- Website to the original dataset: https://www.deepmind.com/open-source/kinetics
- classes.txt: contains 51 human action classes for Kinetics51 dataset.
- train.txt: contains samples for training.
- val.txt: contains samples for validating.
- test.txt: contains samples for testing.
All of 3 files have 3 columns:
- First column: name of the video.
- Second column: number of frames of corresponding video.
- Third column: the label of the video (mapping with the index of class name in classes.txt).
Example: 4jmv1XpnR90 300 30
Video name: 4jmv1XpnR90
Number of frames: 300 frames
Label: 30 (riding or walking with horse - index starting from 0)
- The Kinetics51 dataset is collected from YouTube, and the video name is also the ID of the YouTube link to the corresponding video.
- Example:
- With video name 4jmv1XpnR90 above, the link to the video would be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jmv1XpnR90. Similiar for other videos, concatenate the prefix https://youtube.com/watch?v= with video name to get the video link.
- Video can be downloaded using open-source software (such as youtube-dl).