Rock RMS is a Relationship Management System (RMS) and plugin-friendly framework written as an ASP.NET 4.5 C# web application. It uses Entity Framework 6.1, jQuery, Bootstrap 3, and other open source libraries.
The following guide documents how NewSpring Web uses and deploys Rock.
Quick links:
- Getting Started
- Primary Differences
- New Environments
- Running Rock
- Deploy Process
- Learn More
- Community
- License
Take a peek at the Rock Developer 101 book to get started. Some more information can be found on the wiki.
If you're completely new to .NET, C# and SQL Server, you may want to read through this overview. If you're completely new to Github and Git, read through the Contribution guidelines.
We try our best to stay in sync with the base repository; however, we have a few primary differences:
If you clone the base repository, you'll notice that there are a LOT of binary files. This doesn't work so well for quick build and deployment times (even with caching certain folders). So we've removed the following folders to reduce the overall size:
./Checkin Labels
Applications and Installers can be downloaded through the Rock Shop (for production) or from the base repo (for debugging/development). We don't use the stock Check-in Labels; all our labels can be found here. Packages are automatically downloaded in production or development via Nuget.
We use Appveyor to do continuous deployment to different environments. It's fast, free (for one build at a time), and relatively easy to set up. We depend on Node/Norma to add plugins to the build and MSBuild to compile the entire solution. You'll notice the following files in our repo:
This file contains all the build settings for AppVeyor. You can use Appveyor's UI instead, but you won't be able to track changes (especially helpful if something breaks). Formatting wise, Appveyor requires all spaces in this file (no tabs!).
This file contains the build settings for Norma, such as plugins to download, files to copy, etc.
This file contains all the dependencies for Norma.
This file displays a helpful user message while Rock is upgrading or rebooting. This file exists in core but has been heavily customized with NewSpring branding.
This file specifies what should happen before a deploy, such as saving web.config and setting the "Rock is restarting" message.
This file specifies what should happen during a deploy, such as setting permissions, and restoring web.config.
For security reasons our deploy process ignores any Github changes to the web.config. If there's an update in the Spark repo, you'll need to manually copy that change to each server. Keep in mind that any change to
will restart IIS.
We have a lot of systems running in production: some we're proud of, and some we're not. We also have a native app for iOS, Android, Windows, and others. That means we often need to test systems (including Rock) from non-Windows environments. We've customized a couple things to make testing a little more friendly:
This file contains links to all the projects necessary for Rock to run, as well as links to any plugin projects. Note that if a plugin isn't downloaded locally, Visual Studio will gracefully ignore the reference.
also specifies the name and URL of the web project.Note: We changed the Rock website name and URL to be instead of RockWeb with a URL of http://localhost:6229. This allows us to load and debug Rock cross-platform. See
New Environmentsfor more details.
We've written a few plugins for Rock, including a CyberSource gateway, a CacheBreak project for API's, and an Attended Check-in module. We store plugins at the same folder level as Rock, then reference them in ./Rock.sln with a relative path (..\rock-cache-sync\cc.newspring.CacheBreak.csproj
The following list details other minor blocks or packages we've added:
This block displays a video feed on our internal homepage for weekly staff meetings.
This block displays metric values using a Liquid template for staff dashboards.
This block adds headings to a layout with the option to set a column size.
This block displays metric values or comparisons on a dashboard based on Campus, Group, Date, or Schedule context.
This block loads the Ooyala video player for a specific video content ID.
We use Sentry for additional error reporting from Rock, and this block allows you to send a custom error to test your config. The specific C# library we use is called SharpRaven. We've added dependencies for Sentry/SharpRaven throughout Rock, including Rock.csproj, RockBlock.cs, and the API Exception Log.
This block displays a bell icon next for each logged-in user when they have workflows to complete.
In order to fully support Twilio and other API calls, we upgraded the Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi
packages to version 5.2.3. The core version of Rock is at 5.2.2.
If you were already given a VMDK, most of these steps should be completed. Also, this guide assumes you'll be running Rock inside a Windows environment, either as a VM or dual-boot. If that's not the case, talk to us because we'd love to optimize our development/deployment strategy.
- Create a new Windows 10 x64 machine
- Select an existing hard disk (VMDK)
- Set minimum CPU processors to 2
- Set minimum RAM at 4GB
- Download Git (includes Git Bash ❤️)
- Update your git config using Git Bash
- Create your first Pull Request
- Download Visual Studio Community (free)
- Import the recommended Visual Studio settings
- Download SQL Server: LocalDB (free), Express (free), or Standard (not free)
- Download SQL Server Management Studio (free)
- Install some helpful plugins: CodeMaid, GhostDoc and Gulp
If you haven't already experienced the joy of developing in Visual Studio with IIS, we'd highly recommend it: faster build times, easier debugging, cross-platform browsing, and bypassing the occasional VS insanity. You'll need to set up an IIS site pointed at ./RockWeb, your database has to be configured for IIS requests, and Visual Studio has to run as Administrator (so you can attach to IIS when debugging).
