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172 lines (151 loc) · 8.17 KB

Arnold options

Specific options for renderer "arnold": Arnold renderer

General purpose flags:
  -rd path                    Directory in which to store image files
  -im filename                Image file output name
  -rt int                     Render type (0 = render, 1 = export ass, 2 = export and kick)
  -lic boolean                Turn licensing on or off
  -of format                  Output image file format. See the Render Settings window to
        find available formats
  -fnc int                    File Name Convention: any of name, name.ext, ... See the
        Render Settings window to find available options. Use namec and
        namec.ext for Multi Frame Concatenated formats. As a shortcut,
        numbers 1, 2, ... can also be used

Frame numbering options
  -s float                    Starting frame for an animation sequence
  -e float                    End frame for an animation sequence
  -seq string                 Frame number sequence e.g "2 4 6..10"
  -b float                    By frame (or step) for an animation sequence
  -skipExistingFrames boolean Skip frames that are already rendered (if true) or force rendering all frames (if false)
  -pad int                    Number of digits in the output image frame file name

Render Layers and Passes
  -rl boolean|name(s)         Render each render layer separately
  -rp boolean|name(s)         Render passes separately. 'all' will render all passes
  -sel boolean|name(s)        Selects which objects, groups and/or sets to render
  -l boolean|name(s)          Selects which display and render layers to render

Camera options
  -cam name                   Specify which camera to be rendered
  -rgb boolean                Turn RGB output on or off
  -alpha boolean              Turn Alpha output on or off
  -depth boolean              Turn Depth output on or off
  -iip                        Ignore Image Planes. Turn off all image planes before

Resolution options
  -x int                      Set X resolution of the final image
  -y int                      Set Y resolution of the final image
  -percentRes float           Renders the image using percent of the resolution
  -ard float                  Device aspect ratio for the rendered image
  -reg int                    Set render region

Samples options
  -ai:as int                  Set anti-aliasing samples
  -ai:hs int                  Set indirect diffuse samples
  -ai:gs int                  Set indirect specular samples
  -ai:rs int                  Set transmission samples
  -ai:bssrdfs int             Number of SSS Samples.

Sample Clamping
  -ai:cmpsv boolean           Enable sample clamping.
  -ai:aovsc boolean           Sample campling affects AOVs.
  -ai:aasc float              Sample max value.
  -ai:iasc float              Sample max value for indirect rays.

Depth options
  -ai:td int                  Set total depth.
  -ai:dif int                 Set indirect diffuse depth.
  -ai:glo int                 Set indirect specular depth.
  -ai:rfr int                 Set transmission depth.
  -ai:vol int                 Set volume GI depth.
  -ai:atd int                 Set auto-transparency depth.

Motion blur
  -ai:mben boolean            Enable motion blur.
  -ai:mbdf boolean            Enable object deformation motion blur.
  -ai:mbcen boolean           Enable camera motion blur.
  -ai:mbrt int                Position. (0 - Start On Frame, 1 - Center On Frame, 2 - End On Frame, 3 - Custom)
  -ai:mbfr float              Shutter Length.
  -ai:mbstart float           Motion Start.
  -ai:mbend float             Motion End.
  -ai:mbms int                Number of motion steps.

  -ai:llth float              Low light threshold value.
  -ai:ll int                  Light linking mode. (0 - None, 1 - Maya Light Links)
  -ai:sl int                  Shadow linking mode. (0 - None, 1 - Follows Light Linking, 2 - Maya Shadow Links)

  -ai:mxsb int                Maximum subdivision level.

