Only the latest version of Nitro4Friends is currently being supported with security updates.
We take the security of our system seriously. If you find any security vulnerabilities within Nitro4Friends, please report them by following these guidelines:
Do Not Report Security Vulnerabilities Publicly: Discussing them in public could put the wider community at risk. Instead, please send a discreet email to the maintainers.
Provide Details: The more details provided about the vulnerability, the easier it will be for us to triage the issue. Please include steps to reproduce, or even better, a proof of concept.
Allow Time for Triage: Please allow reasonable time for the maintainers to triage and fix the vulnerability before disclosing it to others.
To report a security vulnerability, please use the following means of contact: [Your preferred method of contact, such as email].
Once a security vulnerability has been reported, we will work to confirm the issue and assign it a severity level.
A fix will be implemented as soon as possible for severe vulnerabilities. For less critical issues, the fix may be included in the next scheduled update.
Once a fix has been implemented, we will update the Security Policy and other documentation as necessary.
If you have reported a vulnerability, we will credit you for the discovery in any public posts or communication, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.