If you don't want to go the IIS route or prefer to use Visual Studio for everything, you can still get cross-platform browsing with some trickery. You'll also want to set a static IP on your VM and add a hosts
reference to
with that IP.
The VMDK file you should've received can be run in VirtualBox, Fusion, or Parallels. If you're wondering what settings you should use, go back to New Environments.
Our Rock version is hosted at
and you can use IIS Manager to control access to it.
If you need to debug code, open Visual Studio and attach to w3wp.exe
. If you don't need to debug, you can develop themes or change Block code in the running site: ./RockWeb.
defines your database attachments, although only one can be active (comment out the others). The only connection you'll probably need is localhost\SQL
. If you're using SQL Server LocalDB, the Server property will be something like (localdb)\ProjectsV13
Note: If you get an error running Nuget or starting the Rock project, make sure RockWeb is set as the startup project (Solution Explorer will display it in bold).
Here's a sample connection string:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!--<add name="RockContext" connectionString="; Initial Catalog=Rock;
User Id=RockAdmin; password=SomeRidiculousPasswordAPasswordManagerCreated; MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />-->
<add name="RockContext" connectionString="Server=.\SQL; Initial Catalog=Rock;
Integrated Security=true; MultipleActiveResultSets=true" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
If you need to build or update a new database, look for the Nuget Package Manager Console and enter this command: update-database -ProjectName 'Rock.Migrations'
. Note that if you had any Nuget updates while Visual Studio was open, you'll need to reload Visual Studio to successfully run the Package Manager Console.
Alternatively, follow the guide to set your own migration shortcut. This will use the connection defined in web.connectionstrings.config
to build or upgrade your database.
Eventually you'll need to run ./FreeSpace.bat to clear out old files and keep your Windows install trimmed down. This will also defrag your unused space, which allows you to shrink the disk from Fusion/VirtualBox after you shut the OS down.
We actively develop against our Rock fork and occasionally "cherry pick" changes from core, instead of waiting for the official or beta releases. While this does mean we get faster features or bugfixes, we're also some of the first to find out about breaking changes.
We follow the below process to verify changes don't cause issues in production:
####1) Review recent changes in Spark/pre-alpha-release.
This branch is typically the last phase in the development cycle before a Rock release (develop -> pre-alpha-spark -> pre-alpha-release -> hotfix / master release). Click here to start a PR to NewSpring/pre-alpha-release.
You'll want to be sensitive to the following changes:
- Migrations (will require downtime and typically can't be rolled back)
- Check-in or workflow actions (could make for Sunday surprises, and not the good kind)
- Model or ModelService updates (can affect performance)
####2) Fix code merge conflicts and test any migrations against a local database.
Since we've modified multiple files, you'll need to make sure changes (theirs or ours) aren't accidentally overwritten. You'll also want to test migrations against a recent copy of our database so that any Sites, Blocks, or Attributes we may have tweaked don't cause dependency problems.
####3) Merge NewSpring/pre-alpha-release into NewSpring/alpha.
Alpha is our "did anything break?" environment and is set to automatically deploy when code is committed. Click here to start the PR to NewSpring/alpha.
####4) Merge NewSpring/alpha into NewSpring/beta and deploy.
Beta is our "does everything work?" environment and does not automatically deploy when code is committed. Click here to start the PR to NewSpring/beta.
####5) Document all feature changes for the Web Operations team to review.
If you reviewed well in step one, you'll have a list of changes to send for testing on Beta. You'll want to document the default behavior as well as expected error states. You may also need to clarify where the new or updated feature lives.
####6) After Operations signoff, merge NewSpring/beta into NewSpring/master and deploy.
Master is our "go live" environment and does not automatically deploy. After a successful build, you'll need to trigger a deploy from Appveyor during planned or co-ordinated downtime.
####7) Clear cache on newly deployed servers.
It's a good idea to clear cache on the Rock and Check-in servers after a deploy, so that any changes to Sites, Blocks, or Attributes are immediately present. Theoretically IIS should pick up those changes after a restart, but it occasionally doesn't.
Jump over to our Rock website to find out more. You can also:
- Read our blog
- Follow us on Twitter
- Like us on Facebook
- Read the community Q & A
- Subscribe to our newsletter
Rock is crafted by a community of developers led by the Spark Development Network. You can join us on the forums at Rock RMS or on our Slack channel.
Rock is released under the open-source Rock Community License.