Try to follow
- Compile project by running
mvn clean install
- Create a test table on your Databricks environment based on
- Register the UDAFs on Databricks, in a notebook:
- Attach the notebook to a cluster
- Click on "File"/"Open DBFS file browser"
- Click on Upload, then upload your JAR.
- In a SQL cell, run the command
CREATE FUNCTION myAverage AS 'MyAverage' USING JAR '/dbfs/FileStore/jars/databricks_example_udaf_0_0_1_SNAPSHOT.jar';
- This step is the faulty step, as this SQL command does not work for non-Hive UDAFs (this fact is undocumented)
- To fix it, the registration should be performed through scala on a notebook or from java code at application startup
- In another SQL cell, run the command
to check the proper registration of you function - Restart the cluster.
- Call your function:
SELECT hive_metastore.default.mycustomaverage(TO.quantity) FROM `test_schema_debug`.`table_for_udaf` AS T0;
This raise an error message:
Error in SQL statement: AnalysisException: [CANNOT_LOAD_FUNCTION_CLASS] Cannot load class MyAverage when registering the function `hive_metastore`.`default`.`mycustomaverage`, please make sure it is on the classpath.; line 1 pos 7