Render Settings
  -ai:threads int             Set the number of threads.
  -ai:bscn int                Bucket Scanning. (0 - Top, 1 - Bottom, 2 - Left, 3 - Right, 4 - Random, 5 - Woven, 6 - Spiral, 7 - Hilbert)
  -ai:bsz int                 Bucket Size.
  -ai:bass boolean            Binary Ass Export.
  -ai:exbb boolean            Export Bounding box.
  -ai:aerr boolean            Abort on Error.
  -ai:alf boolean             Abort on License Fail.
  -ai:slc boolean             Skip License Check.
  -ai:device int              Render Device ( 0 - CPU , 1 - GPU )
  -ai:manGpuSel boolean        Turn on/off Manual GPU Selection
  -ai:gpu int                 Index of the GPU used for the render ( Works in conjunction with manGpuSel and can set a single GPU to render)
  -ai:enas boolean            Enable Adaptive Sampling.
  -ai:maxaa int               AA Samples Max.
  -ai:aath float              AA Adaptive Threshold.
  -ai:uopt string             User Options.
  -ai:port int                Set the Command Port for the Batch Progress Driver
  -ai:ofn string              Original file name.

  -ai:txamm boolean           Enable texture auto mipmap.
  -ai:txaun boolean           Accept untiled textures.
  -ai:txett boolean           Use existing tiled textures.
  -ai:txaum boolean           Accept unmipped textures.
  -ai:txat int                Auto tile size.
  -ai:txmm float              Maximum texture cache memory. (MB)
  -ai:txmof int               Maximum number of opened textures.
  -ai:txpfs boolean           Per file texture stats.
  -ai:txdb float              Deprecated parameter.
  -ai:txgb float              Deprecated parameter.

Feature Overrides
  -ai:foop boolean            Ignore operators.
  -ai:fotx boolean            Ignore textures.
  -ai:fosh boolean            Ignore shaders.
  -ai:foat boolean            Ignore atmosphere.
  -ai:folt boolean            Ignore lights.
  -ai:fosw boolean            Ignore shadows.
  -ai:fosd boolean            Ignore subdivision.
  -ai:fodp boolean            Ignore displacement.
  -ai:fobp boolean            Ignore bump.
  -ai:fosm boolean            Ignore smoothing.
  -ai:fomb boolean            Ignore motion blur.
  -ai:fosss boolean           Ignore SSS.
  -ai:fodof boolean           Ignore DOF.

Search Path
  -ai:sppg string             Plugins search path.
  -ai:sppr string             Procedurals search path.
  -ai:spsh string             Plugin search path.
  -ai:sptx string             Textures search path.

  -ai:lfn string              Log filename.
  -ai:ltc boolean             Log to Console.
  -ai:ltf boolean             Log to File.
  -ai:lve int                 Verbosity level. (0 - Errors, 1 - Warnings, 2 - Info, 3 - Debug)
  -ai:lmw int                 Maximum number of warnings.
  -ai:mti boolean             MtoA Translation Info.
  -ai:ste boolean             Enable Stats.
  -ai:stf string              Stats Filename .
  -ai:stm int                 Stats Mode
  -ai:pfe boolean             Enable profile.
  -ai:pff string              Profile Filename.

Mel callbacks
  -preRender string           add Mel code executed before rendering
  -postRender string          add Mel code executed after rendering
  -preLayer string            add Mel code executed before each render layer
  -postLayer string           add Mel code executed after each render layer
  -preFrame string            add Mel code executed before each frame
  -postFrame string           add Mel code executed after each frame
  -insertPreRender string     insert Mel code executed before rendering
  -insertPostRender string    insert Mel code executed after rendering
  -insertPreLayer string      insert Mel code executed before each render layer
  -insertPostLayer string     insert Mel code executed after each render layer
  -insertPreFrame string      insert Mel code executed before each frame
  -insertPostFrame string     insert Mel code executed after each frame

 *** Remember to place a space between option flags and their arguments. ***
Any boolean flag will take the following values as TRUE: on, yes, true, or 1.
Any boolean flag will take the following values as FALSE: off, no, false, or 0.

    e.g. -s 1 -e 10 -x 512 -y 512 -cam persp -as 4 -hs 2 -dif 2 file.