diff --git a/pr/pr-224/Color-6VNJS4EI-BCQ9U3yS.js b/pr/pr-224/Color-6VNJS4EI-BCQ9U3yS.js deleted file mode 100644 index 1dfab2f..0000000 --- a/pr/pr-224/Color-6VNJS4EI-BCQ9U3yS.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1123 +0,0 @@ -import { e as export_default, b as export_useRef, c as export_useMemo, d as export_useEffect, f as export_useState, g as export_useCallback, h as export_useLayoutEffect, n as newStyled, W as WithTooltip, T as TooltipNote, F as Form, I as Icons, i as getControlId } from './WithTooltip-V3YHNWJZ-DPpNXjyt.js'; -import { _ as __commonJS, i as isObject_default, a as isSymbol_default, r as root_default } from './doctrine-DkksUk6K.js'; -import './index-Kjm4kNkQ.js'; - -function u(){return (u=Object.assign||function(e){for(var r=1;r=0||(o[t]=e[t]);return o}function i(e){var t=export_useRef(e),n=export_useRef(function(e){t.current&&t.current(e);});return t.current=e,n.current}var s=function(e,r,t){return void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===t&&(t=1),e>t?t:e0:e.buttons>0)&&m.current?g(d(m.current,e,b.current)):t(!1);},r=function(){return t(!1)};function t(t){var n=_.current,o=v(m.current),a=t?o.addEventListener:o.removeEventListener;a(n?"touchmove":"mousemove",e),a(n?"touchend":"mouseup",r);}return [function(e){var r=e.nativeEvent,n=m.current;if(n&&(h(r),!function(e,r){return r&&!f(e)}(r,_.current)&&n)){if(f(r)){_.current=!0;var o=r.changedTouches||[];o.length&&(b.current=o[0].identifier);}n.focus(),g(d(n,r,b.current)),t(!0);}},function(e){var r=e.which||e.keyCode;r<37||r>40||(e.preventDefault(),p({left:39===r?.05:37===r?-.05:0,top:40===r?.05:38===r?-.05:0}));},t]},[p,g]),C=x[0],E=x[1],H=x[2];return export_useEffect(function(){return H},[H]),export_default.createElement("div",u({},s,{onTouchStart:C,onMouseDown:C,className:"react-colorful__interactive",ref:m,onKeyDown:E,tabIndex:0,role:"slider"}))}),g=function(e){return e.filter(Boolean).join(" ")},p=function(r){var t=r.color,n=r.left,o=r.top,a=void 0===o?.5:o,l=g(["react-colorful__pointer",r.className]);return export_default.createElement("div",{className:l,style:{top:100*a+"%",left:100*n+"%"}},export_default.createElement("div",{className:"react-colorful__pointer-fill",style:{backgroundColor:t}}))},b=function(e,r,t){return void 0===r&&(r=0),void 0===t&&(t=Math.pow(10,r)),Math.round(t*e)/t},_={grad:.9,turn:360,rad:360/(2*Math.PI)},x=function(e){return L(C(e))},C=function(e){return "#"===e[0]&&(e=e.substring(1)),e.length<6?{r:parseInt(e[0]+e[0],16),g:parseInt(e[1]+e[1],16),b:parseInt(e[2]+e[2],16),a:4===e.length?b(parseInt(e[3]+e[3],16)/255,2):1}:{r:parseInt(e.substring(0,2),16),g:parseInt(e.substring(2,4),16),b:parseInt(e.substring(4,6),16),a:8===e.length?b(parseInt(e.substring(6,8),16)/255,2):1}},E=function(e,r){return void 0===r&&(r="deg"),Number(e)*(_[r]||1)},H=function(e){var r=/hsla?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(deg|rad|grad|turn)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)%?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i.exec(e);return r?N({h:E(r[1],r[2]),s:Number(r[3]),l:Number(r[4]),a:void 0===r[5]?1:Number(r[5])/(r[6]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}},N=function(e){var r=e.s,t=e.l;return {h:e.h,s:(r*=(t<50?t:100-t)/100)>0?2*r/(t+r)*100:0,v:t+r,a:e.a}},w=function(e){return K(I(e))},y=function(e){var r=e.s,t=e.v,n=e.a,o=(200-r)*t/100;return {h:b(e.h),s:b(o>0&&o<200?r*t/100/(o<=100?o:200-o)*100:0),l:b(o/2),a:b(n,2)}},q=function(e){var r=y(e);return "hsl("+r.h+", "+r.s+"%, "+r.l+"%)"},k=function(e){var r=y(e);return "hsla("+r.h+", "+r.s+"%, "+r.l+"%, "+r.a+")"},I=function(e){var r=e.h,t=e.s,n=e.v,o=e.a;r=r/360*6,t/=100,n/=100;var a=Math.floor(r),l=n*(1-t),u=n*(1-(r-a)*t),c=n*(1-(1-r+a)*t),i=a%6;return {r:b(255*[n,u,l,l,c,n][i]),g:b(255*[c,n,n,u,l,l][i]),b:b(255*[l,l,c,n,n,u][i]),a:b(o,2)}},z=function(e){var r=/rgba?\(?\s*(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?[,\s]+(-?\d*\.?\d+)(%)?,?\s*[/\s]*(-?\d*\.?\d+)?(%)?\s*\)?/i.exec(e);return r?L({r:Number(r[1])/(r[2]?100/255:1),g:Number(r[3])/(r[4]?100/255:1),b:Number(r[5])/(r[6]?100/255:1),a:void 0===r[7]?1:Number(r[7])/(r[8]?100:1)}):{h:0,s:0,v:0,a:1}},D=function(e){var r=e.toString(16);return r.length<2?"0"+r:r},K=function(e){var r=e.r,t=e.g,n=e.b,o=e.a,a=o<1?D(b(255*o)):"";return "#"+D(r)+D(t)+D(n)+a},L=function(e){var r=e.r,t=e.g,n=e.b,o=e.a,a=Math.max(r,t,n),l=a-Math.min(r,t,n),u=l?a===r?(t-n)/l:a===t?2+(n-r)/l:4+(r-t)/l:0;return {h:b(60*(u<0?u+6:u)),s:b(a?l/a*100:0),v:b(a/255*100),a:o}},S=export_default.memo(function(r){var t=r.hue,n=r.onChange,o=g(["react-colorful__hue",r.className]);return 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e)if(e[t]!==r[t])return !1;return !0},P=function(e,r){return e.replace(/\s/g,"")===r.replace(/\s/g,"")},X=function(e,r){return e.toLowerCase()===r.toLowerCase()||F(C(e),C(r))};function Y(e,t,l){var u=i(l),c=export_useState(function(){return e.toHsva(t)}),s=c[0],f=c[1],v=export_useRef({color:t,hsva:s});export_useEffect(function(){if(!e.equal(t,v.current.color)){var r=e.toHsva(t);v.current={hsva:r,color:t},f(r);}},[t,e]),export_useEffect(function(){var r;F(s,v.current.hsva)||e.equal(r=e.fromHsva(s),v.current.color)||(v.current={hsva:s,color:r},u(r));},[s,e,u]);var d=export_useCallback(function(e){f(function(r){return Object.assign({},r,e)});},[]);return [s,d]}var V="undefined"!=typeof window?export_useLayoutEffect:export_useEffect,$=function(){return ("undefined"!=typeof __webpack_nonce__?__webpack_nonce__:void 0)},J=new Map,Q=function(e){V(function(){var r=e.current?e.current.ownerDocument:document;if(void 0!==r&&!J.has(r)){var t=r.createElement("style");t.innerHTML='.react-colorful{position:relative;display:flex;flex-direction:column;width:200px;height:200px;-webkit-user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;user-select:none;cursor:default}.react-colorful__saturation{position:relative;flex-grow:1;border-color:transparent;border-bottom:12px solid #000;border-radius:8px 8px 0 0;background-image:linear-gradient(0deg,#000,transparent),linear-gradient(90deg,#fff,hsla(0,0%,100%,0))}.react-colorful__alpha-gradient,.react-colorful__pointer-fill{content:"";position:absolute;left:0;top:0;right:0;bottom:0;pointer-events:none;border-radius:inherit}.react-colorful__alpha-gradient,.react-colorful__saturation{box-shadow:inset 0 0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05)}.react-colorful__alpha,.react-colorful__hue{position:relative;height:24px}.react-colorful__hue{background:linear-gradient(90deg,red 0,#ff0 17%,#0f0 33%,#0ff 50%,#00f 67%,#f0f 83%,red)}.react-colorful__last-control{border-radius:0 0 8px 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v=Y(o,l,i),d=v[0],h=v[1],m=g(["react-colorful",n]);return export_default.createElement("div",u({},s,{ref:f,className:m}),export_default.createElement(T,{hsva:d,onChange:h}),export_default.createElement(S,{hue:d.h,onChange:h,className:"react-colorful__last-control"}))},W={defaultColor:"000",toHsva:x,fromHsva:function(e){return w({h:e.h,s:e.s,v:e.v,a:1})},equal:X},Z=function(r){return export_default.createElement(U,u({},r,{colorModel:W}))},ee=function(r){var t=r.className,n=r.hsva,o=r.onChange,a={backgroundImage:"linear-gradient(90deg, "+k(Object.assign({},n,{a:0}))+", "+k(Object.assign({},n,{a:1}))+")"},l=g(["react-colorful__alpha",t]),u=b(100*n.a);return export_default.createElement("div",{className:l},export_default.createElement("div",{className:"react-colorful__alpha-gradient",style:a}),export_default.createElement(m,{onMove:function(e){o({a:e.left});},onKey:function(e){o({a:s(n.a+e.left)});},"aria-label":"Alpha","aria-valuetext":u+"%","aria-valuenow":u,"aria-valuemin":"0","aria-valuemax":"100"},export_default.createElement(p,{className:"react-colorful__alpha-pointer",left:n.a,color:k(n)})))},re=function(t){var n=t.className,o=t.colorModel,a=t.color,l=void 0===a?o.defaultColor:a,i=t.onChange,s=c(t,["className","colorModel","color","onChange"]),f=export_useRef(null);Q(f);var v=Y(o,l,i),d=v[0],h=v[1],m=g(["react-colorful",n]);return export_default.createElement("div",u({},s,{ref:f,className:m}),export_default.createElement(T,{hsva:d,onChange:h}),export_default.createElement(S,{hue:d.h,onChange:h}),export_default.createElement(ee,{hsva:d,onChange:h,className:"react-colorful__last-control"}))},le={defaultColor:"hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 1)",toHsva:H,fromHsva:k,equal:P},ue=function(r){return export_default.createElement(re,u({},r,{colorModel:le}))},Ee={defaultColor:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)",toHsva:z,fromHsva:function(e){var r=I(e);return "rgba("+r.r+", "+r.g+", "+r.b+", "+r.a+")"},equal:P},He=function(r){return export_default.createElement(re,u({},r,{colorModel:Ee}))}; - -// node_modules/color-name/index.js -var require_color_name = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/color-name/index.js"(exports, module) { - module.exports = { - "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255], - "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215], - "aqua": [0, 255, 255], - "aquamarine": [127, 255, 212], - "azure": [240, 255, 255], - "beige": [245, 245, 220], - "bisque": [255, 228, 196], - "black": [0, 0, 0], - "blanchedalmond": [255, 235, 205], - "blue": [0, 0, 255], - "blueviolet": [138, 43, 226], - "brown": [165, 42, 42], - "burlywood": [222, 184, 135], - "cadetblue": [95, 158, 160], - "chartreuse": [127, 255, 0], - "chocolate": [210, 105, 30], - "coral": [255, 127, 80], - "cornflowerblue": [100, 149, 237], - "cornsilk": [255, 248, 220], - "crimson": [220, 20, 60], - "cyan": [0, 255, 255], - "darkblue": [0, 0, 139], - "darkcyan": [0, 139, 139], - "darkgoldenrod": [184, 134, 11], - "darkgray": [169, 169, 169], - "darkgreen": [0, 100, 0], - "darkgrey": [169, 169, 169], - "darkkhaki": [189, 183, 107], - "darkmagenta": [139, 0, 139], - "darkolivegreen": [85, 107, 47], - "darkorange": [255, 140, 0], - "darkorchid": [153, 50, 204], - "darkred": [139, 0, 0], - "darksalmon": [233, 150, 122], - "darkseagreen": [143, 188, 143], - "darkslateblue": [72, 61, 139], - "darkslategray": [47, 79, 79], - "darkslategrey": [47, 79, 79], - "darkturquoise": [0, 206, 209], - "darkviolet": [148, 0, 211], - "deeppink": [255, 20, 147], - "deepskyblue": [0, 191, 255], - "dimgray": [105, 105, 105], - "dimgrey": [105, 105, 105], - "dodgerblue": [30, 144, 255], - "firebrick": [178, 34, 34], - "floralwhite": [255, 250, 240], - "forestgreen": [34, 139, 34], - "fuchsia": [255, 0, 255], - "gainsboro": [220, 220, 220], - "ghostwhite": [248, 248, 255], - "gold": [255, 215, 0], - "goldenrod": [218, 165, 32], - "gray": [128, 128, 128], - "green": [0, 128, 0], - "greenyellow": [173, 255, 47], - "grey": [128, 128, 128], - "honeydew": [240, 255, 240], - "hotpink": [255, 105, 180], - "indianred": [205, 92, 92], - "indigo": [75, 0, 130], - "ivory": [255, 255, 240], - "khaki": [240, 230, 140], - "lavender": [230, 230, 250], - "lavenderblush": [255, 240, 245], - "lawngreen": [124, 252, 0], - "lemonchiffon": [255, 250, 205], - "lightblue": [173, 216, 230], - "lightcoral": [240, 128, 128], - "lightcyan": [224, 255, 255], - "lightgoldenrodyellow": [250, 250, 210], - "lightgray": [211, 211, 211], - "lightgreen": [144, 238, 144], - "lightgrey": [211, 211, 211], - "lightpink": [255, 182, 193], - "lightsalmon": [255, 160, 122], - "lightseagreen": [32, 178, 170], - "lightskyblue": [135, 206, 250], - "lightslategray": [119, 136, 153], - "lightslategrey": [119, 136, 153], - "lightsteelblue": [176, 196, 222], - "lightyellow": [255, 255, 224], - "lime": [0, 255, 0], - "limegreen": [50, 205, 50], - "linen": [250, 240, 230], - "magenta": [255, 0, 255], - "maroon": [128, 0, 0], - "mediumaquamarine": [102, 205, 170], - "mediumblue": [0, 0, 205], - "mediumorchid": [186, 85, 211], - "mediumpurple": [147, 112, 219], - "mediumseagreen": [60, 179, 113], - "mediumslateblue": [123, 104, 238], - "mediumspringgreen": [0, 250, 154], - "mediumturquoise": [72, 209, 204], - "mediumvioletred": [199, 21, 133], - "midnightblue": [25, 25, 112], - "mintcream": [245, 255, 250], - "mistyrose": [255, 228, 225], - "moccasin": [255, 228, 181], - "navajowhite": [255, 222, 173], - "navy": [0, 0, 128], - "oldlace": [253, 245, 230], - "olive": [128, 128, 0], - "olivedrab": [107, 142, 35], - "orange": [255, 165, 0], - "orangered": [255, 69, 0], - "orchid": [218, 112, 214], - "palegoldenrod": [238, 232, 170], - "palegreen": [152, 251, 152], - "paleturquoise": [175, 238, 238], - "palevioletred": [219, 112, 147], - "papayawhip": [255, 239, 213], - "peachpuff": [255, 218, 185], - "peru": [205, 133, 63], - "pink": [255, 192, 203], - "plum": [221, 160, 221], - "powderblue": [176, 224, 230], - "purple": [128, 0, 128], - "rebeccapurple": [102, 51, 153], - "red": [255, 0, 0], - "rosybrown": [188, 143, 143], - "royalblue": [65, 105, 225], - "saddlebrown": [139, 69, 19], - "salmon": [250, 128, 114], - "sandybrown": [244, 164, 96], - "seagreen": [46, 139, 87], - "seashell": [255, 245, 238], - "sienna": [160, 82, 45], - "silver": [192, 192, 192], - "skyblue": [135, 206, 235], - "slateblue": [106, 90, 205], - "slategray": [112, 128, 144], - "slategrey": [112, 128, 144], - "snow": [255, 250, 250], - "springgreen": [0, 255, 127], - "steelblue": [70, 130, 180], - "tan": [210, 180, 140], - "teal": [0, 128, 128], - "thistle": [216, 191, 216], - "tomato": [255, 99, 71], - "turquoise": [64, 224, 208], - "violet": [238, 130, 238], - "wheat": [245, 222, 179], - "white": [255, 255, 255], - "whitesmoke": [245, 245, 245], - "yellow": [255, 255, 0], - "yellowgreen": [154, 205, 50] - }; - } -}); - -// node_modules/color-convert/conversions.js -var require_conversions = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/color-convert/conversions.js"(exports, module) { - var cssKeywords = require_color_name(); - var reverseKeywords = {}; - for (const key of Object.keys(cssKeywords)) { - reverseKeywords[cssKeywords[key]] = key; - } - var convert = { - rgb: { channels: 3, labels: "rgb" }, - hsl: { channels: 3, labels: "hsl" }, - hsv: { channels: 3, labels: "hsv" }, - hwb: { channels: 3, labels: "hwb" }, - cmyk: { channels: 4, labels: "cmyk" }, - xyz: { channels: 3, labels: "xyz" }, - lab: { channels: 3, labels: "lab" }, - lch: { channels: 3, labels: "lch" }, - hex: { channels: 1, labels: ["hex"] }, - keyword: { channels: 1, labels: ["keyword"] }, - ansi16: { channels: 1, labels: ["ansi16"] }, - ansi256: { channels: 1, labels: ["ansi256"] }, - hcg: { channels: 3, labels: ["h", "c", "g"] }, - apple: { channels: 3, labels: ["r16", "g16", "b16"] }, - gray: { channels: 1, labels: ["gray"] } - }; - module.exports = convert; - for (const model of Object.keys(convert)) { - if (!("channels" in convert[model])) { - throw new Error("missing channels property: " + model); - } - if (!("labels" in convert[model])) { - throw new Error("missing channel labels property: " + model); - } - if (convert[model].labels.length !== convert[model].channels) { - throw new Error("channel and label counts mismatch: " + model); - } - const { channels, labels } = convert[model]; - delete convert[model].channels; - delete convert[model].labels; - Object.defineProperty(convert[model], "channels", { value: channels }); - Object.defineProperty(convert[model], "labels", { value: labels }); - } - convert.rgb.hsl = function(rgb) { - const r = rgb[0] / 255; - const g = rgb[1] / 255; - const b = rgb[2] / 255; - const min = Math.min(r, g, b); - const max = Math.max(r, g, b); - const delta = max - min; - let h; - let s; - if (max === min) { - h = 0; - } else if (r === max) { - h = (g - b) / delta; - } else if (g === max) { - h = 2 + (b - r) / delta; - } else if (b === max) { - h = 4 + (r - g) / delta; - } - h = Math.min(h * 60, 360); - if (h < 0) { - h += 360; - } - const l = (min + max) / 2; - if (max === min) { - s = 0; - } else if (l <= 0.5) { - s = delta / (max + min); - } else { - s = delta / (2 - max - min); - } - return [h, s * 100, l * 100]; - }; - convert.rgb.hsv = function(rgb) { - let rdif; - let gdif; - let bdif; - let h; - let s; - const r = rgb[0] / 255; - const g = rgb[1] / 255; - const b = rgb[2] / 255; - const v = Math.max(r, g, b); - const diff = v - Math.min(r, g, b); - const diffc = function(c) { - return (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2; - }; - if (diff === 0) { - h = 0; - s = 0; - } else { - s = diff / v; - rdif = diffc(r); - gdif = diffc(g); - bdif = diffc(b); - if (r === v) { - h = bdif - gdif; - } else if (g === v) { - h = 1 / 3 + rdif - bdif; - } else if (b === v) { - h = 2 / 3 + gdif - rdif; - } - if (h < 0) { - h += 1; - } else if (h > 1) { - h -= 1; - } - } - return [ - h * 360, - s * 100, - v * 100 - ]; - }; - convert.rgb.hwb = function(rgb) { - const r = rgb[0]; - const g = rgb[1]; - let b = rgb[2]; - const h = convert.rgb.hsl(rgb)[0]; - const w = 1 / 255 * Math.min(r, Math.min(g, b)); - b = 1 - 1 / 255 * Math.max(r, Math.max(g, b)); - return [h, w * 100, b * 100]; - }; - convert.rgb.cmyk = function(rgb) { - const r = rgb[0] / 255; - const g = rgb[1] / 255; - const b = rgb[2] / 255; - const k = Math.min(1 - r, 1 - g, 1 - b); - const c = (1 - r - k) / (1 - k) || 0; - const m = (1 - g - k) / (1 - k) || 0; - const y = (1 - b - k) / (1 - k) || 0; - return [c * 100, m * 100, y * 100, k * 100]; - }; - function comparativeDistance(x, y) { - return (x[0] - y[0]) ** 2 + (x[1] - y[1]) ** 2 + (x[2] - y[2]) ** 2; - } - convert.rgb.keyword = function(rgb) { - const reversed = reverseKeywords[rgb]; - if (reversed) { - return reversed; - } - let currentClosestDistance = Infinity; - let currentClosestKeyword; - for (const keyword of Object.keys(cssKeywords)) { - const value = cssKeywords[keyword]; - const distance = comparativeDistance(rgb, value); - if (distance < currentClosestDistance) { - currentClosestDistance = distance; - currentClosestKeyword = keyword; - } - } - return currentClosestKeyword; - }; - convert.keyword.rgb = function(keyword) { - return cssKeywords[keyword]; - }; - convert.rgb.xyz = function(rgb) { - let r = rgb[0] / 255; - let g = rgb[1] / 255; - let b = rgb[2] / 255; - r = r > 0.04045 ? ((r + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : r / 12.92; - g = g > 0.04045 ? ((g + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : g / 12.92; - b = b > 0.04045 ? ((b + 0.055) / 1.055) ** 2.4 : b / 12.92; - const x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805; - const y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722; - const z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505; - return [x * 100, y * 100, z * 100]; - }; - convert.rgb.lab = function(rgb) { - const xyz = convert.rgb.xyz(rgb); - let x = xyz[0]; - let y = xyz[1]; - let z = xyz[2]; - x /= 95.047; - y /= 100; - z /= 108.883; - x = x > 8856e-6 ? x ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * x + 16 / 116; - y = y > 8856e-6 ? y ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * y + 16 / 116; - z = z > 8856e-6 ? z ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * z + 16 / 116; - const l = 116 * y - 16; - const a = 500 * (x - y); - const b = 200 * (y - z); - return [l, a, b]; - }; - convert.hsl.rgb = function(hsl) { - const h = hsl[0] / 360; - const s = hsl[1] / 100; - const l = hsl[2] / 100; - let t2; - let t3; - let val; - if (s === 0) { - val = l * 255; - return [val, val, val]; - } - if (l < 0.5) { - t2 = l * (1 + s); - } else { - t2 = l + s - l * s; - } - const t1 = 2 * l - t2; - const rgb = [0, 0, 0]; - for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { - t3 = h + 1 / 3 * -(i - 1); - if (t3 < 0) { - t3++; - } - if (t3 > 1) { - t3--; - } - if (6 * t3 < 1) { - val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * 6 * t3; - } else if (2 * t3 < 1) { - val = t2; - } else if (3 * t3 < 2) { - val = t1 + (t2 - t1) * (2 / 3 - t3) * 6; - } else { - val = t1; - } - rgb[i] = val * 255; - } - return rgb; - }; - convert.hsl.hsv = function(hsl) { - const h = hsl[0]; - let s = hsl[1] / 100; - let l = hsl[2] / 100; - let smin = s; - const lmin = Math.max(l, 0.01); - l *= 2; - s *= l <= 1 ? l : 2 - l; - smin *= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin; - const v = (l + s) / 2; - const sv = l === 0 ? 2 * smin / (lmin + smin) : 2 * s / (l + s); - return [h, sv * 100, v * 100]; - }; - convert.hsv.rgb = function(hsv) { - const h = hsv[0] / 60; - const s = hsv[1] / 100; - let v = hsv[2] / 100; - const hi = Math.floor(h) % 6; - const f = h - Math.floor(h); - const p = 255 * v * (1 - s); - const q = 255 * v * (1 - s * f); - const t = 255 * v * (1 - s * (1 - f)); - v *= 255; - switch (hi) { - case 0: - return [v, t, p]; - case 1: - return [q, v, p]; - case 2: - return [p, v, t]; - case 3: - return [p, q, v]; - case 4: - return [t, p, v]; - case 5: - return [v, p, q]; - } - }; - convert.hsv.hsl = function(hsv) { - const h = hsv[0]; - const s = hsv[1] / 100; - const v = hsv[2] / 100; - const vmin = Math.max(v, 0.01); - let sl; - let l; - l = (2 - s) * v; - const lmin = (2 - s) * vmin; - sl = s * vmin; - sl /= lmin <= 1 ? lmin : 2 - lmin; - sl = sl || 0; - l /= 2; - return [h, sl * 100, l * 100]; - }; - convert.hwb.rgb = function(hwb) { - const h = hwb[0] / 360; - let wh = hwb[1] / 100; - let bl = hwb[2] / 100; - const ratio = wh + bl; - let f; - if (ratio > 1) { - wh /= ratio; - bl /= ratio; - } - const i = Math.floor(6 * h); - const v = 1 - bl; - f = 6 * h - i; - if ((i & 1) !== 0) { - f = 1 - f; - } - const n = wh + f * (v - wh); - let r; - let g; - let b; - switch (i) { - default: - case 6: - case 0: - r = v; - g = n; - b = wh; - break; - case 1: - r = n; - g = v; - b = wh; - break; - case 2: - r = wh; - g = v; - b = n; - break; - case 3: - r = wh; - g = n; - b = v; - break; - case 4: - r = n; - g = wh; - b = v; - break; - case 5: - r = v; - g = wh; - b = n; - break; - } - return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; - }; - convert.cmyk.rgb = function(cmyk) { - const c = cmyk[0] / 100; - const m = cmyk[1] / 100; - const y = cmyk[2] / 100; - const k = cmyk[3] / 100; - const r = 1 - Math.min(1, c * (1 - k) + k); - const g = 1 - Math.min(1, m * (1 - k) + k); - const b = 1 - Math.min(1, y * (1 - k) + k); - return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; - }; - convert.xyz.rgb = function(xyz) { - const x = xyz[0] / 100; - const y = xyz[1] / 100; - const z = xyz[2] / 100; - let r; - let g; - let b; - r = x * 3.2406 + y * -1.5372 + z * -0.4986; - g = x * -0.9689 + y * 1.8758 + z * 0.0415; - b = x * 0.0557 + y * -0.204 + z * 1.057; - r = r > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * r ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : r * 12.92; - g = g > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * g ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : g * 12.92; - b = b > 31308e-7 ? 1.055 * b ** (1 / 2.4) - 0.055 : b * 12.92; - r = Math.min(Math.max(0, r), 1); - g = Math.min(Math.max(0, g), 1); - b = Math.min(Math.max(0, b), 1); - return [r * 255, g * 255, b * 255]; - }; - convert.xyz.lab = function(xyz) { - let x = xyz[0]; - let y = xyz[1]; - let z = xyz[2]; - x /= 95.047; - y /= 100; - z /= 108.883; - x = x > 8856e-6 ? x ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * x + 16 / 116; - y = y > 8856e-6 ? y ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * y + 16 / 116; - z = z > 8856e-6 ? z ** (1 / 3) : 7.787 * z + 16 / 116; - const l = 116 * y - 16; - const a = 500 * (x - y); - const b = 200 * (y - z); - return [l, a, b]; - }; - convert.lab.xyz = function(lab) { - const l = lab[0]; - const a = lab[1]; - const b = lab[2]; - let x; - let y; - let z; - y = (l + 16) / 116; - x = a / 500 + y; - z = y - b / 200; - const y2 = y ** 3; - const x2 = x ** 3; - const z2 = z ** 3; - y = y2 > 8856e-6 ? y2 : (y - 16 / 116) / 7.787; - x = x2 > 8856e-6 ? x2 : (x - 16 / 116) / 7.787; - z = z2 > 8856e-6 ? z2 : (z - 16 / 116) / 7.787; - x *= 95.047; - y *= 100; - z *= 108.883; - return [x, y, z]; - }; - convert.lab.lch = function(lab) { - const l = lab[0]; - const a = lab[1]; - const b = lab[2]; - let h; - const hr = Math.atan2(b, a); - h = hr * 360 / 2 / Math.PI; - if (h < 0) { - h += 360; - } - const c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b); - return [l, c, h]; - }; - convert.lch.lab = function(lch) { - const l = lch[0]; - const c = lch[1]; - const h = lch[2]; - const hr = h / 360 * 2 * Math.PI; - const a = c * Math.cos(hr); - const b = c * Math.sin(hr); - return [l, a, b]; - }; - convert.rgb.ansi16 = function(args, saturation = null) { - const [r, g, b] = args; - let value = saturation === null ? convert.rgb.hsv(args)[2] : saturation; - value = Math.round(value / 50); - if (value === 0) { - return 30; - } - let ansi = 30 + (Math.round(b / 255) << 2 | Math.round(g / 255) << 1 | Math.round(r / 255)); - if (value === 2) { - ansi += 60; - } - return ansi; - }; - convert.hsv.ansi16 = function(args) { - return convert.rgb.ansi16(convert.hsv.rgb(args), args[2]); - }; - convert.rgb.ansi256 = function(args) { - const r = args[0]; - const g = args[1]; - const b = args[2]; - if (r === g && g === b) { - if (r < 8) { - return 16; - } - if (r > 248) { - return 231; - } - return Math.round((r - 8) / 247 * 24) + 232; - } - const ansi = 16 + 36 * Math.round(r / 255 * 5) + 6 * Math.round(g / 255 * 5) + Math.round(b / 255 * 5); - return ansi; - }; - convert.ansi16.rgb = function(args) { - let color = args % 10; - if (color === 0 || color === 7) { - if (args > 50) { - color += 3.5; - } - color = color / 10.5 * 255; - return [color, color, color]; - } - const mult = (~~(args > 50) + 1) * 0.5; - const r = (color & 1) * mult * 255; - const g = (color >> 1 & 1) * mult * 255; - const b = (color >> 2 & 1) * mult * 255; - return [r, g, b]; - }; - convert.ansi256.rgb = function(args) { - if (args >= 232) { - const c = (args - 232) * 10 + 8; - return [c, c, c]; - } - args -= 16; - let rem; - const r = Math.floor(args / 36) / 5 * 255; - const g = Math.floor((rem = args % 36) / 6) / 5 * 255; - const b = rem % 6 / 5 * 255; - return [r, g, b]; - }; - convert.rgb.hex = function(args) { - const integer = ((Math.round(args[0]) & 255) << 16) + ((Math.round(args[1]) & 255) << 8) + (Math.round(args[2]) & 255); - const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - return "000000".substring(string.length) + string; - }; - convert.hex.rgb = function(args) { - const match = args.toString(16).match(/[a-f0-9]{6}|[a-f0-9]{3}/i); - if (!match) { - return [0, 0, 0]; - } - let colorString = match[0]; - if (match[0].length === 3) { - colorString = colorString.split("").map((char) => { - return char + char; - }).join(""); - } - const integer = parseInt(colorString, 16); - const r = integer >> 16 & 255; - const g = integer >> 8 & 255; - const b = integer & 255; - return [r, g, b]; - }; - convert.rgb.hcg = function(rgb) { - const r = rgb[0] / 255; - const g = rgb[1] / 255; - const b = rgb[2] / 255; - const max = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b); - const min = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b); - const chroma = max - min; - let grayscale; - let hue; - if (chroma < 1) { - grayscale = min / (1 - chroma); - } else { - grayscale = 0; - } - if (chroma <= 0) { - hue = 0; - } else if (max === r) { - hue = (g - b) / chroma % 6; - } else if (max === g) { - hue = 2 + (b - r) / chroma; - } else { - hue = 4 + (r - g) / chroma; - } - hue /= 6; - hue %= 1; - return [hue * 360, chroma * 100, grayscale * 100]; - }; - convert.hsl.hcg = function(hsl) { - const s = hsl[1] / 100; - const l = hsl[2] / 100; - const c = l < 0.5 ? 