diff --git a/_events/2021-12-23-GalaxyWS_SFB.md b/_events/2021-12-23-GalaxyWS_SFB.md index 28e994b8a..13ee4be11 100644 --- a/_events/2021-12-23-GalaxyWS_SFB.md +++ b/_events/2021-12-23-GalaxyWS_SFB.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ online course and is limited to the members CRC 1425, CRC 992 and MeInBio. ## Venue -[Online](https://usegalaxy.eu/join-training/fr-feb-2022) +Online ## Program @@ -41,24 +41,30 @@ Thu | RNA-Seq data analysis part II Fri | Advanced Galaxy features, discussions, bring your own data. {:.table.table-striped} +### Agenda +Each day is divided in to 3 sessions: +* **Training session** is a zoom meeting where tutors will present the basic idea of the topic and demonstrate the data analysis on Galaxy and explain each analysis step. It is a popcorn session. Participants should relax and watch, ask questions but don't touch the keyboard. +* **Hands-on session** is the work-session. Participants will perform the analysis that they have learned during the training session. The training material and supporting hands-on videos are provided. All the questions during the hands-on session will be answered by the tutors in a slack channel. All the workshop information, training material and tutorial videos will stay online even after the workshop. +* **Q&A session**: Day ends with an extended live discussion on zoom where we all can discuss any remaining questions about the topic. This session will start at 16:30. + ## Links -* Zoom meeting room for Galaxy traning and Q&A sessions: [https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/62060189065?pwd=Vmg4MElrWkl4M2xyLy9lSGY2bm9nUT09](https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/62060189065?pwd=Vmg4MElrWkl4M2xyLy9lSGY2bm9nUT09) - - Topic: Galaxy Workshop February 2022 - - Meeting ID: 620 6018 9065 - - Passcode: aPE9j8WXi -* Slack channel for discussions during the hands-on: [link](https://app.slack.com/accept-shared-channel/T032SC3N5GE/I0319JJBQHZ/enQtMzA0MzYzMDM5ODYxMS05NTViYTcyODUxZGUxZmY0N2QwMGY2NGE3YzA4YmMwOTMwNGNhYmE1MTA3NWIyNzE1M2Q2ZGFjYmVkMDI4NzA3) +* Slack channel for discussions during the hands-on: [link](https://app.slack.com/client/T01EL3YJPC2/C031N6QA6P3) * [Galaxy tips and tricks](https://github.com/bgruening/galaxy-tricks) * [Galaxy training network](http://training.galaxyproject.org) ## Preparation +Some important steps to consider before joining the workshop: 1. Please create an account in the [European Galaxy server](https://usegalaxy.eu) to perform the analysis. Participants from the MPI Freiburg, please note that the European Galaxy server is different from the MPI Galaxy server. You will need to have an account on [https://usegalaxy.eu](https://usegalaxy.eu]) as well. -2. Please join the [slack channel](https://app.slack.com/accept-shared-channel/T032SC3N5GE/I0319JJBQHZ/enQtMzA0MzYzMDM5ODYxMS05NTViYTcyODUxZGUxZmY0N2QwMGY2NGE3YzA4YmMwOTMwNGNhYmE1MTA3NWIyNzE1M2Q2ZGFjYmVkMDI4NzA3) for discussions. +2. We use Slack for the discussions during the hands-on session. Please follow these two steps in order to join us in Slack: + - First, please register at the Galaxy training network Slack space: [https://join.slack.com/t/gtnsmrgsbord/shared_invite/zt-x7vinbs1-BA~Kht6N86JBhDq0uTIVdQ](https://join.slack.com/t/gtnsmrgsbord/shared_invite/zt-x7vinbs1-BA~Kht6N86JBhDq0uTIVdQ) + - Once you are in, join our workshop channel named freiburg-galaxy-workshop-2022 by following this link: [https://app.slack.com/client/T01EL3YJPC2/C031N6QA6P3](https://app.slack.com/client/T01EL3YJPC2/C031N6QA6P3) + - Finally, feel free to say hello to other participants. 3. For the workshop, all you need is a computer with a latest web browser. 4. Galaxy interactive tours guide you stepwise through the Galaxy user interface and the history. They will help you to follow the Galaxy introduction, and