the job id to a file that you can read back later.
    • Hint: Use the squeue command to query for the state of the job.