2 * s * l : 2 * s * (1 - l); - let f = 0; - if (c < 1) { - f = (l - 0.5 * c) / (1 - c); - } - return [hsl[0], c * 100, f * 100]; - }; - convert.hsv.hcg = function(hsv) { - const s = hsv[1] / 100; - const v = hsv[2] / 100; - const c = s * v; - let f = 0; - if (c < 1) { - f = (v - c) / (1 - c); - } - return [hsv[0], c * 100, f * 100]; - }; - convert.hcg.rgb = function(hcg) { - const h = hcg[0] / 360; - const c = hcg[1] / 100; - const g = hcg[2] / 100; - if (c === 0) { - return [g * 255, g * 255, g * 255]; - } - const pure = [0, 0, 0]; - const hi = h % 1 * 6; - const v = hi % 1; - const w = 1 - v; - let mg = 0; - switch (Math.floor(hi)) { - case 0: - pure[0] = 1; - pure[1] = v; - pure[2] = 0; - break; - case 1: - pure[0] = w; - pure[1] = 1; - pure[2] = 0; - break; - case 2: - pure[0] = 0; - pure[1] = 1; - pure[2] = v; - break; - case 3: - pure[0] = 0; - pure[1] = w; - pure[2] = 1; - break; - case 4: - pure[0] = v; - pure[1] = 0; - pure[2] = 1; - break; - default: - pure[0] = 1; - pure[1] = 0; - pure[2] = w; - } - mg = (1 - c) * g; - return [ - (c * pure[0] + mg) * 255, - (c * pure[1] + mg) * 255, - (c * pure[2] + mg) * 255 - ]; - }; - convert.hcg.hsv = function(hcg) { - const c = hcg[1] / 100; - const g = hcg[2] / 100; - const v = c + g * (1 - c); - let f = 0; - if (v > 0) { - f = c / v; - } - return [hcg[0], f * 100, v * 100]; - }; - convert.hcg.hsl = function(hcg) { - const c = hcg[1] / 100; - const g = hcg[2] / 100; - const l = g * (1 - c) + 0.5 * c; - let s = 0; - if (l > 0 && l < 0.5) { - s = c / (2 * l); - } else if (l >= 0.5 && l < 1) { - s = c / (2 * (1 - l)); - } - return [hcg[0], s * 100, l * 100]; - }; - convert.hcg.hwb = function(hcg) { - const c = hcg[1] / 100; - const g = hcg[2] / 100; - const v = c + g * (1 - c); - return [hcg[0], (v - c) * 100, (1 - v) * 100]; - }; - convert.hwb.hcg = function(hwb) { - const w = hwb[1] / 100; - const b = hwb[2] / 100; - const v = 1 - b; - const c = v - w; - let g = 0; - if (c < 1) { - g = (v - c) / (1 - c); - } - return [hwb[0], c * 100, g * 100]; - }; - convert.apple.rgb = function(apple) { - return [apple[0] / 65535 * 255, apple[1] / 65535 * 255, apple[2] / 65535 * 255]; - }; - convert.rgb.apple = function(rgb) { - return [rgb[0] / 255 * 65535, rgb[1] / 255 * 65535, rgb[2] / 255 * 65535]; - }; - convert.gray.rgb = function(args) { - return [args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255, args[0] / 100 * 255]; - }; - convert.gray.hsl = function(args) { - return [0, 0, args[0]]; - }; - convert.gray.hsv = convert.gray.hsl; - convert.gray.hwb = function(gray) { - return [0, 100, gray[0]]; - }; - convert.gray.cmyk = function(gray) { - return [0, 0, 0, gray[0]]; - }; - convert.gray.lab = function(gray) { - return [gray[0], 0, 0]; - }; - convert.gray.hex = function(gray) { - const val = Math.round(gray[0] / 100 * 255) & 255; - const integer = (val << 16) + (val << 8) + val; - const string = integer.toString(16).toUpperCase(); - return "000000".substring(string.length) + string; - }; - convert.rgb.gray = function(rgb) { - const val = (rgb[0] + rgb[1] + rgb[2]) / 3; - return [val / 255 * 100]; - }; - } -}); - -// node_modules/color-convert/route.js -var require_route = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/color-convert/route.js"(exports, module) { - var conversions = require_conversions(); - function buildGraph() { - const graph = {}; - const models = Object.keys(conversions); - for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { - graph[models[i]] = { - // http://jsperf.com/1-vs-infinity - // micro-opt, but this is simple. - distance: -1, - parent: null - }; - } - return graph; - } - function deriveBFS(fromModel) { - const graph = buildGraph(); - const queue = [fromModel]; - graph[fromModel].distance = 0; - while (queue.length) { - const current = queue.pop(); - const adjacents = Object.keys(conversions[current]); - for (let len = adjacents.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { - const adjacent = adjacents[i]; - const node = graph[adjacent]; - if (node.distance === -1) { - node.distance = graph[current].distance + 1; - node.parent = current; - queue.unshift(adjacent); - } - } - } - return graph; - } - function link(from, to) { - return function(args) { - return to(from(args)); - }; - } - function wrapConversion(toModel, graph) { - const path = [graph[toModel].parent, toModel]; - let fn = conversions[graph[toModel].parent][toModel]; - let cur = graph[toModel].parent; - while (graph[cur].parent) { - path.unshift(graph[cur].parent); - fn = link(conversions[graph[cur].parent][cur], fn); - cur = graph[cur].parent; - } - fn.conversion = path; - return fn; - } - module.exports = function(fromModel) { - const graph = deriveBFS(fromModel); - const conversion = {}; - const models = Object.keys(graph); - for (let len = models.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { - const toModel = models[i]; - const node = graph[toModel]; - if (node.parent === null) { - continue; - } - conversion[toModel] = wrapConversion(toModel, graph); - } - return conversion; - }; - } -}); - -// node_modules/color-convert/index.js -var require_color_convert = __commonJS({ - "node_modules/color-convert/index.js"(exports, module) { - var conversions = require_conversions(); - var route = require_route(); - var convert = {}; - var models = Object.keys(conversions); - function wrapRaw(fn) { - const wrappedFn = function(...args) { - const arg0 = args[0]; - if (arg0 === void 0 || arg0 === null) { - return arg0; - } - if (arg0.length > 1) { - args = arg0; - } - return fn(args); - }; - if ("conversion" in fn) { - wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion; - } - return wrappedFn; - } - function wrapRounded(fn) { - const wrappedFn = function(...args) { - const arg0 = args[0]; - if (arg0 === void 0 || arg0 === null) { - return arg0; - } - if (arg0.length > 1) { - args = arg0; - } - const result = fn(args); - if (typeof result === "object") { - for (let len = result.length, i = 0; i < len; i++) { - result[i] = Math.round(result[i]); - } - } - return result; - }; - if ("conversion" in fn) { - wrappedFn.conversion = fn.conversion; - } - return wrappedFn; - } - models.forEach((fromModel) => { - convert[fromModel] = {}; - Object.defineProperty(convert[fromModel], "channels", { value: conversions[fromModel].channels }); - Object.defineProperty(convert[fromModel], "labels", { value: conversions[fromModel].labels }); - const routes = route(fromModel); - const routeModels = Object.keys(routes); - routeModels.forEach((toModel) => { - const fn = routes[toModel]; - convert[fromModel][toModel] = wrapRounded(fn); - convert[fromModel][toModel].raw = wrapRaw(fn); - }); - }); - module.exports = convert; - } -}); -var convert = require_color_convert(); - -// node_modules/lodash-es/now.js -var now = function() { - return root_default.Date.now(); -}; -var now_default = now; - -// node_modules/lodash-es/_trimmedEndIndex.js -var reWhitespace = /\s/; -function trimmedEndIndex(string) { - var index = string.length; - while (index-- && reWhitespace.test(string.charAt(index))) { - } - return index; -} -var trimmedEndIndex_default = trimmedEndIndex; - -// node_modules/lodash-es/_baseTrim.js -var reTrimStart = /^\s+/; -function baseTrim(string) { - return string ? string.slice(0, trimmedEndIndex_default(string) + 1).replace(reTrimStart, "") : string; -} -var baseTrim_default = baseTrim; - -// node_modules/lodash-es/toNumber.js -var NAN = 0 / 0; -var reIsBadHex = /^[-+]0x[0-9a-f]+$/i; -var reIsBinary = /^0b[01]+$/i; -var reIsOctal = /^0o[0-7]+$/i; -var freeParseInt = parseInt; -function toNumber(value) { - if (typeof value == "number") { - return value; - } - if (isSymbol_default(value)) { - return NAN; - } - if (isObject_default(value)) { - var other = typeof value.valueOf == "function" ? value.valueOf() : value; - value = isObject_default(other) ? other + "" : other; - } - if (typeof value != "string") { - return value === 0 ? value : +value; - } - value = baseTrim_default(value); - var isBinary = reIsBinary.test(value); - return isBinary || reIsOctal.test(value) ? freeParseInt(value.slice(2), isBinary ? 2 : 8) : reIsBadHex.test(value) ? NAN : +value; -} -var toNumber_default = toNumber; - -// node_modules/lodash-es/debounce.js -var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT = "Expected a function"; -var nativeMax = Math.max; -var nativeMin = Math.min; -function debounce(func, wait, options) { - var lastArgs, lastThis, maxWait, result, timerId, lastCallTime, lastInvokeTime = 0, leading = false, maxing = false, trailing = true; - if (typeof func != "function") { - throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT); - } - wait = toNumber_default(wait) || 0; - if (isObject_default(options)) { - leading = !!options.leading; - maxing = "maxWait" in options; - maxWait = maxing ? nativeMax(toNumber_default(options.maxWait) || 0, wait) : maxWait; - trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; - } - function invokeFunc(time) { - var args = lastArgs, thisArg = lastThis; - lastArgs = lastThis = void 0; - lastInvokeTime = time; - result = func.apply(thisArg, args); - return result; - } - function leadingEdge(time) { - lastInvokeTime = time; - timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); - return leading ? invokeFunc(time) : result; - } - function remainingWait(time) { - var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime, timeWaiting = wait - timeSinceLastCall; - return maxing ? nativeMin(timeWaiting, maxWait - timeSinceLastInvoke) : timeWaiting; - } - function shouldInvoke(time) { - var timeSinceLastCall = time - lastCallTime, timeSinceLastInvoke = time - lastInvokeTime; - return lastCallTime === void 0 || timeSinceLastCall >= wait || timeSinceLastCall < 0 || maxing && timeSinceLastInvoke >= maxWait; - } - function timerExpired() { - var time = now_default(); - if (shouldInvoke(time)) { - return trailingEdge(time); - } - timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, remainingWait(time)); - } - function trailingEdge(time) { - timerId = void 0; - if (trailing && lastArgs) { - return invokeFunc(time); - } - lastArgs = lastThis = void 0; - return result; - } - function cancel() { - if (timerId !== void 0) { - clearTimeout(timerId); - } - lastInvokeTime = 0; - lastArgs = lastCallTime = lastThis = timerId = void 0; - } - function flush() { - return timerId === void 0 ? result : trailingEdge(now_default()); - } - function debounced() { - var time = now_default(), isInvoking = shouldInvoke(time); - lastArgs = arguments; - lastThis = this; - lastCallTime = time; - if (isInvoking) { - if (timerId === void 0) { - return leadingEdge(lastCallTime); - } - if (maxing) { - clearTimeout(timerId); - timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); - return invokeFunc(lastCallTime); - } - } - if (timerId === void 0) { - timerId = setTimeout(timerExpired, wait); - } - return result; - } - debounced.cancel = cancel; - debounced.flush = flush; - return debounced; -} -var debounce_default = debounce; - -// node_modules/lodash-es/throttle.js -var FUNC_ERROR_TEXT2 = "Expected a function"; -function throttle(func, wait, options) { - var leading = true, trailing = true; - if (typeof func != "function") { - throw new TypeError(FUNC_ERROR_TEXT2); - } - if (isObject_default(options)) { - leading = "leading" in options ? !!options.leading : leading; - trailing = "trailing" in options ? !!options.trailing : trailing; - } - return debounce_default(func, wait, { - "leading": leading, - "maxWait": wait, - "trailing": trailing - }); -} -var throttle_default = throttle; - -var Wrapper=newStyled.div({position:"relative",maxWidth:250}),PickerTooltip=newStyled(WithTooltip)({position:"absolute",zIndex:1,top:4,left:4}),TooltipContent=newStyled.div({width:200,margin:5,".react-colorful__saturation":{borderRadius:"4px 4px 0 0"},".react-colorful__hue":{boxShadow:"inset 0 0 0 1px rgb(0 0 0 / 5%)"},".react-colorful__last-control":{borderRadius:"0 0 4px 4px"}}),Note=newStyled(TooltipNote)(({theme})=>({fontFamily:theme.typography.fonts.base})),Swatches=newStyled.div({display:"grid",gridTemplateColumns:"repeat(9, 16px)",gap:6,padding:3,marginTop:5,width:200}),SwatchColor=newStyled.div(({theme,active})=>({width:16,height:16,boxShadow:active?`${theme.appBorderColor} 0 0 0 1px inset, ${theme.textMutedColor}50 0 0 0 4px`:`${theme.appBorderColor} 0 0 0 1px inset`,borderRadius:theme.appBorderRadius})),swatchBackground=`url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,')`,Swatch=({value,active,onClick,style,...props})=>{let backgroundImage=`linear-gradient(${value}, ${value}), ${swatchBackground}, linear-gradient(#fff, #fff)`;return export_default.createElement(SwatchColor,{...props,active,onClick,style:{...style,backgroundImage}})},Input=newStyled(Form.Input)(({theme})=>({width:"100%",paddingLeft:30,paddingRight:30,boxSizing:"border-box",fontFamily:theme.typography.fonts.base})),ToggleIcon=newStyled(Icons)(({theme})=>({position:"absolute",zIndex:1,top:6,right:7,width:20,height:20,padding:4,boxSizing:"border-box",cursor:"pointer",color:theme.input.color})),ColorSpace=(ColorSpace2=>(ColorSpace2.RGB="rgb",ColorSpace2.HSL="hsl",ColorSpace2.HEX="hex",ColorSpace2))(ColorSpace||{}),COLOR_SPACES=Object.values(ColorSpace),COLOR_REGEXP=/\(([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+)%?,\s*([0-9]+)%?,?\s*([0-9.]+)?\)/,RGB_REGEXP=/^\s*rgba?\(([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+),?\s*([0-9.]+)?\)\s*$/i,HSL_REGEXP=/^\s*hsla?\(([0-9]+),\s*([0-9]+)%,\s*([0-9]+)%,?\s*([0-9.]+)?\)\s*$/i,HEX_REGEXP=/^\s*#?([0-9a-f]{3}|[0-9a-f]{6})\s*$/i,SHORTHEX_REGEXP=/^\s*#?([0-9a-f]{3})\s*$/i,ColorPicker={hex:Z,rgb:He,hsl:ue},fallbackColor={hex:"transparent",rgb:"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)",hsl:"hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)"},stringToArgs=value=>{let match=value?.match(COLOR_REGEXP);if(!match)return [0,0,0,1];let[,x,y,z,a=1]=match;return [x,y,z,a].map(Number)},parseValue=value=>{if(!value)return;let valid=!0;if(RGB_REGEXP.test(value)){let[r,g,b,a]=stringToArgs(value),[h,s,l]=convert.rgb.hsl([r,g,b])||[0,0,0];return {valid,value,keyword:convert.rgb.keyword([r,g,b]),colorSpace:"rgb",rgb:value,hsl:`hsla(${h}, ${s}%, ${l}%, ${a})`,hex:`#${convert.rgb.hex([r,g,b]).toLowerCase()}`}}if(HSL_REGEXP.test(value)){let[h,s,l,a]=stringToArgs(value),[r,g,b]=convert.hsl.rgb([h,s,l])||[0,0,0];return {valid,value,keyword:convert.hsl.keyword([h,s,l]),colorSpace:"hsl",rgb:`rgba(${r}, ${g}, ${b}, ${a})`,hsl:value,hex:`#${convert.hsl.hex([h,s,l]).toLowerCase()}`}}let plain=value.replace("#",""),rgb=convert.keyword.rgb(plain)||convert.hex.rgb(plain),hsl=convert.rgb.hsl(rgb),mapped=value;if(/[^#a-f0-9]/i.test(value)?mapped=plain:HEX_REGEXP.test(value)&&(mapped=`#${plain}`),mapped.startsWith("#"))valid=HEX_REGEXP.test(mapped);else try{convert.keyword.hex(mapped);}catch{valid=!1;}return {valid,value:mapped,keyword:convert.rgb.keyword(rgb),colorSpace:"hex",rgb:`rgba(${rgb[0]}, ${rgb[1]}, ${rgb[2]}, 1)`,hsl:`hsla(${hsl[0]}, ${hsl[1]}%, ${hsl[2]}%, 1)`,hex:mapped}},getRealValue=(value,color,colorSpace)=>{if(!value||!color?.valid)return fallbackColor[colorSpace];if(colorSpace!=="hex")return color?.[colorSpace]||fallbackColor[colorSpace];if(!color.hex.startsWith("#"))try{return `#${convert.keyword.hex(color.hex)}`}catch{return fallbackColor.hex}let short=color.hex.match(SHORTHEX_REGEXP);if(!short)return HEX_REGEXP.test(color.hex)?color.hex:fallbackColor.hex;let[r,g,b]=short[1].split("");return `#${r}${r}${g}${g}${b}${b}`},useColorInput=(initialValue,onChange)=>{let[value,setValue]=export_useState(initialValue||""),[color,setColor]=export_useState(()=>parseValue(value)),[colorSpace,setColorSpace]=export_useState(color?.colorSpace||"hex");export_useEffect(()=>{let nextValue=initialValue||"",nextColor=parseValue(nextValue);setValue(nextValue),setColor(nextColor),setColorSpace(nextColor?.colorSpace||"hex");},[initialValue]);let realValue=export_useMemo(()=>getRealValue(value,color,colorSpace).toLowerCase(),[value,color,colorSpace]),updateValue=export_useCallback(update=>{let parsed=parseValue(update),v=parsed?.value||update||"";setValue(v),v===""&&(setColor(void 0),onChange(void 0)),parsed&&(setColor(parsed),setColorSpace(parsed.colorSpace),onChange(parsed.value));},[onChange]),cycleColorSpace=export_useCallback(()=>{let next=COLOR_SPACES.indexOf(colorSpace)+1;next>=COLOR_SPACES.length&&(next=0),setColorSpace(COLOR_SPACES[next]);let update=color?.[COLOR_SPACES[next]]||"";setValue(update),onChange(update);},[color,colorSpace,onChange]);return {value,realValue,updateValue,color,colorSpace,cycleColorSpace}},id=value=>value.replace(/\s*/,"").toLowerCase(),usePresets=(presetColors,currentColor,colorSpace)=>{let[selectedColors,setSelectedColors]=export_useState(currentColor?.valid?[currentColor]:[]);export_useEffect(()=>{currentColor===void 0&&setSelectedColors([]);},[currentColor]);let presets=export_useMemo(()=>(presetColors||[]).map(preset=>typeof preset=="string"?parseValue(preset):preset.title?{...parseValue(preset.color),keyword:preset.title}:parseValue(preset.color)).concat(selectedColors).filter(Boolean).slice(-27),[presetColors,selectedColors]),addPreset=export_useCallback(color=>{color?.valid&&(presets.some(preset=>id(preset[colorSpace])===id(color[colorSpace]))||setSelectedColors(arr=>arr.concat(color)));},[colorSpace,presets]);return {presets,addPreset}},ColorControl=({name,value:initialValue,onChange,onFocus,onBlur,presetColors,startOpen=!1})=>{let throttledOnChange=export_useCallback(throttle_default(onChange,200),[onChange]),{value,realValue,updateValue,color,colorSpace,cycleColorSpace}=useColorInput(initialValue,throttledOnChange),{presets,addPreset}=usePresets(presetColors,color,colorSpace),Picker=ColorPicker[colorSpace];return export_default.createElement(Wrapper,null,export_default.createElement(PickerTooltip,{startOpen,closeOnOutsideClick:!0,onVisibleChange:()=>addPreset(color),tooltip:export_default.createElement(TooltipContent,null,export_default.createElement(Picker,{color:realValue==="transparent"?"#000000":realValue,onChange:updateValue,onFocus,onBlur}),presets.length>0&&export_default.createElement(Swatches,null,presets.map((preset,index)=>export_default.createElement(WithTooltip,{key:`${preset.value}-${index}`,hasChrome:!1,tooltip:export_default.createElement(Note,{note:preset.keyword||preset.value})},export_default.createElement(Swatch,{value:preset[colorSpace],active:color&&id(preset[colorSpace])===id(color[colorSpace]),onClick:()=>updateValue(preset.value)})))))},export_default.createElement(Swatch,{value:realValue,style:{margin:4}})),export_default.createElement(Input,{id:getControlId(name),value,onChange:e=>updateValue(e.target.value),onFocus:e=>e.target.select(),placeholder:"Choose color..."}),value?export_default.createElement(ToggleIcon,{icon:"markup",onClick:cycleColorSpace}):null)},Color_default=ColorControl; - -export { ColorControl, Color_default as default }; diff --git a/pr/pr-224/WithTooltip-V3YHNWJZ-DPpNXjyt.js b/pr/pr-224/WithTooltip-V3YHNWJZ-DPpNXjyt.js deleted file mode 100644 index 36f79dd..0000000 --- a/pr/pr-224/WithTooltip-V3YHNWJZ-DPpNXjyt.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12915 +0,0 @@ -import { b as __export, c as __esm, d as __toESM$3, _ as __commonJS$3, e as __toCommonJS, f as __require, g as baseGetAllKeys_default, s as stubArray_default, h as arrayPush_default, j as getSymbols_default, k as isArrayLike_default, l as arrayLikeKeys_default, m as eq_default$1, n as baseAssignValue_default, o as overArg_default, i as isObject_default$1, p as isPrototype_default, q as arrayMap_default, t as baseIteratee_default, u as baseGet_default, v as castPath_default, w as toKey_default, x as isIndex_default, S as Set_default, y as setToArray_default, z as SetCache_default, A as cacheHas_default, r as root_default$1, B as Symbol_default$1, C as nodeUtil_default, D as getTag_default, E as isBuffer_default, F as Stack_default, G as isArray_default, H as getAllKeys_default, I as keys_default, J as baseUnary_default, U as Uint8Array_default, K as isObjectLike_default } from './doctrine-DkksUk6K.js'; -import { d as dedent$1 } from './index-Kjm4kNkQ.js'; - -// node_modules/react/cjs/react.production.min.js -var require_react_production_min = __commonJS$3({ - "node_modules/react/cjs/react.production.min.js"(exports) { - var l = Symbol.for("react.element"); - var n = Symbol.for("react.portal"); - var p = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); - var q = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"); - var r = Symbol.for("react.profiler"); - var t = Symbol.for("react.provider"); - var u = Symbol.for("react.context"); - var v = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"); - var w = Symbol.for("react.suspense"); - var x = Symbol.for("react.memo"); - var y = Symbol.for("react.lazy"); - var z = Symbol.iterator; - function A(a) { - if (null === a || "object" !== typeof a) - return null; - a = z && a[z] || a["@@iterator"]; - return "function" === typeof a ? a : null; - } - var B = { isMounted: function() { - return false; - }, enqueueForceUpdate: function() { - }, enqueueReplaceState: function() { - }, enqueueSetState: function() { - } }; - var C = Object.assign; - var D = {}; - function E(a, b, e) { - this.props = a; - this.context = b; - this.refs = D; - this.updater = e || B; - } - E.prototype.isReactComponent = {}; - E.prototype.setState = function(a, b) { - if ("object" !== typeof a && "function" !== typeof a && null != a) - throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables."); - this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, a, b, "setState"); - }; - E.prototype.forceUpdate = function(a) { - this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, a, "forceUpdate"); - }; - function F() { - } - F.prototype = E.prototype; - function G(a, b, e) { - this.props = a; - this.context = b; - this.refs = D; - this.updater = e || B; - } - var H = G.prototype = new F(); - H.constructor = G; - C(H, E.prototype); - H.isPureReactComponent = true; - var I = Array.isArray; - var J = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var K = { current: null }; - var L = { key: true, ref: true, __self: true, __source: true }; - function M(a, b, e) { - var d, c = {}, k = null, h = null; - if (null != b) - for (d in void 0 !== b.ref && (h = b.ref), void 0 !== b.key && (k = "" + b.key), b) - J.call(b, d) && !L.hasOwnProperty(d) && (c[d] = b[d]); - var g = arguments.length - 2; - if (1 === g) - c.children = e; - else if (1 < g) { - for (var f = Array(g), m = 0; m < g; m++) - f[m] = arguments[m + 2]; - c.children = f; - } - if (a && a.defaultProps) - for (d in g = a.defaultProps, g) - void 0 === c[d] && (c[d] = g[d]); - return { $$typeof: l, type: a, key: k, ref: h, props: c, _owner: K.current }; - } - function N(a, b) { - return { $$typeof: l, type: a.type, key: b, ref: a.ref, props: a.props, _owner: a._owner }; - } - function O(a) { - return "object" === typeof a && null !== a && a.$$typeof === l; - } - function escape(a) { - var b = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" }; - return "$" + a.replace(/[=:]/g, function(a2) { - return b[a2]; - }); - } - var P = /\/+/g; - function Q(a, b) { - return "object" === typeof a && null !== a && null != a.key ? escape("" + a.key) : b.toString(36); - } - function R(a, b, e, d, c) { - var k = typeof a; - if ("undefined" === k || "boolean" === k) - a = null; - var h = false; - if (null === a) - h = true; - else - switch (k) { - case "string": - case "number": - h = true; - break; - case "object": - switch (a.$$typeof) { - case l: - case n: - h = true; - } - } - if (h) - return h = a, c = c(h), a = "" === d ? "." + Q(h, 0) : d, I(c) ? (e = "", null != a && (e = a.replace(P, "$&/") + "/"), R(c, b, e, "", function(a2) { - return a2; - })) : null != c && (O(c) && (c = N(c, e + (!c.key || h && h.key === c.key ? "" : ("" + c.key).replace(P, "$&/") + "/") + a)), b.push(c)), 1; - h = 0; - d = "" === d ? "." : d + ":"; - if (I(a)) - for (var g = 0; g < a.length; g++) { - k = a[g]; - var f = d + Q(k, g); - h += R(k, b, e, f, c); - } - else if (f = A(a), "function" === typeof f) - for (a = f.call(a), g = 0; !(k = a.next()).done; ) - k = k.value, f = d + Q(k, g++), h += R(k, b, e, f, c); - else if ("object" === k) - throw b = String(a), Error("Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + ("[object Object]" === b ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(a).join(", ") + "}" : b) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead."); - return h; - } - function S(a, b, e) { - if (null == a) - return a; - var d = [], c = 0; - R(a, d, "", "", function(a2) { - return b.call(e, a2, c++); - }); - return d; - } - function T(a) { - if (-1 === a._status) { - var b = a._result; - b = b(); - b.then(function(b2) { - if (0 === a._status || -1 === a._status) - a._status = 1, a._result = b2; - }, function(b2) { - if (0 === a._status || -1 === a._status) - a._status = 2, a._result = b2; - }); - -1 === a._status && (a._status = 0, a._result = b); - } - if (1 === a._status) - return a._result.default; - throw a._result; - } - var U = { current: null }; - var V = { transition: null }; - var W = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: U, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: V, ReactCurrentOwner: K }; - function X() { - throw Error("act(...) is not supported in production builds of React."); - } - exports.Children = { map: S, forEach: function(a, b, e) { - S(a, function() { - b.apply(this, arguments); - }, e); - }, count: function(a) { - var b = 0; - S(a, function() { - b++; - }); - return b; - }, toArray: function(a) { - return S(a, function(a2) { - return a2; - }) || []; - }, only: function(a) { - if (!O(a)) - throw Error("React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child."); - return a; - } }; - exports.Component = E; - exports.Fragment = p; - exports.Profiler = r; - exports.PureComponent = G; - exports.StrictMode = q; - exports.Suspense = w; - exports.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = W; - exports.act = X; - exports.cloneElement = function(a, b, e) { - if (null === a || void 0 === a) - throw Error("React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed " + a + "."); - var d = C({}, a.props), c = a.key, k = a.ref, h = a._owner; - if (null != b) { - void 0 !== b.ref && (k = b.ref, h = K.current); - void 0 !== b.key && (c = "" + b.key); - if (a.type && a.type.defaultProps) - var g = a.type.defaultProps; - for (f in b) - J.call(b, f) && !L.hasOwnProperty(f) && (d[f] = void 0 === b[f] && void 0 !