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Karl Fosaaen edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the MicroBurst wiki! The wiki content is broken out into the individual module types (Az, AzureAD, etc.) which can be found in the sidebar to the right. Most of the core functions will be in the Az section, as that's where most of the Azure functionality is in the PowerShell modules.

General Usage

Installing the Supporting Modules

In a local administrator privileged PowerShell session:

Install-Module Az

Install-Module AzureAd

Install-Module MSOnline

Authenticating to the Supporting Modules

In a PowerShell session:




Importing the MicroBurst Module

In a PowerShell session:

Import-Module .\MicroBurst.psm1

This will import all applicable functions based off of the currently installed modules in your environment.

To Do

There are several items on the MicroBurst "To Do" list that we could use some help on. Pull requests are always welcome (See below), so feel free to take a crack at one of these items:

  • Converting all of the functionality in Get-AzPasswords over to the REST APIs


For any new functionality, or updates to existing code, please try to generally keep with the coding practices (comments, indents, parameter names) of the existing code. When adding new functions, follow the naming convention used by existing functions in the same family of functions (Get-AzPasswords).

Finally, please follow the Microsoft conventions for approved PowerShell verbs.

If you have any questions/ideas/comments, feel free to raise an Issue or ping Karl on Twitter.

For those looking for the original function descriptions, check out the now deprecated AzureRM section.

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