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90+ tools updated

We updated our tools stack - more than 90 tools were updated to newest versions!

hardklor, iwtomics-plotwithscale, ncbi-blsat-plus, shovill, humann2, fastq-to-tabular, goseq, roary, fastq-stats, query-tabular, bio-handsel, gemini, featurecounts, taxonomy-kron-chart, snpshift, tsne, minimap2, fasta-filter-by-length, fastq-trimmer-by-quality, ucsc-twobittofa, limma-voom, resize-coordinate-window, salmon, idr, openms, fasta-nucleotide-culor-plot, samtool-filter2, multiqc, qiime, bam-to-scidx, extract-genomic-dna, fastq-groomer, deseq2, idpquery, codeml, gff3-rebase, iwtomics-loadandplot, freebayes, kallisto, flash, fastq-trimmer, fastq-combiner, iwtomics-testandplot, flash, jq, fastq-paired-end-splitter, circos, reshape2, fastq-masker-by-quality, rgrnastar, snpeff, bedtools, tag-pileup-frequency, fastqtofasta, tables-arithmetic-operations, jbrowse, hicexplorer, peptideshaker, umi-tools, unicycler, salmon, eggnog-mapper, fastqc, trinity, hisat2, fastq-manipulation, msgfplus, fastq-paired-end-deinterlacer, fastq-filter, ngsutils-bam-filter, tabular-to-fasta