== g ? g[f] : b[f]); - } - var f = arguments.length - 2; - if (1 === f) - d.children = e; - else if (1 < f) { - g = Array(f); - for (var m = 0; m < f; m++) - g[m] = arguments[m + 2]; - d.children = g; - } - return { $$typeof: l, type: a.type, key: c, ref: k, props: d, _owner: h }; - }; - exports.createContext = function(a) { - a = { $$typeof: u, _currentValue: a, _currentValue2: a, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null }; - a.Provider = { $$typeof: t, _context: a }; - return a.Consumer = a; - }; - exports.createElement = M; - exports.createFactory = function(a) { - var b = M.bind(null, a); - b.type = a; - return b; - }; - exports.createRef = function() { - return { current: null }; - }; - exports.forwardRef = function(a) { - return { $$typeof: v, render: a }; - }; - exports.isValidElement = O; - exports.lazy = function(a) { - return { $$typeof: y, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: a }, _init: T }; - }; - exports.memo = function(a, b) { - return { $$typeof: x, type: a, compare: void 0 === b ? null : b }; - }; - exports.startTransition = function(a) { - var b = V.transition; - V.transition = {}; - try { - a(); - } finally { - V.transition = b; - } - }; - exports.unstable_act = X; - exports.useCallback = function(a, b) { - return U.current.useCallback(a, b); - }; - exports.useContext = function(a) { - return U.current.useContext(a); - }; - exports.useDebugValue = function() { - }; - exports.useDeferredValue = function(a) { - return U.current.useDeferredValue(a); - }; - exports.useEffect = function(a, b) { - return U.current.useEffect(a, b); - }; - exports.useId = function() { - return U.current.useId(); - }; - exports.useImperativeHandle = function(a, b, e) { - return U.current.useImperativeHandle(a, b, e); - }; - exports.useInsertionEffect = function(a, b) { - return U.current.useInsertionEffect(a, b); - }; - exports.useLayoutEffect = function(a, b) { - return U.current.useLayoutEffect(a, b); - }; - exports.useMemo = function(a, b) { - return U.current.useMemo(a, b); - }; - exports.useReducer = function(a, b, e) { - return U.current.useReducer(a, b, e); - }; - exports.useRef = function(a) { - return U.current.useRef(a); - }; - exports.useState = function(a) { - return U.current.useState(a); - }; - exports.useSyncExternalStore = function(a, b, e) { - return U.current.useSyncExternalStore(a, b, e); - }; - exports.useTransition = function() { - return U.current.useTransition(); - }; - exports.version = "18.3.1"; - } -}); - -// node_modules/react/index.js -var require_react = __commonJS$3({ - "node_modules/react/index.js"(exports, module) { - { - module.exports = require_react_production_min(); - } - } -}); - -// commonjs-named-exports:react -var react_exports = {}; -__export(react_exports, { - Children: () => import_react.Children, - Component: () => import_react.Component, - Fragment: () => import_react.Fragment, - Profiler: () => import_react.Profiler, - PureComponent: () => import_react.PureComponent, - StrictMode: () => import_react.StrictMode, - Suspense: () => import_react.Suspense, - __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: () => import_react.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, - act: () => import_react.act, - cloneElement: () => import_react.cloneElement, - createContext: () => import_react.createContext, - createElement: () => import_react.createElement, - createFactory: () => import_react.createFactory, - createRef: () => import_react.createRef, - default: () => import_react.default, - forwardRef: () => import_react.forwardRef, - isValidElement: () => import_react.isValidElement, - lazy: () => import_react.lazy, - memo: () => import_react.memo, - startTransition: () => import_react.startTransition, - unstable_act: () => import_react.unstable_act, - useCallback: () => import_react.useCallback, - useContext: () => import_react.useContext, - useDebugValue: () => import_react.useDebugValue, - useDeferredValue: () => import_react.useDeferredValue, - useEffect: () => import_react.useEffect, - useId: () => import_react.useId, - useImperativeHandle: () => import_react.useImperativeHandle, - useInsertionEffect: () => import_react.useInsertionEffect, - useLayoutEffect: () => import_react.useLayoutEffect, - useMemo: () => import_react.useMemo, - useReducer: () => import_react.useReducer, - useRef: () => import_react.useRef, - useState: () => import_react.useState, - useSyncExternalStore: () => import_react.useSyncExternalStore, - useTransition: () => import_react.useTransition, - version: () => import_react.version -}); -var import_react; -var init_react = __esm({ - "commonjs-named-exports:react"() { - import_react = __toESM$3(require_react()); - } -}); -/*! Bundled license information: - -react/cjs/react.production.min.js: - (** - * @license React - * react.production.min.js - * - * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. - * - * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the - * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. - *) -*/ - -init_react(); -var export_Children = import_react.Children; -var export_Component = import_react.Component; -var export_Fragment = import_react.Fragment; -var export_Profiler = import_react.Profiler; -var export_PureComponent = import_react.PureComponent; -var export_StrictMode = import_react.StrictMode; -var export_Suspense = import_react.Suspense; -var export___SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = import_react.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; -var export_act = import_react.act; -var export_cloneElement = import_react.cloneElement; -var export_createContext = import_react.createContext; -var export_createElement = import_react.createElement; -var export_createFactory = import_react.createFactory; -var export_createRef = import_react.createRef; -var export_default$1 = import_react.default; -var export_forwardRef = import_react.forwardRef; -var export_isValidElement = import_react.isValidElement; -var export_lazy = import_react.lazy; -var export_memo = import_react.memo; -var export_startTransition = import_react.startTransition; -var export_unstable_act = import_react.unstable_act; -var export_useCallback = import_react.useCallback; -var export_useContext = import_react.useContext; -var export_useDebugValue = import_react.useDebugValue; -var export_useDeferredValue = import_react.useDeferredValue; -var export_useEffect = import_react.useEffect; -var export_useId = import_react.useId; -var export_useImperativeHandle = import_react.useImperativeHandle; -var export_useInsertionEffect = import_react.useInsertionEffect; -var export_useLayoutEffect = import_react.useLayoutEffect; -var export_useMemo = import_react.useMemo; -var export_useReducer = import_react.useReducer; -var export_useRef = import_react.useRef; -var export_useState = import_react.useState; -var export_useSyncExternalStore = import_react.useSyncExternalStore; -var export_useTransition = import_react.useTransition; -var export_version = import_react.version; - -var React = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ - __proto__: null, - Children: export_Children, - Component: export_Component, - Fragment: export_Fragment, - Profiler: export_Profiler, - PureComponent: export_PureComponent, - StrictMode: export_StrictMode, - Suspense: export_Suspense, - __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: export___SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, - act: export_act, - cloneElement: export_cloneElement, - createContext: export_createContext, - createElement: export_createElement, - createFactory: export_createFactory, - createRef: export_createRef, - default: export_default$1, - forwardRef: export_forwardRef, - isValidElement: export_isValidElement, - lazy: export_lazy, - memo: export_memo, - startTransition: export_startTransition, - unstable_act: export_unstable_act, - useCallback: export_useCallback, - useContext: export_useContext, - useDebugValue: export_useDebugValue, - useDeferredValue: export_useDeferredValue, - useEffect: export_useEffect, - useId: export_useId, - useImperativeHandle: export_useImperativeHandle, - useInsertionEffect: export_useInsertionEffect, - useLayoutEffect: export_useLayoutEffect, - useMemo: export_useMemo, - useReducer: export_useReducer, - useRef: export_useRef, - useState: export_useState, - useSyncExternalStore: export_useSyncExternalStore, - useTransition: export_useTransition, - version: export_version -}); - -// node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js -var require_scheduler_production_min = __commonJS$3({ - "node_modules/scheduler/cjs/scheduler.production.min.js"(exports) { - function f(a, b) { - var c = a.length; - a.push(b); - a: - for (; 0 < c; ) { - var d = c - 1 >>> 1, e = a[d]; - if (0 < g(e, b)) - a[d] = b, a[c] = e, c = d; - else - break a; - } - } - function h(a) { - return 0 === a.length ? null : a[0]; - } - function k(a) { - if (0 === a.length) - return null; - var b = a[0], c = a.pop(); - if (c !== b) { - a[0] = c; - a: - for (var d = 0, e = a.length, w = e >>> 1; d < w; ) { - var m = 2 * (d + 1) - 1, C = a[m], n = m + 1, x = a[n]; - if (0 > g(C, c)) - n < e && 0 > g(x, C) ? (a[d] = x, a[n] = c, d = n) : (a[d] = C, a[m] = c, d = m); - else if (n < e && 0 > g(x, c)) - a[d] = x, a[n] = c, d = n; - else - break a; - } - } - return b; - } - function g(a, b) { - var c = a.sortIndex - b.sortIndex; - return 0 !== c ? c : a.id - b.id; - } - if ("object" === typeof performance && "function" === typeof performance.now) { - l = performance; - exports.unstable_now = function() { - return l.now(); - }; - } else { - p = Date, q = p.now(); - exports.unstable_now = function() { - return p.now() - q; - }; - } - var l; - var p; - var q; - var r = []; - var t = []; - var u = 1; - var v = null; - var y = 3; - var z = false; - var A = false; - var B = false; - var D = "function" === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : null; - var E = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : null; - var F = "undefined" !== typeof setImmediate ? setImmediate : null; - "undefined" !== typeof navigator && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling && void 0 !== navigator.scheduling.isInputPending && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling); - function G(a) { - for (var b = h(t); null !== b; ) { - if (null === b.callback) - k(t); - else if (b.startTime <= a) - k(t), b.sortIndex = b.expirationTime, f(r, b); - else - break; - b = h(t); - } - } - function H(a) { - B = false; - G(a); - if (!A) - if (null !== h(r)) - A = true, I(J); - else { - var b = h(t); - null !== b && K(H, b.startTime - a); - } - } - function J(a, b) { - A = false; - B && (B = false, E(L), L = -1); - z = true; - var c = y; - try { - G(b); - for (v = h(r); null !== v && (!(v.expirationTime > b) || a && !M()); ) { - var d = v.callback; - if ("function" === typeof d) { - v.callback = null; - y = v.priorityLevel; - var e = d(v.expirationTime <= b); - b = exports.unstable_now(); - "function" === typeof e ? v.callback = e : v === h(r) && k(r); - G(b); - } else - k(r); - v = h(r); - } - if (null !== v) - var w = true; - else { - var m = h(t); - null !== m && K(H, m.startTime - b); - w = false; - } - return w; - } finally { - v = null, y = c, z = false; - } - } - var N = false; - var O = null; - var L = -1; - var P = 5; - var Q = -1; - function M() { - return exports.unstable_now() - Q < P ? false : true; - } - function R() { - if (null !== O) { - var a = exports.unstable_now(); - Q = a; - var b = true; - try { - b = O(true, a); - } finally { - b ? S() : (N = false, O = null); - } - } else - N = false; - } - var S; - if ("function" === typeof F) - S = function() { - F(R); - }; - else if ("undefined" !== typeof MessageChannel) { - T = new MessageChannel(), U = T.port2; - T.port1.onmessage = R; - S = function() { - U.postMessage(null); - }; - } else - S = function() { - D(R, 0); - }; - var T; - var U; - function I(a) { - O = a; - N || (N = true, S()); - } - function K(a, b) { - L = D(function() { - a(exports.unstable_now()); - }, b); - } - exports.unstable_IdlePriority = 5; - exports.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1; - exports.unstable_LowPriority = 4; - exports.unstable_NormalPriority = 3; - exports.unstable_Profiling = null; - exports.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2; - exports.unstable_cancelCallback = function(a) { - a.callback = null; - }; - exports.unstable_continueExecution = function() { - A || z || (A = true, I(J)); - }; - exports.unstable_forceFrameRate = function(a) { - 0 > a || 125 < a ? console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported") : P = 0 < a ? Math.floor(1e3 / a) : 5; - }; - exports.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function() { - return y; - }; - exports.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function() { - return h(r); - }; - exports.unstable_next = function(a) { - switch (y) { - case 1: - case 2: - case 3: - var b = 3; - break; - default: - b = y; - } - var c = y; - y = b; - try { - return a(); - } finally { - y = c; - } - }; - exports.unstable_pauseExecution = function() { - }; - exports.unstable_requestPaint = function() { - }; - exports.unstable_runWithPriority = function(a, b) { - switch (a) { - case 1: - case 2: - case 3: - case 4: - case 5: - break; - default: - a = 3; - } - var c = y; - y = a; - try { - return b(); - } finally { - y = c; - } - }; - exports.unstable_scheduleCallback = function(a, b, c) { - var d = exports.unstable_now(); - "object" === typeof c && null !== c ? (c = c.delay, c = "number" === typeof c && 0 < c ? d + c : d) : c = d; - switch (a) { - case 1: - var e = -1; - break; - case 2: - e = 250; - break; - case 5: - e = 1073741823; - break; - case 4: - e = 1e4; - break; - default: - e = 5e3; - } - e = c + e; - a = { id: u++, callback: b, priorityLevel: a, startTime: c, expirationTime: e, sortIndex: -1 }; - c > d ? (a.sortIndex = c, f(t, a), null === h(r) && a === h(t) && (B ? (E(L), L = -1) : B = true, K(H, c - d))) : (a.sortIndex = e, f(r, a), A || z || (A = true, I(J))); - return a; - }; - exports.unstable_shouldYield = M; - exports.unstable_wrapCallback = function(a) { - var b = y; - return function() { - var c = y; - y = b; - try { - return a.apply(this, arguments); - } finally { - y = c; - } - }; - }; - } -}); - -// node_modules/scheduler/index.js -var require_scheduler = __commonJS$3({ - "node_modules/scheduler/index.js"(exports, module) { - { - module.exports = require_scheduler_production_min(); - } - } -}); - -// node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js -var require_react_dom_production_min = __commonJS$3({ - "node_modules/react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js"(exports) { - var aa = (init_react(), __toCommonJS(react_exports)); - var ca = require_scheduler(); - function p(a) { - for (var b = "https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=" + a, c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) - b += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[c]); - return "Minified React error #" + a + "; visit " + b + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."; - } - var da = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - var ea = {}; - function fa(a, b) { - ha(a, b); - ha(a + "Capture", b); - } - function ha(a, b) { - ea[a] = b; - for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) - da.add(b[a]); - } - var ia = !("undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof window.document || "undefined" === typeof window.document.createElement); - var ja = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - var ka = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/; - var la = {}; - var ma = {}; - function oa(a) { - if (ja.call(ma, a)) - return true; - if (ja.call(la, a)) - return false; - if (ka.test(a)) - return ma[a] = true; - la[a] = true; - return false; - } - function pa(a, b, c, d) { - if (null !== c && 0 === c.type) - return false; - switch (typeof b) { - case "function": - case "symbol": - return true; - case "boolean": - if (d) - return false; - if (null !== c) - return !c.acceptsBooleans; - a = a.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5); - return "data-" !== a && "aria-" !== a; - default: - return false; - } - } - function qa(a, b, c, d) { - if (null === b || "undefined" === typeof b || pa(a, b, c, d)) - return true; - if (d) - return false; - if (null !== c) - switch (c.type) { - case 3: - return !b; - case 4: - return false === b; - case 5: - return isNaN(b); - case 6: - return isNaN(b) || 1 > b; - } - return false; - } - function v(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { - this.acceptsBooleans = 2 === b || 3 === b || 4 === b; - this.attributeName = d; - this.attributeNamespace = e; - this.mustUseProperty = c; - this.propertyName = a; - this.type = b; - this.sanitizeURL = f; - this.removeEmptyString = g; - } - var z = {}; - "children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 0, false, a, null, false, false); - }); - [["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"]].forEach(function(a) { - var b = a[0]; - z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a[1], null, false, false); - }); - ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 2, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); - }); - ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 2, false, a, null, false, false); - }); - "allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope".split(" ").forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 3, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); - }); - ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 3, true, a, null, false, false); - }); - ["capture", "download"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 4, false, a, null, false, false); - }); - ["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 6, false, a, null, false, false); - }); - ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 5, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); - }); - var ra = /[\-:]([a-z])/g; - function sa(a) { - return a[1].toUpperCase(); - } - "accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height".split(" ").forEach(function(a) { - var b = a.replace( - ra, - sa - ); - z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a, null, false, false); - }); - "xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach(function(a) { - var b = a.replace(ra, sa); - z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", false, false); - }); - ["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach(function(a) { - var b = a.replace(ra, sa); - z[b] = new v(b, 1, false, a, "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", false, false); - }); - ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 1, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, false, false); - }); - z.xlinkHref = new v("xlinkHref", 1, false, "xlink:href", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", true, false); - ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function(a) { - z[a] = new v(a, 1, false, a.toLowerCase(), null, true, true); - }); - function ta(a, b, c, d) { - var e = z.hasOwnProperty(b) ? z[b] : null; - if (null !== e ? 0 !== e.type : d || !(2 < b.length) || "o" !== b[0] && "O" !== b[0] || "n" !== b[1] && "N" !== b[1]) - qa(b, c, e, d) && (c = null), d || null === e ? oa(b) && (null === c ? a.removeAttribute(b) : a.setAttribute(b, "" + c)) : e.mustUseProperty ? a[e.propertyName] = null === c ? 3 === e.type ? false : "" : c : (b = e.attributeName, d = e.attributeNamespace, null === c ? a.removeAttribute(b) : (e = e.type, c = 3 === e || 4 === e && true === c ? "" : "" + c, d ? a.setAttributeNS(d, b, c) : a.setAttribute(b, c))); - } - var ua = aa.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; - var va = Symbol.for("react.element"); - var wa = Symbol.for("react.portal"); - var ya = Symbol.for("react.fragment"); - var za = Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"); - var Aa = Symbol.for("react.profiler"); - var Ba = Symbol.for("react.provider"); - var Ca = Symbol.for("react.context"); - var Da = Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"); - var Ea = Symbol.for("react.suspense"); - var Fa = Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"); - var Ga = Symbol.for("react.memo"); - var Ha = Symbol.for("react.lazy"); - var Ia = Symbol.for("react.offscreen"); - var Ja = Symbol.iterator; - function Ka(a) { - if (null === a || "object" !== typeof a) - return null; - a = Ja && a[Ja] || a["@@iterator"]; - return "function" === typeof a ? a : null; - } - var A = Object.assign; - var La; - function Ma(a) { - if (void 0 === La) - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (c) { - var b = c.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/); - La = b && b[1] || ""; - } - return "\n" + La + a; - } - var Na = false; - function Oa(a, b) { - if (!a || Na) - return ""; - Na = true; - var c = Error.prepareStackTrace; - Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0; - try { - if (b) - if (b = function() { - throw Error(); - }, Object.defineProperty(b.prototype, "props", { set: function() { - throw Error(); - } }), "object" === typeof Reflect && Reflect.construct) { - try { - Reflect.construct(b, []); - } catch (l) { - var d = l; - } - Reflect.construct(a, [], b); - } else { - try { - b.call(); - } catch (l) { - d = l; - } - a.call(b.prototype); - } - else { - try { - throw Error(); - } catch (l) { - d = l; - } - a(); - } - } catch (l) { - if (l && d && "string" === typeof l.stack) { - for (var e = l.stack.split("\n"), f = d.stack.split("\n"), g = e.length - 1, h = f.length - 1; 1 <= g && 0 <= h && e[g] !== f[h]; ) - h--; - for (; 1 <= g && 0 <= h; g--, h--) - if (e[g] !== f[h]) { - if (1 !== g || 1 !== h) { - do - if (g--, h--, 0 > h || e[g] !== f[h]) { - var k = "\n" + e[g].replace(" at new ", " at "); - a.displayName && k.includes("") && (k = k.replace("", a.displayName)); - return k; - } - while (1 <= g && 0 <= h); - } - break; - } - } - } finally { - Na = false, Error.prepareStackTrace = c; - } - return (a = a ? a.displayName || a.name : "") ? Ma(a) : ""; - } - function Pa(a) { - switch (a.tag) { - case 5: - return Ma(a.type); - case 16: - return Ma("Lazy"); - case 13: - return Ma("Suspense"); - case 19: - return Ma("SuspenseList"); - case 0: - case 2: - case 15: - return a = Oa(a.type, false), a; - case 11: - return a = Oa(a.type.render, false), a; - case 1: - return a = Oa(a.type, true), a; - default: - return ""; - } - } - function Qa(a) { - if (null == a) - return null; - if ("function" === typeof a) - return a.displayName || a.name || null; - if ("string" === typeof a) - return a; - switch (a) { - case ya: - return "Fragment"; - case wa: - return "Portal"; - case Aa: - return "Profiler"; - case za: - return "StrictMode"; - case Ea: - return "Suspense"; - case Fa: - return "SuspenseList"; - } - if ("object" === typeof a) - switch (a.$$typeof) { - case Ca: - return (a.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer"; - case Ba: - return (a._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider"; - case Da: - var b = a.render; - a = a.displayName; - a || (a = b.displayName || b.name || "", a = "" !== a ? "ForwardRef(" + a + ")" : "ForwardRef"); - return a; - case Ga: - return b = a.displayName || null, null !== b ? b : Qa(a.type) || "Memo"; - case Ha: - b = a._payload; - a = a._init; - try { - return Qa(a(b)); - } catch (c) { - } - } - return null; - } - function Ra(a) { - var b = a.type; - switch (a.tag) { - case 24: - return "Cache"; - case 9: - return (b.displayName || "Context") + ".Consumer"; - case 10: - return (b._context.displayName || "Context") + ".Provider"; - case 18: - return "DehydratedFragment"; - case 11: - return a = b.render, a = a.displayName || a.name || "", b.displayName || ("" !== a ? "ForwardRef(" + a + ")" : "ForwardRef"); - case 7: - return "Fragment"; - case 5: - return b; - case 4: - return "Portal"; - case 3: - return "Root"; - case 6: - return "Text"; - case 16: - return Qa(b); - case 8: - return b === za ? "StrictMode" : "Mode"; - case 22: - return "Offscreen"; - case 12: - return "Profiler"; - case 21: - return "Scope"; - case 13: - return "Suspense"; - case 19: - return "SuspenseList"; - case 25: - return "TracingMarker"; - case 1: - case 0: - case 17: - case 2: - case 14: - case 15: - if ("function" === typeof b) - return b.displayName || b.name || null; - if ("string" === typeof b) - return b; - } - return null; - } - function Sa(a) { - switch (typeof a) { - case "boolean": - case "number": - case "string": - case "undefined": - return a; - case "object": - return a; - default: - return ""; - } - } - function Ta(a) { - var b = a.type; - return (a = a.nodeName) && "input" === a.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === b || "radio" === b); - } - function Ua(a) { - var b = Ta(a) ? "checked" : "value", c = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a.constructor.prototype, b), d = "" + a[b]; - if (!a.hasOwnProperty(b) && "undefined" !== typeof c && "function" === typeof c.get && "function" === typeof c.set) { - var e = c.get, f = c.set; - Object.defineProperty(a, b, { configurable: true, get: function() { - return e.call(this); - }, set: function(a2) { - d = "" + a2; - f.call(this, a2); - } }); - Object.defineProperty(a, b, { enumerable: c.enumerable }); - return { getValue: function() { - return d; - }, setValue: function(a2) { - d = "" + a2; - }, stopTracking: function() { - a._valueTracker = null; - delete a[b]; - } }; - } - } - function Va(a) { - a._valueTracker || (a._valueTracker = Ua(a)); - } - function Wa(a) { - if (!a) - return false; - var b = a._valueTracker; - if (!b) - return true; - var c = b.getValue(); - var d = ""; - a && (d = Ta(a) ? a.checked ? "true" : "false" : a.value); - a = d; - return a !== c ? (b.setValue(a), true) : false; - } - function Xa(a) { - a = a || ("undefined" !== typeof document ? document : void 0); - if ("undefined" === typeof a) - return null; - try { - return a.activeElement || a.body; - } catch (b) { - return a.body; - } - } - function Ya(a, b) { - var c = b.checked; - return A({}, b, { defaultChecked: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, value: void 0, checked: null != c ? c : a._wrapperState.initialChecked }); - } - function Za(a, b) { - var c = null == b.defaultValue ? "" : b.defaultValue, d = null != b.checked ? b.checked : b.defaultChecked; - c = Sa(null != b.value ? b.value : c); - a._wrapperState = { initialChecked: d, initialValue: c, controlled: "checkbox" === b.type || "radio" === b.type ? null != b.checked : null != b.value }; - } - function ab(a, b) { - b = b.checked; - null != b && ta(a, "checked", b, false); - } - function bb(a, b) { - ab(a, b); - var c = Sa(b.value), d = b.type; - if (null != c) - if ("number" === d) { - if (0 === c && "" === a.value || a.value != c) - a.value = "" + c; - } else - a.value !== "" + c && (a.value = "" + c); - else if ("submit" === d || "reset" === d) { - a.removeAttribute("value"); - return; - } - b.hasOwnProperty("value") ? cb(a, b.type, c) : b.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && cb(a, b.type, Sa(b.defaultValue)); - null == b.checked && null != b.defaultChecked && (a.defaultChecked = !!b.defaultChecked); - } - function db(a, b, c) { - if (b.hasOwnProperty("value") || b.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { - var d = b.type; - if (!("submit" !== d && "reset" !== d || void 0 !== b.value && null !== b.value)) - return; - b = "" + a._wrapperState.initialValue; - c || b === a.value || (a.value = b); - a.defaultValue = b; - } - c = a.name; - "" !== c && (a.name = ""); - a.defaultChecked = !!a._wrapperState.initialChecked; - "" !== c && (a.name = c); - } - function cb(a, b, c) { - if ("number" !== b || Xa(a.ownerDocument) !== a) - null == c ? a.defaultValue = "" + a._wrapperState.initialValue : a.defaultValue !== "" + c && (a.defaultValue = "" + c); - } - var eb = Array.isArray; - function fb(a, b, c, d) { - a = a.options; - if (b) { - b = {}; - for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) - b["$" + c[e]] = true; - for (c = 0; c < a.length; c++) - e = b.hasOwnProperty("$" + a[c].value), a[c].selected !== e && (a[c].selected = e), e && d && (a[c].defaultSelected = true); - } else { - c = "" + Sa(c); - b = null; - for (e = 0; e < a.length; e++) { - if (a[e].value === c) { - a[e].selected = true; - d && (a[e].defaultSelected = true); - return; - } - null !== b || a[e].disabled || (b = a[e]); - } - null !== b && (b.selected = true); - } - } - function gb(a, b) { - if (null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) - throw Error(p(91)); - return A({}, b, { value: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, children: "" + a._wrapperState.initialValue }); - } - function hb(a, b) { - var c = b.value; - if (null == c) { - c = b.children; - b = b.defaultValue; - if (null != c) { - if (null != b) - throw Error(p(92)); - if (eb(c)) { - if (1 < c.length) - throw Error(p(93)); - c = c[0]; - } - b = c; - } - null == b && (b = ""); - c = b; - } - a._wrapperState = { initialValue: Sa(c) }; - } - function ib(a, b) { - var c = Sa(b.value), d = Sa(b.defaultValue); - null != c && (c = "" + c, c !