⚠️ This is a third-party port, currently based on old code, so if you find any bugs, please do not report them to Masa.⚠️
The branch artifacts support fetching from jitpack: https://jitpack.io/#Nyan-Work/minihud
Get Malilib from Nyan-Work: https://github.com/Nyan-Work/malilib/releases/tag/snapshot-1.20.2
Mini HUD is a tiny client-side mod for Minecraft. that adds the coordinates, looking angle and current speed to the screen. For more information and the downloads (compiled builds), see http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/minihud
- Clone the repository
- Open a command prompt/terminal to the repository directory
- run 'gradlew build'
- The built jar file will be in build/libs/