- conc: add tests for Corpus and Concordance
- corpus: bug in corpus.add
- corpus: formatting
- corpus: small bug
- corpus: subsetting methods
- Update corpus_conc_coll.py
- add test placeholder
- add test for metadata_from_urn
- metadata natbib
- readme
- counts: bug on from_df method
- future: ngram + fix (#161)
- konkordanser basert på ord er lagt til
- counts: (#158)
- Counts: (#157)
- future: func names (#156)
- future: (#154)
- natbib, Counts: add functools.wraps (#150)
- freq: add freq Counts method to corpus
- Counts: fix counts
- metadata: update metadata service tools
- added urncount - removed wordcloud message
- text: (#133)
- parameter passing wildcard
- added wildcard search for words
- heatmap: add heatmap wrapper to viz package
- EmptyCorpus (#129)
- corpus: (#128)
- bump-version: disable triggering new workflow [skip-ci] (#127)
- visualize, ngram, wordbank: (#126)
- handle API errors
- dhlab_api: construct df from response.json (#124)
- Pos0 (#123)
- api: added start page and to page for NER and POS (#122)
- ngram: make ngram subclass of dhlabobj (#121)
- ngram: lang param is not supported for avis
- requirements: add scipy to reqirements
- totals: Add totals() to top level
- DhlabObj: add DhlabObj
- Corpus: allow empty Corpus and construct df
- conc_coll: fix repr functions
- corpus: change add()
- added image search in bokhylla books to api
- nbtokenizer now handles numbers combined with words, e.g. '1800-tallet'
- relative and absolute
- ngram smooth param
- lang added to ngram
- revert ngram_conv()
- added reference for words
corpus: : extend_from_identifiers (#88)
need to be able to work with dataframe with urns
- delete whitespace
- added spacy pos parse (pos, lemma, dependency)
- corpus: ignore index in corpus.add (#84)
- automatic bump with features from 2.6.x versions
- add Empty Corpus to dhlab.init
- dewey search in corpus builder
- add corpus default limit
- add docstring to concordance
- revert gitignore
- revert Collocation
- error in pandas corpus (#75)
- code for word evaluations
- geolocation
- ner with spaCy
- nb_ngram to point to new endpoint
- added access to Norsk Ordbank, wordbank
- ngram, geodata
- geodata
- setup.cfg: make package dhlab importable
- expose dhlab v1 modules
- import all legacy modules in
- move dhlab_v1 code into its own subpackage
- docs/package_summary.rst: add reference table for legacy code
- constants: add global variables for URLs in constants.py
- Reformat code with pep8 tools
- turn relative imports into absolute imports
- simplify and reduce expressions
- rename classes with CamelCase
- README: add "Example use"
- add docstrings in subpackages
- add docs/CHANGELOG.md
- docs: add
documentation files - add autosummary of whole dhlab package
- logo: update logo image
- add jupyter integration and toggle feature
- add copybutton to code blocks
- add docstrings and make functions private
- dhlab.api.dhlab_api: add function
- text.geo_data: add class
- text.dispersion: pass **kwargs to
- text.dispersion: add class Dispersion
- api.dhlab_api: add get_dispersion
- requirements: remove wordcloud
- text.corpus: add parameter fulltext
- api.dhlab_api.document_corpus: add parameter fulltext
- text.conc_coll.Concordance: add parameters window and limit
- text.conc_coll.Collocations: add parameter samplesize
- text.corpus.urnlist: fix urnlist assignment
- text.chunking: add attribute self.chunks
- text.conc_coll: add class Counts
- text.corpus: add class Corpus_from_identifiers
- text.chunking: add class Chunks
- text.chunking: add functions get_chunks, get_chunks_para
- imports
- dhlab_api.get_chunks: return dict not dataframe
- apply autopep8
- nbtokenizer: edit tokens for mail and web addresses
- add Tokens class
- imports
- typecheck of corpus objects
- changed wordcloud import
- fixed corpus transfer in conc_coll
- add get_file_from_github, download_from_github in utils
- New package structure
- include installation instructions in README
- Set up Github Actions to run automatic linting and testing
- Set up documentation pages
- Include documentation of the code in docstrings
- address linting issues from flake8
- reformat code
- add documentation summaries for all modules
- add documentation for the repo
- add docstrings from README.md to nbtext.py
- add pylint config file
- reduce code duplication
- update workflow file reference
- change str.format to f-strings
- optimize imports
- rename workflow that packages and publishes dhlab to pypi
- use default publish workflow
- reduce compatible python versions
- update publishing workflow
- type out scope for linting explicitly
- move pylint.yml
- Inital release to pypi