== a.value && (a.value = c), null == b.defaultValue && a.defaultValue !== c && (a.defaultValue = c)); - null != d && (a.defaultValue = "" + d); - } - function jb(a) { - var b = a.textContent; - b === a._wrapperState.initialValue && "" !== b && null !== b && (a.value = b); - } - function kb(a) { - switch (a) { - case "svg": - return "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; - case "math": - return "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"; - default: - return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; - } - } - function lb(a, b) { - return null == a || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" === a ? kb(b) : "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" === a && "foreignObject" === b ? "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" : a; - } - var mb; - var nb = function(a) { - return "undefined" !== typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function(b, c, d, e) { - MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function() { - return a(b, c, d, e); - }); - } : a; - }(function(a, b) { - if ("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" !== a.namespaceURI || "innerHTML" in a) - a.innerHTML = b; - else { - mb = mb || document.createElement("div"); - mb.innerHTML = "" + b.valueOf().toString() + ""; - for (b = mb.firstChild; a.firstChild; ) - a.removeChild(a.firstChild); - for (; b.firstChild; ) - a.appendChild(b.firstChild); - } - }); - function ob(a, b) { - if (b) { - var c = a.firstChild; - if (c && c === a.lastChild && 3 === c.nodeType) { - c.nodeValue = b; - return; - } - } - a.textContent = b; - } - var pb = { - animationIterationCount: true, - aspectRatio: true, - borderImageOutset: true, - borderImageSlice: true, - borderImageWidth: true, - boxFlex: true, - boxFlexGroup: true, - boxOrdinalGroup: true, - columnCount: true, - columns: true, - flex: true, - flexGrow: true, - flexPositive: true, - flexShrink: true, - flexNegative: true, - flexOrder: true, - gridArea: true, - gridRow: true, - gridRowEnd: true, - gridRowSpan: true, - gridRowStart: true, - gridColumn: true, - gridColumnEnd: true, - gridColumnSpan: true, - gridColumnStart: true, - fontWeight: true, - lineClamp: true, - lineHeight: true, - opacity: true, - order: true, - orphans: true, - tabSize: true, - widows: true, - zIndex: true, - zoom: true, - fillOpacity: true, - floodOpacity: true, - stopOpacity: true, - strokeDasharray: true, - strokeDashoffset: true, - strokeMiterlimit: true, - strokeOpacity: true, - strokeWidth: true - }; - var qb = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"]; - Object.keys(pb).forEach(function(a) { - qb.forEach(function(b) { - b = b + a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.substring(1); - pb[b] = pb[a]; - }); - }); - function rb(a, b, c) { - return null == b || "boolean" === typeof b || "" === b ? "" : c || "number" !== typeof b || 0 === b || pb.hasOwnProperty(a) && pb[a] ? ("" + b).trim() : b + "px"; - } - function sb(a, b) { - a = a.style; - for (var c in b) - if (b.hasOwnProperty(c)) { - var d = 0 === c.indexOf("--"), e = rb(c, b[c], d); - "float" === c && (c = "cssFloat"); - d ? a.setProperty(c, e) : a[c] = e; - } - } - var tb = A({ menuitem: true }, { area: true, base: true, br: true, col: true, embed: true, hr: true, img: true, input: true, keygen: true, link: true, meta: true, param: true, source: true, track: true, wbr: true }); - function ub(a, b) { - if (b) { - if (tb[a] && (null != b.children || null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) - throw Error(p(137, a)); - if (null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) { - if (null != b.children) - throw Error(p(60)); - if ("object" !== typeof b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML || !("__html" in b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) - throw Error(p(61)); - } - if (null != b.style && "object" !== typeof b.style) - throw Error(p(62)); - } - } - function vb(a, b) { - if (-1 === a.indexOf("-")) - return "string" === typeof b.is; - switch (a) { - case "annotation-xml": - case "color-profile": - case "font-face": - case "font-face-src": - case "font-face-uri": - case "font-face-format": - case "font-face-name": - case "missing-glyph": - return false; - default: - return true; - } - } - var wb = null; - function xb(a) { - a = a.target || a.srcElement || window; - a.correspondingUseElement && (a = a.correspondingUseElement); - return 3 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode : a; - } - var yb = null; - var zb = null; - var Ab = null; - function Bb(a) { - if (a = Cb(a)) { - if ("function" !== typeof yb) - throw Error(p(280)); - var b = a.stateNode; - b && (b = Db(b), yb(a.stateNode, a.type, b)); - } - } - function Eb(a) { - zb ? Ab ? Ab.push(a) : Ab = [a] : zb = a; - } - function Fb() { - if (zb) { - var a = zb, b = Ab; - Ab = zb = null; - Bb(a); - if (b) - for (a = 0; a < b.length; a++) - Bb(b[a]); - } - } - function Gb(a, b) { - return a(b); - } - function Hb() { - } - var Ib = false; - function Jb(a, b, c) { - if (Ib) - return a(b, c); - Ib = true; - try { - return Gb(a, b, c); - } finally { - if (Ib = false, null !== zb || null !== Ab) - Hb(), Fb(); - } - } - function Kb(a, b) { - var c = a.stateNode; - if (null === c) - return null; - var d = Db(c); - if (null === d) - return null; - c = d[b]; - a: - switch (b) { - case "onClick": - case "onClickCapture": - case "onDoubleClick": - case "onDoubleClickCapture": - case "onMouseDown": - case "onMouseDownCapture": - case "onMouseMove": - case "onMouseMoveCapture": - case "onMouseUp": - case "onMouseUpCapture": - case "onMouseEnter": - (d = !d.disabled) || (a = a.type, d = !("button" === a || "input" === a || "select" === a || "textarea" === a)); - a = !d; - break a; - default: - a = false; - } - if (a) - return null; - if (c && "function" !== typeof c) - throw Error(p(231, b, typeof c)); - return c; - } - var Lb = false; - if (ia) - try { - Mb = {}; - Object.defineProperty(Mb, "passive", { get: function() { - Lb = true; - } }); - window.addEventListener("test", Mb, Mb); - window.removeEventListener("test", Mb, Mb); - } catch (a) { - Lb = false; - } - var Mb; - function Nb(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { - var l = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3); - try { - b.apply(c, l); - } catch (m) { - this.onError(m); - } - } - var Ob = false; - var Pb = null; - var Qb = false; - var Rb = null; - var Sb = { onError: function(a) { - Ob = true; - Pb = a; - } }; - function Tb(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { - Ob = false; - Pb = null; - Nb.apply(Sb, arguments); - } - function Ub(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, k) { - Tb.apply(this, arguments); - if (Ob) { - if (Ob) { - var l = Pb; - Ob = false; - Pb = null; - } else - throw Error(p(198)); - Qb || (Qb = true, Rb = l); - } - } - function Vb(a) { - var b = a, c = a; - if (a.alternate) - for (; b.return; ) - b = b.return; - else { - a = b; - do - b = a, 0 !== (b.flags & 4098) && (c = b.return), a = b.return; - while (a); - } - return 3 === b.tag ? c : null; - } - function Wb(a) { - if (13 === a.tag) { - var b = a.memoizedState; - null === b && (a = a.alternate, null !== a && (b = a.memoizedState)); - if (null !== b) - return b.dehydrated; - } - return null; - } - function Xb(a) { - if (Vb(a) !== a) - throw Error(p(188)); - } - function Yb(a) { - var b = a.alternate; - if (!b) { - b = Vb(a); - if (null === b) - throw Error(p(188)); - return b !== a ? null : a; - } - for (var c = a, d = b; ; ) { - var e = c.return; - if (null === e) - break; - var f = e.alternate; - if (null === f) { - d = e.return; - if (null !== d) { - c = d; - continue; - } - break; - } - if (e.child === f.child) { - for (f = e.child; f; ) { - if (f === c) - return Xb(e), a; - if (f === d) - return Xb(e), b; - f = f.sibling; - } - throw Error(p(188)); - } - if (c.return !== d.return) - c = e, d = f; - else { - for (var g = false, h = e.child; h; ) { - if (h === c) { - g = true; - c = e; - d = f; - break; - } - if (h === d) { - g = true; - d = e; - c = f; - break; - } - h = h.sibling; - } - if (!g) { - for (h = f.child; h; ) { - if (h === c) { - g = true; - c = f; - d = e; - break; - } - if (h === d) { - g = true; - d = f; - c = e; - break; - } - h = h.sibling; - } - if (!g) - throw Error(p(189)); - } - } - if (c.alternate !== d) - throw Error(p(190)); - } - if (3 !== c.tag) - throw Error(p(188)); - return c.stateNode.current === c ? a : b; - } - function Zb(a) { - a = Yb(a); - return null !== a ? $b(a) : null; - } - function $b(a) { - if (5 === a.tag || 6 === a.tag) - return a; - for (a = a.child; null !== a; ) { - var b = $b(a); - if (null !== b) - return b; - a = a.sibling; - } - return null; - } - var ac = ca.unstable_scheduleCallback; - var bc = ca.unstable_cancelCallback; - var cc = ca.unstable_shouldYield; - var dc = ca.unstable_requestPaint; - var B = ca.unstable_now; - var ec = ca.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel; - var fc = ca.unstable_ImmediatePriority; - var gc = ca.unstable_UserBlockingPriority; - var hc = ca.unstable_NormalPriority; - var ic = ca.unstable_LowPriority; - var jc = ca.unstable_IdlePriority; - var kc = null; - var lc = null; - function mc(a) { - if (lc && "function" === typeof lc.onCommitFiberRoot) - try { - lc.onCommitFiberRoot(kc, a, void 0, 128 === (a.current.flags & 128)); - } catch (b) { - } - } - var oc = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : nc; - var pc = Math.log; - var qc = Math.LN2; - function nc(a) { - a >>>= 0; - return 0 === a ? 32 : 31 - (pc(a) / qc | 0) | 0; - } - var rc = 64; - var sc = 4194304; - function tc(a) { - switch (a & -a) { - case 1: - return 1; - case 2: - return 2; - case 4: - return 4; - case 8: - return 8; - case 16: - return 16; - case 32: - return 32; - case 64: - case 128: - case 256: - case 512: - case 1024: - case 2048: - case 4096: - case 8192: - case 16384: - case 32768: - case 65536: - case 131072: - case 262144: - case 524288: - case 1048576: - case 2097152: - return a & 4194240; - case 4194304: - case 8388608: - case 16777216: - case 33554432: - case 67108864: - return a & 130023424; - case 134217728: - return 134217728; - case 268435456: - return 268435456; - case 536870912: - return 536870912; - case 1073741824: - return 1073741824; - default: - return a; - } - } - function uc(a, b) { - var c = a.pendingLanes; - if (0 === c) - return 0; - var d = 0, e = a.suspendedLanes, f = a.pingedLanes, g = c & 268435455; - if (0 !== g) { - var h = g & ~e; - 0 !== h ? d = tc(h) : (f &= g, 0 !== f && (d = tc(f))); - } else - g = c & ~e, 0 !== g ? d = tc(g) : 0 !== f && (d = tc(f)); - if (0 === d) - return 0; - if (0 !== b && b !== d && 0 === (b & e) && (e = d & -d, f = b & -b, e >= f || 16 === e && 0 !== (f & 4194240))) - return b; - 0 !== (d & 4) && (d |= c & 16); - b = a.entangledLanes; - if (0 !== b) - for (a = a.entanglements, b &= d; 0 < b; ) - c = 31 - oc(b), e = 1 << c, d |= a[c], b &= ~e; - return d; - } - function vc(a, b) { - switch (a) { - case 1: - case 2: - case 4: - return b + 250; - case 8: - case 16: - case 32: - case 64: - case 128: - case 256: - case 512: - case 1024: - case 2048: - case 4096: - case 8192: - case 16384: - case 32768: - case 65536: - case 131072: - case 262144: - case 524288: - case 1048576: - case 2097152: - return b + 5e3; - case 4194304: - case 8388608: - case 16777216: - case 33554432: - case 67108864: - return -1; - case 134217728: - case 268435456: - case 536870912: - case 1073741824: - return -1; - default: - return -1; - } - } - function wc(a, b) { - for (var c = a.suspendedLanes, d = a.pingedLanes, e = a.expirationTimes, f = a.pendingLanes; 0 < f; ) { - var g = 31 - oc(f), h = 1 << g, k = e[g]; - if (-1 === k) { - if (0 === (h & c) || 0 !== (h & d)) - e[g] = vc(h, b); - } else - k <= b && (a.expiredLanes |= h); - f &= ~h; - } - } - function xc(a) { - a = a.pendingLanes & -1073741825; - return 0 !== a ? a : a & 1073741824 ? 1073741824 : 0; - } - function yc() { - var a = rc; - rc <<= 1; - 0 === (rc & 4194240) && (rc = 64); - return a; - } - function zc(a) { - for (var b = [], c = 0; 31 > c; c++) - b.push(a); - return b; - } - function Ac(a, b, c) { - a.pendingLanes |= b; - 536870912 !== b && (a.suspendedLanes = 0, a.pingedLanes = 0); - a = a.eventTimes; - b = 31 - oc(b); - a[b] = c; - } - function Bc(a, b) { - var c = a.pendingLanes & ~b; - a.pendingLanes = b; - a.suspendedLanes = 0; - a.pingedLanes = 0; - a.expiredLanes &= b; - a.mutableReadLanes &= b; - a.entangledLanes &= b; - b = a.entanglements; - var d = a.eventTimes; - for (a = a.expirationTimes; 0 < c; ) { - var e = 31 - oc(c), f = 1 << e; - b[e] = 0; - d[e] = -1; - a[e] = -1; - c &= ~f; - } - } - function Cc(a, b) { - var c = a.entangledLanes |= b; - for (a = a.entanglements; c; ) { - var d = 31 - oc(c), e = 1 << d; - e & b | a[d] & b && (a[d] |= b); - c &= ~e; - } - } - var C = 0; - function Dc(a) { - a &= -a; - return 1 < a ? 4 < a ? 0 !== (a & 268435455) ? 16 : 536870912 : 4 : 1; - } - var Ec; - var Fc; - var Gc; - var Hc; - var Ic; - var Jc = false; - var Kc = []; - var Lc = null; - var Mc = null; - var Nc = null; - var Oc = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - var Pc = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - var Qc = []; - var Rc = "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit".split(" "); - function Sc(a, b) { - switch (a) { - case "focusin": - case "focusout": - Lc = null; - break; - case "dragenter": - case "dragleave": - Mc = null; - break; - case "mouseover": - case "mouseout": - Nc = null; - break; - case "pointerover": - case "pointerout": - Oc.delete(b.pointerId); - break; - case "gotpointercapture": - case "lostpointercapture": - Pc.delete(b.pointerId); - } - } - function Tc(a, b, c, d, e, f) { - if (null === a || a.nativeEvent !== f) - return a = { blockedOn: b, domEventName: c, eventSystemFlags: d, nativeEvent: f, targetContainers: [e] }, null !== b && (b = Cb(b), null !== b && Fc(b)), a; - a.eventSystemFlags |= d; - b = a.targetContainers; - null !== e && -1 === b.indexOf(e) && b.push(e); - return a; - } - function Uc(a, b, c, d, e) { - switch (b) { - case "focusin": - return Lc = Tc(Lc, a, b, c, d, e), true; - case "dragenter": - return Mc = Tc(Mc, a, b, c, d, e), true; - case "mouseover": - return Nc = Tc(Nc, a, b, c, d, e), true; - case "pointerover": - var f = e.pointerId; - Oc.set(f, Tc(Oc.get(f) || null, a, b, c, d, e)); - return true; - case "gotpointercapture": - return f = e.pointerId, Pc.set(f, Tc(Pc.get(f) || null, a, b, c, d, e)), true; - } - return false; - } - function Vc(a) { - var b = Wc(a.target); - if (null !== b) { - var c = Vb(b); - if (null !== c) { - if (b = c.tag, 13 === b) { - if (b = Wb(c), null !== b) { - a.blockedOn = b; - Ic(a.priority, function() { - Gc(c); - }); - return; - } - } else if (3 === b && c.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { - a.blockedOn = 3 === c.tag ? c.stateNode.containerInfo : null; - return; - } - } - } - a.blockedOn = null; - } - function Xc(a) { - if (null !== a.blockedOn) - return false; - for (var b = a.targetContainers; 0 < b.length; ) { - var c = Yc(a.domEventName, a.eventSystemFlags, b[0], a.nativeEvent); - if (null === c) { - c = a.nativeEvent; - var d = new c.constructor(c.type, c); - wb = d; - c.target.dispatchEvent(d); - wb = null; - } else - return b = Cb(c), null !== b && Fc(b), a.blockedOn = c, false; - b.shift(); - } - return true; - } - function Zc(a, b, c) { - Xc(a) && c.delete(b); - } - function $c() { - Jc = false; - null !== Lc && Xc(Lc) && (Lc = null); - null !== Mc && Xc(Mc) && (Mc = null); - null !== Nc && Xc(Nc) && (Nc = null); - Oc.forEach(Zc); - Pc.forEach(Zc); - } - function ad(a, b) { - a.blockedOn === b && (a.blockedOn = null, Jc || (Jc = true, ca.unstable_scheduleCallback(ca.unstable_NormalPriority, $c))); - } - function bd(a) { - function b(b2) { - return ad(b2, a); - } - if (0 < Kc.length) { - ad(Kc[0], a); - for (var c = 1; c < Kc.length; c++) { - var d = Kc[c]; - d.blockedOn === a && (d.blockedOn = null); - } - } - null !== Lc && ad(Lc, a); - null !== Mc && ad(Mc, a); - null !== Nc && ad(Nc, a); - Oc.forEach(b); - Pc.forEach(b); - for (c = 0; c < Qc.length; c++) - d = Qc[c], d.blockedOn === a && (d.blockedOn = null); - for (; 0 < Qc.length && (c = Qc[0], null === c.blockedOn); ) - Vc(c), null === c.blockedOn && Qc.shift(); - } - var cd = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; - var dd = true; - function ed(a, b, c, d) { - var e = C, f = cd.transition; - cd.transition = null; - try { - C = 1, fd(a, b, c, d); - } finally { - C = e, cd.transition = f; - } - } - function gd(a, b, c, d) { - var e = C, f = cd.transition; - cd.transition = null; - try { - C = 4, fd(a, b, c, d); - } finally { - C = e, cd.transition = f; - } - } - function fd(a, b, c, d) { - if (dd) { - var e = Yc(a, b, c, d); - if (null === e) - hd(a, b, d, id, c), Sc(a, d); - else if (Uc(e, a, b, c, d)) - d.stopPropagation(); - else if (Sc(a, d), b & 4 && -1 < Rc.indexOf(a)) { - for (; null !== e; ) { - var f = Cb(e); - null !== f && Ec(f); - f = Yc(a, b, c, d); - null === f && hd(a, b, d, id, c); - if (f === e) - break; - e = f; - } - null !== e && d.stopPropagation(); - } else - hd(a, b, d, null, c); - } - } - var id = null; - function Yc(a, b, c, d) { - id = null; - a = xb(d); - a = Wc(a); - if (null !== a) - if (b = Vb(a), null === b) - a = null; - else if (c = b.tag, 13 === c) { - a = Wb(b); - if (null !== a) - return a; - a = null; - } else if (3 === c) { - if (b.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) - return 3 === b.tag ? b.stateNode.containerInfo : null; - a = null; - } else - b !== a && (a = null); - id = a; - return null; - } - function jd(a) { - switch (a) { - case "cancel": - case "click": - case "close": - case "contextmenu": - case "copy": - case "cut": - case "auxclick": - case "dblclick": - case "dragend": - case "dragstart": - case "drop": - case "focusin": - case "focusout": - case "input": - case "invalid": - case "keydown": - case "keypress": - case "keyup": - case "mousedown": - case "mouseup": - case "paste": - case "pause": - case "play": - case "pointercancel": - case "pointerdown": - case "pointerup": - case "ratechange": - case "reset": - case "resize": - case "seeked": - case "submit": - case "touchcancel": - case "touchend": - case "touchstart": - case "volumechange": - case "change": - case "selectionchange": - case "textInput": - case "compositionstart": - case "compositionend": - case "compositionupdate": - case "beforeblur": - case "afterblur": - case "beforeinput": - case "blur": - case "fullscreenchange": - case "focus": - case "hashchange": - case "popstate": - case "select": - case "selectstart": - return 1; - case "drag": - case "dragenter": - case "dragexit": - case "dragleave": - case "dragover": - case "mousemove": - case "mouseout": - case "mouseover": - case "pointermove": - case "pointerout": - case "pointerover": - case "scroll": - case "toggle": - case "touchmove": - case "wheel": - case "mouseenter": - case "mouseleave": - case "pointerenter": - case "pointerleave": - return 4; - case "message": - switch (ec()) { - case fc: - return 1; - case gc: - return 4; - case hc: - case ic: - return 16; - case jc: - return 536870912; - default: - return 16; - } - default: - return 16; - } - } - var kd = null; - var ld = null; - var md = null; - function nd() { - if (md) - return md; - var a, b = ld, c = b.length, d, e = "value" in kd ? kd.value : kd.textContent, f = e.length; - for (a = 0; a < c && b[a] === e[a]; a++) - ; - var g = c - a; - for (d = 1; d <= g && b[c - d] === e[f - d]; d++) - ; - return md = e.slice(a, 1 < d ? 1 - d : void 0); - } - function od(a) { - var b = a.keyCode; - "charCode" in a ? (a = a.charCode, 0 === a && 13 === b && (a = 13)) : a = b; - 10 === a && (a = 13); - return 32 <= a || 13 === a ? a : 0; - } - function pd() { - return true; - } - function qd() { - return false; - } - function rd(a) { - function b(b2, d, e, f, g) { - this._reactName = b2; - this._targetInst = e; - this.type = d; - this.nativeEvent = f; - this.target = g; - this.currentTarget = null; - for (var c in a) - a.hasOwnProperty(c) && (b2 = a[c], this[c] = b2 ? b2(f) : f[c]); - this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != f.defaultPrevented ? f.defaultPrevented : false === f.returnValue) ? pd : qd; - this.isPropagationStopped = qd; - return this; - } - A(b.prototype, { preventDefault: function() { - this.defaultPrevented = true; - var a2 = this.nativeEvent; - a2 && (a2.preventDefault ? a2.preventDefault() : "unknown" !== typeof a2.returnValue && (a2.returnValue = false), this.isDefaultPrevented = pd); - }, stopPropagation: function() { - var a2 = this.nativeEvent; - a2 && (a2.stopPropagation ? a2.stopPropagation() : "unknown" !== typeof a2.cancelBubble && (a2.cancelBubble = true), this.isPropagationStopped = pd); - }, persist: function() { - }, isPersistent: pd }); - return b; - } - var sd = { eventPhase: 0, bubbles: 0, cancelable: 0, timeStamp: function(a) { - return a.timeStamp || Date.now(); - }, defaultPrevented: 0, isTrusted: 0 }; - var td = rd(sd); - var ud = A({}, sd, { view: 0, detail: 0 }); - var vd = rd(ud); - var wd; - var xd; - var yd; - var Ad = A({}, ud, { screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, getModifierState: zd, button: 0, buttons: 0, relatedTarget: function(a) { - return void 0 === a.relatedTarget ? a.fromElement === a.srcElement ? a.toElement : a.fromElement : a.relatedTarget; - }, movementX: function(a) { - if ("movementX" in a) - return a.movementX; - a !== yd && (yd && "mousemove" === a.type ? (wd = a.screenX - yd.screenX, xd = a.screenY - yd.screenY) : xd = wd = 0, yd = a); - return wd; - }, movementY: function(a) { - return "movementY" in a ? a.movementY : xd; - } }); - var Bd = rd(Ad); - var Cd = A({}, Ad, { dataTransfer: 0 }); - var Dd = rd(Cd); - var Ed = A({}, ud, { relatedTarget: 0 }); - var Fd = rd(Ed); - var Gd = A({}, sd, { animationName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 }); - var Hd = rd(Gd); - var Id = A({}, sd, { clipboardData: function(a) { - return "clipboardData" in a ? a.clipboardData : window.clipboardData; - } }); - var Jd = rd(Id); - var Kd = A({}, sd, { data: 0 }); - var Ld = rd(Kd); - var Md = { - Esc: "Escape", - Spacebar: " ", - Left: "ArrowLeft", - Up: "ArrowUp", - Right: "ArrowRight", - Down: "ArrowDown", - Del: "Delete", - Win: "OS", - Menu: "ContextMenu", - Apps: "ContextMenu", - Scroll: "ScrollLock", - MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified" - }; - var Nd = { - 8: "Backspace", - 9: "Tab", - 12: "Clear", - 13: "Enter", - 16: "Shift", - 17: "Control", - 18: "Alt", - 19: "Pause", - 20: "CapsLock", - 27: "Escape", - 32: " ", - 33: "PageUp", - 34: "PageDown", - 35: "End", - 36: "Home", - 37: "ArrowLeft", - 38: "ArrowUp", - 39: "ArrowRight", - 40: "ArrowDown", - 45: "Insert", - 46: "Delete", - 112: "F1", - 113: "F2", - 114: "F3", - 115: "F4", - 116: "F5", - 117: "F6", - 118: "F7", - 119: "F8", - 120: "F9", - 121: "F10", - 122: "F11", - 123: "F12", - 144: "NumLock", - 145: "ScrollLock", - 224: "Meta" - }; - var Od = { Alt: "altKey", Control: "ctrlKey", Meta: "metaKey", Shift: "shiftKey" }; - function Pd(a) { - var b = this.nativeEvent; - return b.getModifierState ? b.getModifierState(a) : (a = Od[a]) ? !!b[a] : false; - } - function zd() { - return Pd; - } - var Qd = A({}, ud, { key: function(a) { - if (a.key) { - var b = Md[a.key] || a.key; - if ("Unidentified" !== b) - return b; - } - return "keypress" === a.type ? (a = od(a), 13 === a ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(a)) : "keydown" === a.type || "keyup" === a.type ? Nd[a.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : ""; - }, code: 0, location: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, repeat: 0, locale: 0, getModifierState: zd, charCode: function(a) { - return "keypress" === a.type ? od(a) : 0; - }, keyCode: function(a) { - return "keydown" === a.type || "keyup" === a.type ? a.keyCode : 0; - }, which: function(a) { - return "keypress" === a.type ? od(a) : "keydown" === a.type || "keyup" === a.type ? a.keyCode : 0; - } }); - var Rd = rd(Qd); - var Sd = A({}, Ad, { pointerId: 0, width: 0, height: 0, pressure: 0, tangentialPressure: 0, tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, twist: 0, pointerType: 0, isPrimary: 0 }); - var Td = rd(Sd); - var Ud = A({}, ud, { touches: 0, targetTouches: 0, changedTouches: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, getModifierState: zd }); - var Vd = rd(Ud); - var Wd = A({}, sd, { propertyName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 }); - var Xd = rd(Wd); - var Yd = A({}, Ad, { - deltaX: function(a) { - return "deltaX" in a ? a.deltaX : "wheelDeltaX" in a ? -a.wheelDeltaX : 0; - }, - deltaY: function(a) { - return "deltaY" in a ? a.deltaY : "wheelDeltaY" in a ? -a.wheelDeltaY : "wheelDelta" in a ? -a.wheelDelta : 0; - }, - deltaZ: 0, - deltaMode: 0 - }); - var Zd = rd(Yd); - var $d = [9, 13, 27, 32]; - var ae = ia && "CompositionEvent" in window; - var be = null; - ia && "documentMode" in document && (be = document.documentMode); - var ce = ia && "TextEvent" in window && !be; - var de = ia && (!ae || be && 8 < be && 11 >= be); - var ee = String.fromCharCode(32); - var fe = false; - function ge(a, b) { - switch (a) { - case "keyup": - return -1 !== $d.indexOf(b.keyCode); - case "keydown": - return 229 !== b.keyCode; - case "keypress": - case "mousedown": - case "focusout": - return true; - default: - return false; - } - } - function he(a) { - a = a.detail; - return "object" === typeof a && "data" in a ? a.data : null; - } - var ie = false; - function je(a, b) { - switch (a) { - case "compositionend": - return he(b); - case "keypress": - if (32 !== b.which) - return null; - fe = true; - return ee; - case "textInput": - return a = b.data, a === ee && fe ? null : a; - default: - return null; - } - } - function ke(a, b) { - if (ie) - return "compositionend" === a || !ae && ge(a, b) ? (a = nd(), md = ld = kd = null, ie = false, a) : null; - switch (a) { - case "paste": - return null; - case "keypress": - if (!(b.ctrlKey || b.altKey || b.metaKey) || b.ctrlKey && b.altKey) { - if (b.char && 1 < b.char.length) - return b.char; - if (b.which) - return String.fromCharCode(b.which); - } - return null; - case "compositionend": - return de && "ko" !== b.locale ? null : b.data; - default: - return null; - } - } - var le = { color: true, date: true, datetime: true, "datetime-local": true, email: true, month: true, number: true, password: true, range: true, search: true, tel: true, text: true, time: true, url: true, week: true }; - function me(a) { - var b = a && a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return "input" === b ? !!le[a.type] : "textarea" === b ? true : false; - } - function ne(a, b, c, d) { - Eb(d); - b = oe(b, "onChange"); - 0 < b.length && (c = new td("onChange", "change", null, c, d), a.push({ event: c, listeners: b })); - } - var pe = null; - var qe = null; - function re(a) { - se(a, 0); - } - function te(a) { - var b = ue(a); - if (Wa(b)) - return a; - } - function ve(a, b) { - if ("change" === a) - return b; - } - var we = false; - if (ia) { - if (ia) { - ye = "oninput" in document; - if (!ye) { - ze = document.createElement("div"); - ze.setAttribute("oninput", "return;"); - ye = "function" === typeof ze.oninput; - } - xe = ye; - } else - xe = false; - we = xe && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode); - } - var xe; - var ye; - var ze; - function Ae() { - pe && (pe.detachEvent("onpropertychange", Be), qe = pe = null); - } - function Be(a) { - if ("value" === a.propertyName && te(qe)) { - var b = []; - ne(b, qe, a, xb(a)); - Jb(re, b); - } - } - function Ce(a, b, c) { - "focusin" === a ? (Ae(), pe = b, qe = c, pe.attachEvent("onpropertychange", Be)) : "focusout" === a && Ae(); - } - function De(a) { - if ("selectionchange" === a || "keyup" === a || "keydown" === a) - return te(qe); - } - function Ee(a, b) { - if ("click" === a) - return te(b); - } - function Fe(a, b) { - if ("input" === a || "change" === a) - return te(b); - } - function Ge(a, b) { - return a === b && (0 !== a || 1 / a === 1 / b) || a !== a && b !== b; - } - var He = "function" === typeof Object.is ? Object.is : Ge; - function Ie(a, b) { - if (He(a, b)) - return true; - if ("object" !== typeof a || null === a || "object" !== typeof b || null === b) - return false; - var c = Object.keys(a), d = Object.keys(b); - if (c.length !== d.length) - return false; - for (d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { - var e = c[d]; - if (!ja.call(b, e) || !He(a[e], b[e])) - return false; - } - return true; - } - function Je(a) { - for (; a && a.firstChild; ) - a = a.firstChild; - return a; - } - function Ke(a, b) { - var c = Je(a); - a = 0; - for (var d; c; ) { - if (3 === c.nodeType) { - d = a + c.textContent.length; - if (a <= b && d >= b) - return { node: c, offset: b - a }; - a = d; - } - a: { - for (; c; ) { - if (c.nextSibling) { - c = c.nextSibling; - break a; - } - c = c.parentNode; - } - c = void 0; - } - c = Je(c); - } - } - function Le(a, b) { - return a && b ? a === b ? true : a && 3 === a.nodeType ? false : b && 3 === b.nodeType ? Le(a, b.parentNode) : "contains" in a ? a.contains(b) : a.compareDocumentPosition ? !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16) : false : false; - } - function Me() { - for (var a = window, b = Xa(); b instanceof a.HTMLIFrameElement; ) { - try { - var c = "string" === typeof b.contentWindow.location.href; - } catch (d) { - c = false; - } - if (c) - a = b.contentWindow; - else - break; - b = Xa(a.document); - } - return b; - } - function Ne(a) { - var b = a && a.nodeName && a.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - return b && ("input" === b && ("text" === a.type || "search" === a.type || "tel" === a.type || "url" === a.type || "password" === a.type) || "textarea" === b || "true" === a.contentEditable); - } - function Oe(a) { - var b = Me(), c = a.focusedElem, d = a.selectionRange; - if (b !== c && c && c.ownerDocument && Le(c.ownerDocument.documentElement, c)) { - if (null !== d && Ne(c)) { - if (b = d.start, a = d.end, void 0 === a && (a = b), "selectionStart" in c) - c.selectionStart = b, c.selectionEnd = Math.min(a, c.value.length); - else if (a = (b = c.ownerDocument || document) && b.defaultView || window, a.getSelection) { - a = a.getSelection(); - var e = c.textContent.length, f = Math.min(d.start, e); - d = void 0 === d.end ? f : Math.min(d.end, e); - !a.extend && f > d && (e = d, d = f, f = e); - e = Ke(c, f); - var g = Ke( - c, - d - ); - e && g && (1 !== a.rangeCount || a.anchorNode !== e.node || a.anchorOffset !== e.offset || a.focusNode !== g.node || a.focusOffset !== g.offset) && (b = b.createRange(), b.setStart(e.node, e.offset), a.removeAllRanges(), f > d ? (a.addRange(b), a.extend(g.node, g.offset)) : (b.setEnd(g.node, g.offset), a.addRange(b))); - } - } - b = []; - for (a = c; a = a.parentNode; ) - 1 === a.nodeType && b.push({ element: a, left: a.scrollLeft, top: a.scrollTop }); - "function" === typeof c.focus && c.focus(); - for (c = 0; c < b.length; c++) - a = b[c], a.element.scrollLeft = a.left, a.element.scrollTop = a.top; - } - } - var Pe = ia && "documentMode" in document && 11 >= document.documentMode; - var Qe = null; - var Re = null; - var Se = null; - var Te = false; - function Ue(a, b, c) { - var d = c.window === c ? c.document : 9 === c.nodeType ? c : c.ownerDocument; - Te || null == Qe || Qe !== Xa(d) || (d = Qe, "selectionStart" in d && Ne(d) ? d = { start: d.selectionStart, end: d.selectionEnd } : (d = (d.ownerDocument && d.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getSelection(), d = { anchorNode: d.anchorNode, anchorOffset: d.anchorOffset, focusNode: d.focusNode, focusOffset: d.focusOffset }), Se && Ie(Se, d) || (Se = d, d = oe(Re, "onSelect"), 0 < d.length && (b = new td("onSelect", "select", null, b, c), a.push({ event: b, listeners: d }), b.target = Qe))); - } - function Ve(a, b) { - var c = {}; - c[a.toLowerCase()] = b.toLowerCase(); - c["Webkit" + a] = "webkit" + b; - c["Moz" + a] = "moz" + b; - return c; - } - var We = { animationend: Ve("Animation", "AnimationEnd"), animationiteration: Ve("Animation", "AnimationIteration"), animationstart: Ve("Animation", "AnimationStart"), transitionend: Ve("Transition", "TransitionEnd") }; - var Xe = {}; - var Ye = {}; - ia && (Ye = document.createElement("div").style, "AnimationEvent" in window || (delete We.animationend.animation, delete We.animationiteration.animation, delete We.animationstart.animation), "TransitionEvent" in window || delete We.transitionend.transition); - function Ze(a) { - if (Xe[a]) - return Xe[a]; - if (!We[a]) - return a; - var b = We[a], c; - for (c in b) - if (b.hasOwnProperty(c) && c in Ye) - return Xe[a] = b[c]; - return a; - } - var $e = Ze("animationend"); - var af = Ze("animationiteration"); - var bf = Ze("animationstart"); - var cf = Ze("transitionend"); - var df = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); - var ef = "abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel".split(" "); - function ff(a, b) { - df.set(a, b); - fa(b, [a]); - } - for (gf = 0; gf < ef.length; gf++) { - hf = ef[gf], jf = hf.toLowerCase(), kf = hf[0].toUpperCase() + hf.slice(1); - ff(jf, "on" + kf); - } - var hf; - var jf; - var kf; - var gf; - ff($e, "onAnimationEnd"); - ff(af, "onAnimationIteration"); - ff(bf, "onAnimationStart"); - ff("dblclick", "onDoubleClick"); - ff("focusin", "onFocus"); - ff("focusout", "onBlur"); - ff(cf, "onTransitionEnd"); - ha("onMouseEnter", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]); - ha("onMouseLeave", ["mouseout", "mouseover"]); - ha("onPointerEnter", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]); - ha("onPointerLeave", ["pointerout", "pointerover"]); - fa("onChange", "change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" ")); - fa("onSelect", "focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(" ")); - fa("onBeforeInput", ["compositionend", "keypress", "textInput", "paste"]); - fa("onCompositionEnd", "compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")); - fa("onCompositionStart", "compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")); - fa("onCompositionUpdate", "compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ")); - var lf = "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split(" "); - var mf = new Set("cancel close invalid load scroll toggle".split(" ").concat(lf)); - function nf(a, b, c) { - var d = a.type || "unknown-event"; - a.currentTarget = c; - Ub(d, b, void 0, a); - a.currentTarget = null; - } - function se(a, b) { - b = 0 !== (b & 4); - for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) { - var d = a[c], e = d.event; - d = d.listeners; - a: { - var f = void 0; - if (b) - for (var g = d.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--) { - var h = d[g], k = h.instance, l = h.currentTarget; - h = h.listener; - if (k !== f && e.isPropagationStopped()) - break a; - nf(e, h, l); - f = k; - } - else - for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) { - h = d[g]; - k = h.instance; - l = h.currentTarget; - h = h.listener; - if (k !== f && e.isPropagationStopped()) - break a; - nf(e, h, l); - f = k; - } - } - } - if (Qb) - throw a = Rb, Qb = false, Rb = null, a; - } - function D(a, b) { - var c = b[of]; - void 0 === c && (c = b[of] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); - var d = a + "__bubble"; - c.has(d) || (pf(b, a, 2, false), c.add(d)); - } - function qf(a, b, c) { - var d = 0; - b && (d |= 4); - pf(c, a, d, b); - } - var rf = "_reactListening" + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); - function sf(a) { - if (!a[rf]) { - a[rf] = true; - da.forEach(function(b2) { - "selectionchange" !== b2 && (mf.has(b2) || qf(b2, false, a), qf(b2, true, a)); - }); - var b = 9 === a.nodeType ? a : a.ownerDocument; - null === b || b[rf] || (b[rf] = true, qf("selectionchange", false, b)); - } - } - function pf(a, b, c, d) { - switch (jd(b)) { - case 1: - var e = ed; - break; - case 4: - e = gd; - break; - default: - e = fd; - } - c = e.bind(null, b, c, a); - e = void 0; - !Lb || "touchstart" !== b && "touchmove" !== b && "wheel" !== b || (e = true); - d ? void 0 !== e ? a.addEventListener(b, c, { capture: true, passive: e }) : a.addEventListener(b, c, true) : void 0 !== e ? a.addEventListener(b, c, { passive: e }) : a.addEventListener(b, c, false); - } - function hd(a, b, c, d, e) { - var f = d; - if (0 === (b & 1) && 0 === (b & 2) && null !== d) - a: - for (; ; ) { - if (null === d) - return; - var g = d.tag; - if (3 === g || 4 === g) { - var h = d.stateNode.containerInfo; - if (h === e || 8 === h.nodeType && h.parentNode === e) - break; - if (4 === g) - for (g = d.return; null !== g; ) { - var k = g.tag; - if (3 === k || 4 === k) { - if (k = g.stateNode.containerInfo, k === e || 8 === k.nodeType && k.parentNode === e) - return; - } - g = g.return; - } - for (; null !== h; ) { - g = Wc(h); - if (null === g) - return; - k = g.tag; - if (5 === k || 6 === k) { - d = f = g; - continue a; - } - h = h.parentNode; - } - } - d = d.return; - } - Jb(function() { - var d2 = f, e2 = xb(c), g2 = []; - a: { - var h2 = df.get(a); - if (void 0 !== h2) { - var k2 = td, n = a; - switch (a) { - case "keypress": - if (0 === od(c)) - break a; - case "keydown": - case "keyup": - k2 = Rd; - break; - case "focusin": - n = "focus"; - k2 = Fd; - break; - case "focusout": - n = "blur"; - k2 = Fd; - break; - case "beforeblur": - case "afterblur": - k2 = Fd; - break; - case "click": - if (2 === c.button) - break a; - case "auxclick": - case "dblclick": - case "mousedown": - case "mousemove": - case "mouseup": - case "mouseout": - case "mouseover": - case "contextmenu": - k2 = Bd; - break; - case "drag": - case "dragend": - case "dragenter": - case "dragexit": - case "dragleave": - case "dragover": - case "dragstart": - case "drop": - k2 = Dd; - break; - case "touchcancel": - case "touchend": - case "touchmove": - case "touchstart": - k2 = Vd; - break; - case $e: - case af: - case bf: - k2 = Hd; - break; - case cf: - k2 = Xd; - break; - case "scroll": - k2 = vd; - break; - case "wheel": - k2 = Zd; - break; - case "copy": - case "cut": - case "paste": - k2 = Jd; - break; - case "gotpointercapture": - case "lostpointercapture": - case "pointercancel": - case "pointerdown": - case "pointermove": - case "pointerout": - case "pointerover": - case "pointerup": - k2 = Td; - } - var t = 0 !== (b & 4), J = !t && "scroll" === a, x = t ? null !== h2 ? h2 + "Capture" : null : h2; - t = []; - for (var w = d2, u; null !== w; ) { - u = w; - var F = u.stateNode; - 5 === u.tag && null !== F && (u = F, null !== x && (F = Kb(w, x), null != F && t.push(tf(w, F, u)))); - if (J) - break; - w = w.return; - } - 0 < t.length && (h2 = new k2(h2, n, null, c, e2), g2.push({ event: h2, listeners: t })); - } - } - if (0 === (b & 7)) { - a: { - h2 = "mouseover" === a || "pointerover" === a; - k2 = "mouseout" === a || "pointerout" === a; - if (h2 && c !== wb && (n = c.relatedTarget || c.fromElement) && (Wc(n) || n[uf])) - break a; - if (k2 || h2) { - h2 = e2.window === e2 ? e2 : (h2 = e2.ownerDocument) ? h2.defaultView || h2.parentWindow : window; - if (k2) { - if (n = c.relatedTarget || c.toElement, k2 = d2, n = n ? Wc(n) : null, null !== n && (J = Vb(n), n !== J || 5 !== n.tag && 6 !== n.tag)) - n = null; - } else - k2 = null, n = d2; - if (k2 !== n) { - t = Bd; - F = "onMouseLeave"; - x = "onMouseEnter"; - w = "mouse"; - if ("pointerout" === a || "pointerover" === a) - t = Td, F = "onPointerLeave", x = "onPointerEnter", w = "pointer"; - J = null == k2 ? h2 : ue(k2); - u = null == n ? h2 : ue(n); - h2 = new t(F, w + "leave", k2, c, e2); - h2.target = J; - h2.relatedTarget = u; - F = null; - Wc(e2) === d2 && (t = new t(x, w + "enter", n, c, e2), t.target = u, t.relatedTarget = J, F = t); - J = F; - if (k2 && n) - b: { - t = k2; - x = n; - w = 0; - for (u = t; u; u = vf(u)) - w++; - u = 0; - for (F = x; F; F = vf(F)) - u++; - for (; 0 < w - u; ) - t = vf(t), w--; - for (; 0 < u - w; ) - x = vf(x), u--; - for (; w--; ) { - if (t === x || null !== x && t === x.alternate) - break b; - t = vf(t); - x = vf(x); - } - t = null; - } - else - t = null; - null !== k2 && wf(g2, h2, k2, t, false); - null !== n && null !== J && wf(g2, J, n, t, true); - } - } - } - a: { - h2 = d2 ? ue(d2) : window; - k2 = h2.nodeName && h2.nodeName.toLowerCase(); - if ("select" === k2 || "input" === k2 && "file" === h2.type) - var na = ve; - else if (me(h2)) - if (we) - na = Fe; - else { - na = De; - var xa = Ce; - } - else - (k2 = h2.nodeName) && "input" === k2.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === h2.type || "radio" === h2.type) && (na = Ee); - if (na && (na = na(a, d2))) { - ne(g2, na, c, e2); - break a; - } - xa && xa(a, h2, d2); - "focusout" === a && (xa = h2._wrapperState) && xa.controlled && "number" === h2.type && cb(h2, "number", h2.value); - } - xa = d2 ? ue(d2) : window; - switch (a) { - case "focusin": - if (me(xa) || "true" === xa.contentEditable) - Qe = xa, Re = d2, Se = null; - break; - case "focusout": - Se = Re = Qe = null; - break; - case "mousedown": - Te = true; - break; - case "contextmenu": - case "mouseup": - case "dragend": - Te = false; - Ue(g2, c, e2); - break; - case "selectionchange": - if (Pe) - break; - case "keydown": - case "keyup": - Ue(g2, c, e2); - } - var $a; - if (ae) - b: { - switch (a) { - case "compositionstart": - var ba = "onCompositionStart"; - break b; - case "compositionend": - ba = "onCompositionEnd"; - break b; - case "compositionupdate": - ba = "onCompositionUpdate"; - break b; - } - ba = void 0; - } - else - ie ? ge(a, c) && (ba = "onCompositionEnd") : "keydown" === a && 229 === c.keyCode && (ba = "onCompositionStart"); - ba && (de && "ko" !== c.locale && (ie || "onCompositionStart" !== ba ? "onCompositionEnd" === ba && ie && ($a = nd()) : (kd = e2, ld = "value" in kd ? kd.value : kd.textContent, ie = true)), xa = oe(d2, ba), 0 < xa.length && (ba = new Ld(ba, a, null, c, e2), g2.push({ event: ba, listeners: xa }), $a ? ba.data = $a : ($a = he(c), null !== $a && (ba.data = $a)))); - if ($a = ce ? je(a, c) : ke(a, c)) - d2 = oe(d2, "onBeforeInput"), 0 < d2.length && (e2 = new Ld("onBeforeInput", "beforeinput", null, c, e2), g2.push({ event: e2, listeners: d2 }), e2.data = $a); - } - se(g2, b); - }); - } - function tf(a, b, c) { - return { instance: a, listener: b, currentTarget: c }; - } - function oe(a, b) { - for (var c = b + "Capture", d = []; null !== a; ) { - var e = a, f = e.stateNode; - 5 === e.tag && null !== f && (e = f, f = Kb(a, c), null != f && d.unshift(tf(a, f, e)), f = Kb(a, b), null != f && d.push(tf(a, f, e))); - a = a.return; - } - return d; - } - function vf(a) { - if (null === a) - return null; - do - a = a.return; - while (a && 5 !== a.tag); - return a ? a : null; - } - function wf(a, b, c, d, e) { - for (var f = b._reactName, g = []; null !== c && c !== d; ) { - var h = c, k = h.alternate, l = h.stateNode; - if (null !== k && k === d) - break; - 5 === h.tag && null !== l && (h = l, e ? (k = Kb(c, f), null != k && g.unshift(tf(c, k, h))) : e || (k = Kb(c, f), null != k && g.push(tf(c, k, h)))); - c = c.return; - } - 0 !== g.length && a.push({ event: b, listeners: g }); - } - var xf = /\r\n?/g; - var yf = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g; - function zf(a) { - return ("string" === typeof a ? a : "" + a).replace(xf, "\n").replace(yf, ""); - } - function Af(a, b, c) { - b = zf(b); - if (zf(a) !== b && c) - throw Error(p(425)); - } - function Bf() { - } - var Cf = null; - var Df = null; - function Ef(a, b) { - return "textarea" === a || "noscript" === a || "string" === typeof b.children || "number" === typeof b.children || "object" === typeof b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null !== b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null != b.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html; - } - var Ff = "function" === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0; - var Gf = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0; - var Hf = "function" === typeof Promise ? Promise : void 0; - var Jf = "function" === typeof queueMicrotask ? queueMicrotask : "undefined" !== typeof Hf ? function(a) { - return Hf.resolve(null).then(a).catch(If); - } : Ff; - function If(a) { - setTimeout(function() { - throw a; - }); - } - function Kf(a, b) { - var c = b, d = 0; - do { - var e = c.nextSibling; - a.removeChild(c); - if (e && 8 === e.nodeType) - if (c = e.data, "/$" === c) { - if (0 === d) { - a.removeChild(e); - bd(b); - return; - } - d--; - } else - "$" !== c && "$?" !== c && "$!" !== c || d++; - c = e; - } while (c); - bd(b); - } - function Lf(a) { - for (; null != a; a = a.nextSibling) { - var b = a.nodeType; - if (1 === b || 3 === b) - break; - if (8 === b) { - b = a.data; - if ("$" === b || "$!" === b || "$?" === b) - break; - if ("/$" === b) - return null; - } - } - return a; - } - function Mf(a) { - a = a.previousSibling; - for (var b = 0; a; ) { - if (8 === a.nodeType) { - var c = a.data; - if ("$" === c || "$!" === c || "$?" === c) { - if (0 === b) - return a; - b--; - } else - "/$" === c && b++; - } - a = a.previousSibling; - } - return null; - } - var Nf = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); - var Of = "__reactFiber$" + Nf; - var Pf = "__reactProps$" + Nf; - var uf = "__reactContainer$" + Nf; - var of = "__reactEvents$" + Nf; - var Qf = "__reactListeners$" + Nf; - var Rf = "__reactHandles$" + Nf; - function Wc(a) { - var b = a[Of]; - if (b) - return b; - for (var c = a.parentNode; c; ) { - if (b = c[uf] || c[Of]) { - c = b.alternate; - if (null !== b.child || null !== c && null !== c.child) - for (a = Mf(a); null !== a; ) { - if (c = a[Of]) - return c; - a = Mf(a); - } - return b; - } - a = c; - c = a.parentNode; - } - return null; - } - function Cb(a) { - a = a[Of] || a[uf]; - return !a || 5 !== a.tag && 6 !== a.tag && 13 !== a.tag && 3 !== a.tag ? null : a; - } - function ue(a) { - if (5 === a.tag || 6 === a.tag) - return a.stateNode; - throw Error(p(33)); - } - function Db(a) { - return a[Pf] || null; - } - var Sf = []; - var Tf = -1; - function Uf(a) { - return { current: a }; - } - function E(a) { - 0 > Tf || (a.current = Sf[Tf], Sf[Tf] = null, Tf--); - } - function G(a, b) { - Tf++; - Sf[Tf] = a.current; - a.current = b; - } - var Vf = {}; - var H = Uf(Vf); - var Wf = Uf(false); - var Xf = Vf; - function Yf(a, b) { - var c = a.type.contextTypes; - if (!c) - return Vf; - var d = a.stateNode; - if (d && d.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === b) - return d.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext; - var e = {}, f; - for (f in c) - e[f] = b[f]; - d && (a = a.stateNode, a.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = b, a.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = e); - return e; - } - function Zf(a) { - a = a.childContextTypes; - return null !== a && void 0 !== a; - } - function $f() { - E(Wf); - E(H); - } - function ag(a, b, c) { - if (H.current !== Vf) - throw Error(p(168)); - G(H, b); - G(Wf, c); - } - function bg(a, b, c) { - var d = a.stateNode; - b = b.childContextTypes; - if ("function" !== typeof d.getChildContext) - return c; - d = d.getChildContext(); - for (var e in d) - if (!(e in b)) - throw Error(p(108, Ra(a) || "Unknown", e)); - return A({}, c, d); - } - function cg(a) { - a = (a = a.stateNode) && a.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext || Vf; - Xf = H.current; - G(H, a); - G(Wf, Wf.current); - return true; - } - function dg(a, b, c) { - var d = a.stateNode; - if (!d) - throw Error(p(169)); - c ? (a = bg(a, b, Xf), d.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = a, E(Wf), E(H), G(H, a)) : E(Wf); - G(Wf, c); - } - var eg = null; - var fg = false; - var gg = false; - function hg(a) { - null === eg ? eg = [a] : eg.push(a); - } - function ig(a) { - fg = true; - hg(a); - } - function jg() { - if (!gg && null !== eg) { - gg = true; - var a = 0, b = C; - try { - var c = eg; - for (C = 1; a < c.length; a++) { - var d = c[a]; - do - d = d(true); - while (null !== d); - } - eg = null; - fg = false; - } catch (e) { - throw null !== eg && (eg = eg.slice(a + 1)), ac(fc, jg), e; - } finally { - C = b, gg = false; - } - } - return null; - } - var kg = []; - var lg = 0; - var mg = null; - var ng = 0; - var og = []; - var pg = 0; - var qg = null; - var rg = 1; - var sg = ""; - function tg(a, b) { - kg[lg++] = ng; - kg[lg++] = mg; - mg = a; - ng = b; - } - function ug(a, b, c) { - og[pg++] = rg; - og[pg++] = sg; - og[pg++] = qg; - qg = a; - var d = rg; - a = sg; - var e = 32 - oc(d) - 1; - d &= ~(1 << e); - c += 1; - var f = 32 - oc(b) + e; - if (30 < f) { - var g = e - e % 5; - f = (d & (1 << g) - 1).toString(32); - d >>= g; - e -= g; - rg = 1 << 32 - oc(b) + e | c << e | d; - sg = f + a; - } else - rg = 1 << f | c << e | d, sg = a; - } - function vg(a) { - null !== a.return && (tg(a, 1), ug(a, 1, 0)); - } - function wg(a) { - for (; a === mg; ) - mg = kg[--lg], kg[lg] = null, ng = kg[--lg], kg[lg] = null; - for (; a === qg; ) - qg = og[--pg], og[pg] = null, sg = og[--pg], og[pg] = null, rg = og[--pg], og[pg] = null; - } - var xg = null; - var yg = null; - var I = false; - var zg = null; - function Ag(a, b) { - var c = Bg(5, null, null, 0); - c.elementType = "DELETED"; - c.stateNode = b; - c.return = a; - b = a.deletions; - null === b ? (a.deletions = [c], a.flags |= 16) : b.push(c); - } - function Cg(a, b) { - switch (a.tag) { - case 5: - var c = a.type; - b = 1 !== b.nodeType || c.toLowerCase() !== b.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : b; - return null !== b ? (a.stateNode = b, xg = a, yg = Lf(b.firstChild), true) : false; - case 6: - return b = "" === a.pendingProps || 3 !== b.nodeType ? null : b, null !== b ? (a.stateNode = b, xg = a, yg = null, true) : false; - case 13: - return b = 8 !== b.nodeType ? null : b, null !== b ? (c = null !== qg ? { id: rg, overflow: sg } : null, a.memoizedState = { dehydrated: b, treeContext: c, retryLane: 1073741824 }, c = Bg(18, null, null, 0), c.stateNode = b, c.return = a, a.child = c, xg = a, yg = null, true) : false; - default: - return false; - } - } - function Dg(a) { - return 0 !== (a.mode & 1) && 0 === (a.flags & 128); - } - function Eg(a) { - if (I) { - var b = yg; - if (b) { - var c = b; - if (!Cg(a, b)) { - if (Dg(a)) - throw Error(p(418)); - b = Lf(c.nextSibling); - var d = xg; - b && Cg(a, b) ? Ag(d, c) : (a.flags = a.flags & -4097 | 2, I = false, xg = a); - } - } else { - if (Dg(a)) - throw Error(p(418)); - a.flags = a.flags & -4097 | 2; - I = false; - xg = a; - } - } - } - function Fg(a) { - for (a = a.return; null !== a && 5 !== a.tag && 3 !== a.tag && 13 !== a.tag; ) - a = a.return; - xg = a; - } - function Gg(a) { - if (a !== xg) - return false; - if (!I) - return Fg(a), I = true, false; - var b; - (b = 3 !== a.tag) && !(b = 5 !== a.tag) && (b = a.type, b = "head" !== b && "body" !== b && !Ef(a.type, a.memoizedProps)); - if (b && (b = yg)) { - if (Dg(a)) - throw Hg(), Error(p(418)); - for (; b; ) - Ag(a, b), b = Lf(b.nextSibling); - } - Fg(a); - if (13 === a.tag) { - a = a.memoizedState; - a = null !== a ? a.dehydrated : null; - if (!a) - throw Error(p(317)); - a: { - a = a.nextSibling; - for (b = 0; a; ) { - if (8 === a.nodeType) { - var c = a.data; - if ("/$" === c) { - if (0 === b) { - yg = Lf(a.nextSibling); - break a; - } - b--; - } else - "$" !== c && "$!" !== c && "$?" !== c || b++; - } - a = a.nextSibling; - } - yg = null; - } - } else - yg = xg ? Lf(a.stateNode.nextSibling) : null; - return true; - } - function Hg() { - for (var a = yg; a; ) - a = Lf(a.nextSibling); - } - function Ig() { - yg = xg = null; - I = false; - } - function Jg(a) { - null === zg ? zg = [a] : zg.push(a); - } - var Kg = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; - function Lg(a, b, c) { - a = c.ref; - if (null !== a && "function" !== typeof a && "object" !== typeof a) { - if (c._owner) { - c = c._owner; - if (c) { - if (1 !== c.tag) - throw Error(p(309)); - var d = c.stateNode; - } - if (!d) - throw Error(p(147, a)); - var e = d, f = "" + a; - if (null !== b && null !== b.ref && "function" === typeof b.ref && b.ref._stringRef === f) - return b.ref; - b = function(a2) { - var b2 = e.refs; - null === a2 ? delete b2[f] : b2[f] = a2; - }; - b._stringRef = f; - return b; - } - if ("string" !== typeof a) - throw Error(p(284)); - if (!c._owner) - throw Error(p(290, a)); - } - return a; - } - function Mg(a, b) { - a = Object.prototype.toString.call(b); - throw Error(p(31, "[object Object]" === a ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(b).join(", ") + "}" : a)); - } - function Ng(a) { - var b = a._init; - return b(a._payload); - } - function Og(a) { - function b(b2, c2) { - if (a) { - var d2 = b2.deletions; - null === d2 ? (b2.deletions = [c2], b2.flags |= 16) : d2.push(c2); - } - } - function c(c2, d2) { - if (!a) - return null; - for (; null !== d2; ) - b(c2, d2), d2 = d2.sibling; - return null; - } - function d(a2, b2) { - for (a2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); null !== b2; ) - null !== b2.key ? a2.set(b2.key, b2) : a2.set(b2.index, b2), b2 = b2.sibling; - return a2; - } - function e(a2, b2) { - a2 = Pg(a2, b2); - a2.index = 0; - a2.sibling = null; - return a2; - } - function f(b2, c2, d2) { - b2.index = d2; - if (!a) - return b2.flags |= 1048576, c2; - d2 = b2.alternate; - if (null !== d2) - return d2 = d2.index, d2 < c2 ? (b2.flags |= 2, c2) : d2; - b2.flags |= 2; - return c2; - } - function g(b2) { - a && null === b2.alternate && (b2.flags |= 2); - return b2; - } - function h(a2, b2, c2, d2) { - if (null === b2 || 6 !== b2.tag) - return b2 = Qg(c2, a2.mode, d2), b2.return = a2, b2; - b2 = e(b2, c2); - b2.return = a2; - return b2; - } - function k(a2, b2, c2, d2) { - var f2 = c2.type; - if (f2 === ya) - return m(a2, b2, c2.props.children, d2, c2.key); - if (null !== b2 && (b2.elementType === f2 || "object" === typeof f2 && null !== f2 && f2.$$typeof === Ha && Ng(f2) === b2.type)) - return d2 = e(b2, c2.props), d2.ref = Lg(a2, b2, c2), d2.return = a2, d2; - d2 = Rg(c2.type, c2.key, c2.props, null, a2.mode, d2); - d2.ref = Lg(a2, b2, c2); - d2.return = a2; - return d2; - } - function l(a2, b2, c2, d2) { - if (null === b2 || 4 !== b2.tag || b2.stateNode.containerInfo !== c2.containerInfo || b2.stateNode.implementation !== c2.implementation) - return b2 = Sg(c2, a2.mode, d2), b2.return = a2, b2; - b2 = e(b2, c2.children || []); - b2.return = a2; - return b2; - } - function m(a2, b2, c2, d2, f2) { - if (null === b2 || 7 !== b2.tag) - return b2 = Tg(c2, a2.mode, d2, f2), b2.return = a2, b2; - b2 = e(b2, c2); - b2.return = a2; - return b2; - } - function q(a2, b2, c2) { - if ("string" === typeof b2 && "" !== b2 || "number" === typeof b2) - return b2 = Qg("" + b2, a2.mode, c2), b2.return = a2, b2; - if ("object" === typeof b2 && null !== b2) { - switch (b2.$$typeof) { - case va: - return c2 = Rg(b2.type, b2.key, b2.props, null, a2.mode, c2), c2.ref = Lg(a2, null, b2), c2.return = a2, c2; - case wa: - return b2 = Sg(b2, a2.mode, c2), b2.return = a2, b2; - case Ha: - var d2 = b2._init; - return q(a2, d2(b2._payload), c2); - } - if (eb(b2) || Ka(b2)) - return b2 = Tg(b2, a2.mode, c2, null), b2.return = a2, b2; - Mg(a2, b2); - } - return null; - } - function r(a2, b2, c2, d2) { - var e2 = null !== b2 ? b2.key : null; - if ("string" === typeof c2 && "" !== c2 || "number" === typeof c2) - return null !== e2 ? null : h(a2, b2, "" + c2, d2); - if ("object" === typeof c2 && null !== c2) { - switch (c2.$$typeof) { - case va: - return c2.key === e2 ? k(a2, b2, c2, d2) : null; - case wa: - return c2.key === e2 ? l(a2, b2, c2, d2) : null; - case Ha: - return e2 = c2._init, r( - a2, - b2, - e2(c2._payload), - d2 - ); - } - if (eb(c2) || Ka(c2)) - return null !== e2 ? null : m(a2, b2, c2, d2, null); - Mg(a2, c2); - } - return null; - } - function y(a2, b2, c2, d2, e2) { - if ("string" === typeof d2 && "" !== d2 || "number" === typeof d2) - return a2 = a2.get(c2) || null, h(b2, a2, "" + d2, e2); - if ("object" === typeof d2 && null !== d2) { - switch (d2.$$typeof) { - case va: - return a2 = a2.get(null === d2.key ? c2 : d2.key) || null, k(b2, a2, d2, e2); - case wa: - return a2 = a2.get(null === d2.key ? c2 : d2.key) || null, l(b2, a2, d2, e2); - case Ha: - var f2 = d2._init; - return y(a2, b2, c2, f2(d2._payload), e2); - } - if (eb(d2) || Ka(d2)) - return a2 = a2.get(c2) || null, m(b2, a2, d2, e2, null); - Mg(b2, d2); - } - return null; - } - function n(e2, g2, h2, k2) { - for (var l2 = null, m2 = null, u = g2, w = g2 = 0, x = null; null !== u && w < h2.length; w++) { - u.index > w ? (x = u, u = null) : x = u.sibling; - var n2 = r(e2, u, h2[w], k2); - if (null === n2) { - null === u && (u = x); - break; - } - a && u && null === n2.alternate && b(e2, u); - g2 = f(n2, g2, w); - null === m2 ? l2 = n2 : m2.sibling = n2; - m2 = n2; - u = x; - } - if (w === h2.length) - return c(e2, u), I && tg(e2, w), l2; - if (null === u) { - for (; w < h2.length; w++) - u = q(e2, h2[w], k2), null !== u && (g2 = f(u, g2, w), null === m2 ? l2 = u : m2.sibling = u, m2 = u); - I && tg(e2, w); - return l2; - } - for (u = d(e2, u); w < h2.length; w++) - x = y(u, e2, w, h2[w], k2), null !== x && (a && null !== x.alternate && u.delete(null === x.key ? w : x.key), g2 = f(x, g2, w), null === m2 ? l2 = x : m2.sibling = x, m2 = x); - a && u.forEach(function(a2) { - return b(e2, a2); - }); - I && tg(e2, w); - return l2; - } - function t(e2, g2, h2, k2) { - var l2 = Ka(h2); - if ("function" !== typeof l2) - throw Error(p(150)); - h2 = l2.call(h2); - if (null == h2) - throw Error(p(151)); - for (var u = l2 = null, m2 = g2, w = g2 = 0, x = null, n2 = h2.next(); null !== m2 && !n2.done; w++, n2 = h2.next()) { - m2.index > w ? (x = m2, m2 = null) : x = m2.sibling; - var t2 = r(e2, m2, n2.value, k2); - if (null === t2) { - null === m2 && (m2 = x); - break; - } - a && m2 && null === t2.alternate && b(e2, m2); - g2 = f(t2, g2, w); - null === u ? l2 = t2 : u.sibling = t2; - u = t2; - m2 = x; - } - if (n2.done) - return c( - e2, - m2 - ), I && tg(e2, w), l2; - if (null === m2) { - for (; !n2.done; w++, n2 = h2.next()) - n2 = q(e2, n2.value, k2), null !== n2 && (g2 = f(n2, g2, w), null === u ? l2 = n2 : u.sibling = n2, u = n2); - I && tg(e2, w); - return l2; - } - for (m2 = d(e2, m2); !n2.done; w++, n2 = h2.next()) - n2 = y(m2, e2, w, n2.value, k2), null !== n2 && (a && null !== n2.alternate && m2.delete(null === n2.key ? w : n2.key), g2 = f(n2, g2, w), null === u ? l2 = n2 : u.sibling = n2, u = n2); - a && m2.forEach(function(a2) { - return b(e2, a2); - }); - I && tg(e2, w); - return l2; - } - function J(a2, d2, f2, h2) { - "object" === typeof f2 && null !== f2 && f2.type === ya && null === f2.key && (f2 = f2.props.children); - if ("object" === typeof f2 && null !== f2) { - switch (f2.$$typeof) { - case va: - a: { - for (var k2 = f2.key, l2 = d2; null !== l2; ) { - if (l2.key === k2) { - k2 = f2.type; - if (k2 === ya) { - if (7 === l2.tag) { - c(a2, l2.sibling); - d2 = e(l2, f2.props.children); - d2.return = a2; - a2 = d2; - break a; - } - } else if (l2.elementType === k2 || "object" === typeof k2 && null !== k2 && k2.$$typeof === Ha && Ng(k2) === l2.type) { - c(a2, l2.sibling); - d2 = e(l2, f2.props); - d2.ref = Lg(a2, l2, f2); - d2.return = a2; - a2 = d2; - break a; - } - c(a2, l2); - break; - } else - b(a2, l2); - l2 = l2.sibling; - } - f2.type === ya ? (d2 = Tg(f2.props.children, a2.mode, h2, f2.key), d2.return = a2, a2 = d2) : (h2 = Rg(f2.type, f2.key, f2.props, null, a2.mode, h2), h2.ref = Lg(a2, d2, f2), h2.return = a2, a2 = h2); - } - return g(a2); - case wa: - a: { - for (l2 = f2.key; null !== d2; ) { - if (d2.key === l2) - if (4 === d2.tag && d2.stateNode.containerInfo === f2.containerInfo && d2.stateNode.implementation === f2.implementation) { - c(a2, d2.sibling); - d2 = e(d2, f2.children || []); - d2.return = a2; - a2 = d2; - break a; - } else { - c(a2, d2); - break; - } - else - b(a2, d2); - d2 = d2.sibling; - } - d2 = Sg(f2, a2.mode, h2); - d2.return = a2; - a2 = d2; - } - return g(a2); - case Ha: - return l2 = f2._init, J(a2, d2, l2(f2._payload), h2); - } - if (eb(f2)) - return n(a2, d2, f2, h2); - if (Ka(f2)) - return t(a2, d2, f2, h2); - Mg(a2, f2); - } - return "string" === typeof f2 && "" !== f2 || "number" === typeof f2 ? (f2 = "" + f2, null !== d2 && 6 === d2.tag ? (c(a2, d2.sibling), d2 = e(d2, f2), d2.return = a2, a2 = d2) : (c(a2, d2), d2 = Qg(f2, a2.mode, h2), d2.return = a2, a2 = d2), g(a2)) : c(a2, d2); - } - return J; - } - var Ug = Og(true); - var Vg = Og(false); - var Wg = Uf(null); - var Xg = null; - var Yg = null; - var Zg = null; - function $g() { - Zg = Yg = Xg = null; - } - function ah(a) { - var b = Wg.current; - E(Wg); - a._currentValue = b; - } - function bh(a, b, c) { - for (; null !== a; ) { - var d = a.alternate; - (a.childLanes & b) !== b ? (a.childLanes |= b, null !== d && (d.childLanes |= b)) : null !== d && (d.childLanes & b) !== b && (d.childLanes |= b); - if (a === c) - break; - a = a.return; - } - } - function ch(a, b) { - Xg = a; - Zg = Yg = null; - a = a.dependencies; - null !== a && null !== a.firstContext && (0 !== (a.lanes & b) && (dh = true), a.firstContext = null); - } - function eh(a) { - var b = a._currentValue; - if (Zg !== a) - if (a = { context: a, memoizedValue: b, next: null }, null === Yg) { - if (null === Xg) - throw Error(p(308)); - Yg = a; - Xg.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: a }; - } else - Yg = Yg.next = a; - return b; - } - var fh = null; - function gh(a) { - null === fh ? fh = [a] : fh.push(a); - } - function hh(a, b, c, d) { - var e = b.interleaved; - null === e ? (c.next = c, gh(b)) : (c.next = e.next, e.next = c); - b.interleaved = c; - return ih(a, d); - } - function ih(a, b) { - a.lanes |= b; - var c = a.alternate; - null !== c && (c.lanes |= b); - c = a; - for (a = a.return; null !== a; ) - a.childLanes |= b, c = a.alternate, null !== c && (c.childLanes |= b), c = a, a = a.return; - return 3 === c.tag ? c.stateNode : null; - } - var jh = false; - function kh(a) { - a.updateQueue = { baseState: a.memoizedState, firstBaseUpdate: null, lastBaseUpdate: null, shared: { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0 }, effects: null }; - } - function lh(a, b) { - a = a.updateQueue; - b.updateQueue === a && (b.updateQueue = { baseState: a.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: a.firstBaseUpdate, lastBaseUpdate: a.lastBaseUpdate, shared: a.shared, effects: a.effects }); - } - function mh(a, b) { - return { eventTime: a, lane: b, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null }; - } - function nh(a, b, c) { - var d = a.updateQueue; - if (null === d) - return null; - d = d.shared; - if (0 !== (K & 2)) { - var e = d.pending; - null === e ? b.next = b : (b.next = e.next, e.next = b); - d.pending = b; - return ih(a, c); - } - e = d.interleaved; - null === e ? (b.next = b, gh(d)) : (b.next = e.next, e.next = b); - d.interleaved = b; - return ih(a, c); - } - function oh(a, b, c) { - b = b.updateQueue; - if (null !== b && (b = b.shared, 0 !== (c & 4194240))) { - var d = b.lanes; - d &= a.pendingLanes; - c |= d; - b.lanes = c; - Cc(a, c); - } - } - function ph(a, b) { - var c = a.updateQueue, d = a.alternate; - if (null !== d && (d = d.updateQueue, c === d)) { - var e = null, f = null; - c = c.firstBaseUpdate; - if (null !== c) { - do { - var g = { eventTime: c.eventTime, lane: c.lane, tag: c.tag, payload: c.payload, callback: c.callback, next: null }; - null === f ? e = f = g : f = f.next = g; - c = c.next; - } while (null !== c); - null === f ? e = f = b : f = f.next = b; - } else - e = f = b; - c = { baseState: d.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: e, lastBaseUpdate: f, shared: d.shared, effects: d.effects }; - a.updateQueue = c; - return; - } - a = c.lastBaseUpdate; - null === a ? c.firstBaseUpdate = b : a.next = b; - c.lastBaseUpdate = b; - } - function qh(a, b, c, d) { - var e = a.updateQueue; - jh = false; - var f = e.firstBaseUpdate, g = e.lastBaseUpdate, h = e.shared.pending; - if (null !== h) { - e.shared.pending = null; - var k = h, l = k.next; - k.next = null; - null === g ? f = l : g.next = l; - g = k; - var m = a.alternate; - null !== m && (m = m.updateQueue, h = m.lastBaseUpdate, h !== g && (null === h ? m.firstBaseUpdate = l : h.next = l, m.lastBaseUpdate = k)); - } - if (null !== f) { - var q = e.baseState; - g = 0; - m = l = k = null; - h = f; - do { - var r = h.lane, y = h.eventTime; - if ((d & r) === r) { - null !== m && (m = m.next = { - eventTime: y, - lane: 0, - tag: h.tag, - payload: h.payload, - callback: h.callback, - next: null - }); - a: { - var n = a, t = h; - r = b; - y = c; - switch (t.tag) { - case 1: - n = t.payload; - if ("function" === typeof n) { - q = n.call(y, q, r); - break a; - } - q = n; - break a; - case 3: - n.flags = n.flags & -65537 | 128; - case 0: - n = t.payload; - r = "function" === typeof n ? n.call(y, q, r) : n; - if (null === r || void 0 === r) - break a; - q = A({}, q, r); - break a; - case 2: - jh = true; - } - } - null !== h.callback && 0 !== h.lane && (a.flags |= 64, r = e.effects, null === r ? e.effects = [h] : r.push(h)); - } else - y = { eventTime: y, lane: r, tag: h.tag, payload: h.payload, callback: h.callback, next: null }, null === m ? (l = m = y, k = q) : m = m.next = y, g |= r; - h = h.next; - if (null === h) - if (h = e.shared.pending, null === h) - break; - else - r = h, h = r.next, r.next = null, e.lastBaseUpdate = r, e.shared.pending = null; - } while (1); - null === m && (k = q); - e.baseState = k; - e.firstBaseUpdate = l; - e.lastBaseUpdate = m; - b = e.shared.interleaved; - if (null !== b) { - e = b; - do - g |= e.lane, e = e.next; - while (e !== b); - } else - null === f && (e.shared.lanes = 0); - rh |= g; - a.lanes = g; - a.memoizedState = q; - } - } - function sh(a, b, c) { - a = b.effects; - b.effects = null; - if (null !== a) - for (b = 0; b < a.length; b++) { - var d = a[b], e = d.callback; - if (null !== e) { - d.callback = null; - d = c; - if ("function" !== typeof e) - throw Error(p(191, e)); - e.call(d); - } - } - } - var th = {}; - var uh = Uf(th); - var vh = Uf(th); - var wh = Uf(th); - function xh(a) { - if (a === th) - throw Error(p(174)); - return a; - } - function yh(a, b) { - G(wh, b); - G(vh, a); - G(uh, th); - a = b.nodeType; - switch (a) { - case 9: - case 11: - b = (b = b.documentElement) ? b.namespaceURI : lb(null, ""); - break; - default: - a = 8 === a ? b.parentNode : b, b = a.namespaceURI || null, a = a.tagName, b = lb(b, a); - } - E(uh); - G(uh, b); - } - function zh() { - E(uh); - E(vh); - E(wh); - } - function Ah(a) { - xh(wh.current); - var b = xh(uh.current); - var c = lb(b, a.type); - b !== c && (G(vh, a), G(uh, c)); - } - function Bh(a) { - vh.current === a && (E(uh), E(vh)); - } - var L = Uf(0); - function Ch(a) { - for (var b = a; null !== b; ) { - if (13 === b.tag) { - var c = b.memoizedState; - if (null !== c && (c = c.dehydrated, null === c || "$?" === c.data || "$!" === c.data)) - return b; - } else if (19 === b.tag && void 0 !== b.memoizedProps.revealOrder) { - if (0 !== (b.flags & 128)) - return b; - } else if (null !== b.child) { - b.child.return = b; - b = b.child; - continue; - } - if (b === a) - break; - for (; null === b.sibling; ) { - if (null === b.return || b.return === a) - return null; - b = b.return; - } - b.sibling.return = b.return; - b = b.sibling; - } - return null; - } - var Dh = []; - function Eh() { - for (var a = 0; a < Dh.length; a++) - Dh[a]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null; - Dh.length = 0; - } - var Fh = ua.ReactCurrentDispatcher; - var Gh = ua.ReactCurrentBatchConfig; - var Hh = 0; - var M = null; - var N = null; - var O = null; - var Ih = false; - var Jh = false; - var Kh = 0; - var Lh = 0; - function P() { - throw Error(p(321)); - } - function Mh(a, b) { - if (null === b) - return false; - for (var c = 0; c < b.length && c < a.length; c++) - if (!He(a[c], b[c])) - return false; - return true; - } - function Nh(a, b, c, d, e, f) { - Hh = f; - M = b; - b.memoizedState = null; - b.updateQueue = null; - b.lanes = 0; - Fh.current = null === a || null === a.memoizedState ? Oh : Ph; - a = c(d, e); - if (Jh) { - f = 0; - do { - Jh = false; - Kh = 0; - if (25 <= f) - throw Error(p(301)); - f += 1; - O = N = null; - b.updateQueue = null; - Fh.current = Qh; - a = c(d, e); - } while (Jh); - } - Fh.current = Rh; - b = null !== N && null !== N.next; - Hh = 0; - O = N = M = null; - Ih = false; - if (b) - throw Error(p(300)); - return a; - } - function Sh() { - var a = 0 !== Kh; - Kh = 0; - return a; - } - function Th() { - var a = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, baseQueue: null, queue: null, next: null }; - null === O ? M.memoizedState = O = a : O = O.next = a; - return O; - } - function Uh() { - if (null === N) { - var a = M.alternate; - a = null !== a ? a.memoizedState : null; - } else - a = N.next; - var b = null === O ? M.memoizedState : O.next; - if (null !== b) - O = b, N = a; - else { - if (null === a) - throw Error(p(310)); - N = a; - a = { memoizedState: N.memoizedState, baseState: N.baseState, baseQueue: N.baseQueue, queue: N.queue, next: null }; - null === O ? M.memoizedState = O = a : O = O.next = a; - } - return O; - } - function Vh(a, b) { - return "function" === typeof b ? b(a) : b; - } - function Wh(a) { - var b = Uh(), c = b.queue; - if (null === c) - throw Error(p(311)); - c.lastRenderedReducer = a; - var d = N, e = d.baseQueue, f = c.pending; - if (null !== f) { - if (null !== e) { - var g = e.next; - e.next = f.next; - f.next = g; - } - d.baseQueue = e = f; - c.pending = null; - } - if (null !== e) { - f = e.next; - d = d.baseState; - var h = g = null, k = null, l = f; - do { - var m = l.lane; - if ((Hh & m) === m) - null !== k && (k = k.next = { lane: 0, action: l.action, hasEagerState: l.hasEagerState, eagerState: l.eagerState, next: null }), d = l.hasEagerState ? l.eagerState : a(d, l.action); - else { - var q = { - lane: m, - action: l.action, - hasEagerState: l.hasEagerState, - eagerState: l.eagerState, - next: null - }; - null === k ? (h = k = q, g = d) : k = k.next = q; - M.lanes |= m; - rh |= m; - } - l = l.next; - } while (null !== l && l !== f); - null === k ? g = d : k.next = h; - He(d, b.memoizedState) || (dh = true); - b.memoizedState = d; - b.baseState = g; - b.baseQueue = k; - c.lastRenderedState = d; - } - a = c.interleaved; - if (null !== a) { - e = a; - do - f = e.lane, M.lanes |= f, rh |= f, e = e.next; - while (e !== a); - } else - null === e && (c.lanes = 0); - return [b.memoizedState, c.dispatch]; - } - function Xh(a) { - var b = Uh(), c = b.queue; - if (null === c) - throw Error(p(311)); - c.lastRenderedReducer = a; - var d = c.dispatch, e = c.pending, f = b.memoizedState; - if (null !== e) { - c.pending = null; - var g = e = e.next; - do - f = a(f, g.action), g = g.next; - while (g !== e); - He(f, b.memoizedState) || (dh = true); - b.memoizedState = f; - null === b.baseQueue && (b.baseState = f); - c.lastRenderedState = f; - } - return [f, d]; - } - function Yh() { - } - function Zh(a, b) { - var c = M, d = Uh(), e = b(), f = !He(d.memoizedState, e); - f && (d.memoizedState = e, dh = true); - d = d.queue; - $h(ai.bind(null, c, d, a), [a]); - if (d.getSnapshot !== b || f || null !== O && O.memoizedState.tag & 1) { - c.flags |= 2048; - bi(9, ci.bind(null, c, d, e, b), void 0, null); - if (null === Q) - throw Error(p(349)); - 0 !== (Hh & 30) || di(c, b, e); - } - return e; - } - function di(a, b, c) { - a.flags |= 16384; - a = { getSnapshot: b, value: c }; - b = M.updateQueue; - null === b ? (b = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }, M.updateQueue = b, b.stores = [a]) : (c = b.stores, null === c ? b.stores = [a] : c.push(a)); - } - function ci(a, b, c, d) { - b.value = c; - b.getSnapshot = d; - ei(b) && fi(a); - } - function ai(a, b, c) { - return c(function() { - ei(b) && fi(a); - }); - } - function ei(a) { - var b = a.getSnapshot; - a = a.value; - try { - var c = b(); - return !He(a, c); - } catch (d) { - return true; - } - } - function fi(a) { - var b = ih(a, 1); - null !== b && gi(b, a, 1, -1); - } - function hi(a) { - var b = Th(); - "function" === typeof a && (a = a()); - b.memoizedState = b.baseState = a; - a = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: Vh, lastRenderedState: a }; - b.queue = a; - a = a.dispatch = ii.bind(null, M, a); - return [b.memoizedState, a]; - } - function bi(a, b, c, d) { - a = { tag: a, create: b, destroy: c, deps: d, next: null }; - b = M.updateQueue; - null === b ? (b = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }, M.updateQueue = b, b.lastEffect = a.next = a) : (c = b.lastEffect, null === c ? b.lastEffect = a.next = a : (d = c.next, c.next = a, a.next = d, b.lastEffect = a)); - return a; - } - function ji() { - return Uh().memoizedState; - } - function ki(a, b, c, d) { - var e = Th(); - M.flags |= a; - e.memoizedState = bi(1 | b, c, void 0, void 0 === d ? null : d); - } - function li(a, b, c, d) { - var e = Uh(); - d = void 0 === d ? null : d; - var f = void 0; - if (null !== N) { - var g = N.memoizedState; - f = g.destroy; - if (null !== d && Mh(d, g.deps)) { - e.memoizedState = bi(b, c, f, d); - return; - } - } - M.flags |= a; - e.memoizedState = bi(1 | b, c, f, d); - } - function mi(a, b) { - return ki(8390656, 8, a, b); - } - function $h(a, b) { - return li(2048, 8, a, b); - } - function ni(a, b) { - return li(4, 2, a, b); - } - function oi(a, b) { - return li(4, 4, a, b); - } - function pi(a, b) { - if ("function" === typeof b) - return a = a(), b(a), function() { - b(null); - }; - if (null !== b && void 0 !== b) - return a = a(), b.current = a, function() { - b.current = null; - }; - } - function qi(a, b, c) { - c = null !== c && void 0 !== c ? c.concat([a]) : null; - return li(4, 4, pi.bind(null, b, a), c); - } - function ri() { - } - function si(a, b) { - var c = Uh(); - b = void 0 === b ? null : b; - var d = c.memoizedState; - if (null !== d && null !== b && Mh(b, d[1])) - return d[0]; - c.memoizedState = [a, b]; - return a; - } - function ti(a, b) { - var c = Uh(); - b = void 0 === b ? null : b; - var d = c.memoizedState; - if (null !== d && null !== b && Mh(b, d[1])) - return d[0]; - a = a(); - c.memoizedState = [a, b]; - return a; - } - function ui(a, b, c) { - if (0 === (Hh & 21)) - return a.baseState && (a.baseState = false, dh = true), a.memoizedState = c; - He(c, b) || (c = yc(), M.lanes |= c, rh |= c, a.baseState = true); - return b; - } - function vi(a, b) { - var c = C; - C = 0 !== c && 4 > c ? c : 4; - a(true); - var d = Gh.transition; - Gh.transition = {}; - try { - a(false), b(); - } finally { - C = c, Gh.transition = d; - } - } - function wi() { - return Uh().memoizedState; - } - function xi(a, b, c) { - var d = yi(a); - c = { lane: d, action: c, hasEagerState: false, eagerState: null, next: null }; - if (zi(a)) - Ai(b, c); - else if (c = hh(a, b, c, d), null !== c) { - var e = R(); - gi(c, a, d, e); - Bi(c, b, d); - } - } - function ii(a, b, c) { - var d = yi(a), e = { lane: d, action: c, hasEagerState: false, eagerState: null, next: null }; - if (zi(a)) - Ai(b, e); - else { - var f = a.alternate; - if (0 === a.lanes && (null === f || 0 === f.lanes) && (f = b.lastRenderedReducer, null !== f)) - try { - var g = b.lastRenderedState, h = f(g, c); - e.hasEagerState = true; - e.eagerState = h; - if (He(h, g)) { - var k = b.interleaved; - null === k ? (e.next = e, gh(b)) : (e.next = k.next, k.next = e); - b.interleaved = e; - return; - } - } catch (l) { - } finally { - } - c = hh(a, b, e, d); - null !== c && (e = R(), gi(c, a, d, e), Bi(c, b, d)); - } - } - function zi(a) { - var b = a.alternate; - return a === M || null !== b && b === M; - } - function Ai(a, b) { - Jh = Ih = true; - var c = a.pending; - null === c ? b.next = b : (b.next = c.next, c.next = b); - a.pending = b; - } - function Bi(a, b, c) { - if (0 !== (c & 4194240)) { - var d = b.lanes; - d &= a.pendingLanes; - c |= d; - b.lanes = c; - Cc(a, c); - } - } - var Rh = { readContext: eh, useCallback: P, useContext: P, useEffect: P, useImperativeHandle: P, useInsertionEffect: P, useLayoutEffect: P, useMemo: P, useReducer: P, useRef: P, useState: P, useDebugValue: P, useDeferredValue: P, useTransition: P, useMutableSource: P, useSyncExternalStore: P, useId: P, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; - var Oh = { readContext: eh, useCallback: function(a, b) { - Th().memoizedState = [a, void 0 === b ? null : b]; - return a; - }, useContext: eh, useEffect: mi, useImperativeHandle: function(a, b, c) { - c = null !== c && void 0 !== c ? c.concat([a]) : null; - return ki( - 4194308, - 4, - pi.bind(null, b, a), - c - ); - }, useLayoutEffect: function(a, b) { - return ki(4194308, 4, a, b); - }, useInsertionEffect: function(a, b) { - return ki(4, 2, a, b); - }, useMemo: function(a, b) { - var c = Th(); - b = void 0 === b ? null : b; - a = a(); - c.memoizedState = [a, b]; - return a; - }, useReducer: function(a, b, c) { - var d = Th(); - b = void 0 !== c ? c(b) : b; - d.memoizedState = d.baseState = b; - a = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: a, lastRenderedState: b }; - d.queue = a; - a = a.dispatch = xi.bind(null, M, a); - return [d.memoizedState, a]; - }, useRef: function(a) { - var b = Th(); - a = { current: a }; - return b.memoizedState = a; - }, useState: hi, useDebugValue: ri, useDeferredValue: function(a) { - return Th().memoizedState = a; - }, useTransition: function() { - var a = hi(false), b = a[0]; - a = vi.bind(null, a[1]); - Th().memoizedState = a; - return [b, a]; - }, useMutableSource: function() { - }, useSyncExternalStore: function(a, b, c) { - var d = M, e = Th(); - if (I) { - if (void 0 === c) - throw Error(p(407)); - c = c(); - } else { - c = b(); - if (null === Q) - throw Error(p(349)); - 0 !== (Hh & 30) || di(d, b, c); - } - e.memoizedState = c; - var f = { value: c, getSnapshot: b }; - e.queue = f; - mi(ai.bind( - null, - d, - f, - a - ), [a]); - d.flags |= 2048; - bi(9, ci.bind(null, d, f, c, b), void 0, null); - return c; - }, useId: function() { - var a = Th(), b = Q.identifierPrefix; - if (I) { - var c = sg; - var d = rg; - c = (d & ~(1 << 32 - oc(d) - 1)).toString(32) + c; - b = ":" + b + "R" + c; - c = Kh++; - 0 < c && (b += "H" + c.toString(32)); - b += ":"; - } else - c = Lh++, b = ":" + b + "r" + c.toString(32) + ":"; - return a.memoizedState = b; - }, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; - var Ph = { - readContext: eh, - useCallback: si, - useContext: eh, - useEffect: $h, - useImperativeHandle: qi, - useInsertionEffect: ni, - useLayoutEffect: oi, - useMemo: ti, - useReducer: Wh, - useRef: ji, - useState: function() { - return Wh(Vh); - }, - useDebugValue: ri, - useDeferredValue: function(a) { - var b = Uh(); - return ui(b, N.memoizedState, a); - }, - useTransition: function() { - var a = Wh(Vh)[0], b = Uh().memoizedState; - return [a, b]; - }, - useMutableSource: Yh, - useSyncExternalStore: Zh, - useId: wi, - unstable_isNewReconciler: false - }; - var Qh = { readContext: eh, useCallback: si, useContext: eh, useEffect: $h, useImperativeHandle: qi, useInsertionEffect: ni, useLayoutEffect: oi, useMemo: ti, useReducer: Xh, useRef: ji, useState: function() { - return Xh(Vh); - }, useDebugValue: ri, useDeferredValue: function(a) { - var b = Uh(); - return null === N ? b.memoizedState = a : ui(b, N.memoizedState, a); - }, useTransition: function() { - var a = Xh(Vh)[0], b = Uh().memoizedState; - return [a, b]; - }, useMutableSource: Yh, useSyncExternalStore: Zh, useId: wi, unstable_isNewReconciler: false }; - function Ci(a, b) { - if (a && a.defaultProps) { - b = A({}, b); - a = a.defaultProps; - for (var c in a) - void 0 === b[c] && (b[c] = a[c]); - return b; - } - return b; - } - function Di(a, b, c, d) { - b = a.memoizedState; - c = c(d, b); - c = null === c || void 0 === c ? b : A({}, b, c); - a.memoizedState = c; - 0 === a.lanes && (a.updateQueue.baseState = c); - } - var Ei = { isMounted: function(a) { - return (a = a._reactInternals) ? Vb(a) === a : false; - }, enqueueSetState: function(a, b, c) { - a = a._reactInternals; - var d = R(), e = yi(a), f = mh(d, e); - f.payload = b; - void 0 !== c && null !== c && (f.callback = c); - b = nh(a, f, e); - null !== b && (gi(b, a, e, d), oh(b, a, e)); - }, enqueueReplaceState: function(a, b, c) { - a = a._reactInternals; - var d = R(), e = yi(a), f = mh(d, e); - f.tag = 1; - f.payload = b; - void 0 !== c && null !== c && (f.callback = c); - b = nh(a, f, e); - null !== b && (gi(b, a, e, d), oh(b, a, e)); - }, enqueueForceUpdate: function(a, b) { - a = a._reactInternals; - var c = R(), d = yi(a), e = mh(c, d); - e.tag = 2; - void 0 !== b && null !== b && (e.callback = b); - b = nh(a, e, d); - null !== b && (gi(b, a, d, c), oh(b, a, d)); - } }; - function Fi(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { - a = a.stateNode; - return "function" === typeof a.shouldComponentUpdate ? a.shouldComponentUpdate(d, f, g) : b.prototype && b.prototype.isPureReactComponent ? !Ie(c, d) || !Ie(e, f) : true; - } - function Gi(a, b, c) { - var d = false, e = Vf; - var f = b.contextType; - "object" === typeof f && null !== f ? f = eh(f) : (e = Zf(b) ? Xf : H.current, d = b.contextTypes, f = (d = null !== d && void 0 !== d) ? Yf(a, e) : Vf); - b = new b(c, f); - a.memoizedState = null !== b.state && void 0 !== b.state ? b.state : null; - b.updater = Ei; - a.stateNode = b; - b._reactInternals = a; - d && (a = a.stateNode, a.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = e, a.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = f); - return b; - } - function Hi(a, b, c, d) { - a = b.state; - "function" === typeof b.componentWillReceiveProps && b.componentWillReceiveProps(c, d); - "function" === typeof b.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && b.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(c, d); - b.state !== a && Ei.enqueueReplaceState(b, b.state, null); - } - function Ii(a, b, c, d) { - var e = a.stateNode; - e.props = c; - e.state = a.memoizedState; - e.refs = {}; - kh(a); - var f = b.contextType; - "object" === typeof f && null !== f ? e.context = eh(f) : (f = Zf(b) ? Xf : H.current, e.context = Yf(a, f)); - e.state = a.memoizedState; - f = b.getDerivedStateFromProps; - "function" === typeof f && (Di(a, b, f, c), e.state = a.memoizedState); - "function" === typeof b.getDerivedStateFromProps || "function" === typeof e.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || "function" !== typeof e.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" !== typeof e.componentWillMount || (b = e.state, "function" === typeof e.componentWillMount && e.componentWillMount(), "function" === typeof e.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && e.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), b !== e.state && Ei.enqueueReplaceState(e, e.state, null), qh(a, c, e, d), e.state = a.memoizedState); - "function" === typeof e.componentDidMount && (a.flags |= 4194308); - } - function Ji(a, b) { - try { - var c = "", d = b; - do - c += Pa(d), d = d.return; - while (d); - var e = c; - } catch (f) { - e = "\nError generating stack: " + f.message + "\n" + f.stack; - } - return { value: a, source: b, stack: e, digest: null }; - } - function Ki(a, b, c) { - return { value: a, source: null, stack: null != c ? c : null, digest: null != b ? b : null }; - } - function Li(a, b) { - try { - console.error(b.value); - } catch (c) { - setTimeout(function() { - throw c; - }); - } - } - var Mi = "function" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map; - function Ni(a, b, c) { - c = mh(-1, c); - c.tag = 3; - c.payload = { element: null }; - var d = b.value; - c.callback = function() { - Oi || (Oi = true, Pi = d); - Li(a, b); - }; - return c; - } - function Qi(a, b, c) { - c = mh(-1, c); - c.tag = 3; - var d = a.type.getDerivedStateFromError; - if ("function" === typeof d) { - var e = b.value; - c.payload = function() { - return d(e); - }; - c.callback = function() { - Li(a, b); - }; - } - var f = a.stateNode; - null !== f && "function" === typeof f.componentDidCatch && (c.callback = function() { - Li(a, b); - "function" !== typeof d && (null === Ri ? Ri = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([this]) : Ri.add(this)); - var c2 = b.stack; - this.componentDidCatch(b.value, { componentStack: null !== c2 ? c2 : "" }); - }); - return c; - } - function Si(a, b, c) { - var d = a.pingCache; - if (null === d) { - d = a.pingCache = new Mi(); - var e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); - d.set(b, e); - } else - e = d.get(b), void 0 === e && (e = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), d.set(b, e)); - e.has(c) || (e.add(c), a = Ti.bind(null, a, b, c), b.then(a, a)); - } - function Ui(a) { - do { - var b; - if (b = 13 === a.tag) - b = a.memoizedState, b = null !== b ? null !== b.dehydrated ? true : false : true; - if (b) - return a; - a = a.return; - } while (null !== a); - return null; - } - function Vi(a, b, c, d, e) { - if (0 === (a.mode & 1)) - return a === b ? a.flags |= 65536 : (a.flags |= 128, c.flags |= 131072, c.flags &= -52805, 1 === c.tag && (null === c.alternate ? c.tag = 17 : (b = mh(-1, 1), b.tag = 2, nh(c, b, 1))), c.lanes |= 1), a; - a.flags |= 65536; - a.lanes = e; - return a; - } - var Wi = ua.ReactCurrentOwner; - var dh = false; - function Xi(a, b, c, d) { - b.child = null === a ? Vg(b, null, c, d) : Ug(b, a.child, c, d); - } - function Yi(a, b, c, d, e) { - c = c.render; - var f = b.ref; - ch(b, e); - d = Nh(a, b, c, d, f, e); - c = Sh(); - if (null !== a && !dh) - return b.updateQueue = a.updateQueue, b.flags &= -2053, a.lanes &= ~e, Zi(a, b, e); - I && c && vg(b); - b.flags |= 1; - Xi(a, b, d, e); - return b.child; - } - function $i(a, b, c, d, e) { - if (null === a) { - var f = c.type; - if ("function" === typeof f && !aj(f) && void 0 === f.defaultProps && null === c.compare && void 0 === c.defaultProps) - return b.tag = 15, b.type = f, bj(a, b, f, d, e); - a = Rg(c.type, null, d, b, b.mode, e); - a.ref = b.ref; - a.return = b; - return b.child = a; - } - f = a.child; - if (0 === (a.lanes & e)) { - var g = f.memoizedProps; - c = c.compare; - c = null !== c ? c : Ie; - if (c(g, d) && a.ref === b.ref) - return Zi(a, b, e); - } - b.flags |= 1; - a = Pg(f, d); - a.ref = b.ref; - a.return = b; - return b.child = a; - } - function bj(a, b, c, d, e) { - if (null !== a) { - var f = a.memoizedProps; - if (Ie(f, d) && a.ref === b.ref) - if (dh = false, b.pendingProps = d = f, 0 !== (a.lanes & e)) - 0 !== (a.flags & 131072) && (dh = true); - else - return b.lanes = a.lanes, Zi(a, b, e); - } - return cj(a, b, c, d, e); - } - function dj(a, b, c) { - var d = b.pendingProps, e = d.children, f = null !== a ? a.memoizedState : null; - if ("hidden" === d.mode) - if (0 === (b.mode & 1)) - b.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }, G(ej, fj), fj |= c; - else { - if (0 === (c & 1073741824)) - return a = null !== f ? f.baseLanes | c : c, b.lanes = b.childLanes = 1073741824, b.memoizedState = { baseLanes: a, cachePool: null, transitions: null }, b.updateQueue = null, G(ej, fj), fj |= a, null; - b.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; - d = null !== f ? f.baseLanes : c; - G(ej, fj); - fj |= d; - } - else - null !== f ? (d = f.baseLanes | c, b.memoizedState = null) : d = c, G(ej, fj), fj |= d; - Xi(a, b, e, c); - return b.child; - } - function gj(a, b) { - var c = b.ref; - if (null === a && null !== c || null !== a && a.ref !== c) - b.flags |= 512, b.flags |= 2097152; - } - function cj(a, b, c, d, e) { - var f = Zf(c) ? Xf : H.current; - f = Yf(b, f); - ch(b, e); - c = Nh(a, b, c, d, f, e); - d = Sh(); - if (null !== a && !dh) - return b.updateQueue = a.updateQueue, b.flags &= -2053, a.lanes &= ~e, Zi(a, b, e); - I && d && vg(b); - b.flags |= 1; - Xi(a, b, c, e); - return b.child; - } - function hj(a, b, c, d, e) { - if (Zf(c)) { - var f = true; - cg(b); - } else - f = false; - ch(b, e); - if (null === b.stateNode) - ij(a, b), Gi(b, c, d), Ii(b, c, d, e), d = true; - else if (null === a) { - var g = b.stateNode, h = b.memoizedProps; - g.props = h; - var k = g.context, l = c.contextType; - "object" === typeof l && null !== l ? l = eh(l) : (l = Zf(c) ? Xf : H.current, l = Yf(b, l)); - var m = c.getDerivedStateFromProps, q = "function" === typeof m || "function" === typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate; - q || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillReceiveProps || (h !== d || k !== l) && Hi(b, g, d, l); - jh = false; - var r = b.memoizedState; - g.state = r; - qh(b, d, g, e); - k = b.memoizedState; - h !== d || r !== k || Wf.current || jh ? ("function" === typeof m && (Di(b, c, m, d), k = b.memoizedState), (h = jh || Fi(b, c, h, d, r, k, l)) ? (q || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillMount || ("function" === typeof g.componentWillMount && g.componentWillMount(), "function" === typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && g.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), "function" === typeof g.componentDidMount && (b.flags |= 4194308)) : ("function" === typeof g.componentDidMount && (b.flags |= 4194308), b.memoizedProps = d, b.memoizedState = k), g.props = d, g.state = k, g.context = l, d = h) : ("function" === typeof g.componentDidMount && (b.flags |= 4194308), d = false); - } else { - g = b.stateNode; - lh(a, b); - h = b.memoizedProps; - l = b.type === b.elementType ? h : Ci(b.type, h); - g.props = l; - q = b.pendingProps; - r = g.context; - k = c.contextType; - "object" === typeof k && null !== k ? k = eh(k) : (k = Zf(c) ? Xf : H.current, k = Yf(b, k)); - var y = c.getDerivedStateFromProps; - (m = "function" === typeof y || "function" === typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillReceiveProps || (h !== q || r !== k) && Hi(b, g, d, k); - jh = false; - r = b.memoizedState; - g.state = r; - qh(b, d, g, e); - var n = b.memoizedState; - h !== q || r !== n || Wf.current || jh ? ("function" === typeof y && (Di(b, c, y, d), n = b.memoizedState), (l = jh || Fi(b, c, l, d, r, n, k) || false) ? (m || "function" !== typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && "function" !== typeof g.componentWillUpdate || ("function" === typeof g.componentWillUpdate && g.componentWillUpdate(d, n, k), "function" === typeof g.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && g.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(d, n, k)), "function" === typeof g.componentDidUpdate && (b.flags |= 4), "function" === typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (b.flags |= 1024)) : ("function" !== typeof g.componentDidUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 4), "function" !== typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 1024), b.memoizedProps = d, b.memoizedState = n), g.props = d, g.state = n, g.context = k, d = l) : ("function" !== typeof g.componentDidUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 4), "function" !== typeof g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || h === a.memoizedProps && r === a.memoizedState || (b.flags |= 1024), d = false); - } - return jj(a, b, c, d, f, e); - } - function jj(a, b, c, d, e, f) { - gj(a, b); - var g = 0 !== (b.flags & 128); - if (!d && !g) - return e && dg(b, c, false), Zi(a, b, f); - d = b.stateNode; - Wi.current = b; - var h = g && "function" !== typeof c.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : d.render(); - b.flags |= 1; - null !== a && g ? (b.child = Ug(b, a.child, null, f), b.child = Ug(b, null, h, f)) : Xi(a, b, h, f); - b.memoizedState = d.state; - e && dg(b, c, true); - return b.child; - } - function kj(a) { - var b = a.stateNode; - b.pendingContext ? ag(a, b.pendingContext, b.pendingContext !== b.context) : b.context && ag(a, b.context, false); - yh(a, b.containerInfo); - } - function lj(a, b, c, d, e) { - Ig(); - Jg(e); - b.flags |= 256; - Xi(a, b, c, d); - return b.child; - } - var mj = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 }; - function nj(a) { - return { baseLanes: a, cachePool: null, transitions: null }; - } - function oj(a, b, c) { - var d = b.pendingProps, e = L.current, f = false, g = 0 !== (b.flags & 128), h; - (h = g) || (h = null !== a && null === a.memoizedState ? false : 0 !== (e & 2)); - if (h) - f = true, b.flags &= -129; - else if (null === a || null !== a.memoizedState) - e |= 1; - G(L, e & 1); - if (null === a) { - Eg(b); - a = b.memoizedState; - if (null !== a && (a = a.dehydrated, null !== a)) - return 0 === (b.mode & 1) ? b.lanes = 1 : "$!" === a.data ? b.lanes = 8 : b.lanes = 1073741824, null; - g = d.children; - a = d.fallback; - return f ? (d = b.mode, f = b.child, g = { mode: "hidden", children: g }, 0 === (d & 1) && null !== f ? (f.childLanes = 0, f.pendingProps = g) : f = pj(g, d, 0, null), a = Tg(a, d, c, null), f.return = b, a.return = b, f.sibling = a, b.child = f, b.child.memoizedState = nj(c), b.memoizedState = mj, a) : qj(b, g); - } - e = a.memoizedState; - if (null !== e && (h = e.dehydrated, null !== h)) - return rj(a, b, g, d, h, e, c); - if (f) { - f = d.fallback; - g = b.mode; - e = a.child; - h = e.sibling; - var k = { mode: "hidden", children: d.children }; - 0 === (g & 1) && b.child !== e ? (d = b.child, d.childLanes = 0, d.pendingProps = k, b.deletions = null) : (d = Pg(e, k), d.subtreeFlags = e.subtreeFlags & 14680064); - null !== h ? f = Pg(h, f) : (f = Tg(f, g, c, null), f.flags |= 2); - f.return = b; - d.return = b; - d.sibling = f; - b.child = d; - d = f; - f = b.child; - g = a.child.memoizedState; - g = null === g ? nj(c) : { baseLanes: g.baseLanes | c, cachePool: null, transitions: g.transitions }; - f.memoizedState = g; - f.childLanes = a.childLanes & ~c; - b.memoizedState = mj; - return d; - } - f = a.child; - a = f.sibling; - d = Pg(f, { mode: "visible", children: d.children }); - 0 === (b.mode & 1) && (d.lanes = c); - d.return = b; - d.sibling = null; - null !== a && (c = b.deletions, null === c ? (b.deletions = [a], b.flags |= 16) : c.push(a)); - b.child = d; - b.memoizedState = null; - return d; - } - function qj(a, b) { - b = pj({ mode: "visible", children: b }, a.mode, 0, null); - b.return = a; - return a.child = b; - } - function sj(a, b, c, d) { - null !== d && Jg(d); - Ug(b, a.child, null, c); - a = qj(b, b.pendingProps.children); - a.flags |= 2; - b.memoizedState = null; - return a; - } - function rj(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { - if (c) { - if (b.flags & 256) - return b.flags &= -257, d = Ki(Error(p(422))), sj(a, b, g, d); - if (null !== b.memoizedState) - return b.child = a.child, b.flags |= 128, null; - f = d.fallback; - e = b.mode; - d = pj({ mode: "visible", children: d.children }, e, 0, null); - f = Tg(f, e, g, null); - f.flags |= 2; - d.return = b; - f.return = b; - d.sibling = f; - b.child = d; - 0 !== (b.mode & 1) && Ug(b, a.child, null, g); - b.child.memoizedState = nj(g); - b.memoizedState = mj; - return f; - } - if (0 === (b.mode & 1)) - return sj(a, b, g, null); - if ("$!" === e.data) { - d = e.nextSibling && e.nextSibling.dataset; - if (d) - var h = d.dgst; - d = h; - f = Error(p(419)); - d = Ki(f, d, void 0); - return sj(a, b, g, d); - } - h = 0 !== (g & a.childLanes); - if (dh || h) { - d = Q; - if (null !== d) { - switch (g & -g) { - case 4: - e = 2; - break; - case 16: - e = 8; - break; - case 64: - case 128: - case 256: - case 512: - case 1024: - case 2048: - case 4096: - case 8192: - case 16384: - case 32768: - case 65536: - case 131072: - case 262144: - case 524288: - case 1048576: - case 2097152: - case 4194304: - case 8388608: - case 16777216: - case 33554432: - case 67108864: - e = 32; - break; - case 536870912: - e = 268435456; - break; - default: - e = 0; - } - e = 0 !== (e & (d.suspendedLanes | g)) ? 0 : e; - 0 !== e && e !== f.retryLane && (f.retryLane = e, ih(a, e), gi(d, a, e, -1)); - } - tj(); - d = Ki(Error(p(421))); - return sj(a, b, g, d); - } - if ("$?" === e.data) - return b.flags |= 128, b.child = a.child, b = uj.bind(null, a), e._reactRetry = b, null; - a = f.treeContext; - yg = Lf(e.nextSibling); - xg = b; - I = true; - zg = null; - null !== a && (og[pg++] = rg, og[pg++] = sg, og[pg++] = qg, rg = a.id, sg = a.overflow, qg = b); - b = qj(b, d.children); - b.flags |= 4096; - return b; - } - function vj(a, b, c) { - a.lanes |= b; - var d = a.alternate; - null !== d && (d.lanes |= b); - bh(a.return, b, c); - } - function wj(a, b, c, d, e) { - var f = a.memoizedState; - null === f ? a.memoizedState = { isBackwards: b, rendering: null, renderingStartTime: 0, last: d, tail: c, tailMode: e } : (f.isBackwards = b, f.rendering = null, f.renderingStartTime = 0, f.last = d, f.tail = c, f.tailMode = e); - } - function xj(a, b, c) { - var d = b.pendingProps, e = d.revealOrder, f = d.tail; - Xi(a, b, d.children, c); - d = L.current; - if (0 !== (d & 2)) - d = d & 1 | 2, b.flags |= 128; - else { - if (null !== a && 0 !== (a.flags & 128)) - a: - for (a = b.child; null !== a; ) { - if (13 === a.tag) - null !== a.memoizedState && vj(a, c, b); - else if (19 === a.tag) - vj(a, c, b); - else if (null !== a.child) { - a.child.return = a; - a = a.child; - continue; - } - if (a === b) - break a; - for (; null === a.sibling; ) { - if (null === a.return || a.return === b) - break a; - a = a.return; - } - a.sibling.return = a.return; - a = a.sibling; - } - d &= 1; - } - G(L, d); - if (0 === (b.mode & 1)) - b.memoizedState = null; - else - switch (e) { - case "forwards": - c = b.child; - for (e = null; null !== c; ) - a = c.alternate, null !== a && null === Ch(a) && (e = c), c = c.sibling; - c = e; - null === c ? (e = b.child, b.child = null) : (e = c.sibling, c.sibling = null); - wj(b, false, e, c, f); - break; - case "backwards": - c = null; - e = b.child; - for (b.child = null; null !== e; ) { - a = e.alternate; - if (null !== a && null === Ch(a)) { - b.child = e; - break; - } - a = e.sibling; - e.sibling = c; - c = e; - e = a; - } - wj(b, true, c, null, f); - break; - case "together": - wj(b, false, null, null, void 0); - break; - default: - b.memoizedState = null; - } - return b.child; - } - function ij(a, b) { - 0 === (b.mode & 1) && null !== a && (a.alternate = null, b.alternate = null, b.flags |= 2); - } - function Zi(a, b, c) { - null !== a && (b.dependencies = a.dependencies); - rh |= b.lanes; - if (0 === (c & b.childLanes)) - return null; - if (null !== a && b.child !== a.child) - throw Error(p(153)); - if (null !== b.child) { - a = b.child; - c = Pg(a, a.pendingProps); - b.child = c; - for (c.return = b; null !== a.sibling; ) - a = a.sibling, c = c.sibling = Pg(a, a.pendingProps), c.return = b; - c.sibling = null; - } - return b.child; - } - function yj(a, b, c) { - switch (b.tag) { - case 3: - kj(b); - Ig(); - break; - case 5: - Ah(b); - break; - case 1: - Zf(b.type) && cg(b); - break; - case 4: - yh(b, b.stateNode.containerInfo); - break; - case 10: - var d = b.type._context, e = b.memoizedProps.value; - G(Wg, d._currentValue); - d._currentValue = e; - break; - case 13: - d = b.memoizedState; - if (null !== d) { - if (null !== d.dehydrated) - return G(L, L.current & 1), b.flags |= 128, null; - if (0 !== (c & b.child.childLanes)) - return oj(a, b, c); - G(L, L.current & 1); - a = Zi(a, b, c); - return null !== a ? a.sibling : null; - } - G(L, L.current & 1); - break; - case 19: - d = 0 !== (c & b.childLanes); - if (0 !== (a.flags & 128)) { - if (d) - return xj(a, b, c); - b.flags |= 128; - } - e = b.memoizedState; - null !== e && (e.rendering = null, e.tail = null, e.lastEffect = null); - G(L, L.current); - if (d) - break; - else - return null; - case 22: - case 23: - return b.lanes = 0, dj(a, b, c); - } - return Zi(a, b, c); - } - var zj; - var Aj; - var Bj; - var Cj; - zj = function(a, b) { - for (var c = b.child; null !== c; ) { - if (5 === c.tag || 6 === c.tag) - a.appendChild(c.stateNode); - else if (4 !== c.tag && null !== c.child) { - c.child.return = c; - c = c.child; - continue; - } - if (c === b) - break; - for (; null === c.sibling; ) { - if (null === c.return || c.return === b) - return; - c = c.return; - } - c.sibling.return = c.return; - c = c.sibling; - } - }; - Aj = function() { - }; - Bj = function(a, b, c, d) { - var e = a.memoizedProps; - if (e !== d) { - a = b.stateNode; - xh(uh.current); - var f = null; - switch (c) { - case "input": - e = Ya(a, e); - d = Ya(a, d); - f = []; - break; - case "select": - e = A({}, e, { value: void 0 }); - d = A({}, d, { value: void 0 }); - f = []; - break; - case "textarea": - e = gb(a, e); - d = gb(a, d); - f = []; - break; - default: - "function" !== typeof e.onClick && "function" === typeof d.onClick && (a.onclick = Bf); - } - ub(c, d); - var g; - c = null; - for (l in e) - if (!d.hasOwnProperty(l) && e.hasOwnProperty(l) && null != e[l]) - if ("style" === l) { - var h = e[l]; - for (g in h) - h.hasOwnProperty(g) && (c || (c = {}), c[g] = ""); - } else - "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l && "children" !== l && "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== l && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== l && "autoFocus" !== l && (ea.hasOwnProperty(l) ? f || (f = []) : (f = f || []).push(l, null)); - for (l in d) { - var k = d[l]; - h = null != e ? e[l] : void 0; - if (d.hasOwnProperty(l) && k !== h && (null != k || null != h)) - if ("style" === l) - if (h) { - for (g in h) - !h.hasOwnProperty(g) || k && k.hasOwnProperty(g) || (c || (c = {}), c[g] = ""); - for (g in k) - k.hasOwnProperty(g) && h[g] !== k[g] && (c || (c = {}), c[g] = k[g]); - } else - c || (f || (f = []), f.push( - l, - c - )), c = k; - else - "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === l ? (k = k ? k.__html : void 0, h = h ? h.__html : void 0, null != k && h !== k && (f = f || []).push(l, k)) : "children" === l ? "string" !== typeof k && "number" !== typeof k || (f = f || []).push(l, "" + k) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== l && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== l && (ea.hasOwnProperty(l) ? (null != k && "onScroll" === l && D("scroll", a), f || h === k || (f = [])) : (f = f || []).push(l, k)); - } - c && (f = f || []).push("style", c); - var l = f; - if (b.updateQueue = l) - b.flags |= 4; - } - }; - Cj = function(a, b, c, d) { - c !== d && (b.flags |= 4); - }; - function Dj(a, b) { - if (!I) - switch (a.tailMode) { - case "hidden": - b = a.tail; - for (var c = null; null !== b; ) - null !== b.alternate && (c = b), b = b.sibling; - null === c ? a.tail = null : c.sibling = null; - break; - case "collapsed": - c = a.tail; - for (var d = null; null !== c; ) - null !== c.alternate && (d = c), c = c.sibling; - null === d ? b || null === a.tail ? a.tail = null : a.tail.sibling = null : d.sibling = null; - } - } - function S(a) { - var b = null !== a.alternate && a.alternate.child === a.child, c = 0, d = 0; - if (b) - for (var e = a.child; null !== e; ) - c |= e.lanes | e.childLanes, d |= e.subtreeFlags & 14680064, d |= e.flags & 14680064, e.return = a, e = e.sibling; - else - for (e = a.child; null !== e; ) - c |= e.lanes | e.childLanes, d |= e.subtreeFlags, d |= e.flags, e.return = a, e = e.sibling; - a.subtreeFlags |= d; - a.childLanes = c; - return b; - } - function Ej(a, b, c) { - var d = b.pendingProps; - wg(b); - switch (b.tag) { - case 2: - case 16: - case 15: - case 0: - case 11: - case 7: - case 8: - case 12: - case 9: - case 14: - return S(b), null; - case 1: - return Zf(b.type) && $f(), S(b), null; - case 3: - d = b.stateNode; - zh(); - E(Wf); - E(H); - Eh(); - d.pendingContext && (d.context = d.pendingContext, d.pendingContext = null); - if (null === a || null === a.child) - Gg(b) ? b.flags |= 4 : null === a || a.memoizedState.isDehydrated && 0 === (b.flags & 256) || (b.flags |= 1024, null !== zg && (Fj(zg), zg = null)); - Aj(a, b); - S(b); - return null; - case 5: - Bh(b); - var e = xh(wh.current); - c = b.type; - if (null !== a && null != b.stateNode) - Bj(a, b, c, d, e), a.ref !== b.ref && (b.flags |= 512, b.flags |= 2097152); - else { - if (!d) { - if (null === b.stateNode) - throw Error(p(166)); - S(b); - return null; - } - a = xh(uh.current); - if (Gg(b)) { - d = b.stateNode; - c = b.type; - var f = b.memoizedProps; - d[Of] = b; - d[Pf] = f; - a = 0 !== (b.mode & 1); - switch (c) { - case "dialog": - D("cancel", d); - D("close", d); - break; - case "iframe": - case "object": - case "embed": - D("load", d); - break; - case "video": - case "audio": - for (e = 0; e < lf.length; e++) - D(lf[e], d); - break; - case "source": - D("error", d); - break; - case "img": - case "image": - case "link": - D( - "error", - d - ); - D("load", d); - break; - case "details": - D("toggle", d); - break; - case "input": - Za(d, f); - D("invalid", d); - break; - case "select": - d._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!f.multiple }; - D("invalid", d); - break; - case "textarea": - hb(d, f), D("invalid", d); - } - ub(c, f); - e = null; - for (var g in f) - if (f.hasOwnProperty(g)) { - var h = f[g]; - "children" === g ? "string" === typeof h ? d.textContent !== h && (true !== f.suppressHydrationWarning && Af(d.textContent, h, a), e = ["children", h]) : "number" === typeof h && d.textContent !== "" + h && (true !== f.suppressHydrationWarning && Af( - d.textContent, - h, - a - ), e = ["children", "" + h]) : ea.hasOwnProperty(g) && null != h && "onScroll" === g && D("scroll", d); - } - switch (c) { - case "input": - Va(d); - db(d, f, true); - break; - case "textarea": - Va(d); - jb(d); - break; - case "select": - case "option": - break; - default: - "function" === typeof f.onClick && (d.onclick = Bf); - } - d = e; - b.updateQueue = d; - null !== d && (b.flags |= 4); - } else { - g = 9 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument; - "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" === a && (a = kb(c)); - "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" === a ? "script" === c ? (a = g.createElement("div"), a.innerHTML = " - - - - ``` - - ```js - import {html} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/utils/html-tag.js'; - import '@polymer/iron-flex-layout/iron-flex-layout-classes.js'; - - const template = html` - - -
horizontal layout center alignment
- `; - document.body.appendChild(template.content); - ``` - -2. [Custom CSS -mixins](https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout/blob/master/iron-flex-layout.html). -The mixin stylesheet includes custom CSS mixins that can be applied inside a CSS -rule using the `@apply` function. - -Please note that the old [/deep/ layout -classes](https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout/tree/master/classes) -are deprecated, and should not be used. To continue using layout properties -directly in markup, please switch to using the new `dom-module`-based -[layout -classes](https://github.com/PolymerElements/iron-flex-layout/tree/master/iron-flex-layout-classes.html). -Please note that the new version does not use `/deep/`, and therefore requires -you to import the `dom-modules` in every element that needs to use them. - -@group Iron Elements -@pseudoElement iron-flex-layout -@demo demo/index.html -*/ -const template$1 = html` - - - - - -`; - -template$1.setAttribute('style', 'display: none;'); -document.head.appendChild(template$1.content); - -var style = document.createElement('style'); -style.textContent = '[hidden] { display: none !important; }'; -document.head.appendChild(style); - -/** -@license -Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. -This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at -http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at -http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be -found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as -part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant -found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt -*/ - -class IronMeta { - /** - * @param {{ - * type: (string|null|undefined), - * key: (string|null|undefined), - * value: *, - * }=} options - */ - constructor(options) { - IronMeta[' '](options); - - /** @type {string} */ - this.type = (options && options.type) || 'default'; - /** @type {string|null|undefined} */ - this.key = options && options.key; - if (options && 'value' in options) { - /** @type {*} */ - this.value = options.value; - } - } - - /** @return {*} */ - get value() { - var type = this.type; - var key = this.key; - - if (type && key) { - return IronMeta.types[type] && IronMeta.types[type][key]; - } - } - - /** @param {*} value */ - set value(value) { - var type = this.type; - var key = this.key; - - if (type && key) { - type = IronMeta.types[type] = IronMeta.types[type] || {}; - if (value == null) { - delete type[key]; - } else { - type[key] = value; - } - } - } - - /** @return {!Array<*>} */ - get list() { - var type = this.type; - - if (type) { - var items = IronMeta.types[this.type]; - if (!items) { - return []; - } - - return Object.keys(items).map(function(key) { - return metaDatas[this.type][key]; - }, this); - } - } - - /** - * @param {string} key - * @return {*} - */ - byKey(key) { - this.key = key; - return this.value; - } -} -// This function is used to convince Closure not to remove constructor calls -// for instances that are not held anywhere. For example, when -// `new IronMeta({...})` is used only for the side effect of adding a value. -IronMeta[' '] = function() {}; - -IronMeta.types = {}; - -var metaDatas = IronMeta.types; - -/** -`iron-meta` is a generic element you can use for sharing information across the -DOM tree. It uses [monostate pattern](http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?MonostatePattern) -such that any instance of iron-meta has access to the shared information. You -can use `iron-meta` to share whatever you want (or create an extension [like -x-meta] for enhancements). - -The `iron-meta` instances containing your actual data can be loaded in an -import, or constructed in any way you see fit. The only requirement is that you -create them before you try to access them. - -Examples: - -If I create an instance like this: - - - -Note that value="foo/bar" is the metadata I've defined. I could define more -attributes or use child nodes to define additional metadata. - -Now I can access that element (and it's metadata) from any iron-meta instance -via the byKey method, e.g. - - meta.byKey('info'); - -Pure imperative form would be like: - - document.createElement('iron-meta').byKey('info'); - -Or, in a Polymer element, you can include a meta in your template: - - - ... - this.$.meta.byKey('info'); - -@group Iron Elements -@demo demo/index.html -@element iron-meta -*/ -Polymer({ - - is: 'iron-meta', - - properties: { - - /** - * The type of meta-data. All meta-data of the same type is stored - * together. - * @type {string} - */ - type: { - type: String, - value: 'default', - }, - - /** - * The key used to store `value` under the `type` namespace. - * @type {?string} - */ - key: { - type: String, - }, - - /** - * The meta-data to store or retrieve. - * @type {*} - */ - value: { - type: String, - notify: true, - }, - - /** - * If true, `value` is set to the iron-meta instance itself. - */ - self: {type: Boolean, observer: '_selfChanged'}, - - __meta: {type: Boolean, computed: '__computeMeta(type, key, value)'} - }, - - hostAttributes: {hidden: true}, - - __computeMeta: function(type, key, value) { - var meta = new IronMeta({type: type, key: key}); - - if (value !== undefined && value !== meta.value) { - meta.value = value; - } else if (this.value !== meta.value) { - this.value = meta.value; - } - - return meta; - }, - - get list() { - return this.__meta && this.__meta.list; - }, - - _selfChanged: function(self) { - if (self) { - this.value = this; - } - }, - - /** - * Retrieves meta data value by key. - * - * @method byKey - * @param {string} key The key of the meta-data to be returned. - * @return {*} - */ - byKey: function(key) { - return new IronMeta({type: this.type, key: key}).value; - } -}); - -/** -@license -Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. -This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at -http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at -http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be -found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as -part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant -found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt -*/ - -/** - -The `iron-icon` element displays an icon. By default an icon renders as a 24px -square. - -Example using src: - - - -Example setting size to 32px x 32px: - - - - - -The iron elements include several sets of icons. To use the default set of -icons, import `iron-icons.js` and use the `icon` attribute to specify an icon: - - - - - -To use a different built-in set of icons, import the specific -`iron-icons/-icons.js`, and specify the icon as `:`. -For example, to use a communication icon, you would use: - - - - - -You can also create custom icon sets of bitmap or SVG icons. - -Example of using an icon named `cherry` from a custom iconset with the ID -`fruit`: - - - -See `` and `` for more information about how to -create a custom iconset. - -See the `iron-icons` demo to see the icons available in the various iconsets. - -### Styling - -The following custom properties are available for styling: - -Custom property | Description | Default -----------------|-------------|---------- -`--iron-icon` | Mixin applied to the icon | {} -`--iron-icon-width` | Width of the icon | `24px` -`--iron-icon-height` | Height of the icon | `24px` -`--iron-icon-fill-color` | Fill color of the svg icon | `currentcolor` -`--iron-icon-stroke-color` | Stroke color of the svg icon | none - -@group Iron Elements -@element iron-icon -@demo demo/index.html -@hero hero.svg -@homepage polymer.github.io -*/ -Polymer({ - _template: html` - -`, - - is: 'iron-icon', - - properties: { - - /** - * The name of the icon to use. The name should be of the form: - * `iconset_name:icon_name`. - */ - icon: {type: String}, - - /** - * The name of the theme to used, if one is specified by the - * iconset. - */ - theme: {type: String}, - - /** - * If using iron-icon without an iconset, you can set the src to be - * the URL of an individual icon image file. Note that this will take - * precedence over a given icon attribute. - */ - src: {type: String}, - - /** - * @type {!IronMeta} - */ - _meta: {value: Base.create('iron-meta', {type: 'iconset'})} - - }, - - observers: [ - '_updateIcon(_meta, isAttached)', - '_updateIcon(theme, isAttached)', - '_srcChanged(src, isAttached)', - '_iconChanged(icon, isAttached)' - ], - - _DEFAULT_ICONSET: 'icons', - - _iconChanged: function(icon) { - var parts = (icon || '').split(':'); - this._iconName = parts.pop(); - this._iconsetName = parts.pop() || this._DEFAULT_ICONSET; - this._updateIcon(); - }, - - _srcChanged: function(src) { - this._updateIcon(); - }, - - _usesIconset: function() { - return this.icon || !this.src; - }, - - /** @suppress {visibility} */ - _updateIcon: function() { - if (this._usesIconset()) { - if (this._img && this._img.parentNode) { - dom(this.root).removeChild(this._img); - } - if (this._iconName === '') { - if (this._iconset) { - this._iconset.removeIcon(this); - } - } else if (this._iconsetName && this._meta) { - this._iconset = /** @type {?Polymer.Iconset} */ ( - this._meta.byKey(this._iconsetName)); - if (this._iconset) { - this._iconset.applyIcon(this, this._iconName, this.theme); - this.unlisten(window, 'iron-iconset-added', '_updateIcon'); - } else { - this.listen(window, 'iron-iconset-added', '_updateIcon'); - } - } - } else { - if (this._iconset) { - this._iconset.removeIcon(this); - } - if (!this._img) { - this._img = document.createElement('img'); - this._img.style.width = '100%'; - this._img.style.height = '100%'; - this._img.draggable = false; - } - this._img.src = this.src; - dom(this.root).appendChild(this._img); - } - } -}); - -/** -@license -Copyright (c) 2015 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. -This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at -http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at -http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be -found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as -part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant -found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt -*/ -/** - * The `iron-iconset-svg` element allows users to define their own icon sets - * that contain svg icons. The svg icon elements should be children of the - * `iron-iconset-svg` element. Multiple icons should be given distinct id's. - * - * Using svg elements to create icons has a few advantages over traditional - * bitmap graphics like jpg or png. Icons that use svg are vector based so - * they are resolution independent and should look good on any device. They - * are stylable via css. Icons can be themed, colorized, and even animated. - * - * Example: - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * This will automatically register the icon set "my-svg-icons" to the iconset - * database. To use these icons from within another element, make a - * `iron-iconset` element and call the `byId` method - * to retrieve a given iconset. To apply a particular icon inside an - * element use the `applyIcon` method. For example: - * - * iconset.applyIcon(iconNode, 'car'); - * - * @element iron-iconset-svg - * @demo demo/index.html - * @implements {Polymer.Iconset} - */ -Polymer({ - is: 'iron-iconset-svg', - - properties: { - - /** - * The name of the iconset. - */ - name: {type: String, observer: '_nameChanged'}, - - /** - * The size of an individual icon. Note that icons must be square. - */ - size: {type: Number, value: 24}, - - /** - * Set to true to enable mirroring of icons where specified when they are - * stamped. Icons that should be mirrored should be decorated with a - * `mirror-in-rtl` attribute. - * - * NOTE: For performance reasons, direction will be resolved once per - * document per iconset, so moving icons in and out of RTL subtrees will - * not cause their mirrored state to change. - */ - rtlMirroring: {type: Boolean, value: false}, - - /** - * Set to true to measure RTL based on the dir attribute on the body or - * html elements (measured on document.body or document.documentElement as - * available). - */ - useGlobalRtlAttribute: {type: Boolean, value: false} - }, - - created: function() { - this._meta = new IronMeta({type: 'iconset', key: null, value: null}); - }, - - attached: function() { - this.style.display = 'none'; - }, - - /** - * Construct an array of all icon names in this iconset. - * - * @return {!Array} Array of icon names. - */ - getIconNames: function() { - this._icons = this._createIconMap(); - return Object.keys(this._icons).map(function(n) { - return this.name + ':' + n; - }, this); - }, - - /** - * Applies an icon to the given element. - * - * An svg icon is prepended to the element's shadowRoot if it exists, - * otherwise to the element itself. - * - * If RTL mirroring is enabled, and the icon is marked to be mirrored in - * RTL, the element will be tested (once and only once ever for each - * iconset) to determine the direction of the subtree the element is in. - * This direction will apply to all future icon applications, although only - * icons marked to be mirrored will be affected. - * - * @method applyIcon - * @param {Element} element Element to which the icon is applied. - * @param {string} iconName Name of the icon to apply. - * @return {?Element} The svg element which renders the icon. - */ - applyIcon: function(element, iconName) { - // Remove old svg element - this.removeIcon(element); - // install new svg element - var svg = this._cloneIcon( - iconName, this.rtlMirroring && this._targetIsRTL(element)); - if (svg) { - // insert svg element into shadow root, if it exists - var pde = dom(element.root || element); - pde.insertBefore(svg, pde.childNodes[0]); - return element._svgIcon = svg; - } - return null; - }, - - /** - * Remove an icon from the given element by undoing the changes effected - * by `applyIcon`. - * - * @param {Element} element The element from which the icon is removed. - */ - removeIcon: function(element) { - // Remove old svg element - if (element._svgIcon) { - dom(element.root || element).removeChild(element._svgIcon); - element._svgIcon = null; - } - }, - - /** - * Measures and memoizes the direction of the element. Note that this - * measurement is only done once and the result is memoized for future - * invocations. - */ - _targetIsRTL: function(target) { - if (this.__targetIsRTL == null) { - if (this.useGlobalRtlAttribute) { - var globalElement = - (document.body && document.body.hasAttribute('dir')) ? - document.body : - document.documentElement; - - this.__targetIsRTL = globalElement.getAttribute('dir') === 'rtl'; - } else { - if (target && target.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { - target = target.host; - } - - this.__targetIsRTL = - target && window.getComputedStyle(target)['direction'] === 'rtl'; - } - } - - return this.__targetIsRTL; - }, - - /** - * - * When name is changed, register iconset metadata - * - */ - _nameChanged: function() { - this._meta.value = null; - this._meta.key = this.name; - this._meta.value = this; - - this.async(function() { - this.fire('iron-iconset-added', this, {node: window}); - }); - }, - - /** - * Create a map of child SVG elements by id. - * - * @return {!Object} Map of id's to SVG elements. - */ - _createIconMap: function() { - // Objects chained to Object.prototype (`{}`) have members. Specifically, - // on FF there is a `watch` method that confuses the icon map, so we - // need to use a null-based object here. - var icons = Object.create(null); - dom(this).querySelectorAll('[id]').forEach(function(icon) { - icons[icon.id] = icon; - }); - return icons; - }, - - /** - * Produce installable clone of the SVG element matching `id` in this - * iconset, or `undefined` if there is no matching element. - * - * @return {Element} Returns an installable clone of the SVG element - * matching `id`. - */ - _cloneIcon: function(id, mirrorAllowed) { - // create the icon map on-demand, since the iconset itself has no discrete - // signal to know when it's children are fully parsed - this._icons = this._icons || this._createIconMap(); - return this._prepareSvgClone(this._icons[id], this.size, mirrorAllowed); - }, - - /** - * @param {Element} sourceSvg - * @param {number} size - * @param {Boolean} mirrorAllowed - * @return {Element} - */ - _prepareSvgClone: function(sourceSvg, size, mirrorAllowed) { - if (sourceSvg) { - var content = sourceSvg.cloneNode(true), - svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'), - viewBox = - content.getAttribute('viewBox') || '0 0 ' + size + ' ' + size, - cssText = - 'pointer-events: none; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%;'; - - if (mirrorAllowed && content.hasAttribute('mirror-in-rtl')) { - cssText += - '-webkit-transform:scale(-1,1);transform:scale(-1,1);transform-origin:center;'; - } - - svg.setAttribute('viewBox', viewBox); - svg.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet'); - svg.setAttribute('focusable', 'false'); - // TODO(dfreedm): `pointer-events: none` works around - // https://crbug.com/370136 - // TODO(sjmiles): inline style may not be ideal, but avoids requiring a - // shadow-root - svg.style.cssText = cssText; - svg.appendChild(content).removeAttribute('id'); - return svg; - } - return null; - } - -}); - -/** -@license -Copyright (c) 2014 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. -This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at -http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt The complete set of authors may be found at -http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt The complete set of contributors may be -found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt Code distributed by Google as -part of the polymer project is also subject to an additional IP rights grant -found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt -*/ - -/** - -`iron-icons` is a utility import that includes the definition for the -`iron-icon` element, `iron-iconset-svg` element, as well as an import for the -default icon set. - -The `iron-icons` directory also includes imports for additional icon sets that -can be loaded into your project. - -Example loading icon set: - - - -To use an icon from one of these sets, first prefix your `iron-icon` with the -icon set name, followed by a colon, ":", and then the icon id. - -Example using the directions-bus icon from the maps icon set: - - - -See [iron-icon](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/@polymer/iron-icon) for -more information about working with icons. - -See [iron-iconset](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/@polymer/iron-iconset) -and -[iron-iconset-svg](https://www.webcomponents.org/element/@polymer/iron-iconset-svg) -for more information about how to create a custom iconset. - -@group Iron Elements -@pseudoElement iron-icons -@demo demo/index.html -*/ - -const template = html` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -`; - -document.head.appendChild(template.content); - -// @license Copyright (C) 2015 Neovici AB - Apache 2 License -const Tabs = (host) => { - const { tabs, onSlot, ...opts } = useTabs(host); - return x` - -
- - ${tabs.map(renderTab(opts))} - -
- -
- -
- `; -}; -customElements.define("cosmoz-tabs", component(Tabs, { - observedAttributes: ["selected", "hash-param", "no-resize"] -})); - -export { Debouncer as D, OptionalMutableDataBehavior as O, Polymer as P, animationFrame as a, microTask as b, matches as c, dom as d, enqueueDebouncer as e, flush as f, translate as g, html as h, idlePeriod as i, modelForElement as m, templatize as t, useShadow as u }; diff --git a/pr/pr-224/cosmoz-tabs-next.stories-IZLGxsa6.js b/pr/pr-224/cosmoz-tabs-next.stories-IZLGxsa6.js deleted file mode 100644 index f97c2f6..0000000 --- a/pr/pr-224/cosmoz-tabs-next.stories-IZLGxsa6.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ -import { x, T } from './lit-html-diQ3t45r.js'; -import { t as tagged, c as component, u as useEffect, a as useLayoutEffect, r, o } from './if-defined-DrC9Z5iS.js'; - -var style$1 = tagged` - :host { - background-color: var(--cosmoz-tabs-bg-color, #fff); - color: var(--cosmoz-tabs-text-color, #606c7e); - font-family: var(--cosmoz-tabs-font-family, inherit); - font-size: var(--cosmoz-tabs-font-size, 13px); - line-height: var(--cosmoz-tabs-line-height, 19px); - box-shadow: var(--cosmoz-tabs-shadow, inset 0 -1px 0 0 #e5e6eb); - flex: none; - display: flex; - align-items: center; - overflow-x: auto; - -webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; - scrollbar-width: none; - padding-bottom: 1px; - } - :host::-webkit-scrollbar { - display: none; - } -`; - -const Tabs = (host) => { - useEffect(() => { - host.setAttribute("role", "tablist"); - }, []); - return x` - - - `; -}; -customElements.define("cosmoz-tabs-next", component(Tabs)); - -var style = tagged` - :host { - position: relative; - display: flex; - box-sizing: border-box; - align-items: center; - justify-content: center; - flex: 1; - padding: 11px 24px; - color: inherit; - text-decoration: none; - text-align: center; - letter-spacing: 0.3px; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - white-space: nowrap; - cursor: pointer; - /* TODO(accessibility): focused tab should be outlined */ - outline: 0; - } - - :host([active]) { - color: var(--cosmoz-tabs-accent-color, #508aef); - box-shadow: inset 0 -3px 0px 0px var(--cosmoz-tabs-accent-color, #508aef); - font-weight: 700; - letter-spacing: 0; - } - - :host([disabled]) { - opacity: 0.4; - pointer-events: none; - } - - #iconSlot::slotted(*) { - flex-shrink: 0; - } - - #contentSlot::slotted(*) { - flex: auto; - } - - .badge { - font-family: var(--cosmoz-font-base, 'Verdana, Arial, sans-serif'); - font-weight: normal; - font-size: 11px; - line-height: 1; - border-radius: 0.90909em; - box-sizing: border-box; - - transform: translateY(-50%); - vertical-align: top; - min-width: 1.81818em; - padding: 0.40909em 0.36363em; - - max-width: 80px; - text-overflow: ellipsis; - overflow: hidden; - - background-color: var(--accent-color, #ff4081); - color: #ffffff; - text-align: center; - } - - a { - display: contents; - } -`; - -const Tab = (host) => { - const { active, badge, href } = host; - useEffect(() => { - if (!host.getAttribute("tabindex")) { - host.setAttribute("tabindex", "-1"); - } - host.setAttribute("role", "tab"); - }, []); - useLayoutEffect(() => { - const el = host; - el.toggleAttribute("aria-selected", !!active); - if (!active) { - return; - } - r(el, { - block: "nearest", - inline: "center", - boundary: el.parentElement - }).forEach( - ({ el: el2, top, left }) => el2.scroll({ top, left, behavior: "smooth" }) - ); - }, [active]); - return x` - - - - - ${badge ? x`${badge}` : T} - - `; -}; -customElements.define( - "cosmoz-tab-next", - component(Tab, { - observedAttributes: ["active", "badge", "href"] - }) -); - -var cosmozTabsNext_stories = { - title: "Tabs (next)", - component: "cosmoz-tabs-next" -}; -const basics = () => x` - - Tab1 - Tab2 - - Tab4 - ${Array(6).fill().map((_, i) => x`Tab ${5 + i}`)} - -`; -const __namedExportsOrder = ["basics"]; - -export { __namedExportsOrder, basics, cosmozTabsNext_stories as default }; diff --git a/pr/pr-224/cosmoz-tabs.stories-B5npQcO3.js b/pr/pr-224/cosmoz-tabs.stories-B5npQcO3.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0e7ba07..0000000 --- a/pr/pr-224/cosmoz-tabs.stories-B5npQcO3.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2782 +0,0 @@ -import { w, x } from './lit-html-diQ3t45r.js'; -import './if-defined-DrC9Z5iS.js'; -import { f as f$1, i as i$2 } from './directive-helpers-CRujXBpd.js'; -import { t as templatize, m as modelForElement, u as useShadow, d as dom, P as Polymer, h as html, O as OptionalMutableDataBehavior, a as animationFrame, b as microTask, i as idlePeriod, f as flush, D as Debouncer, e as enqueueDebouncer, c as matches, g as translate } from './cosmoz-tabs-BhKjZm2m.js'; - -/** - * @license - * Copyright 2017 Google LLC - * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause - */ -const t={ATTRIBUTE:1,CHILD:2,PROPERTY:3,BOOLEAN_ATTRIBUTE:4,EVENT:5,ELEMENT:6},e=t=>(...e)=>({_$litDirective$:t,values:e});let i$1 = class i{constructor(t){}get _$AU(){return this._$AM._$AU}_$AT(t,e,i){this._$Ct=t,this._$AM=e,this._$Ci=i;}_$AS(t,e){return this.update(t,e)}update(t,e){return this.render(...e)}}; - -/** - * @license - * Copyright 2017 Google LLC - * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause - */const s$1=(i,t)=>{const e=i._$AN;if(void 0===e)return !1;for(const i of e)i._$AO?.(t,!1),s$1(i,t);return !0},o=i=>{let t,e;do{if(void 0===(t=i._$AM))break;e=t._$AN,e.delete(i),i=t;}while(0===e?.size)},r=i=>{for(let t;t=i._$AM;i=t){let e=t._$AN;if(void 0===e)t._$AN=e=new Set;else if(e.has(i))break;e.add(i),c$1(t);}};function h$1(i){void 0!==this._$AN?(o(this),this._$AM=i,r(this)):this._$AM=i;}function n$1(i,t=!1,e=0){const r=this._$AH,h=this._$AN;if(void 0!==h&&0!==h.size)if(t)if(Array.isArray(r))for(let i=e;i{i.type==t.CHILD&&(i._$AP??=n$1,i._$AQ??=h$1);};class f extends i$1{constructor(){super(...arguments),this._$AN=void 0;}_$AT(i,t,e){super._$AT(i,t,e),r(this),this.isConnected=i._$AU;}_$AO(i,t=!0){i!==this.isConnected&&(this.isConnected=i,i?this.reconnected?.():this.disconnected?.()),t&&(s$1(this,i),o(this));}setValue(t){if(f$1(this._$Ct))this._$Ct._$AI(t,this);else {const i=[...this._$Ct._$AH];i[this._$Ci]=t,this._$Ct._$AI(i,this,0);}}disconnected(){}reconnected(){}} - -/** -@license -Copyright (c) 2017 The Polymer Project Authors. All rights reserved. -This code may only be used under the BSD style license found at http://polymer.github.io/LICENSE.txt -The complete set of authors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/AUTHORS.txt -The complete set of contributors may be found at http://polymer.github.io/CONTRIBUTORS.txt -Code distributed by Google as part of the polymer project is also -subject to an additional IP rights grant found at http://polymer.github.io/PATENTS.txt -*/ - -/** - * The `Templatizer` behavior adds methods to generate instances of - * templates that are each managed by an anonymous `PropertyEffects` - * instance where data-bindings in the stamped template content are bound to - * accessors on itself. - * - * This behavior is provided in Polymer 2.x-3.x as a hybrid-element convenience - * only. For non-hybrid usage, the `Templatize` library - * should be used instead. - * - * Example: - * - * import {dom} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/polymer.dom.js'; - * // Get a template from somewhere, e.g. light DOM - * let template = this.querySelector('template'); - * // Prepare the template - * this.templatize(template); - * // Instance the template with an initial data model - * let instance = this.stamp({myProp: 'initial'}); - * // Insert the instance's DOM somewhere, e.g. light DOM - * dom(this).appendChild(instance.root); - * // Changing a property on the instance will propagate to bindings - * // in the template - * instance.myProp = 'new value'; - * - * Users of `Templatizer` may need to implement the following abstract - * API's to determine how properties and paths from the host should be - * forwarded into to instances: - * - * _forwardHostPropV2: function(prop, value) - * - * Likewise, users may implement these additional abstract API's to determine - * how instance-specific properties that change on the instance should be - * forwarded out to the host, if necessary. - * - * _notifyInstancePropV2: function(inst, prop, value) - * - * In order to determine which properties are instance-specific and require - * custom notification via `_notifyInstanceProp`, define an `_instanceProps` - * object containing keys for each instance prop, for example: - * - * _instanceProps: { - * item: true, - * index: true - * } - * - * Any properties used in the template that are not defined in _instanceProp - * will be forwarded out to the Templatize `owner` automatically. - * - * Users may also implement the following abstract function to show or - * hide any DOM generated using `stamp`: - * - * _showHideChildren: function(shouldHide) - * - * Note that some callbacks are suffixed with `V2` in the Polymer 2.x behavior - * as the implementations will need to differ from the callbacks required - * by the 1.x Templatizer API due to changes in the `TemplateInstance` API - * between versions 1.x and 2.x. - * - * @polymerBehavior - */ -const Templatizer = { - - /** - * Generates an anonymous `TemplateInstance` class (stored as `this.ctor`) - * for the provided template. This method should be called once per - * template to prepare an element for stamping the template, followed - * by `stamp` to create new instances of the template. - * - * @param {!HTMLTemplateElement} template Template to prepare - * @param {boolean=} mutableData When `true`, the generated class will skip - * strict dirty-checking for objects and arrays (always consider them to - * be "dirty"). Defaults to false. - * @return {void} - * @this {TemplatizerUser} - */ - templatize(template, mutableData) { - this._templatizerTemplate = template; - this.ctor = - templatize(template, /** @type {!Polymer_PropertyEffects} */ (this), { - mutableData: Boolean(mutableData), - parentModel: this._parentModel, - instanceProps: this._instanceProps, - forwardHostProp: this._forwardHostPropV2, - notifyInstanceProp: this._notifyInstancePropV2 - }); - }, - - /** - * Creates an instance of the template prepared by `templatize`. The object - * returned is an instance of the anonymous class generated by `templatize` - * whose `root` property is a document fragment containing newly cloned - * template content, and which has property accessors corresponding to - * properties referenced in template bindings. - * - * @param {Object=} model Object containing initial property values to - * populate into the template bindings. - * @return {TemplateInstanceBase} Returns the created instance of - * the template prepared by `templatize`. - * @this {TemplatizerUser} - */ - stamp(model) { - return new this.ctor(model); - }, - - /** - * Returns the template "model" (`TemplateInstance`) associated with - * a given element, which serves as the binding scope for the template - * instance the element is contained in. A template model should be used - * to manipulate data associated with this template instance. - * - * @param {HTMLElement} el Element for which to return a template model. - * @return {TemplateInstanceBase} Model representing the binding scope for - * the element. - * @this {TemplatizerUser} - */ - modelForElement(el) { - return modelForElement(this._templatizerTemplate, el); - } -}; - -/** - * @license - * Copyright 2021 Google LLC - * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause - */ -class s{constructor(t){this.Y=t;}disconnect(){this.Y=void 0;}reconnect(t){this.Y=t;}deref(){return this.Y}}class i{constructor(){this.Z=void 0,this.q=void 0;}get(){return this.Z}pause(){this.Z??=new Promise((t=>this.q=t));}resume(){this.q?.(),this.Z=this.q=void 0;}} - -/** - * @license - * Copyright 2017 Google LLC - * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause - */const n=t=>!i$2(t)&&"function"==typeof t.then,h=1073741823;class c extends f{constructor(){super(...arguments),this._$Cwt=h,this._$Cbt=[],this._$CK=new s(this),this._$CX=new i;}render(...s){return s.find((t=>!n(t)))??w}update(s,i){const e=this._$Cbt;let r=e.length;this._$Cbt=i;const o=this._$CK,c=this._$CX;this.isConnected||this.disconnected();for(let t=0;tthis._$Cwt);t++){const s=i[t];if(!n(s))return this._$Cwt=t,s;t{for(;c.get();)await c.get();const i=o.deref();if(void 0!==i){const e=i._$Cbt.indexOf(s);e>-1&&e